In survival analysis, longitudinal information on the health status of
a patient can be used to dynamically update the predicted probability
that a patient will experience an event of interest. Traditional
approaches to dynamic prediction such as joint models become
computationally unfeasible with more than a handful of longitudinal
covariates, warranting the development of methods that can handle a
larger number of longitudinal covariates. We introduce the R
pencal, which
implements a Penalized Regression Calibration (PRC) approach that
makes it possible to handle many longitudinal covariates as predictors
of survival. pencal
uses mixed-effects models to summarize the trajectories of the
longitudinal covariates up to a prespecified landmark time, and a
penalized Cox model to predict survival based on both baseline
covariates and summary measures of the longitudinal covariates. This
article illustrates the structure of the R
package, provides a step
by step example showing how to estimate PRC, compute dynamic
predictions of survival and validate performance, and shows how
parallelization can be used to significantly reduce computing time.
Risk prediction models (Steyerberg 2009) allow to estimate the probability that an event of interest will occur in the future. Such models are commonly employed in the biomedical field to estimate the probability that an individual will experience an adverse event, and their output can be used to inform patients, monitor their disease progression, and guide treatment decisions.
Traditionally, risk prediction models only used covariate values available at the beginning of the observation period to predict survival. Thus, predictions based on such models could not exploit information gathered at later time points. Because information about the evolution of time-dependent covariates may influence the occurrence of the survival outcome, it is desirable to be able to dynamically update predictions of survival as more longitudinal information becomes available.
Dynamic prediction models employ both baseline and follow-up information to predict survival, and they can be used to update predictions each time new follow-up data are gathered. Three commonly-used statistical methods for dynamic prediction are the time-dependent Cox model, joint modelling of longitudinal and survival data, and landmarking approaches.
The time-dependent Cox model (Therneau and Grambsch 2000) is an extension of the Cox
proportional hazards model that allows for the inclusion of
time-dependent covariates. It assumes the value of a time-dependent
covariate to be constant between two observation times, and it is only
suitable for exogenous time-dependent covariates. The model can be
estimated using the R
(Therneau and Grambsch 2000).
Joint models for longitudinal and survival outcomes (Henderson et al. 2000) are
shared random effects models that combine a submodel for the
longitudinal covariates (typically linear mixed models) and one for the
survival outcome (usually a Cox model or a parametric survival model).
Thanks to the shared random effects formulation, such models are capable
to account for a possible interdependence between the longitudinal
covariates and the survival outcome. However, the estimation of the
shared random effects model is a computationally intensive task that has
so far restricted the application of joint models to problems with one
or few longitudinal covariates. Over the years, several alternative
approaches to the estimation of joint models have been proposed, among
which are the R
JM (Rizopoulos 2010),
(Rizopoulos 2014),
joineR (Philipson et al. 2018)
and joineRML
(Hickey et al. 2018).
Lastly, landmarking (Van Houwelingen 2007) is an approach that
dynamically adjusts predictions by refitting the prediction model using
all subjects that are still at risk at a given landmark time.
Landmarking typically involves two modelling steps. In the first step,
repeated measurements of the time-dependent covariates up to the
landmark time are summarized using either a summary measure or a
suitable statistical model. In the second step, the summaries thus
computed are used as predictors of survival alongside with the
time-independent covariates. The simplest form of landmarking is the
last observation carried forward (LOCF) method, which uses the last
available measurement of each longitudinal covariate taken up to the
landmark time as summary. The main advantage of this approach is that it
is easy to implement, it is computationally straightforward and, thus,
it does not require the development of dedicated software. Limitations
of LOCF landmarking include the fact that it discards all previous
repeated measurements, failing to make efficient use of the available
longitudinal information, and it does not perform any measurement error
correction on the longitudinal covariates (this may be particularly
desirable for biomarkers and diagnostic tests that are typically subject
to measurement error). To overcome these limitations, mixed-effects
models can be used to model the trajectories of the longitudinal
covariates (Signorelli et al. 2021; Putter and Houwelingen 2022; Devaux et al. 2023). While
Putter and Houwelingen (2022) focused on situations with a single longitudinal marker,
Signorelli et al. (2021) and Devaux et al. (2023) proposed two methods, respectively
called Penalized Regression Calibration (PRC) and DynForest, that can
deal with a large number of longitudinal covariates. Notably, the
estimation of PRC and DynForest is much more complex than that of LOCF
landmarking, warranting dedicated software that can facilitate the
implementation of such methods. PRC is implemented in the R
(Signorelli 2023), whereas DynForest in the R
(Devaux et al. 2023).
In this article we introduce the R
pencal, which
implements the PRC approach. PRC uses mixed-effects models to describe
and summarize the longitudinal biomarker trajectories; the summaries
thus obtained are used as predictors of survival in a Cox model
alongside with any relevant time-independent covariate. To account for
the possible availability of a large (potentially high-dimensional)
number of time-independent and longitudinal covariates and to reduce the
risk of overfitting the training data, PRC uses penalized maximum
likelihood to estimate the aforementioned Cox model.
The remainder of the article is organized as follow. In the next section
we describe the dynamic prediction problem, the PRC statistical
methodology (Signorelli et al. 2021) behind
pencal, and the problem
of evaluating the model’s predictive performance. Next we provide a
general overview of the R
package, discussing the implementation
details of its functions for model estimation, prediction and
performance validation. Furthermore, we provide a step by step example
that shows how to use
pencal to implement
dynamic prediction on a real-world dataset that comprises several
longitudinal covariates. We present the results of 4 simulations that
assess the relationship between computing time and sample size, number
of covariates and number of bootstrap samples used to validate model
performance, showing how parallelization may reduce computing time
significantly. Lastly, we provide some final remarks, and discuss
limitations and possible extensions of the current approach.
We consider a setting where \(n\) subjects are followed from time \(t = 0\) until an event of interest occurs. For each subject \(i \in \{1, ..., n\}\) we observe the pair \((t_i, \delta_i)\), where \(\delta_i\) is a dummy variable that indicates whether the event is observed at time \(t = t_i\) (\(\delta_i = 1\)), or the observation of the event is right-censored at \(t = t_i\) (\(\delta_i = 0\)). Thus, \(t_i\) corresponds to the survival time if \(\delta_i = 1\), and to the censoring time if \(\delta_i = 0\).
In addition to \((t_i, \delta_i)\), we assume that both baseline and follow-up information is collected from the same subjects, and that the number of variables gathered may be large. We consider a flexible unbalanced study design where the number and timing of the follow-up times can differ across subjects. We denote by \(m_i \geq 1\) the number of repeated measurements available for subject \(i\), and by \(t_{i1}, ..., t_{i m_i} \:\: (t_{ij} \geq 0 \:\: \forall j)\) the corresponding follow-up times. For each subject \(i\) we observe:
a vector of \(k\) baseline (time-fixed) predictors \(x_i = \left( x_{1i}, ..., x_{ki} \right)\);
\(m_i\) vectors of \(p\) longitudinal (time-varying) predictors \(y_{ij} = \left( y_{1ij}, ..., y_{pij} \right), \:\: j = 1,..., m_i\) measured at times \(t_{i1}, ..., t_{im_i}\). Note that not all longitudinal predictors ought to be measured at every follow-up time \(t_{ij}\), and the number of available measurements is thus allowed to differ across longitudinal predictors.
Let \(S_i(t) = P(T_i > t)\) denote the survival function, i.e., the probability that subject \(i\) has not experienced the event up to time \(t\), and let \(S_i(t_B | t_A) = P(T_i > t_B | T_i > t_A), \: t_B \geq t_A\) denote the conditional probability that subject \(i\) survives up until \(t_B\), given that they survived up until \(t_A\). Our goal is to predict the probability of survival of subject \(i\) given all the available information up until a given landmark time \(t_L > 0\), namely:
\[S_i(t | t_L, x_i, \mathcal{Y}_i(t_L)) = P(T_i > t | T_i > t_L, x_i, \mathcal{Y}_i(t_L)), \label{eq:cond_surv} \tag{1}\]
where \(\mathcal{Y}_i(t_L) = \{ y_{i1}, ..., y_{ir}: t_{ir} \leq t_L \}\) denotes all repeated measurements available up to the landmark time for subject \(i\).
In practice, often one may be interested in computing the predictions of survival in (1) over a range of \(q\) landmark times \(t_{L1}, t_{L2}, ..., t_{Lq}\). By doing so, information from more and more repeated measurements can be incorporated in the prediction model as time passes, and predictions can be updated based on the latest available information. This approach is referred to as dynamic prediction, as it involves dynamic updates of model estimates and predictions over time. In this article we illustrate how to use pencal to compute predictions of the conditional survival probabilities in (1) for a single landmark time \(t_L\). Note that implementing a dynamic prediction approach with pencal is straightforward, as for each landmark time \(t_{Ls}\) one simply needs to refit PRC over a dataset that comprises all repeated measurements available up until \(t = t_{Ls}\) for the subjects that survived up until the landmark time \(t_{Ls}\) (i.e., including subject \(i\) if and only if \(t_i \geq t_{Ls}\)).
PRC (Signorelli et al. 2021) is a statistical method that makes it possible to estimate the conditional survival probabilities in (1) using \(x_i\) and \(\mathcal{Y}_i(t_L)\) as inputs. The estimation of PRC requires a multi-step procedure that comprises the 3 following steps:
model the evolution over time of the longitudinal predictors in \(\mathcal{Y}_i(t_L)\) using linear mixed models (LMM, McCulloch and Searle (2004)) or multivariate latent process mixed models (MLPMM, Proust-Lima et al. (2013));
use the model(s) fitted at step 1 to compute summaries of the trajectories described by the longitudinal predictors (i.e., the predicted random effects);
estimate a penalized Cox model for the survival outcome \((t_i, \delta_i)\) using as covariates both the baseline predictors \(x_i\) and the predicted random effects computed in step (2).
For simplicity, in this section we describe the version of PRC where in step 1 each longitudinal covariate is modelled using a separate LMM. This version of the model is referred to as PRC LMM in Signorelli et al. (2021). Note that alongside with the PRC LMM approach, Signorelli et al. (2021) also proposed a second approach called PRC MLPMM, where groups of longitudinal covariates are modelled jointly using the MLPMM. This alternative approach can be of interest when multiple longitudinal items are employed to measure the same underlying quantity (for example, multiple antibodies that target the same protein). For the formulation of the PRC MLPMM approach, we refer readers to Sections 2.1-2.3 of Signorelli et al. (2021) as the notation for steps 1 and 2 using the MLPMM is significantly more involved.
Denote by \(\mathcal{I}(t_L) = \{ i: t_i > t_L \}\) the set of subjects that survived up until the landmark time \(t_L\). Let \(y_{si} = (y_{si1}, ..., y_{sir})\), where \(t_{ir} \leq t_L\) denotes the last follow-up time before \(t_L\) for subject \(i\), be the vector that comprises all the measurements of the \(s\)-th longitudinal variable \(Y_s\) available up to the landmark time. In the first step of PRC, we model the evolution over time of each longitudinal covariate \(Y_s\) through a linear regression model
\[y_{si} = W_{si} \beta_s + Z_{si} u_{si} + \varepsilon_{si}, \: i \in \mathcal{I}(t_L), \label{eq:lmm} \tag{2}\]
where \(\beta_s\) is a vector of fixed effect parameters, \(u_{si} \sim N(0, D_s)\) is a vector of random effects, \(\varepsilon_{si} \sim N(0, \sigma^2_s I_{m_i})\) is the error term vector, and \(W_{si}\) and \(Z_{si}\) are design matrices associated to \(\beta_s\) and \(u_{si}\). As an example, later in this article we will consider an example where we let \(y_{si}\) depend on the age \(a_{ij}\) of subject \(i\) at each visit, and include a random intercept and random slope in the LMM:
\[y_{sij} = \beta_{s0} + u_{si0} + \beta_{s1} a_{ij} + u_{si1} a_{ij} + \varepsilon_{sij}, \label{eq:lmmwithslope} \tag{3}\]
where \((u_{s0}, u_{s1})^T \sim N(0, D_s)\) is a vector of random effects that follows a bivariate normal distribution. We employ maximum likelihood (ML) estimation to estimate \(\beta_s\), \(D_s\) and \(\sigma^2_s\) in model (2).
In the second step of PRC, we use the ML estimates from step 1 to derive summaries of the individual longitudinal trajectories for each biomarker. These are the predicted random effects, which can be computed as
\[\hat{u}_{si} =E(u_{si} | Y_{si} = y_{si}) = \hat{D}_s Z_{si}^T \hat{V}_{si}^{-1} (y_{si} - X_{si} \hat{\beta}_s), \label{eq:predranef} \tag{4}\]
where \(\hat{V}_{si} = Z_{si} \hat{D}_s Z_{si}^T + \hat{\sigma}^2_s I\).
In the third step of PRC, we model the relationship between the survival outcome and the baseline and longitudinal predictors. This is achieved through the specification of a Cox model where we include the baseline predictors \(x_i\) and the summaries of the longitudinal predictors \(\hat{u}_i = (\hat{u}_{1i}, ..., \hat{u}_{pi})\) as covariates:
\[h(t_i | x_i, \hat{u}_i) = h_0(t_i) \exp \left( \gamma x_i + \delta \hat{u}_i \right), \label{eq:cox} \tag{5}\]
where \(h_0(t_i)\) is the baseline hazard function, and \(\gamma\) and \(\delta\) are vectors of regression coefficients. Since our approach allows for the inclusion of a potentially large number of baseline and longitudinal covariates, we estimate model (5) using penalized maximum likelihood (PML, Verweij and Van Houwelingen (1994)). As penalties we consider the ridge (\(L_2\)), lasso (\(L_1\)) and elasticnet penalties. The elasticnet penalty for model (5) is given by
\[\lambda \left[ \alpha \left( \sum_{s=1}^p |\gamma_s| + \sum_{s=1}^p |\delta_s| \right) + (1 - \alpha) \left( \sum_{s=1}^p \gamma_s^2 + \sum_{s=1}^p \delta_s^2 \right) \right], \label{eq:elasticnet} \tag{6}\]
where \(\lambda \geq 0\) and \(\alpha \in [0, 1]\). The ridge penalty is obtained by setting \(\alpha = 0\), and the lasso penalty by fixing \(\alpha = 1\).
Once models (2) and (5) have been estimated, the predicted survival probabilities \(S_i(t | t_L, x_i, \mathcal{Y}_i(t_L))\) are computed using
\[\hat{S}_i(t | t_L, x_i, \mathcal{Y}_i(t_L)) = \exp \left( - \int_0^t \hat{h}_0(s) \exp( \hat{\gamma} x_i + \hat{\delta} \hat{u}_i ) \right), \label{eq:predsurv} \tag{7}\]
where \(\hat{h}_0(s)\) is the estimated baseline hazard function, \(\hat{\gamma}\) and \(\hat{\delta}\) are the PML estimates of \(\gamma\) and \(\delta\) obtained in step 3, and \(\hat{u}_i\) contains the predicted random effects computed in step 2.
For subjects \(i \in \mathcal{I}(t_L)\), who are included in the training set and survived up until \(t_L\), computation of (7) is straightforward, since the predicted random effects \(\hat{u}_i\) for such subjects have already been computed in step 2. Predictions of \(S_i(t | t_L, x_i, \mathcal{Y}_i(t_L))\) for a new subject \(i = n + 1\) who survived up until \(t_L\), but was not part of the training set is a bit more complex: before computing (7), one first needs to compute the predicted random effects for this new subject using (4). Note that such computation is feasible if and only if measurements of both baseline and longitudinal covariates (up to \(t_L\)) are available for this new subject.
We consider the time-dependent area under the ROC curve (tdAUC, Heagerty et al. (2000)), the concordance index or C index (Pencina and D’Agostino 2004) and the Brier score (Graf et al. 1999) as measures of predictive performance. To obtain unbiased estimates of these performance measures, Signorelli et al. (2021) proposed a cluster bootstrap optimism correction procedure (CBOCP) that generalizes the use of the bootstrap as internal validation method to problems involving repeated measurement data. As an alternative to the CBOCP, one may choose to implement a cross-validation approach instead. Should the user opt for such an alternative, we recommend the use of repeated cross-validation over simple cross-validation to achieve a level of accuracy comparable to that of the CBOCP.
package pencal
In this Section we introduce the functions for the estimation of PRC, the computation of the predicted survival probabilities and the validation of predictive performance, providing an overview of the relevant estimation approaches and some important implementation details.
Table ?? provides a side-by-side overview of the functions that can be used to implement the PRC LMM and PRC MLPMM approaches. Note that while two different functions (one for each approach) are needed for the three estimation steps and the computation of the survival probabilities, the evaluation of the predictive performance is implemented in a single function that works with inputs from both approaches.
Step 1: estimate the mixed-effects models | fit_lmms | fit_mlpmms |
Step 2: compute the predicted random effects | summarize_lmms | summarize_mlpmms |
Step 3: estimate the penalized Cox model | fit_prclmm | fit_prcmlpmm |
Computation of predicted survival probabilities | survpred_prclmm | survpred_prcmlpmm |
Evaluation of predictive performance | performance_prc | performance_prc |
The first step of PRC involves the estimation of mixed-effects models
for the longitudinal outcomes. For the PRC LMM approach, this can be
done through the fit_lmms
function, that proceeds to estimate \(p\) LMMs
(one LMM for each of the longitudinal outcomes). Estimation of the LMMs
is performed by maximum likelihood through the lme
function from the
package nlme
(Pinheiro and Bates 2000). For the PRC MLPMM approach, the first step involves
estimating one MLPMM for each group of longitudinal covariates.
Estimation of the MLPMMs is done by maximum likelihood using the
modified Marquardt algorithm described in Proust-Lima et al. (2013), as implemented in
the multlcmm
from the R
lcmm (Proust-Lima et al. 2017).
The second step of PRC requires the computation of the predicted random
effects. The function summarize_lmms
implements this for the PRC LMM
approach. The function takes the output of fit_lmms
as input, and
proceeds to the computation of the predicted random effects using
equation (4). Similarly, the function summarize_mlpmms
does the same for the PRC MLPMM approach by taking the output of
as input and computing the predicted random effects using
the formula given in equation (4) of Signorelli et al. (2021).
The third step of PRC requires the estimation of a Cox model where the
baseline covariates and the predicted random effects are used as
covariates.Estimation of such model can be performed using the function
for the PRC LMM approach and fit_prcmlpmm
for the PRC
MLPMM approach. These functions proceed to the estimation of the
aforementioned Cox model by penalized maximum likelihood through the
function cv.glmnet
from the R
glmnet (Simon et al. 2011). If
the user chooses the ridge or lasso penalty, then the selection of the
value of the tuning parameter \(\lambda\) is performed through
cross-validation as implemented in
glmnet. If, instead,
the elasticnet penalty is used, fit_prclmm
and fit_prcmlpmm
to perform a nested cross-validation procedure to jointly select the
optimal values of the tuning parameters \(\alpha\) and \(\lambda\).
Lastly, the function survpred_prclmm
can be used to compute the
predicted survival probabilities as described in equation
(7) for the PRC LMM approach. The corresponding function
for the PRC MLPMM approach is survpred_prcmlpmm
In pencal
, the evaluation of the predictive performance of the fitted
model is done by estimating the tdAUC, C index and Brier score through
the CBOCP described in Signorelli et al. (2021). For both the PRC LMM and PRC
MLPMM approaches, this can be done through the function
. The estimates of the tDAUC, C index and Brier score
are computed using functions from the packages
(Heagerty and Saha-Chaudhuri 2022),
(Schröder et al. 2011) and
(Gerds et al. 2023), respectively.
The computation of the CBOCP requires the choice of the number of
bootstrap replicates \(B\) over which the model should be refitted. This
can be done by specifying the argument
inside the functions
that implement the first step of PRC, namely fit_lmms
for the PRC LMM
approach and fit_mlpmms
for the PRC MLPMM one. The supplied value of
is stored in the output of such functions, and all subsequent
functions inherit this value, automatically performing the computations
necessary for the CBOCP.
If = 0
(default), the CBOCP is not computed, and
only returns the naïve estimates of predictive
performance. Values of
\(\geq 1\) will trigger the computation
of the CBOCP, and the output of performance_prc
will additionally
include the estimates of the optimism and the optimism-corrected
performance measures. A typical value for \(B\) is 100, but in general we
recommend setting \(B\) to a value between 50 and 200 (depending on
computing time and the desired level of accuracy, one may also consider
larger values of \(B\)).
The computation of the CBOCP is by nature repetitive, as it requires to repeat steps 1, 2 and 3 over \(B\) bootstrap samples, and to compute predictions and performance measures both on the bootstrap sample and on the original dataset to estimate the optimism. Due to this repetitiveness, such computations can be easily parallelized to reduce computing time. Moreover, also the estimation of the \(p\) LMMs / MLPMMs in step 1 can be trivially parallelized.
With the goal of making it as easy as possible for users to parallelize
such computations, the functions in Table ??
automatically parallelize the aforementioned computations using the
operator from the R
(Microsoft and Weston 2022). The user only needs to specify the number of cores they
want to use for the computation using the argument n.cores
pencal will
automatically take care of the parallelization.
Besides the core functions introduced in Table ??, pencal comprises additional functions that are shortly described hereafter.
Three functions are used to simulate the data that are used in the
package documentation to illustrate typical usage of
pencal’s functions. The
function simulate_t_weibull
is used to generate survival times from a
Weibull distribution using the inverse transformation method. The
functions simulate_prclmm_data
and simulate_prcmlpmm_data
are used
to generate data for the estimation of PRC LMM and PRC MLPMM,
S3 classes and methods are implemented for the outputs of each modelling step:
step 1: fit_lmms
and fit_mlpmms
return objects of class lmmfit
and mplmmfit
, respectively. As the number of longitudinal
covariates increases, step 1 of PRC will involve the estimation of
many mixed-effects models: to simplify the extraction of the
estimates of each mixed model, we provide two summary functions,
and summary.mlpmmfit
step 2: summarize_lmms
and summarize_mlpmms
return objects of
class ranefs
, for which a summary.ranefs
function is available;
step 3: fit_prclmm
outputs an object of class prclmm
, and
one of class prcmlpmm
. For both classes, summary
methods (summary.prclmm
and summary.mlpmmfit
, respectively) are
Lastly, it may be sometimes of interest to compare the performance of
PRC to that of either a penalized Cox model that only uses baseline
values of all covariates, or a penalized Cox model with LOFC
landmarking. The pencox_baseline
function provides an interface to
estimate these two models and to compute the associated CBOCP. Its
output can be fed to the function performance_pencox_baseline
obtain the naïve and optimism-corrected estimates of the tdAUC, C index
and Brier score for these two models.
: a step by step examplepbc2data
To illustrate how to use
pencal in practice, we
employ data from a study from a clinical trial on primary biliary
cholangitis (PBC) conducted by the Mayo Clinic from 1974 to 1984
(Murtaugh et al. 1994). The trial recorded the first of two survival outcomes,
namely liver transplantation or death. In this example we focus our
attention on the prediction of deaths, treating patients who underwent
liver transplantation as right-censored. The data are available in
pencal in a list called
that can be loaded as follows:
#> [1] "baselineInfo" "longitudinalInfo"
contains two data frames: baselineInfo
records the survival
information \((t_i, \delta_i)\) and baseline covariates \(x_i\), whereas
contains repeated measurements of the longitudinal
predictors \(y_i\). For simplicity, we rename the two data frames as
and ldata
= pbc2data$baselineInfo
sdata = pbc2data$longitudinalInfo ldata
As detailed in the Statistical Methods section, estimation of PRC requires the following input data for each subject \(i = 1, ..., n\):
a pair \((t_i, \delta_i)\) providing the survival outcome for subject \(i = 1\);
a vector of \(k\) baseline covariates \(x_i\);
an \(m_i \times p\) matrix containing all repeated measurements of the \(p\) longitudinal predictors. Within this matrix each column corresponds to a predictor, and each row to the measurements \(y_{ij}\) collected at time \(t_{ij}, \: j \in \{1, ..., m_i \}\) for subject \(i\);
any longitudinal covariate needed to construct the design matrices \(W_{si}\) and \(Z_{si}\) that will be used to estimate the LMMs of equation (2).
Such data should be provided to
pencal using two data
frames. The first data frame is a data frame that contains information
on the survival outcomes \((t_i, \delta_i)\) and the baseline covariates
\(x_i\). For the PBC2 example, this is the sdata
data frame created
#> id time event baselineAge sex treatment
#> 1 1 1.095170 1 58.76684 female D-penicil
#> 3 2 14.152338 0 56.44782 female D-penicil
#> 12 3 2.770781 1 70.07447 male D-penicil
#> 16 4 5.270507 1 54.74209 female D-penicil
#> 23 5 4.120578 0 38.10645 female placebo
#> 29 6 6.853028 1 66.26054 female placebo
This data frame should comprise at least 3 variables: a variable named
that contains subject identifiers, a variable named time
containing the values of \(t_i\), and a dummy variable named event
corresponds to \(\delta_i\) (event = 1
for subjects who experience the
event at \(t_i\), and event = 0 for right-censored observations).
Additionally, it can also contain the baseline covariates \(x_i\) (if
any); in the example we have \(k = 3\) baseline covariates: baselineAge
and treatment
The second data frame is a dataset in long format that contains the
repeated measurements of the longitudinal predictors \(y_{ij}\) and of any
covariate needed to create the design matrices \(W_{si}\) and \(Z_{si}\). In
our example application, such information is stored in ldata
#> id age fuptime serBilir serChol albumin alkaline SGOT platelets
#> 1 1 58.76684 0.0000000 14.5 261 2.60 1718 138.0 190
#> 2 1 59.29252 0.5256817 21.3 NA 2.94 1612 6.2 183
#> 3 2 56.44782 0.0000000 1.1 302 4.14 7395 113.5 221
#> 4 2 56.94612 0.4983025 0.8 NA 3.60 2107 139.5 188
#> 5 2 57.44716 0.9993429 1.0 NA 3.55 1711 144.2 161
#> 6 2 58.55054 2.1027270 1.9 NA 3.92 1365 144.2 122
#> prothrombin
#> 1 12.2
#> 2 11.2
#> 3 10.6
#> 4 11.0
#> 5 11.6
#> 6 10.6
This “longitudinal” data frame should contain the following information:
a variable named id
that contains subject identifiers;
a variable containing the time from baseline \(t_{ij}\) at which the
measurement was collected. In ldata
, we called this variable
(short for: follow-up time). Notice that if the
longitudinal covariates are measured at \(t_{ij} = 0\), a row with
fuptime = 0
must be included in ldata
the \(p\) longitudinal predictors (serBilir
, serChol
, albumin
, platelets
and prothrombin
in the example);
the covariates needed to construct \(W_{si}\) and \(Z_{si}\) (age
the example).
Before proceeding with the estimation of PRC and the computation of the predicted survival probabilities \(S_i(t | t_L, x_i, \mathcal{Y}_i(t_L))\), three preliminary steps are needed. The first involves the choice of the landmark time \(t_L\). Hereafter we choose \(t_L = 2\) years, meaning that we want to predict the survival probability \(S(t | t_L = 2, x_i, \mathcal{Y}_i(2))\) for a subject with baseline covariates \(x_i\) and longitudinal covariates measured up until two years from baseline \(\mathcal{Y}_i(2)\).
# set the landmark time
= 2 lmark
Once \(t_L\) has been chosen, the second step is to retain for analysis only those subjects that survived up until the landmark time, i.e. all \(i: t_i \geq t_L\):
# remove subjects who had event / were censored before landmark
= subset(sdata, time > lmark)
sdata = subset(ldata, id %in% sdata$id) ldata
Lastly, only repeated measurements taken up to the landmark time (\(t_{ij} \leq t_L\)) should be retained for modelling, whereas measurements taken after the landmark time (\(t_{ij} > t_L\)) should be discarded:
# remove measurements taken after landmark:
= subset(ldata, fuptime <= lmark) ldata
After choosing \(t_L = 2\) as landmark time, the number of subjects retained for model estimation is 278, of which 107 experience the event of interest, whereas the remaining 171 are right-censored:
# number of subjects retained in the analysis:
#> [1] 278
# number of events (1s) and censored observations (0s):
#> 0 1
#> 171 107
The estimated survival probability can be visualized through the Kaplan-Meier estimator in Figure 1 as shown below:
= Surv(time = sdata$time, event = sdata$event)
surv.obj = survfit(surv.obj ~ 1, type = "kaplan-meier")
KM ggsurvplot(KM, data = sdata, risk.table = TRUE, cumevents = TRUE, legend = 'none')
Figure 1: Chart displaying the Kaplan-Meier estimates of the conditional survival probability S(t | 2).
Spaghetti plots displaying the trajectory described by a longitudinal
covariate, as well as density plots to visualize its marginal
distribution, can be created in ggplot2
style using:
= ggplot(ldata, aes(x = age, y = serBilir, group = id)) +
traj1 geom_line(color = 'darkgreen') + theme_classic() + ggtitle('Trajectories of serBilir')
= ggplot(ldata, aes(x = serBilir)) +
dens1 geom_density(adjust=1.5, alpha=.4, fill = 'orange') + theme_classic() +
ggtitle('Density of serBilir')
grid.arrange(traj1, dens1, ncol = 2)
Figure 2: Spaghetti and density charts for the variable serBilir.
The two charts thus created are shown in Figure 2.
We can observe that some longitudinal covariates exhibit strong
skewness, as in the case of serBilir
. Although in principle the LMM
can be used to model variables with skewed distributions, this may
sometimes lead to converge problems or poor model fit. It can thus be
advisable to transform such covariates to prevent these problems (but
note that this is not a required modelling choice, and one may
alternatively choose to avoid such transformation). For this reason, we
log-transform those longitudinal covariates with skewed distribution
before modelling them with LMMs:
$logSerBilir = log(ldata$serBilir)
ldata$logSerChol = log(ldata$serChol)
ldata$logAlkaline = log(ldata$alkaline)
ldata$logSGOT = log(ldata$SGOT)
ldata$logProthrombin = log(ldata$prothrombin) ldata
The first step in the estimation of PRC involves modelling the evolution
over time of the longitudinal predictors through mixed-effects models.
Hereafter we model each of the longitudinal predictors using the LMM
given in equation (3), which comprises a random
intercept and a random slope for age. Estimation of this model for each
longitudinal predictor can be done using the function fit_lmms
= fit_lmms(y.names = c('logSerBilir', 'logSerChol', 'albumin', 'logAlkaline',
lmms 'logSGOT', 'platelets', 'logProthrombin'),
fixefs = ~ age, ranefs = ~ age | id, t.from.base = fuptime, = ldata, = sdata, = 0, n.cores = 8,
verbose = FALSE)
The argument y.names
is a character vector used to specify the names
of the longitudinal predictors in ldata
. fixefs
and ranefs
formulas used to specify the fixed and random effects part of the LMM
using the nlme
formula notation (Gałecki and Burzykowski 2013; Pinheiro et al. 2022). In the
example, fixefs = ~ age
determines the inclusion of the fixed effects
part \(\beta_{s0} + \beta_{s1} a_{ij}\) of model (3),
and ranefs = ~ age id
the inclusion of the random effects part
\(u_{si0} + u_{si1} a_{ij}\) (allowing the random intercept and random
slopes to be correlated).
The arguments
are used to provide the names
of the data frames containing the longitudinal variables (
and the survival data and baseline covariates (
) in the data
formats described previously. The argument t.from.base
is used to
specify the name of the variable in
that contains the values
of time from baseline; this argument is used internally to check that
the data have been landmarked properly.
argument is used to specify the number of bootstrap
samples to use for the CBOCP. For the time being we focus on model
estimation and on the prediction of the conditional probabilities,
setting = 0
; later we will show how to compute the CBOCP by
setting = 50
. Lastly, n.cores
allows to specify the number
of cores to use to parallelize computations (the default is
n.cores = 1
, i.e. no parallelization), and verbose
is a logical
value that indicates whether information messages should be printed in
the console (TRUE
, default) or not (FALSE
). Additional arguments are
described in the help page, see ?fit_lmms
The parameter estimates from the mixed models can be obtained from the
output of step 1 using summary
. For example, to obtain the parameters
of the LMM for albumin
we can use:
summary(lmms, yname = 'albumin', what = 'betas')
#> (Intercept) age
#> 3.822741450 -0.005710811
summary(lmms, yname = 'albumin', what = 'variances')
#> id = pdLogChol(age)
#> Variance StdDev Corr
#> (Intercept) 8.864945e-02 0.2977405761 (Intr)
#> age 3.447614e-07 0.0005871639 -0.103
#> Residual 1.257161e-01 0.3545646671
From the output we can deduce that the ML estimates for the LMM
involving albumin
are \(\hat{\beta} = (3.823, -0.0057)\),
\(\hat{\sigma}_{u0} = 0.2977\), \(\hat{\sigma}_{u1} = 0.00059\), and
\(\hat{\sigma}_{u0, u1} = -0.103 \cdot 0.2977 \cdot 0.00059\). The usual
table with parameter estimates, standard errors and p-values can be
obtained with
summary(lmms, yname = 'albumin', what = 'tTable')
#> Value Std.Error DF t-value p-value
#> (Intercept) 3.822741450 0.106163343 566 36.008111 1.614057e-148
#> age -0.005710811 0.002085903 566 -2.737812 6.379534e-03
After the ML estimates from the LMM have been computed, the second step
of PRC involves the computation of the predicted random effects
\(\hat{u}_{si}\). Such computation can be performed using the function
= summarize_lmms(object = lmms, n.cores = 8, verbose = FALSE)
pred_ranefs summary(pred_ranefs)
#> Number of predicted random effect variables: 14
#> Sample size: 278
Here, the object
argument is used to pass the output of fit_lmms
; n.cores
and verbose
are the same as in fit_lmms
The output of summarize_lmms
is a list that contains, among other
elements, a matrix with the predicted random effects called
, where the row names display the subject identifiers:
round(pred_ranefs$ranef.orig[1:4, 1:4], 4)
#> logSerBilir_b_int logSerBilir_b_age logSerChol_b_int logSerChol_b_age
#> 2 -0.3830 -0.0017 -0.0712 0.0007
#> 3 -0.1171 -0.0006 -0.5985 0.0049
#> 4 0.1686 0.0009 -0.3704 0.0035
#> 5 0.3800 0.0012 -0.2910 0.0029
From the output we can deduce, for example, that the predicted random
intercept and random slope for logSerBilir
and subject \(4\) are
\(\hat{u}_{1,0,4} = 0.1686\) and \(\hat{u}_{1,1,4} = 0.0009\).
The last step in the estimation of PRC involves the estimation of model
(5) through PML. This can be achieved with the fit_prclmm
= fit_prclmm(object = pred_ranefs, = sdata,
pencox baseline.covs = ~ baselineAge + sex + treatment, penalty = 'ridge',
standardize = TRUE, n.cores = 8, verbose = FALSE)
The object
argument is used to pass the output of summarize_lmms
is the data frame that contains the
information about survival data and baseline covariates; baseline.covs
is a formula used to define which baseline covariates \(x_i\) should be
included in model (5) (with associated regression coefficient
\(\gamma\)). The penalty
argument is a character that can take one of
the following values:
penalty = ridge
to estimate model (5) using the ridge or
L2 penalty within the PML estimation;
penalty = lasso
to estimate model (5) using the lasso or
L1 penalty;
penalty = elnet
to estimate model (5) using the
elasticnet penalty (Zou and Hastie 2005). If this penalty is chosen, additional
arguments such as n.alpha.elnet
and n.folds.elnet
can be
specified to determine how to select the additional tuning parameter
(\(\alpha\)) used by this penalty through nested cross-validation.
The standardize
argument is used to determine whether the predicted
random effects should be standardized prior to inclusion in the Cox
model (default is TRUE
). By default, fit_prclmm
does not penalize
baseline covariates, but this default behaviour can be changed using the
argument pfac.base.covs
argument (not shown here).
The n.cores
and verbose
arguments are the same as in fit_lmms
. See
for a description of further arguments.
The output of fit_prclmm
can be summarized through summary
#> Fitted model: PRC-LMM
#> Penalty function used: ridge
#> Tuning parameters:
#> lambda alpha
#> 1 0.2126761 0
#> Sample size: 278
#> Number of events: 107
#> Bootstrap optimism correction: not computed
#> Penalized likelihood estimates (rounded to 4 digits):
#> baselineAge sexfemale treatmentD-penicil logSerBilir_b_int logSerBilir_b_age
#> 1 0.0476 -0.2872 -0.0157 0.4341 111.3935
#> logSerChol_b_int logSerChol_b_age albumin_b_int albumin_b_age
#> 1 0.0986 -10.5311 -1.1361 23070.92
#> logAlkaline_b_int logAlkaline_b_age logSGOT_b_int logSGOT_b_age
#> 1 0.0874 -12.5617 0.238 272.246
#> platelets_b_int platelets_b_age logProthrombin_b_int logProthrombin_b_age
#> 1 -0.0011 -0.2046 2.8114 -573.3093
The PML estimates of \(\gamma\) and \(\delta\) can be obtained through
= summary(pencox)
step3summary ls(step3summary)
#> [1] "coefficients" "data_info" "model_info" "tuning"
$coefficients step3summary
#> baselineAge sexfemale treatmentD-penicil logSerBilir_b_int logSerBilir_b_age
#> 1 0.0475985 -0.287243 -0.01567369 0.4340672 111.3935
#> logSerChol_b_int logSerChol_b_age albumin_b_int albumin_b_age
#> 1 0.0986092 -10.53106 -1.13607 23070.92
#> logAlkaline_b_int logAlkaline_b_age logSGOT_b_int logSGOT_b_age
#> 1 0.08741668 -12.56169 0.2379553 272.246
#> platelets_b_int platelets_b_age logProthrombin_b_int logProthrombin_b_age
#> 1 -0.001122804 -0.2046088 2.811446 -573.3093
The function survpred_prclmm
can be used to compute the conditional
survival probabilities \(\hat{S}_i(t | t_L, x_i, \mathcal{Y}_i(t_L)),\)
\(t \geq t_L\) in (7). For the subjects that have been used
to estimate PRC, such computation can be performed using
as follows:
= survpred_prclmm(step1 = lmms, step2 = pred_ranefs, step3 = pencox, times = 3:7) preds
The step1
, step2
and step3
arguments are used to pass the outputs
of the 3 estimation steps to the function; the times
argument is a
vector with the prediction times at which one wishes to evaluate the
conditional survival probabilities. The predicted survival probabilities
are stored in the predicted_survival
element of the function output:
#> [1] "call" "predicted_survival"
#> id S(3) S(4) S(5) S(6) S(7)
#> 2 2 0.9398512 0.8867592 0.8329966 0.7813647 0.7008304
#> 3 3 0.8555809 0.7392053 0.6316391 0.5377700 0.4090876
#> 4 4 0.8138498 0.6709525 0.5451302 0.4407852 0.3071611
#> 5 5 0.9460431 0.8981124 0.8492655 0.8020394 0.7277052
#> 6 6 0.9383339 0.8839878 0.8290416 0.7763599 0.6943714
#> 7 7 0.9718724 0.9462254 0.9193945 0.8927316 0.8491681
The function survplot_prc
allows to visualize predictions for a sample
of individuals:
survplot_prc(step1 = lmms, step2 = pred_ranefs, step3 = pencox,
ids = c(54, 111, 173, 271), tmax = 12)
Figure 3: Predicted survival probabilities \(\hat{S}_i(t | 2), \:t \in [2, 12]\) for subjects \(i \in \{54, 111, 173, 271\}\).
The ids
argument is used to indicate the subjects for whom the curve
should be displayed, and tmax
sets the upper limit for the \(x\) axis.
The chart, displayed in Figure 3, shows the
predicted survival probability \(\hat{S}_i(t | 2)\) for subjects 54, 111,
173, and 271. Notice that the survival probability up to the 2 year
landmark is 1 because our modelling approach conditions on being still
at risk at the landmark time.
Prediction for new subjects that have not been used for model estimation
is a bit more involved, as it additionally requires to compute the
predicted random effects for the new subjects using equation
(4) based on the parameter estimates obtained in the
first step of PRC. For illustration purposes, suppose that we have data
from 3 subjects stored in two data frames called new_ldata
= subset(ldata, id %in% c(5, 54, 110))
new_ldata = subset(sdata, id %in% c(5, 54, 110), c('id', 'baselineAge', 'sex', 'treatment'))
new_sdata head(new_ldata)
#> id age fuptime serBilir serChol albumin alkaline SGOT platelets
#> 23 5 38.10645 0.0000000 3.4 279 3.53 671 113.2 136
#> 24 5 38.65130 0.5448472 1.9 NA 3.28 689 103.9 114
#> 25 5 39.17698 1.0705290 2.5 NA 3.34 652 117.8 99
#> 419 54 39.19888 0.0000000 1.3 288 3.40 5487 73.5 254
#> 420 54 39.69171 0.4928266 1.5 NA 3.22 1580 71.3 112
#> 421 54 40.19001 0.9911291 2.6 NA 3.48 2127 86.8 207
#> prothrombin logSerBilir logSerChol logAlkaline logSGOT logProthrombin
#> 23 10.9 1.2237754 5.631212 6.508769 4.729156 2.388763
#> 24 10.7 0.6418539 NA 6.535241 4.643429 2.370244
#> 25 10.5 0.9162907 NA 6.480045 4.768988 2.351375
#> 419 11.0 0.2623643 5.662960 8.610137 4.297285 2.397895
#> 420 18.0 0.4054651 NA 7.365180 4.266896 2.890372
#> 421 10.9 0.9555114 NA 7.662468 4.463607 2.388763
#> id baselineAge sex treatment
#> 23 5 38.10645 female placebo
#> 419 54 39.19888 female D-penicil
#> 859 110 38.91140 female D-penicil
Note that the variables and their variable type in new_ldata
should be the same as in the ldata
and sdata
; the only
exception to this is that new_sdata
does not need to contain
information about survival, so unlike sdata
it does not comprise the
and event
To compute predicted probabilities for new subjects, it is once again
possible to resort to survpred_prclmm
; now, it is necessary to specify
the arguments new.longdata
and new.basecovs
to supply the data about
the new subjects to survpred_prclmm
= survpred_prclmm(step1 = lmms, step2 = pred_ranefs, step3 = pencox, times = 3:7,
pred_new new.longdata = new_ldata, new.basecovs = new_sdata)
$predicted_survival pred_new
#> id S(3) S(4) S(5) S(6) S(7)
#> 5 5 0.9460431 0.8981124 0.8492655 0.8020394 0.7277052
#> 54 54 0.9115188 0.8357020 0.7611779 0.6918065 0.5880763
#> 110 110 0.9505706 0.9064581 0.8612933 0.8174139 0.7478898
As explained in the Statistical Methods Section, estimation of the predictive performance in pencal is done through a CBOCP that allows to obtain unbiased estimates of predictive performance as measured by the tdAUC, C index and Brier score.
Before computing the (potentially time-consuming) CBOCP, one may want to
first have a look at the naïve (biased) estimates of predictive
performance. This can be done using the function performance_prc
# naive performance (biased, optimistic estimate)
= performance_prc(step2 = pred_ranefs, step3 = pencox, metric = 'tdauc',
naive_perf times = 3:7, n.cores = 8, verbose = FALSE)
#> Warning in performance_prc(step2 = pred_ranefs, step3 = pencox, metric =
#> "tdauc", : The cluster bootstrap optimism correction has not been performed
#> ( = 0). Therefore, only the apparent values of the performance values
#> will be returned.
Here pred_ranefs
is the output of step2 of PRC and pencox
the output
of step 3. The metric
argument can be used to specify the performance
measures to be computed (possible values are tdauc
, c
and brier
whereas the times
argument is used to specify the time points at which
the tdAUC and Brier score should be evaluated (\(t = 3, 4, 5, 6, 7\) in
this example). Notice that when fit_lmms
has been run with = 0
, performance_prc
returns a warning to inform users that
the CBOCP has not been performed; for now, we can ignore this warning
(which we will address soon by refitting PRC with = 50
#> $call
#> performance_prc(step2 = pred_ranefs, step3 = pencox, metric = "tdauc",
#> times = 3:7, n.cores = 8, verbose = FALSE)
#> $tdAUC
#> pred.time tdAUC.naive optimism.correction tdAUC.adjusted
#> 1 3 0.9439 NA NA
#> 2 4 0.9351 NA NA
#> 3 5 0.9266 NA NA
#> 4 6 0.8981 NA NA
#> 5 7 0.8831 NA NA
From the output we can observe that the naïve estimate of the tdAUC ranges from 0.9439 for predictions of survival at \(t = 3\) up to 0.8831 for predictions at \(t = 7\). These naïve (in-sample) measurements of predictive performance may be optimistically biased due to overfitting, i.e., the fact that they are evaluated using the same data on which PRC was estimated. To correct for this potential source of bias, below we show how to implement the CBOCP to obtain unbiased estimates of the tdAUC and C index.
Computation of the CBOCP requires to repeat the 3 estimation steps of
PRC for each bootstrap samples; this can be done by rerunning the
functions fit_lmms
, summarize_lmms
and fit_prclmm
with the same
arguments used previously, but setting
within fit_lmms
to an
integer value larger than 0.
specifies the number of bootstrap
samples to use to compute the CBOCP. In the example below we set = 50
(note that larger values of
can increase the
accuracy of the CBOCP estimates, but at the same time they increase
computing time).
= fit_lmms(y.names = c('logSerBilir', 'logSerChol', 'albumin', 'logAlkaline',
step1 'logSGOT', 'platelets', 'logProthrombin'),
fixefs = ~ age, ranefs = ~ age | id, t.from.base = fuptime, = ldata, = sdata, = 50, n.cores = 8,
verbose = FALSE)
= summarize_lmms(object = step1, n.cores = 8, verbose = FALSE)
step2 = fit_prclmm(object = step2, = sdata,
step3 baseline.covs = ~ baselineAge + sex + treatment,
penalty = 'ridge', n.cores = 8, verbose = FALSE)
Once all computations are finished, it suffices to supply the refitted
outputs of step 2 and step 3 to performance_prc
# bootstrap-corrected performance (unbiased estimate)
= performance_prc(step2 = step2, step3 = step3, metric = c('tdauc', 'brier'),
cbocp times = 3:7, n.cores = 8, verbose = FALSE)
#> $call
#> performance_prc(step2 = step2, step3 = step3, metric = c("tdauc",
#> "brier"), times = 3:7, n.cores = 8, verbose = FALSE)
#> $tdAUC
#> pred.time tdAUC.naive optimism.correction tdAUC.adjusted
#> 1 3 0.9439 -0.0061 0.9378
#> 2 4 0.9351 -0.0150 0.9201
#> 3 5 0.9266 -0.0132 0.9134
#> 4 6 0.8981 -0.0086 0.8895
#> 5 7 0.8831 -0.0118 0.8713
#> $Brier
#> pred.time Brier.naive optimism.correction Brier.adjusted
#> 1 3 0.0571 0.0147 0.0718
#> 2 4 0.0699 0.0271 0.0970
#> 3 5 0.0844 0.0328 0.1172
#> 4 6 0.0953 0.0348 0.1301
#> 5 7 0.1007 0.0416 0.1423
In the outputs above, the columns tdAUC.naive
and Brier.naive
contain the naïve estimates of the tdAUC and Brier score;
reports the values of the estimated optimism
correction from the CBOCP for the two metrics; finally, tdAUC.adjusted
and Brier.adjusted
contain the unbiased estimates of the tdAUC and
Brier score.
As expected, the unbiased estimates of predictive performance are somewhat worse than the naïve ones. For example, the tdAUC estimate for predictions at \(t = 3\) is 0.9378 instead of the naïve estimate 0.9439. Similarly, the Brier score estimate for predictions at \(t = 3\) is 0.0718 instead of the naïve estimate 0.0571.
We now turn our attention to the relationship between the sample size
\(n\), number of longitudinal covariates \(p\) and number of bootstrap
replicates \(B\) on computing time. Furthermore, we look into how parallel
computing may be used to reduce computing time for the CBOCP. To gain
insight into these relationships, we simulate data from the PRC LMM
model using the function simulate_prclmm_data
according to four
simulation scenarios:
in simulation 1 we study the effect of \(n\) on the estimation of PRC. To this aim, we let \(n \in \{100, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000\}\) and fix \(p = 10\);
in simulation 2 we study the effect of \(p\) on the estimation of PRC by taking \(p \in \{5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50\}\) and fixing \(n = 200\);
in simulation 3 we shift our attention to the effect of \(B\) on the computing time of the CBOCP. We let \(B \in \{50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500\}\), fixing \(n = 200\) and \(p = 10\);
finally, in simulation 4 we compute PRC and the CBOCP on a dataset where \(n = 200\), \(p = 50\) and \(B = 50\) using an increasing number of cores, namely \(\{1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 16\}\).
Computations were performed on an AMD EPYC 7662 processor with 2 GHz
CPU, using a single core for simulations 1, 2 and 3, and a number of
cores ranging from 1 to 16 in simulation 4. Computing time was measured
using the rbenchmark
package (Kusnierczyk 2012).
Figure 4: Left and center: average computing time (in seconds) of the estimation of the PRC LMM model as a function of the sample size n (simulation 1, left) and of the number of longitudinal predictors p (simulation 2, center). Right: average computing time (in minutes) for the computation of the CBOCP as a function of B (simulation 3).
The charts in Figure 4 display the average computing time over 10 replications of simulations 1, 2 and 3. In simulation 1, the average computing time increases from 5.80 seconds when \(n = 100\) to 14.01 seconds when \(n = 1000\), so we observe a 2.4-fold increase in computing time as \(n\) increases by a factor of 10. In simulation 2, the average computing time increases from 5.37 seconds when \(p = 5\) to 19.26 seconds when \(p = 50\), yielding a 3.6-fold increase in computing time as \(p\) increases by a factor of 10. Lastly, in simulation 3 the average computing time increases from 3.38 minutes when \(B = 50\) to 32.32 minutes when \(B = 500\), with a 9.6-fold time increase corresponding to a 10-fold increase in \(B\).
Overall, the results of simulations 1 and 2 indicate that computing time for the estimation of PRC increases linearly with, but less than proportionally to, \(n\) and \(p\) (meaning that a \(k\)-fold increase in \(n\) or \(p\) will typically increase computing time by a factor smaller than \(k\)). Instead, from simulation 3 we can observe that the computing time of the CBOCP increases proportionally to \(B\).
The results of simulations 1, 2 and 3 show that whereas the estimation
of the PRC model itself typically requires only a few seconds, the
computation of the CBOCP is more intensive and can require several
minutes. This is due to the fact that the CBOCP requires the PRC
modelling steps to be repeated on each bootstrap sample, effectively
requiring to compute PRC \(B + 1\) times (once on the original dataset +
\(B\) times on the \(B\) bootstrap datasets). To reduce the computing time
needed to compute the CBOCP, pencal
enables users to easily
parallelize computations through the argument n.cores
, summarize_lmms
and fit_prclmm
. In simulation 4, we show
the effect that increasing the number of cores has on the computing time
of the CBOCP.
Figure 5: Average computing time (in seconds) for the estimation of the PRC LMM model and the computation of the CBOCP as a function of the number of cores.
Figure 5 shows the average computing time of the CBOCP over 10 replications of simulation 4. When looking at the total computing time, we can see that increasing the number of cores from 1 to 8 progressively decreases computing time, reducing it from 863.8 seconds without parallelization up to 235.7 seconds when using 8 cores (-68%). The most significant time gains are from 1 to 2 cores (-407.2 seconds) and then from 2 to 3 (-124.4 seconds). Interestingly, further doubling the number of cores from 8 to 16 proves to be detrimental, increasing computing time from 235.7 to 684.5 seconds.
To understand this initially decreasing, but later increasing pattern, it is useful to consider the computing time of each of the modelling steps separately. By looking at Figure 5 we notice that step 1, which involves the estimation of \(p \cdot (B+1)\) LMMs, is the most time-consuming step; its computing time consistently decreases as the number of cores decreases (from 636.1 to 60.8 seconds).
The same does not apply to step 2, where computing time decreases from 1 to 4 cores (from 192.3 to 93.6 seconds), but then increases considerably when going from 8 (130.4 seconds) to 16 cores (613.2 seconds). This pattern is primarily due to the fact that step 2 mostly involves simple linear algebra: parallelizing this step on a large number of cores may be detrimental, as the (limited) time gain that can be achieved by doing these simple computations in parallel may be more than compensated by the time cost of dispatching the necessary matrices and vectors to many cores and recombining the results at the end of the parallelization.
As concerns step 3, we can see that it is the lightest step in terms of computing time. The pattern is consistently decreasing from 1 (35.4 seconds) to 8 cores (8.8 seconds), with a slight increase when using 16 cores (10.6 seconds).
In conclusion, the results of simulation 4 show how it may be advisable
to parallelize computations to compute the CBOCP, but without using an
excessive number of cores (specially for step 2). Our general advice is
to use between 3 and 8 cores for optimal performance, nevertheless we
emphasize how the effect of the number of cores on computing time may
differ from the patterns in Figure 5 depending on a
combination of factors such as \(n\), \(p\), number of repeated measurements
per subject, and \(B\). Furthermore, we notice that within pencal
, a
different number of cores can be chosen for each modelling step; in the
example of simulation 4, the optimal performance would be achieved using
16 cores for step 1, 4 cores for step 2, and 8 cores for step 3 (but
using 8 cores for all 3 steps isn’t much less efficient).
The R
package pencal
provides a user-friendly implementation of Penalized Regression
Calibration (PRC, Signorelli et al. (2021)), a statistical method that can be
used to implement dynamic prediction of time-to-event outcomes in
longitudinal studies where both time-independent and longitudinal (i.e.,
time-dependent) covariates are available as possible predictors of
survival. The package comprises functions for the estimation of PRC and
the prediction of survival, as well as functions to compute unbiased
estimates of predictive performance through a cluster bootstrap
procedure. Because computing such bootstrap procedure may be
time-consuming, the package automatically parallelizes repetitive
computations using the %dopar%
operator from the
foreach package
(Microsoft and Weston 2022).
pencal focuses on problems where a single survival outcome is measured with right-censoring. As such, it is not designed to handle interval censoring or competing risks. The modelling of the longitudinal covariates is performed using either the LMM or the MLPMM, which are linear models that are mostly suitable for the analysis of continuous outcomes. Implementing generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) would make it possible to properly deal with binary and discrete longitudinal covariates, however the estimation of GLMMs and the computation of the predicted random effects are more time-consuming and more prone to convergence problems, two aspects that would particularly complicate the computation of the CBOCP. For this reason we did not pursue GLMMs further, but leave them as a topic of future research. Users dealing with discrete longitudinal covariates may consider log-transforming them before modelling with a LMM within pencal (specially if such covariates are right-skewed and/or exhibit overdispersion). Despite this latter limitation, a recent benchmarking study showed that PRC outperformed several alternative modelling approaches when applied to multiple real-world datasets (Signorelli and Retif 2024).
Two modelling choices deserve particular attention when implementing PRC
in specific application contexts. The first refers to the choice of the
covariates to include in the fixed and random effects parts of the LMM
of Equation (2). In principle, one may want to model the
response variable as flexibly as possible, including several fixed
effect covariates and multiple random effects in the LMM. However, when
doing this one should consider that the purpose of the LMM is to provide
subject-specific summaries of the individual trajectories. Thus, the
primary goal of the LMM in step 1 is that of obtaining predicted random
effects that are good summaries of how the trajectory of a given subject
differs from the population average. In practice, such purpose may be
more easily achieved using a simple mixed model that allows for a clear
interpretation of its random effects, rather than using a complex one
where the interpretation of each random effect may be unclear /
complicated. The LMM of equation (3) (or,
alternatively, the same model with follow-up time included as covariate
instead of age) is a good example of simple LMM with clearly
interpretable random effects, as the random intercept allows to
distinguish subjects with high and low initial levels of the covariate,
and the random slope to identify subjects with faster and slower
progression rates. Therefore, even though fit_lmms
makes it possible
to consider complex fixed and random effects formulas, we still advise
users to consider simpler mixed models in step 1 (and to compare the
predictive performance of PRC using either approach, eventually choosing
the approach that delivers more accurate predictions if there is a
substantial difference).
A second important modelling choice when using pencal is which penalty function should be used in step 3. In general, this is a modelling choice that may dependent on the specific application and its features (sample size, number of predictors and number of available repeated measurements per subject). Signorelli et al. (2021) performed several simulation studies focused on situations with small sample sizes (\(n = 100\) and \(n = 300\)) and sparse data generating processes for the survival outcome, whose results showed that the ridge and elasticnet penalty yielded better performance than the lasso penalty. Our experience is that in general the ridge penalty may be preferable both to elasticnet and the lasso in scenarios with small or moderate sample sizes, where little information is available to estimate the \(\alpha\) tuning parameter of elasticnet or to reliably perform variable selection with the lasso. Beyond this, it is always possible to use a data-driven approach to choose which penalty to use by estimating PRC using the 3 different penalties and comparing how this affects predictive performance.
The R
package pencal
can be downloaded from CRAN at
The development version of the package is available on Github at
The code used in the simulations for the evaluation of computing time is
available at
The author kindly acknowledges funding from the Netherlands eScience Center Fellowship Programme.
Supplementary materials are available in addition to this article. It can be downloaded at
pencal, survival, JM, JMbayes, joineR, joineRML, DynForest, nlme, lcmm, glmnet, survivalROC, riskRegression, foreach
CausalInference, ChemPhys, ClinicalTrials, Cluster, Econometrics, Environmetrics, Finance, HighPerformanceComputing, MachineLearning, MixedModels, OfficialStatistics, Psychometrics, Spatial, SpatioTemporal, Survival
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Signorelli, "`pencal`: an `R` Package for the Dynamic Prediction of Survival with Many Longitudinal Predictors", The R Journal, 2025
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2024-014, author = {Signorelli, Mirko}, title = {`pencal`: an `R` Package for the Dynamic Prediction of Survival with Many Longitudinal Predictors}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2025}, note = {}, doi = {10.32614/RJ-2024-014}, volume = {16}, issue = {2}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {1} }