The R Journal: article published in 2010, volume 2:2

Solving Differential Equations in R PDF download
Karline Soetaert, Thomas Petzoldt and R. Woodrow Setzer , The R Journal (2010) 2:2, pages 5-15.

Although R is still predominantly applied for statistical analysis and graphical representation, it is rapidly becoming more suitable for mathematical computing. One of the fields where considerable progress has been made recently is the solution of differential equations. Here we give a brief overview of differential equations that can now be solved by R.

CRAN packages: limSolve, rootSolve, deSolve, bvpSolve, ReacTran, PBSddesolve, sde, pomp, bvpSolve, ReacTran, deSolve, deSolve, ReacTran, deSolve, odesolve, odesolve, nlmeODE, FME, ccems, ReacTran
CRAN Task Views implied by cited CRAN packages: DifferentialEquations, Pharmacokinetics, TimeSeries, Bayesian, Finance, Optimization

  author = {Karline Soetaert and Thomas Petzoldt and R. Woodrow Setzer},
  title = {{Solving Differential Equations in R}},
  year = {2010},
  journal = {{The R Journal}},
  doi = {10.32614/RJ-2010-013},
  url = {},
  pages = {5--15},
  volume = {2},
  number = {2}