Simulation-based inference is an alternative to the delta method for
computing the uncertainty around regression post-estimation (i.e.,
derived) quantities such as average marginal effects, average adjusted
predictions, and other functions of model parameters. It works by
drawing model parameters from their joint distribution and estimating
quantities of interest from each set of simulated values, which form a
simulated “posterior” distribution of the quantity from which
confidence intervals can be computed. clarify
provides a simple,
unified interface for performing simulation-based inference for any
user-specified derived quantities as well as wrappers for common
quantities of interest. clarify
supports a large and growing number
of models through its interface with the marginaleffects
package and
provides native support for multiply imputed data.
Although regression models are frequently used in empirical research to study relationships among variables, often the quantity of substantive interest is not one of the coefficients of the model, but rather a quantity derived from the coefficients, such as predicted values or average marginal effects. Quantifying the uncertainty of these derived quantities (i.e., computing standard errors, confidence intervals, and p-values) requires additional processing. Several methods of doing so exist, including the delta method, the bootstrap, and simulation-based inference. clarify implements simulation-based inference, which we describe below along with these other methods.
The delta method involves computing a first-order Taylor series approximation to the variance of the derived quantity, and standard Wald-based inference relies on computing quantiles based on the Normal distribution and using them to compute p-values and confidence intervals. clarify implements an alternative to the delta method—simulation-based inference—which involves simulating a “posterior” distribution of the derived quantities. Simulation-based inference does not require understanding Taylor series or the calculus that underlies it, which can make it more palatable to nontechnical audiences and easier to learn for students without necessarily sacrificing statistical performance (King, Tomz, and Wittenberg 2000; Zelner 2009). Some studies have found that simulation-based inference performs as well or better than the delta method for computing derived quantities (i.e., with respect to achieving close to nominal coverage for confidence intervals), especially for complicated derived quantities and in smaller samples (MacKinnon, Lockwood, and Williams 2004; Hole 2007; Herron 1999). Its empirical performance has been particularly well studied in the context of mediation analysis, in which the quantities of interest are products and ratios of regression coefficients, where it has been shown to perform well relative to the delta method due to the non-Normality of these quantities (Tofighi and MacKinnon 2016; Preacher and Selig 2012).
The methodology clarify relies on was developed by Krinsky and Robb (1986) and is described in King, Tomz, and Wittenberg (2000) and Herron (1999). Simulation-based inference involves taking draws from a specified joint distribution of model parameters, computing derived quantities from these draws, and collecting the derived quantities in a “posterior” distribution, from which uncertainty measures (standard errors and confidence intervals) can be computed. This method assumes the model parameters are drawn from a multivariate Normal (or T) distribution with means at the estimated values and covariance equal to the asymptotic covariance matrix of the estimated values, a standard assumption motivated by the central limit theorem that underlies usual inference on the original model parameters. Arriving at the posterior distribution does not require taking any derivatives or making any approximations beyond those usually used for inference on model parameter estimates, except for the approximation due to Monte Carlo error induced by sampling from a finite number of simulations (which can always be reduced by increasing the number of draws at the cost of increased computing time).
The nonparametric bootstrap is another alternative to the delta method for inference that does not require its analytic approximations (Efron and Tibshirani 1986); bootstrapping typically involves re-sampling individuals from the sample, fitting the model in each bootstrap sample, and computing the quantity of interest from each model. Although bootstrapping tends to work well in practice, especially for complex and non-Normal estimators, refitting the model repeatedly can be prohibitively time-consuming and computationally expensive, especially for complicated models or large datasets. Simulation-based inference only requires the model to be fit once, and the simulations involve taking draws from a distribution produced from the single set of estimated parameters, making it much quicker in practice and allowing the user to capitalize on the already valid estimation of the model parameters. Methods for computing valid confidence intervals in cases when the quantity of interest has a complicated distribution are better developed when bootstrapping, however (Efron and Tibshirani 1986).
More formally, we fit a regression model \(y_i = f(x_i; \beta)\), such as a linear or other generalized linear model with model coefficients \(\beta\). We assume \[\hat{\beta} \sim \text{MVN}(\beta, \Sigma_{\hat{\beta}})\] where \(\hat{\beta}\) is the vector of estimates of \(\beta\) and \(\Sigma_{\hat{\beta}}\) is their asymptotic covariance matrix. We define a function \(\tau(\beta)\) that represents a quantity of interest derived from the model parameters, and compute its estimate \(\widehat{\tau(\beta)}\) as \(\tau(\hat{\beta})\). To perform simulation-based inference, we take \(M\) draws \(\tilde{\beta}^{(j)}\) for \(j\in(1, \dots, M)\) from a multivariate Normal distribution with mean vector \(\mu = \hat{\beta}\) and covariance \(\Sigma = \hat{\Sigma}_{\hat{\beta}}\), where \(\hat{\Sigma}_{\hat{\beta}}\) is an estimate of the asymptotic covariance matrix of the parameter estimates. We use the distribution of \(\tilde{\tau}=\tau(\tilde{\beta})\) as the “posterior” distribution of \(\widehat{\tau(\beta)}\), and compute its variance as \[\hat\sigma^2_{\widehat{\tau(\beta)}} = \frac{1}{M-1}\sum^M_{j=1}{(\tilde{\tau}^{(j)} - \bar{\tilde{\tau}})^2}\] and quantile \(100(1-\alpha)\%\) confidence interval limits as \(\left[\tilde{\tau}_{(\frac{\alpha}{2})}, \tilde{\tau}_{(1-\frac{\alpha}{2})}\right]\) where \(\tilde{\tau}_{(q)}\) is the \(q\)th value of \(\tilde{\tau}\) when arranged in ascending order (i.e., the \(q\)th quantile of the empirical cumulative distribution function). Simulation-based Wald-type confidence intervals can be computed as \(\left[\tau(\hat{\beta}) + \hat\sigma_{\widehat{\tau(\beta)}} Z_{\frac{\alpha}{2}}, \tau(\hat{\beta}) + \hat\sigma_{\widehat{\tau(\beta)}} Z_{1-\frac{\alpha}{2}} \right]\), where \(Z_q\) is the \(q\)th quantile of a standard Normal distribution. The delta method-based Wald-type confidence intervals use this formula but with the first-order Taylor approximation to the asymptotic variance: \(\hat\sigma^2_{\widehat{\tau(\beta)}}=\nabla\tau(\hat{\beta}) \Sigma_{\hat{\beta}} \nabla\tau'(\hat{\beta})\), where \(\nabla\tau(\hat{\beta})\) is the gradient of \(\tau(\beta)\) with respect to \(\beta\) evaluated at \(\hat{\beta}\).
To compute a p-value for a hypothesis test involving the quantity of interest, i.e., \(\text{H}_0: \tau (\beta) = \tau_0\) with a given null value \(\tau_0\), we can invert the confidence interval (Thulin 2021); that is, we find the largest value of \(\alpha\) such that \(\tau_0\) is within the confidence interval and use that \(\alpha\) as the p-value for the test. For Wald-based inference (either using the simulation-based variance or delta method-based variance), this is equivalent to performing a standard two-sided Z-test using the test statistic \(Z=\left(\tau(\hat\beta)-\tau_0\right) / \hat\sigma_{\widehat{\tau(\beta)}}\). One benefit of using the quantile p-values for inference is that equivalent tests of the same hypothesis will always yield identical p-values; for example, testing the equality of two derived quantities will yield the same p-value when comparing the difference between the quantities against a null hypothesis of 0 and the ratio of the quantities against a null hypothesis of 1, as each of these hypothesis is true if and only if the other is true.
One would expect simulation-based quantile inference, simulation-based Wald inference, and delta method-based Wald inference to align when the posterior is Normally distributed around the estimate, in which case any discrepancies would be due to Monte Carlo error in the simulated values (and therefore would shrink with increasing draws). However, for low values of \(\alpha\), it may require many draws for the simulation-based intervals to stabilize; delta method-based intervals are not subject to this error. There are a few cases in which the results might diverge: in some cases, the first-order Taylor series approximation to the variance may be poor, though in practice the approximation error is small and shrinks quickly with increasing sample size. When the posterior distribution is non-Normal but symmetric around the estimate, the quantile intervals may be more accurate (i.e., in the sense of achieving closer to nominal coverage) because they do not rely on quantiles from the Normal distribution (Tofighi and MacKinnon 2016).
Another potential advantage quantile intervals can have over Wald-intervals is that when some monotonic transformation of the estimate has a symmetric distribution centered around the transformed estimate, the quantile intervals can achieve correct coverage without requiring knowledge of which transformation is required (Efron and Tibshirani 1986); this is true of the quantile-based p-values as well. When the distribution is not centered around the estimate and no monotonic transformation will make it so, though, neither quantile-based nor Wald-based intervals would be expected to perform well, and quantile intervals could yield even worse coverage than Wald-based intervals, a phenomenon that occurs in the context of bootstrapping \[Efron and Tibshirani (1986)\]1. An informal falsification test for whether such a monotonic transformation exists is whether the median of the simulated estimates is aligned with the point estimate; if it is not, there is no monotonic transformation that will yield a symmetric quantile interval with the desired coverage.
Similar functionality exists in the CLARIFY package in Stata2
(Tomz, Wittenberg, and King 2003) and used to be available in the
R package (Imai, King, and Lau 2008), though there are
differences in these implementations.
clarify provides
additional flexibility by allowing the user to request any derived
quantity, in addition to providing shortcuts for common quantities,
including predictions at representative values, average marginal
effects, and average dose-response functions (described below).
clarify relies on and
can be seen as a companion to the
package (Arel-Bundock, Greifer, and Heiss Forthcoming), which offers
similar functionality but primarily uses the delta method for
calculating uncertainty (though simulation-based inference is supported
in a more limited capacity as well).
There are four steps to using clarify:
Fit the model to the data using modeling functions in supported packages.
Use sim()
to take draws from the multivariate distribution of the
estimated model coefficients.
Use sim_apply()
or its wrappers sim_setx()
, sim_ame()
, and
to compute derived quantities using each simulated set
of coefficients.
Use summary()
and plot()
to summarize and visualize the
distribution of the derived quantities and perform inference on
In the sections below, we will describe how to implement these steps in
detail. First, we will load
clarify using
For a running example, we will use the lalonde
dataset in the
MatchIt package (Ho et
al. 2011), which contains data on 614 participants enrolled in a job
training program or sampled from a survey (Dehejia and Wahba 1999). The
treatment variable is treat
and the outcome is re78
, and all other
variables are confounders. Although the original use of this dataset was
to estimate the effect of treat
on re78
, we will use it more
generally to demonstrate all of
capabilities. In addition, we will use a transformation of the outcome
variable to demonstrate applications to nonlinear models, for which the
benefits of simulation-based inference are more apparent.
data("lalonde", package = "MatchIt")
# Create a binary outcome variable
$re78_0 <- ifelse(lalonde$re78 > 0, 1, 0)
#> treat age educ race married nodegree re74 re75 re78 re78_0
#> NSW1 1 37 11 black 1 1 0 0 9930.0460 1
#> NSW2 1 22 9 hispan 0 1 0 0 3595.8940 1
#> NSW3 1 30 12 black 0 0 0 0 24909.4500 1
#> NSW4 1 27 11 black 0 1 0 0 7506.1460 1
#> NSW5 1 33 8 black 0 1 0 0 289.7899 1
#> NSW6 1 22 9 black 0 1 0 0 4056.4940 1
The first step is to fit the model. clarify can operate on a large set of models (those supported by marginaleffects), including generalized linear models, multinomial models, multivariate models, and instrumental variable models, many of which are available in other R packages. Even if clarify does not offer direct support for a given model, there are ways to use its functionality regardless (explained in more detail below).
Because we are computing derived quantities, it is not critical to parameterize the model in such a way that the coefficients are interpretable, e.g., by using a model with interpretable coefficients or centering predictors. Below, we will fit a probit regression model for the outcome given the treatment and confounders. Coefficients in probit regression do not have a straightforward interpretation, but that does not matter; our quantities of interest can be expressed as derived quantities—functions of the model parameters, such as predictions, counterfactual predictions, and averages and contrasts of them.
<- glm(re78_0 ~ treat * married + age + educ + race +
fit + re74 + re75, data = lalonde,
nodegree family = binomial("probit"))
After fitting the model, we will use sim()
to draw coefficients from
their sampling distribution. The sampling distribution is assumed to be
multivariate Normal or multivariate T with appropriate degrees of
freedom, with a mean vector equal to the estimated coefficients and a
covariance matrix equal to the asymptotic covariance matrix extracted
from the model. The arguments to sim()
are listed below:
sim(fit = , n = , vcov = , coefs = , dist = )
– the fitted model object, the output of the call to the
fitting function (e.g., glm()
– the number of simulated values to draw; by default, 1000.
More values will yield more replicable and precise results at the
cost of speed.
– either the covariance matrix of the estimated
coefficients, a function used to extract it from the model (e.g.,
for the robust covariance matrix), or a string
or formula giving a code for extracting the covariance matrix, which
is passed to marginaleffects::get_vcov()
. If left unspecified, the
default covariance matrix will be extracted from the model.
– either a vector of coefficients to be sampled or a
function to extract them from the fitted model. If left unspecified,
the default coefficients will be extracted from the model. Typically
this does not need to be specified.
– the name of the distribution from which to draw the
sampled coefficients. Can be "normal"
for a Normal distribution or
for a T-distribution, where #
represents the degrees of
freedom. If left unspecified, sim()
will decide on which
distribution makes sense given the characteristics of the model (the
decision is made by insight::get_df()
with type = "wald"
Typically this does not need to be specified.
If one’s model is not supported by
clarify, one can omit
the fit
argument and just specify the vcov
and coefs
which will draw the coefficients from the distribution named in dist
by default).
uses a random number generator to draw the sampled coefficients
from the sampling distribution, so a seed should be set using
to ensure results are replicable across sessions. Using
more iterations (i.e., increasing n
) yields results that will be more
stable across runs even when a seed is not set.
The output of the call to sim()
is a clarify_sim
object, which
contains the sampled coefficients, the original model fit object if
supplied, and the coefficients and covariance matrix used to sample.
# Drawing 1000 simulated coefficients using an HC2 robust
# covariance matrix
<- sim(fit, n = 1000,
s vcov = "HC2")
#> A `clarify_sim` object
#> - 11 coefficients, 1000 simulated values
#> - sampled distribution: multivariate normal
#> - original fitting function call:
#> glm(formula = re78_0 ~ treat * married + age + educ + race +
#> nodegree + re74 + re75, family = binomial("probit"), data = lalonde)
After sampling the coefficients, one can compute derived quantities on
each set of sampled coefficients and store the result, which represents
the “posterior” distribution of the derived quantity, as well as on the
original coefficients, which are used as the final estimates. The core
functionality is provided by sim_apply()
, which accepts a
object from sim()
and a function to compute and return
one or more derived quantities, then applies that function to each set
of simulated coefficients. The arguments to sim_apply()
are below:
sim_apply(sim = , FUN = , verbose = , cl = , ...)
– a clarify_sim
object; the output of a call to sim()
– a function that takes in either a model fit object or a
vector of coefficients and returns one or more derived quantities.
The first argument should be named fit
to take in a model fit
object or coefs
to take in coefficients.
– whether to display a progress bar.
– an argument that controls parallel processing, which can be
the number of cores to use or a cluster object resulting from
– further arguments to FUN
argument can be specified in one of two ways: either as a
function that takes in a model fit object (e.g., a glm
or lm
the output of a call to glm()
or lm()
) or a function that takes in a
vector of coefficients. The latter will always work but the former only
works for supported models. When the function takes in a model fit
object, sim_apply()
will first insert each set of sampled coefficients
into the model fit object and then supply the modified model to FUN
For example, we will let our derived quantity of interest be the
predicted probability of the outcome for participant PSID1. We specify
our FUN
function as follows:
<- function(fit) {
sim_fun1 predict(fit, newdata = lalonde["PSID1",], type = "response")
The fit
object supplied to this function will be one in which the
coefficients have been set to their values in a draw from their sampling
distribution as generated by sim()
. We then supply the function to
to simulate the sampling distribution of the predicted
value of interest:
<- sim_apply(s, FUN = sim_fun1, verbose = FALSE)
#> A `clarify_est` object (from `sim_apply()`)
#> - 1000 simulated values
#> - 1 quantity estimated:
#> PSID1 0.9757211
The resulting clarify_est
object contains the simulated estimates in
matrix form as well as the estimate computed on the original
coefficients. We will examine the posterior distribution shortly, but
first we will demonstrate computing a derived quantity from the
coefficients directly.
The race
variable is a factor, and the black
category is used as the
reference level, so it is not immediately clear whether there is a
difference between the coefficients racehispan
and racewhite
, which
represent the non-reference categories hispan
and white
. To compare
these two directly, we can use sim_apply()
to compute a derived
quantity that corresponds to the difference between them.
<- function(coefs) {
sim_fun2 <- unname(coefs["racehispan"])
hispan <- unname(coefs["racewhite"])
c("w - h" = white - hispan)
<- sim_apply(s, FUN = sim_fun2, verbose = FALSE)
#> A `clarify_est` object (from `sim_apply()`)
#> - 1000 simulated values
#> - 1 quantity estimated:
#> w - h -0.09955915
The function supplied to FUN
can be arbitrarily complicated and return
as many derived quantities as one wants, though the slower each run of
is, the longer it will take to simulate the derived quantities.
Using parallel processing by supplying an argument to cl
can sometimes
dramatically speed up evaluation.
There are several functions in
clarify that serve as
convenience wrappers for sim_apply()
to automate some common derived
quantities of interest. These include
– computing predicted values and first differences at
representative or user-specified values of the predictors
– computing average adjusted predictions, contrasts of
average adjusted predictions, and average marginal effects
– computing average dose-response functions and
average marginal effects functions
These are described in their own sections below. In addition, there are
functions that have methods for clarify_est
objects, including
for combining two clarify_est
objects together and
for computing quantities that are derived from the
already-computed derived quantities. These are also described in their
own sections below.
To examine the uncertainty around and perform inference on our estimated
quantities, we can use plot()
and summary()
on the clarify_est
displays a density plot of the resulting estimates across the
simulations, with markers identifying the point estimate (computed using
the original model coefficients as recommended by Rainey (2023)) and,
optionally, uncertainty bounds (which function like confidence or
credible interval bounds). The arguments to plot()
are below:
plot(x = , parm = , ci = , level = , method = , reference =)
– the clarify_est
object (the output of a call to
– the names or indices of the quantities to be plotted if
more than one was estimated in sim_apply()
; if unspecified, all
will be plotted.
– whether to display lines at the uncertainty bounds. The
default is TRUE
to display them.
– if ci
, the desired two-sided confidence
level. The default is .95 so that that the bounds are at the .025
and .975 quantiles when method
(see below) is "quantile"
– if ci
, the method used to compute the
bounds. Allowable methods include thea Normal approximation
) or using the quantiles of the resulting distribution
). The Normal approximation involves multiplying the
standard deviation of the estimates (i.e., which functions like the
standard error of the sampling distribution) by the critical
Z-statistic computed using (1-level)/2
to create a symmetric
margin of error around the point estimate. The default is
to instead use quantile-based bounds.
– whether to display a normal density over the plot for
each estimate and an indicator line for the median of the estimate.
The default is FALSE
to omit them.
Below, we plot the first estimate we computed above, the predicted probability for participant PSID1:
plot(est1, reference = TRUE, ci = FALSE)
Overlaid on the plot in red is a Normal distribution with the same mean
and standard deviation as the simulated values; this is requested by
setting reference = TRUE
. From the plot, one can see that the
distribution of simulated values is non-Normal, asymmetrical, and not
centered around the estimate, with no values falling above 1 because the
outcome is a predicted probability. Given its non-Normality, the
quantile-based bounds may be more appropriate than those resulting from
the Normal approximation, as the bounds computed from the Normal
approximation would be outside the bounds of the estimate. The blue
reference line for the median of the estimates is close to the point
estimate, suggesting it is possible for a monotonic transformation to
have a symmetric distribution around the estimate3. The plot itself
is a ggplot
object that can be modified using ggplot2
We can use summary()
to display the value of the point estimate, the
uncertainty bounds, and other statistics that describe the distribution
of estimates. The arguments to summary()
are below:
summary(object = , parm = , level = , method = , null = )
– the clarify_est
object (the output of a call to
– the names or indices of the quantities to be displayed if
more than one was estimated in sim_apply()
; if unspecified, all
will be displayed.
– the desired two-sided confidence level. The default is
.95 so that that the bounds are at the .025 and .975 quantiles when
method (see below) is "quantile"
– the method used to compute the uncertainty bounds.
Allowable methods include a Normal approximation ("wald"
) or using
the quantiles of the resulting distribution ("quantile"
). See
– an optional argument specifying the desired null value in
a hypothesis test for the estimates. If specified, a p-value will be
computed using either a standard Z-test (if method
is "wald"
) or
an inversion of the uncertainty interval (described below). The
default is not to display any p-values.
We can use summary()
with the default arguments on our first
object to view the point estimate and quantile-based
uncertainty bounds.
#> Estimate 2.5 % 97.5 %
#> PSID1 0.976 0.890 0.996
Our second estimated quantity, the difference between two regression coefficients, is closer to Normally distributed, as the plot below demonstrates (and would be expected theoretically), so we will use the Normal approximation to test the hypothesis that difference differs from 0.
plot(est2, reference = TRUE, ci = FALSE)
summary(est2, method = "wald", null = 0)
#> Estimate 2.5 % 97.5 % Std. Error Z value P-value
#> w - h -0.0996 -0.5352 0.3361 0.2223 -0.45 0.65
The uncertainty intervals and p-values in the summary()
output are
computed using the Normal approximation because we set
method = "wald"
, and the p-value for the test that our estimate is
equal to 0 is returned because we set null = 0
. Note that the Normal
approximation should be used only when the simulated posterior
distribution is both close to Normal and centered around the estimate
(i.e., when the mean of the simulated values \[red vertical line\]
coincides with the estimate computed on the original coefficients
\[black vertical line\]). In such cases, however, the delta method will
likely perform as well, if not better, and all of its other benefits
apply (i.e., it is computationally quicker and not subject to Monte
Carlo error).
Wrappers: sim_setx()
, sim_ame()
, sim_adrf()
can be used to compute the simulated posterior
distribution for an arbitrary derived quantity of interest, but there
are some quantities that are common in applied research and may
otherwise be somewhat challenging to program by hand, so
clarify provides
shortcut functions to make computing these quantities simple. These
functions include sim_setx()
, sim_ame()
, and sim_adrf()
. Each of
these can be used only when regression models compatible with
clarify are supplied
to the original call to sim()
Like sim_apply()
, each of these functions is named sim_*()
, which
signifies that they are to be used on an object produced by sim()
(i.e., a clarify_sim
object). (Multiple calls to these functions can
be applied to the same clarify_sim
object and combined; see the
section below.) These functions are described below.
: predictions at representative valuessim_setx()
provides an interface to compute predictions at
representative and user-supplied values of the predictors. For example,
we might want to know what the effect of treatment is for a “typical”
individual, which corresponds to the contrast between two model-based
predictions (i.e., one under treatment and one under control for a unit
with “typical” covariate values). This functionality mirrors the
and setx1()
functionality of Zelig
(which is where its name
originates) and provides similar functionality to functions in
effects, and
For each predictor, the user can specify whether they want predictions at specific values or at “typical” values, which are defined in clarify as the mode for unordered categorical and binary variables, the median for ordered categorical variables, and the mean for continuous variables. Predictions for multiple predictor combinations can be requested by specifying values that will be used to create a grid of predictor values, or the grid itself can be supplied as a data frame of desired predictor profiles. In addition, the “first difference”, defined here as the difference between predictions for two predictor combinations, can be computed.
The arguments to sim_setx()
are as follows:
sim_setx(sim = , x = , x1 = , outcome = , type = , verbose = , cl = )
– a clarify_sim
object; the output of a call to sim()
– a named list containing the requested values of the
predictors, e.g., list(v1 = 1:4, v2 = "A")
, or a data frame
containing the desired profiles. Any predictors not included will be
set at their “typical” value as defined above.
– an optional named list or data frame similar to x
with the value of one predictor changed. When specified, the first
difference is computed between the covariate combination defined in
(and only one combination is allowed when x1
is specified) and
the covariate combination defined in x1
– a string containing the name of the outcome of interest
when a multivariate (multiple outcome) model is supplied to sim()
or the outcome category of interest when a multinomial model is
supplied to sim()
. For univariate (single outcome) and binary
outcomes, this is ignored.
– a string containing the type of predicted value to return.
In most cases, this can be left unspecified to request predictions
on the scale of the outcome.
– whether to display a progress bar.
– an argument that controls parallel processing, which can be
the number of cores to use or a cluster object resulting from
Here, we will use sim_setx()
to examine predicted values of the
outcome for control and treated units, at re75
set to 0 and 20000, and
set to “black”.
<- sim_setx(s,
est3 x = list(treat = 0:1,
re75 = c(0, 20000),
race = "black"),
verbose = FALSE)
When we use summary()
on the resulting output, we can see the
estimates and their uncertainty intervals (calculated using quantiles by
#> Estimate 2.5 % 97.5 %
#> treat = 0, re75 = 0 0.667 0.558 0.772
#> treat = 1, re75 = 0 0.712 0.617 0.790
#> treat = 0, re75 = 20000 0.938 0.700 0.994
#> treat = 1, re75 = 20000 0.953 0.747 0.996
To see the complete grid of the predictor values used in the
predictions, which helps to identify the “typical” values of the other
predictors, we can access the "setx"
attribute of the object:
attr(est3, "setx")
#> treat married age educ race nodegree re74 re75
#> treat = 0, re75 = 0 0 0 27.36319 10.26873 black 1 4557.547 0
#> treat = 1, re75 = 0 1 0 27.36319 10.26873 black 1 4557.547 0
#> treat = 0, re75 = 20000 0 0 27.36319 10.26873 black 1 4557.547 20000
#> treat = 1, re75 = 20000 1 0 27.36319 10.26873 black 1 4557.547 20000
We can plot the distributions of the simulated values using plot()
which also separates the predictions by the predictor values (it is
often clearer without the uncertainty bounds). The var
controls which variable is used for faceting the plots.
plot(est3, var = "re75", ci = FALSE)
One can see again how a delta method or Normal approximation may have yielded uncertainty intervals outside the plausible range of the estimate without applying knowledge of the correct transformation to use to avoid doing so.
If a continuous variable with many levels is included in the grid of the
predictors, something like a dose-response function for a typical unit
can be generated. Below, we set re75
to vary from 0 to 20000 in steps
of 2000.
<- sim_setx(s,
est4 x = list(treat = 0:1,
re75 = seq(0, 20000, by = 2000),
race = "black"),
verbose = FALSE)
When we plot the output, we can see how the predictions varies across
the levels of re75
We will return to display average dose-response functions using
Finally, we can use sim_setx()
to compute first differences, the
contrast between two covariate combinations. We supply one covariate
profile to x
and another to x1
, and sim_setx()
simulates the two
predicted values and their difference. Below, we simulate first
difference for a treated and control unit who have re75
of 0 and
typical values of all other covariates:
<- sim_setx(s,
est5 x = list(treat = 0, re75 = 0),
x1 = list(treat = 1, re75 = 0),
verbose = FALSE)
When we use summary()
, we see the estimates for the predicted values
and their first difference (“FD”):
#> Estimate 2.5 % 97.5 %
#> treat = 0 0.7856 0.7039 0.8558
#> treat = 1 0.8213 0.7111 0.8995
#> FD 0.0357 -0.0598 0.1188
It is possible to compute first differences without using x1
, which we describe later.
: average adjusted predictions and average marginal effectsUsing predicted values and effects at representative values is one way to summarize regression models, but another way is to compute average adjusted predictions (AAPs), contrasts of AAPs, and average marginal effects (AMEs). The definitions for these terms may vary and the names for these concepts differ across sources, but here we define AAPs as the average of the predicted values for all units after setting one predictor to a chosen value, and we define AMEs for binary predictors as the contrast of two AAPs and for continuous predictors as the average of instantaneous rate of change in the AAP corresponding to a small change in the predictor from its observed values across all units4 (Long and Freese 2014).
The arguments to sim_ame()
are as follows:
sim_ame(sim = , var = , subset = , by = , contrast = , outcome = ,
type = , eps = , verbose = , cl = )
– a clarify_sim
object; the output of a call to sim()
– the name of focal variable over which to compute the AAPs
or AMEs, or a list containing the values for which AAPs should be
– a logical vector, evaluated in the original dataset used
to fit the model, defining a subset of units for which the AAPs or
AMEs are to be computed.
– the name of one or more variables for which AAPs should be
computed within subgroups. Can be supplied as a character vector of
variable names or a one-sided formula.
– the name of an effect measure used to contrast AAPs.
For continuous outcomes, "diff"
requests the difference in means,
but others are available for binary outcomes, including "rr"
the risk ratio, "or"
for the odds ratio, and "nnt"
for the
number needed to treat, among others. If not specified, only AAPs
will be computed if the variable named in var
is categorical or
specific values of the focal variable are specified in var
Ignored when the variable named in var
is continuous and no
specific values are specified because the AME is the only quantity
computed. When var
names a multi-category categorical variable,
cannot be used; see the section describing transform()
for computing contrasts with them.
– a string containing the name of the outcome of interest
when a multivariate (multiple outcome) model is supplied to sim()
or the outcome category of interest when a multinomial model is
supplied to sim()
. For univariate (single outcome) and binary
outcomes, this is ignored.
– a string containing the type of predicted value to return.
In most cases, this can be left unspecified to request predictions
on the scale of the outcome (e.g., probabilities for binary
– the value by which the observed values of the variable
named in var
are changed when it is continuous to compute the AME.
This usually does not need to be specified.
– whether to display a progress bar.
– an argument that controls parallel processing, which can be
the number of cores to use or a cluster object resulting from
Here, we will use sim_ame()
to compute the AME of treat
just among
those who were treated (in causal inference, this is known as the
average treatment effect in the treated, or ATT (Greifer and Stuart
2023)). We will request our estimate to be on the risk ratio scale.
<- sim_ame(s,
est6 var = "treat",
subset = treat == 1,
contrast = "rr",
verbose = FALSE)
We can use summary()
to display the estimates and their uncertainty
intervals. Here, we will also use null
to include a test for the null
hypothesis that the risk ratio is equal to 1.
summary(est6, null = c(`RR` = 1))
#> Estimate 2.5 % 97.5 % P-value
#> E[Y(0)] 0.687 0.608 0.760 .
#> E[Y(1)] 0.755 0.685 0.809 .
#> RR 1.100 0.949 1.255 0.21
Here we see the estimates for the AAPs, E``[``Y(0)``]
for the expected
value of the outcome setting treat
to 0 and E``[``Y(1)``]
for the
expected value of the outcome setting treat
to 1, and the risk ratio
. The p-value on the test for the risk ratio aligns with the
uncertainty interval containing 1.
If we instead wanted the risk difference or odds ratio, we would not
have to re-compute the AAPs. Instead, we can use transform()
compute a new derived quantity from the computed AAPs. The section on
demonstrates this.
We can compute the AME for a continuous predictor. Here, we will
consider age
(just for demonstration; this analysis does not have a
valid interpretation).
<- sim_ame(s,
est7 var = "age",
verbose = FALSE)
We can use summary()
to display the AME estimate and its uncertainty
#> Estimate 2.5 % 97.5 %
#> E[dY/d(age)] -0.00605 -0.00940 -0.00259
The AME is named E``[``dY/d(age)``]
, which signifies that a derivative
has been computed (more precisely, the average of the unit-specific
derivatives). This estimate can be interpreted like a slope in a linear
regression model, but as a single summary of the effect of a predictor
it is often too coarse to capture nonlinear relationships. The section
below explains how to compute average dose-response functions for
continuous predictors, which provide a more complete picture of their
effects on an outcome.
Below, we will examine effect modification of the ATT by the predictor
using the by
argument to estimate AAPs and their ratio
within levels of married
<- sim_ame(s,
est6b var = "treat",
subset = treat == 1,
by = ~married,
contrast = "rr",
verbose = FALSE)
#> Estimate 2.5 % 97.5 %
#> E[Y(0)|0] 0.691 0.612 0.768
#> E[Y(1)|0] 0.733 0.655 0.796
#> RR[0] 1.061 0.909 1.234
#> E[Y(0)|1] 0.668 0.556 0.769
#> E[Y(1)|1] 0.848 0.676 0.940
#> RR[1] 1.270 0.948 1.583
The presence of effect modification can be tested by testing the
contrast between the effects computed within each level of the by
variable; this demonstrated in the section on transform()
: average dose-response functionsA dose-response function for an individual is the relationship between the set value of a continuous focal predictor and the expected outcome. The average dose-response function (ADRF) is the average of the dose-response functions across all units. Essentially, it is a function that relates the value of the predictor to the corresponding AAP of the outcome, the average value of the outcome were all units to be set to that level of the predictor. ADRFs can be used to provide additional detail about the effect of a continuous predictor beyond a single AME.
A related quantity is the average marginal effect function (AMEF), which describes the relationship between a continuous focal predictor and the AME at that level of the predictor. That is, rather than describing how the outcome changes as a function of the predictor, it describes how the effect of the predictor on the outcome changes as a function of the predictor. It is essentially the derivative of the ADRF and can be used to identify at which points along the ADRF the predictor has an effect.
The ADRF and AMEF can be computed using sim_adrf()
. The arguments are
sim_adrf(sim = , var = , subset = , by = , contrast = , at = ,
n = , outcome = , type = , eps = , verbose = , cl = )
– a clarify_sim
object; the output of a call to sim()
– the name of focal variable over which to compute the ADRF
or AMEF.
– a logical vector, evaluated in the original dataset used
to fit the model, defining a subset of units for which the ARDF or
AMEF is to be computed.
– the name of one or more variables for which the ADRF or AMEF
should be computed within subgroups. Can be supplied as a character
vector of variable names or a one-sided formula.
– either "adrf"
or "amef"
to request the ADRF or
AMEF, respectively. The default is to compute the ADRF.
– the values of the focal predictor at which to compute the
ADRF or AMEF. This should be a vector of values that the focal
predictor can take on. If unspecified, a vector of n
(see below)
equally-spaced values from the minimum to the maximum value of the
predictor will be used. This should typically be used only if
quantities are desired over a subset of the values of the focal
– if at
is unspecified, the number of points along the range
of the focal predictor at which to compute the ADRF or AMEF. More
yields smoother functions, but will take longer and require more
memory. The default is 21.
– a string containing the name of the outcome of interest
when a multivariate (multiple outcome) model is supplied to sim()
or the outcome category of interest when a multinomial model is
supplied to sim()
. For univariate (single outcome) and binary
outcomes, this is ignored.
– a string containing the type of predicted value to return.
In most cases, this can be left unspecified to request predictions
on the scale of the outcome.
– the value by which the observed values of the variable
named in var
are changed when it is continuous to compute the
AMEF. This usually does not need to be specified.
– whether to display a progress bar.
– an argument that controls parallel processing, which can be
the number of cores to use or a cluster object resulting from
Here, we will consider age
(just for demonstration; this analysis does
not have a valid interpretation) and compute the ADRF and AMEF of age
on the outcome. We will only examine ages between 18 and 50, even though
the range of age
goes slightly beyond these values. First, we will
compute the ADRF of age
, which examines how the outcome would vary on
average if one set all unit’s value of age
to each value between 18
and 50 (here we only use even ages to speed up computation).
<- seq(18, 50, by = 2)
<- sim_adrf(s,
est8 var = "age",
contrast = "adrf",
at = age_seq,
verbose = FALSE)
We can plot the ADRF using plot()
From the plot, we can see that as age
increases, the expected outcome
We can also examine the AAPs at the requested ages using summary()
which will display all the estimated AAPs by default, so we will request
just the first 4 (age
s 18 to 24):
summary(est8, parm = 1:4)
#> Estimate 2.5 % 97.5 %
#> E[Y(18)] 0.821 0.771 0.858
#> E[Y(20)] 0.811 0.764 0.845
#> E[Y(22)] 0.800 0.757 0.832
#> E[Y(24)] 0.788 0.749 0.817
Next we will compute the AMEF, the effect of age
at each level of
<- sim_adrf(s,
est9 var = "age",
contrast = "amef",
at = age_seq,
verbose = FALSE)
We can plot the AMEF using plot()
From the plot, we can see the AME of age
decreases slightly but is
mostly constant across values of age
, and the uncertainty intervals
for the AMEs consistently exclude 0.
Often, our quantities of interest are not just the outputs of the
functions above, but comparisons between them. For example, to test for
moderation of a treatment effect, we may want to compare AMEs in
multiple groups defined by the moderator. Or, it might be that we are
interested in an effect described using a different effect measure than
the one originally produced; for example, we may decide we want the risk
difference AME after computing the risk ratio AME. The functions
and cbind()
allow users to transform quantities in a
single clarify_est
object and combine two clarify_est
objects. These
are essential for computing quantities that themselves are derived from
the derived quantities computed by the sim_*()
is a generic function in R that is typically used to
create a new variable in a data frame that is a function of other
columns. For example, to compute the binary outcome we used in our
model, we could have run the following5:
<- transform(lalonde,
lalonde re78_0 = ifelse(re78 == 0, 1, 0))
Similarly, to compute a derived or transformed quantity from a
object, we can use transform()
. Here, we will compute
the risk difference AME of treat
; previously, we used sim_ame()
compute the AAPs and the risk ratio.
<- transform(est6,
est6 RD = `E[Y(1)]` - `E[Y(0)]`)
Note that we used tics () around the names of the AAPs; this is
necessary when they contain special characters like parentheses or
brackets. An alternative is to use the shortcut names .b#
, where #
is replaced with a number (e.g., as .b1
, .b2
, etc.) corresponding to
the index of the quantity referenced. For example, because
are the second and first computed
quantities, respectively, the above code could be replaced with
<- transform(est6,
est6 RD = .b2 - .b1)
which will yield identical results6.
When we run summary()
on the output, the new quantity, which we named
“RD”, will be displayed along with the other estimates. We will also set
a null value for this quantity.
summary(est6, null = c(`RR` = 1, `RD` = 0))
#> Estimate 2.5 % 97.5 % P-value
#> E[Y(0)] 0.6866 0.6081 0.7596 .
#> E[Y(1)] 0.7551 0.6850 0.8088 .
#> RR 1.0998 0.9485 1.2554 0.21
#> RD 0.0685 -0.0382 0.1580 0.21
As mentioned previously, one benefit of using simulation-based inference with p-values computed from inverting the confidence intervals is that the p-values for testing the same hypothesis with the risk difference and risk ratio (and any other effect measure for comparing a pair of values) will always exactly align, thereby ensuring inference does not depend on the effect measure used. In contrast, Wald-type inference (based on either the simulation-derived or delta method standard error) is not invariant to transformations of the quantity of interest.
The same value would be computed if we were to have called sim_ame()
on the same clarify_sim
object and requested the risk difference using
contrast = "diff"
; using transform()
saves time because the AAPs are
already computed and stored in the clarify_est
We can use transform()
along with the by
variable in sim_ame()
compute the contrast between quantities computed within each subgroup of
. Previously we used by
to compute the risk ratio ATT within
levels of married
; here we will compute the ratio of these risk ratios
to assess the presence of effect modification.
est6b transform(`RR[1]/RR[0]` = `RR[1]` / `RR[0]`) |>
summary(parm = c("RR[0]", "RR[1]", "RR[1]/RR[0]"),
null = 1)
#> Estimate 2.5 % 97.5 % P-value
#> RR[0] 1.061 0.909 1.234 0.434
#> RR[1] 1.270 0.948 1.583 0.094 .
#> RR[1]/RR[0] 1.196 0.908 1.516 0.174
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
contains the ratio of the risk ratios for
married = 1
and married = 0
. Here we also include a test for whether
each of the risk ratios and their ratio differ from 1, which is
equivalent to testing whether the risk ratios differ across levels of
is another generic R function that is typically used to
combine two or more datasets columnwise (i.e., to widen a dataset). In
clarify, cbind()
be used to combine two clarify_est
objects so that the estimates can
be examined jointly and so that it is possible to compare them directly.
For example, if we were to compute AMEs in two subgroups using subset
and wanted to compare them, we would call sim_ame()
twice, one for
each subset (though in practice it is more effective to use by
; this
is just for illustration), as demonstrated below:
# AME of treat with race = "black"
<- sim_ame(s, var = "treat", subset = race == "black",
est10b contrast = "diff", verbose = FALSE)
#> Estimate 2.5 % 97.5 %
#> E[Y(0)] 0.6677 0.5813 0.7529
#> E[Y(1)] 0.7439 0.6661 0.8016
#> Diff 0.0762 -0.0359 0.1700
# AME of treat with race = "hispan"
<- sim_ame(s, var = "treat", subset = race == "hispan",
est10h contrast = "diff", verbose = FALSE)
#> Estimate 2.5 % 97.5 %
#> E[Y(0)] 0.8266 0.7146 0.8990
#> E[Y(1)] 0.8971 0.7888 0.9527
#> Diff 0.0704 -0.0223 0.1387
Here, we computed the risk difference for the subgroups race = "black"
and race = "hispan"
. If we wanted to compare the risk differences, we
could combine them and compute a new quantity equal to their difference.
We will do that below.
First, we need to rename the quantities in each object so they do not
overlap; we can do so using names()
, which has a special method for
names(est10b) <- paste(names(est10b), "b", sep = "_")
names(est10h) <- paste(names(est10h), "h", sep = "_")
Next, we use cbind()
to bind the objects together.
<- cbind(est10b, est10h)
est10 summary(est10)
#> Estimate 2.5 % 97.5 %
#> E[Y(0)]_b 0.6677 0.5813 0.7529
#> E[Y(1)]_b 0.7439 0.6661 0.8016
#> Diff_b 0.0762 -0.0359 0.1700
#> E[Y(0)]_h 0.8266 0.7146 0.8990
#> E[Y(1)]_h 0.8971 0.7888 0.9527
#> Diff_h 0.0704 -0.0223 0.1387
Finally, we can use transform()
to compute the difference between the
risk differences:
<- transform(est10,
est10 `Dh - Db` = Diff_h - Diff_b)
summary(est10, parm = "Dh - Db")
#> Estimate 2.5 % 97.5 %
#> Dh - Db -0.00575 -0.06833 0.04103
Importantly, cbind()
can only be used to join together clarify_est
objects computed using the same simulated coefficients (i.e., resulting
from the same call to sim()
). This preserves the covariance among the
estimated quantities, which is critical for maintaining valid inference.
That is, sim()
should only be called once per model, and all derived
quantities should be computed using its output.
Multiple imputation is a popular method of estimating quantities of interest in the presence of missing data and involves creating multiple versions of the original dataset each with the missing values imputed with estimates from an imputation model. Simulation-based inference in multiply imputed data is relatively straightforward. Simulated coefficients are drawn from the model estimated in each imputed dataset separately, and then the simulated coefficients are pooled into a single set of simulated coefficients. In Bayesian terms, this would be considered “mixing draws” and is the recommended approach for Bayesian analysis with multiply imputed data (Zhou and Reiter 2010).
Using clarify with
multiply imputed data is simple. Rather than using sim()
, we use the
function misim()
. misim()
functions just like sim()
except that it
takes in a list of model fits (i.e., containing a model fit to each
imputed dataset) or an object containing such a list (e.g., a mira
object from mice::with()
or a mimira
object from
). misim()
simulates coefficient distributions
within each imputed dataset and then appends them together to a form a
single combined set of coefficient draws.
and its wrappers accept the output of misim()
compute the desired quantity using each set of coefficients. When these
functions rely on using a dataset (e.g., sim_ame()
, which averages
predicted outcomes across all units in the dataset used to fit the
model), they automatically know to associate a given coefficient draw
with the imputed dataset that was used to fit the model that produced
that draw. In user-written functions supplied to the FUN
argument of
, it is important to correctly extract the dataset from the
model fit. This is demonstrated below.
The final estimates of the quantity of interest is computed as the mean of the estimates computed in each imputed dataset (i.e., using the original coefficients, not the simulated ones), which is the same quantity that would be computed using standard pooling rules. This is not always valid for noncollapsible estimates, like ratios, and so care should be taken to ensure the mean of the resulting estimates has a valid interpretation (this is related to the transformation-induced bias described by Rainey (2017)).
The arguments to misim()
are as follows:
misim(fitlist = , n = , vcov = , coefs = , dist = )
– a list of model fits or an accepted object containing
them (e.g., a mira
object from mice::with()
– the number of simulations to run for each imputed dataset.
The default is 1000, but fewer can be used because the total number
of simulated quantities will be m * n
, where m
is the number of
imputed datasets.
, coefs
, dist
– the same as with sim()
, except that a
list of such arguments can be supplied to be applied to each imputed
Below we illustrate using misim()
and sim_apply()
with multiply
imputed data. We will use the africa
dataset from the
Amelia package.
data("africa", package = "Amelia")
# Multiple imputation
<- amelia(x = africa, m = 10, cs = "country",
a.out ts = "year", logs = "gdp_pc", p2s = 0)
# Fit model to each dataset
<- with(a.out, lm(gdp_pc ~ infl * trade))
# Simulate coefficients, 100 draws per imputation
<- misim(model.list, n = 100)
#> A `clarify_misim` object
#> - 4 coefficients, 10 imputations with 100 simulated values each
#> - sampled distributions: multivariate t(116)
The function we will be applying to each imputed dataset will be one
that computes the AME of infl
. (We will run the same analysis
afterward using sim_ame()
<- function(fit) {
sim_fun #Extract the original dataset using get_predictors()
<- insight::get_predictors(fit)
<- predict(fit)
#Predictions after perturbing infl slightly
<- predict(fit, newdata = transform(X, infl = infl + 1e-5))
c(AME = mean((p1 - p0) / 1e-5))
<- sim_apply(si, FUN = sim_fun, verbose = FALSE)
#> Estimate 2.5 % 97.5 %
#> AME -5.75 -8.82 -2.26
Note that sim_apply()
“knows” which imputation produced each set of
simulated coefficients, so using insight::get_predictors()
on the
supplied to sim_fun()
will use the right dataset. Care should be
taken when analyses restrict each imputed dataset in a different way
(e.g. when matching with a caliper in each one), as the resulting
imputations may not refer to a specific target population and mixing the
draws may be invalid.
Below, we can use sim_ame()
<- sim_ame(si, var = "infl", verbose = FALSE)
#> Estimate 2.5 % 97.5 %
#> E[dY/d(infl)] -5.75 -8.82 -2.26
We get the same results, as expected.
Note that misim()
is compatible with model fit objects from
MatchThem, and any
other package that produces a list of model fit objects with each
corresponding to the output of a model fit to an imputed dataset.
Several packages offer methods for computing interpretable quantities form regression models, including emmeans (Lenth 2024), margins (Leeper 2021), modelbased (Makowski et al. 2020), and marginaleffects (Arel-Bundock, Greifer, and Heiss Forthcoming). Many of the quantities computed by these packages can also be computed by clarify, the primary difference being that clarify uses simulation-based inference rather than delta method-based inference.
offers the most similar functionality to
clarify, and
clarify depends on
functionality provided by
to accommodate a wide variety of regression models.
also offers simulation-based inference using
and support for arbitrary user-specified
post-estimation functions using marginaleffects::hypotheses()
However, clarify and
differ in several ways. The largest difference is that
clarify supports
iterative building of more and more complex hypotheses through the
method, which quickly computes new quantities and
transformation from the existing computed quantities, whereas
only supports a single transformation and, as of version 0.20.0, cannot
use simulation-based inference for these quantities.
Because of clarify’s focus on simulation, it provides functionality directly aimed at improving simulation-based inference, including plots to view the distributions of simulated values and support for parallel processing. clarify also provides support for simulation-based inference of multiply imputed data, which does not require any special pooling rules.
There are areas and cases where
may be the better choice than
clarify or where the
differences between the packages are of little consequence.
focuses on providing a complete framework for post-estimation using
model predictions, whereas
clarify is primarily
focused on supporting user-defined functions, with commonly used
estimators offered as a convenience. In cases where the delta method is
an acceptable approximation (e.g., for quantities computed from linear
models or other quantities known to be approximately Normally
distributed in finite samples), using the delta method through
will be much faster, more accurate, and more replicable than the
simulation-based inference
clarify provides. For
the quantities easily computed by
that support simulation-based inference through
, using
can provide a more familiar and flexible syntax than
clarify might offer.
Ultimately, the user should use the package that supports their desired
syntax and mode of inference.
clarify provides functionality to facilitate simulation-based inference of deriving quantities from regression models. This framework provides an alternative to the delta method that can yield confidence intervals with closer to nominal coverage for some quantities of interest. While we do not claim simulation-based inference should be universally preferred over delta method-based inference, there are cases in which it can retain some advantageous properties, and we hope the availability of these methods in clarify encourages additional research on when those properties can be realized and facilitates empirical work that takes advantages of these properties.
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clarify, marginaleffects, MatchIt, modelbased, emmeans, effects, ggeffects, Amelia, mice, MatchThem
CausalInference, Econometrics, MachineLearning, MissingData, MixedModels, OfficialStatistics, TeachingStatistics
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We thank an anonymous reviewer for pointing out a scenario in which this could occur: for a quantity of interest with a right-skewed sampling distribution, one would prefer an estimate to the right of the quantity’s true value to have a confidence interval skewed to left to capture the bulk of the sampling distribution, but in practice a quantile confidence interval would also be skewed to the right. While a symmetric Wald-based interval may not have adequate coverage, the quantile-based interval could perform even worse.↩︎
Despite the similar name, the R package clarify and the Stata package CLARIFY differ in several ways, one of which is that the estimates reported by clarify in R are those computed using the original model coefficients, whereas those reported by CLARIFY in Stata are those computed as the average of the simulated distribution. The R implementation avoids the “simulation-induced bias” described by Rainey (2023).↩︎
In fact, we know the inverse link function for the model (i.e.,
the Normal distribution function qnorm()
) is such a transformation
in this case;
and other packages that implement the delta method for confidence
intervals around model predictions typically automatically compute
confidence intervals on the transformed predictions before
transforming the intervals back using the model’s link function. As
long as such a transformation exists, the quantile intervals will be
as valid as those that rely on transforming and back-transforming.↩︎
AAPs are computed using avg_predictions()
, AMEs for binary
variables are computed using avg_comparisons()
, and AMEs for
continuous variables are computed using avg_slopes()
. AAPs are
sometimes known as average “counterfactual” predictions.↩︎
Users familiar with the tidyverse
will note the similarities
between transform()
and dplyr::mutate()
; only transform()
be used with clarify_est
Note that if a quantity is named .b#
, e.g., .b1
, it can only
be referred to using the positional shortcut and not its named. That
is, the positional shortcut takes precedence over the names of the
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Greifer, et al., "`clarify`: Simulation-Based Inference for Regression Models", The R Journal, 2025
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2024-015, author = {Greifer, Noah and Worthington, Steven and Iacus, Stefano and King, Gary}, title = {`clarify`: Simulation-Based Inference for Regression Models}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2025}, note = {}, doi = {10.32614/RJ-2024-015}, volume = {16}, issue = {2}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {1} }