RPESE: Risk and Performance Estimators Standard Errors with Serially Dependent Data
Anthony-Alexander Christidis and R. Douglas Martin
, The R Journal (2021) 13:2, pages 697-712.
Abstract The R package RPESE (Risk and Performance Estimators Standard Errors) implements a new method for computing accurate standard errors of risk and performance estimators when returns are serially dependent. The new method makes use of the representation of a risk or performance estimator as a summation of a time series of influence-function (IF) transformed returns, and computes estimator standard errors using a sophisticated method of estimating the spectral density at frequency zero of the time series of IF-transformed returns. Two additional packages used by RPESE are introduced, namely RPEIF which computes and provides graphical displays of the IF of risk and performance estimators, and RPEGLMEN which implements a regularized Gamma generalized linear model polynomial fit to the periodogram of the time series of the IF-transformed returns. A Monte Carlo study shows that the new method provides more accurate estimates of standard errors for risk and performance estimators compared to well-known alternative methods in the presence of serial correlation.
Received: 2021-05-24; online 2022-01-04, supplementary material, (2.2 KiB)@article{RJ-2021-106, author = {Anthony-Alexander Christidis and R. Douglas Martin}, title = {{RPESE: Risk and Performance Estimators Standard Errors with Serially Dependent Data}}, year = {2021}, journal = {{The R Journal}}, doi = {10.32614/RJ-2021-106}, url = {https://doi.org/10.32614/RJ-2021-106}, pages = {697--712}, volume = {13}, number = {2} }