Nucleic acid Melting Curve Analysis is a powerful method to investigate the interaction of double stranded nucleic acids. Many researchers rely on closed source software which is not ubiquitously available, and gives only little control over the computation and data presentation. R in contrast, is open source, highly adaptable and provides numerous utilities for data import, sophisticated statistical analysis and presentation in publication quality. This article covers methods, implemented in the MBmca package, for DNA Melting Curve Analysis on microbead surfaces. Particularly, the use of the second derivative melting peaks is suggested as an additional parameter to characterize the melting behavior of DNA duplexes. Examples of microbead surface Melting Curve Analysis on fragments of human genes are presented.
Nucleic acid Melting Curve Analysis (MCA) is a central step in nucleic acid1 interaction studies, identification of specific DNA sequences after quantitative real-time PCR, genotyping or detection of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms2 (SNP) both in solution and on surfaces (Ririe, R. P. Rasmussen, and C. T. Wittwer 1997; Gundry, J. G. Vandersteen, G. H. Reed, R. J. Pryor, J. Chen, and C. T. Wittwer 2003; Sekar, W. Bloch, and P. M. St John 2005; Zhou, L. Wang, R. Palais, R. Pryor, and C. T. Wittwer 2005; Rödiger et al. 2012). A review of the literature revealed that there is an ongoing demand for new bioanalytical devices to perform MCAs. This includes lab-on-chip systems or the recently published VideoScan platform (Rödiger et al. 2012 see following section). Some of these systems offer software solutions for MCA but often custom made software is required. Although bioanalytical devices break new ground to meet criteria like high multiplex levels or new detection-probe-systems the fundamental concept of MCA remains unchanged.
The MCA is a real-time monitoring of a heat-induced double stranded nucleic acid dissociation which can be monitored by the change of the referenced mean/median fluorescence intensity (\(MFI\))3 at a defined temperature (Figure 1).
By definition, the melting point (\(Tm\)) is the inflection point of the melting curve. On molecular level circa 50% of the nucleic acids are dissociated at \(Tm\). The melting peak (Equation (1)) can be determined from the first negative derivative (Equation (2)) of the melting curve. At this temperature peak the rate of change is maximal. The \(Tm\) is highly reproducible, thus can be used as a “characteristic identity” to distinguish nucleic acid species.
\[\begin{aligned} Tm &= \max(refMFI'(T))\\ \label{eq:derivative} \end{aligned} \tag{1}\]
\[\begin{aligned} refMFI'(T) &= -\frac{d(refMFI)}{d(T)} \label{eq:deriv1} \end{aligned} \tag{2}\]
To the best of our knowledge we are the first to suggest the peak values, designated \(Tm_{1}^{D2}\) and \(Tm_{2}^{D2}\) (Equation (3) and (4)), of the second derivative (Equation (5)) as additional measures for the characterization of nucleic acid melting processes on microbead surfaces. They show the maximal rate of change of \(refMFI`(T)\). The corresponding temperature values (abscissa) at the inflection points of \(refMFI`(T)\) occur where \(refMFI``(T)\) reaches a (local) minimum and a (local) maximum, respectively (Figure 1). Both values offer additional quantitative measures to describe early and late phases of the melting process. The \(Tm_{1}^{D2}\) quantifies the maximal acceleration and \(Tm_{2}^{D2}\) the maximal deceleration of the dissociation process. The deceleration starts in the middle of the process, at \(Tm\).
\[\begin{aligned} Tm_{1}^{D2} &= \max(refMFI``(T))\\ \label{eq:derivative2max} \end{aligned} \tag{3}\]
\[\begin{aligned} Tm_{2}^{D2} &= \min(refMFI``(T))\\ \label{eq:derivative2min} \end{aligned} \tag{4}\]
\[\begin{aligned} refMFI``(T) &= -\frac{d^2(refMFI)}{d(T)^2} \label{eq:deriv2} \end{aligned} \tag{5}\]
In Rödiger et al. (2012) we reported the VideoScan platform which provides a technology for various bioanalytical applications4 with the focus on highly multiplex kinetic analysis. The VideoScan platform consists of a fully automated fluorescence microscope, a modular software package for data acquisition and a heating/cooling-unit (HCU)5 for micro volume (\(\leq{20~\mu\/L}\)) samples. We developed temperature controlled assays to detect and analyze nucleic acid probes on the surface of microbeads.
In brief, different thermo-tolerant microbead populations, defined by varying ratios of two impregnated fluorophores, are included in the reaction. Each microbead population presents gene specific capture probes on their surfaces (Figure 2).
Particularly, short 3’ or 5’ quencher/fluorophore-labeled probes were used6. The capture probes (bCP) are complementary to detection probe (DP) in solution (Figure 2 and inset Figure 13). Signals are mediated by temperature dependent dehybridization events between bCPs and DPs. All probe systems described here and our related works are characterized by one or two significant melting peaks at different temperatures and/or different signs (Figure 3). Due to different fluorophore / quencher combinations and probe systems (e. g., direct hybridization, dual-hybridization probes) the sign of a \(Tm\) peak value was designed to be either positive or negative (see Figure 3B). Transferred to applications in screening processes all subsequent analysis would be reduced to the identification of distinct \(Tm\)s and their intensity of the corresponding microbead populations.
In biomedical research many scientists rely on closed source software which gives only little control over the computation and data presentation. Most importantly reproduction of data and calculations from other research is limited or impossible. Just recently this was discussed in the two journals Nature and Science (Ince, L. Hatton, and J. Graham-Cumming 2012; Morin, J. Urban, P. D. Adams, I. Foster, A. Sali, D. Baker, and P. Sliz 2012). Closed software tied to limited tasks, hinders the import of custom data and gives no control over or insight into the source code and therefore is not ideal for research. Basically any open computing language or tool can be used to overcome these issues. But R fulfills all requirements mentioned above. It is in an open system with numerous utilities for data import, processing, sophisticated statistical analysis and presentation. Many R packages are peer-reviewed and undergo an intensive testing. Most importantly R is open source and therefore methods or results can be reproduced independently.
One implementation for MCA with R is available from the excellent
qpcR package by Ritz and A.-N. Spiess (2008).
The meltcurve()
function provides a sophisticated method to process
melting curve data from qPCR experiments in solution. It uses automatic
optimization procedures to smooth and fit curves. This function is ideal
for the identification of multiple \(Tm\)s, the calculation of the peak
area and high resolution data.
There is an ongoing interest to understand the melting behavior of nucleic acids on surfaces. Particularly the effects of the reaction environment, e. g., the microbead surface change due to functional groups or the density of bCP has not been investigated intensively for multiplex microbead assays. During the development of the VideoScan platform a simple and lightweight method for automatic screening, quality control and automatic detection of a limited number of melting peaks was needed. This article describes the MBmca7 (Roediger 2013) package which was developed as an approach for statistical MCA on microbeads. The ambition of the MBmca is not to compete with the qpcR or other R packages but rather to extend the scope of R for MCA on surfaces.
The MBmca package includes the functions MFIerror()
8 and mcaSmoother()
for data inspection and
preprocessing and diffQ()
, diffQ2()
for MCA. The data sets
and MultiMelt
are raw fluorescence data measured with
the VideoScan platform (Rödiger et al. 2012) on microbead surfaces. The
data are arranged as data.frame
s starting in the first column with the
temperature (°C) followed by the fluorescence values (refMFI). The
package has a dependency to
(Rousseeuw, C. Croux, V. Todorov, A. Ruckstuhl, M. Salibian-Barrera, T. Verbeke, M. Koller, and M. Maechler 2013) and uses mainly standard R functions. Elementary steps,
e. g., data import, are similar to other R functions and thus used as
described elsewhere (Venables, D. M. Smith, and the R Core Team 2013).
One of the fundamental strengths of the MCA on microbead surfaces is the
achievable multiplex level. The MFIerror()
function was developed for
a fast multiple comparison of the temperature dependent variance of
\(refMFI\). MFIerror()
returns an object of the class data.frame
columns “Temperature”, “Location” (Mean, Median), “Deviation” (Standard
Deviation, Median Absolute Deviation) and “Coefficient of Variation”.
The argument errplot
(default) sets MFIerror()
to plot the
results. In the default setting (CV = FALSE
) the mean with the
standard deviations is plotted. Using the argument rob = TRUE
median and the median absolute deviation (MAD) are plotted instead
of the mean and standard deviation.
is true the coefficient of variation (CV) is plotted.
Setting the argument RSD = TRUE
shows the relative standard
deviation (RSD) in percent.
In an example the mean raw fluorescence from multiplex melting curves of
twelve microbead populations was evaluated for the probes HPRT1 and
\(MLC{-2v}\) (MultiMelt
data set). The probe system used corresponds
to Figure 2A. Ideally the variance between the
twelve microbead populations is low. MFIerror()
takes the first column
of MultiMelt
as temperature value and columns 2 to 13 for the probes
HPRT1 and columns 14 to 25 for \(MLC{-2v}\), respectively.
# Load MultiMelt data set.
# MFIerror for the HRPT1 data (column 2 to 13).
# The default settings of MFIerror show the the mean fluorescence and the
# standard deviation at a defined temperature.
MFIerror(MultiMelt[, 1], MultiMelt[, 2:13])
# MFIerror on the MLC-2v data (column 14 to 25).
MFIerror(MultiMelt[, 1], MultiMelt[, 14:25])
The corresponding plots are shown in Figure 4. The curves indicate that the different microbead populations show similar melting curve shapes but differ in height. At higher temperatures the values vary.
with the argument rob = FALSE
was used to compare the mean and the
standard deviationof the temperature dependent fluorescence on twelve
microbead populations for A) HPRT1 and B)
\(MLC{-2v}\).When MFIerror()
is used with the argument CV = TRUE
the coefficient
of variation is presented (Figure 5). In the example
all CV values are low (\(< 0.3\)) and even decrease with increasing
temperatures for both HPRT1 and \(MLC{-2v}\).
with argument CV = TRUE
was used to plot the absolute
coefficient of variation for twelve microbead populations with A)
HPRT1 or B) \(MLC{-2v}\).We questioned how a single microbead population differs from the average
of all microbead populations. The mean output of MFIerror()
, with the
argument errplot = FALSE
, was subtracted by the fluorescence of
HPRT1 or \(MLC{-2v}\). The results were assigned to HPRT1.mean
# Load MultiMelt data set.
# Use MFIerror to calculate the mean fluorescence for HRPT1 and MLC-2v over all
# twelve microbead populations.
<- MFIerror(MultiMelt[, 1], MultiMelt[, 2:13], errplot = FALSE)
HPRT1.mean <- MFIerror(MultiMelt[, 1], MultiMelt[, 14:25], errplot = FALSE)
# Draw figures on the graphics device in a 2x6 array
par(mfrow = c(2, 6))
# Calculate the difference between the fluorescence of a single microbead population
# and the average of all twelve microbead populations. Plot the results.
for (i in 1:12) {
<- MultiMelt[, i + 1] - HPRT1.mean[, 2]
tmp.HPRT1 <- MultiMelt[, i + 13] - MLC2v.mean[, 2]
tmp.MLC2v plot(MultiMelt[, 1], tmp.HPRT1, main = paste("Pop", i, sep = ": "),
pch = 19, ylim = c(-0.28, 0.28), xlab = "T", ylab = "delta")
abline(h = 0, col = "black")
abline(v = 65, col = "blue")
points(MultiMelt[, 1], tmp.MLC2v, pch = 15, col = 2)
Figure 6 shows low differences (delta) at temperatures below 65 °C due to near complete quenching. Above this temperature (start of the DNA probe strand dissociation) the differences to the mean fluorescence of all microbead populations grow. Apart from “Pop: 1” changes appear systematically which indicates that the bCP/DPs have a similar melting behavior on all microbead populations.
, was subtracted from the fluorescence of single
population (“Pop:”). • \(HPRT1\),
• \(MLC{-2v}\), ╍╍╍ base
line, ╍╍╍ start of the melt
process.The differentiation is the central step of the MCA. Accessible textbook
information confirms that differentiation may result in the
amplification of noise. To reduce the noise, R provides numerous
possibilities to fit smooth functions and use filter functions. Such
operations may alter the curve shape considerably and thus lead to
artificial results. Smooth functions available in R include the moving
average (filter()
stats), the LOWESS
smoother (lowess()
, stats) which applies locally-weighted polynomial
regression, fitting of a local polynomial regression (loess()
stats), Savitsky-Golay filter [sgolayfilt()
signal; The signal Developers (2013)], cubic
splines (smooth.spline()
, stats) or Friedman’s SuperSmoother
, stats). Although smoothed data might provide the
impression of high quality data no guarantee for optimal results or that
no peaks were artificially introduced is given. A good practice is to
visualize the output combined with the original data. mcaSmoother()
uses smooth.spline()
and contains further helper function.
should be used if the data may contain missing values,
high noise or if the temperature resolution of the melting curve data is
low (\(\geq\) 0.5 °C / step) in order to correct the problems
Measurements from experimental systems may occasionally include
missing values (NA
). Function mcaSmoother()
uses approx()
to fill up NA
s under the assumption that all measurements were
equidistant. The original data remain unchanged and only the NA
are substituted.
calls smooth.spline()
to smooth the curve.
Different strengths can be set using the argument df.fact
(default 0.95). Internally it takes the degree of freedom value from
the spline and multiplies it with a factor between 0.6 and 1.1.
Values lower than 1 result in more strongly smoothed curves.
If the argument bgadj
is set TRUE
, bg
must be used to define a
temperature range for a linear background correction10. The
linear trend is estimated by a robust linear regression using
. In case criteria for a robust linear regression are
violated lm()
is used automatically.
The argument Trange
can be used to define a temperature range of
the analysis.
To scale the fluorescence a Min-Max normalization
(Equation (6)) between 0 and 1 can be used by
setting the argument minmax
. This is useful if the
fluorescence values between samples vary considerably, for example
due to high background. An advantage of this normalization is the
preservation of the relationships between the values. However, on
surfaces normalization should be used with caution because it might
lead to the false impression that all microbeads carried equal
quantities of bCP.
The argument n
uses the spline()
function to increase the
temperature resolution of the melting curve data by \(n\)-times the
length of the input temperature (see mcaSmoother()
examples in
Roediger (2013)).
\[refMFInorm = \frac{refMFI - \min(refMFI)}{\max(refMFI) - \min(refMFI)} \label{eq:normalization1} \tag{6}\]
returns an object of the class “data.frame
” with the
columns “x” (temperature) and “y” (fluorescence values). These can be
used to plot the preprocessed data. For example, three arbitrary chosen
strengths to smooth the curves (\(f\): 0.6, 0.8, 1.0) were tested. Data
from the DMP
data set were used as follows:
# Load DMP data set.
# Create plot with raw data.
plot(DMP[, 1], DMP[, 6], xlim = c(20, 95), xlab = "T [C]",
ylab = "refMFI", pch = 19, col = 8)
# Add minor tick marks to the abscissa.
require(Hmisc); minor.tick(nx = 20)
The function mcaSmoother()
is used in a loop to smooth the curve with
user defined strengths (\(f\)). Wrapped into lines()
it draws11 the
corresponding curves directly (Figure 7). In
comparison to the original data a low filter strength (\(f\): 1) is
# Define three filter strengths (highest (0.6) to lowest (1.0)) and assign them
# to df.fact. Smooth the raw data and add the results as lines to the plot.
<- c(0.6, 0.8, 1.0)
f for (i in 1:3) {
lines(mcaSmoother(DMP[, 1], DMP[, 6], df.fact = f[i]), col = i, lwd = 2)
}# Add a legend to the plot with the filter strengths.
legend(20, 1.5, paste("f", f, sep = ": "), cex = 1.2, col = 1:3,
bty = "n", lty = 1, lwd = 4)
with different strengths (\(f\)) to smooth the
curves.In the next example mcaSmoother()
was used with different arguments to
(i) smooth the data, (ii) remove the background and (iii) to perform a
Min-Max normalization. Data for HPRT1 (Figure 8A)
were taken from the MultiMelt
data set. The plot of
Figure 8B implies that it is sustainable to smooth the
curve. Not immediately obvious, the twelve microbead populations have
different final signal intensities. This is due to the different
quantities of surface bound bCPs (not shown). However, this is easily
visualized after a background correction (Figure 8C).
All curves appear similar in shape after the Min-Max normalization. This
indicates that there are no substantial differences between the
microbead populations which obfuscates further MCAs
(Figure 8D).
. A) Raw fluorescence data of melting curves
from 12 microbead populations (“Pop:”). B) Smoothed curves with the
default settings (\(f\): 0.95). C) The smoothed curves after background
reduction (bg = c(41, 61)
, i.e., 41 °C to 61 °C) and linear trend
correction. D) Min-Max normalized
curves.The functions diffQ()
and diffQ2()
are used to calculate \(Tm\),
\(Tm_{1}^{D2}\) and \(Tm_{2}^{D2}\) (Figure 1) and to
perform simple graphical operations (e. g., show derivatives).
Basically, both functions do not require smoothed data12 for the MCA.
However, it is recommended to use mcaSmoother()
as a starter function
to preprocess (e.g., moderate smoothing, missing value removal, type
check) the data automatically. First the approximate \(Tm\), \(Tm_{1}^{D2}\)
and \(Tm_{2}^{D2}\) are determined as the min()
and/or max()
from the
derivatives13 according to Equation (1),
(3) and (4). This approximate
peak value is the starting-point for an accurate calculation. The
function takes a defined number \(n\) (maximum 8) of the left and the
right neighbor values and fits a quadratic polynomial14. The
quadratic regression lm(Y ̃X I(X^2))
of the \(X\) (temperature) against
the \(Y\) (fluorescence) range gives the coefficients. The optimal
quadratic polynomial is chosen based on the highest adjusted R-squared
value (\(R_{adj.}^2\)). In the example of Figure 10
two left and right neighbors were required. The coefficients are used to
calculate the root of the quadratic polynomial and thus to determine
\(Tm\), \(Tm_{1}^{D2}\) and \(Tm_{2}^{D2}\). An estimate of a \(Tm\) does not
neccesarily reflect a valid result. Therefore, several routines were
implemented in diffQ()
and diffQ2()
which try to catch cases where
an experiment went wrong. This includes a test if the data originate
from noise, a test which analyses the difference between the approximate
\(Tm\) and the calculated \(Tm\), and a tests for the goodness of fit value
(\(R_{adj.}^2\), Normalized-Root-Mean-Squared-Error (NRMSE)) of the
quadratic polynomial. The functions will give a warning message and
point to the potential error15. A good practice is to visualize the
output and to control the peak heights (Example in Section “Multiplex
analysis of dual melting peaks”). A bimodal probe system (compare
Figure 3B) requires the separation of the analysis. The
minimum and maximum of the approximate first derivative have to be
determined independently. Although diffQ()
is a major function it has
only a simple plot function. By setting the argument plot = TRUE
for single melting curves can be investigated
(Figure 9). diffQ()
accepts further following
accepts min
or max
as argument and is used to define
whether to find a local minimum (“negative peak”) or local maximum
(“positive peak”).
defines the number (\(n\)) of left and right neighbors to use
for the calculation of the quadratic polynomial.
defines if a single plot of the melting peak should be
created. If FALSE
(default) no plot is created.
is used to change the sign of the derivatives. If TRUE
(default) then the first negative derivative is calculated. This
argument was implemented to compare different quencher / fluorophore
combinations (compare Figure 2).
Functions for a graphical output include peak
to show the peak
values and deriv
to show the first derivative with the color
assigned to col
. derivlimits
and derivlimitsline
show the
number of neighbors (\(n\)) or the region used to calculate the \(Tm\).
draws a vertical line at the \(Tm\)s
(Figure 10).
# Load MultiMelt data set.
# Draw figures on the graphics device in two columns.
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
# Use mcaSmoother to check and smooth the raw data for HRPT1 (2) and MLC-2v (14)
# with the default setting.
# Plot the first derivative of the two samples.
for (i in c(2, 14)) {
<- mcaSmoother(MultiMelt[, 1], MultiMelt[, i])
tmp diffQ(tmp, plot = TRUE, vertiline = TRUE)
shows no melting peak plot. diffQ()
, with the argument
plot = TRUE
, can be used to show the melting peak (red dot) and fitted
region from the quadratic polynomial (line) of a single melting curve.
In this example HPRT1 (left) and \(MLC{-2v}\) (right) from MultiMelt
are used.For sophisticated analysis and plots it is recommended to use diffQ()
as part of the procedure. The arguments (e.g., peak
, deriv
) can be
used when a plot already exists. diffQ2()
calls instances of diffQ()
to calculate \(Tm_{1}^{D2}\) and \(Tm_{2}^{D2}\). The arguments are similar
to diffQ()
. Both diffQ()
and diffQ2()
return objects of the class
. Accessing components of lists is done as described elsewhere
(Roediger 2013; Venables, D. M. Smith, and the R Core Team 2013) either by name or by number.
and fitted region from the quadratic polynomial (orange line)
for A) HPRT1 and B) \(MLC{-2v}\) of four randomly selected data from
was used to investigate effects of the surface capture probe
density which is represented by the maximal \(refMFI\) value. The \(Tm\),
\(Tm_{1}^{D2}\) and \(Tm_{2}^{D2}\) values were determined simultaneously on
12 microbead populations (12-plex) either for HPRT1 (compare
Figure 8) or \(MLC{-2v}\) using data from MultiMelt
In the following HPRT1 was used as example. The corresponding matrix
was called HPRT1
# Load MultiMelt data set.
# Create an empty matrix ("HRPT1") for the diffQ2 results (e.g., Tm).
<- matrix(NA, 12, 4, dimnames = list(colnames(MultiMelt[, 2:13]),
HPRT1 c("Fluo", "Tm", "Tm1D2", "Tm2D2")))
# Use mcaSmoother to check and smooth the raw data. Apply diffQ2 to the smoothed data,
# calculate the values for the extreme (minimum) and assign the results to "HRPT1".
for (i in 2:13) {
<- mcaSmoother(MultiMelt[, 1], MultiMelt[, i])
tmp <- diffQ2(tmp, fct = min, verbose = TRUE)
tmpTM -1, 1] <- max(tmp[["y.sp"]])
HPRT1[i-1, 2] <- as.numeric(tmpTM[["TmD1"]][["Tm"]]) # Tm
HPRT1[i-1, 3] <- as.numeric(tmpTM[["xTm1.2.D2"]][1]) # Tm1D2
HPRT1[i-1, 4] <- as.numeric(tmpTM[["xTm1.2.D2"]][2]) # Tm2D2
HPRT1[i }
The surface capture density was determined by max(tmp[["y.sp"]])
Subsequently the data from the matrices HPRT1
and MLC2v
were plotted
(Figure 11).
# Plot the Tm, Tm1D2 and Tm2D2 form the matrix "HRPT1" versus the surface capture
# probe density ("Fluo").
plot(HPRT1[, 1], HPRT1[, 2], xlab = "refMFI", ylab = "T [C]", main = "HPRT1",
xlim = c(2.1, 2.55), ylim = c(72, 82), pch = 19, col = 1:12, cex = 1.8)
# Add minor tick marks to the abscissa.
require(Hmisc); minor.tick(ny = 10)
points(HPRT1[, 1], HPRT1[, 3], pch = 15)
points(HPRT1[, 1], HPRT1[, 4], pch = 15)
# Add trend lines (lm()) for the peak values.
abline(lm(HPRT1[, 2] ~ HPRT1[, 1])) # Tm
abline(lm(HPRT1[, 3] ~ HPRT1[, 1])) # Tm1D2
abline(lm(HPRT1[, 4] ~ HPRT1[, 1])) # Tm2D2
The melting temperature of \(MLC{-2v}\) was 76.08 °C and 77.85 °C for HPRT1 on all microbead populations (Table 1). This indicates that the surface capture probe density did not decrease or increase the \(Tm\) within the given range. \(Tm_{1}^{D2}\) and \(Tm_{2}^{D2}\) showed a symmetrical pattern with a low variance and therefore support that the start and end of the melting process are similar between the microbead populations. We suggest that the later peak values can be used as an additional means to describe the melting process in more detail.
DP | \(Tm\) | \(Tm_{1}^{D2}\) | \(Tm_{2}^{D2}\) | |
\(MLC{-2v}\) | 76.08 | 73.99 | 78.51 | |
HPRT1 | 77.85 | 75.39 | 80.31 |
The bCPs were hybridized with DPs (compare Figure 3)
in order to generate bimodal melting peak patterns17. Due to the base
composition \(Poly(dA)_{20}\) DPs were expected to melt at lower
temperatures than the DPs aCS and \(MLC{-2v}\). First the
temperature and selected probes fluorescence values from the DMP
set were arranged in the data frame data.tmp
and an empty plot was
# Load DMP data set.
# Use the temperature (column 1) and fluorescence (column 3, 5, 6), assign them to
# a temporary data frame and add the sample names.
<- data.frame(DMP[, 1], DMP[, 3], DMP[, 5], DMP[, 6])
data.tmp names(data.tmp) <- c("T [C]", "Poly(dA)20 & MLC-2v",
"Poly(dA)20 & aCS", "Poly(dA)20")
# Create a plot with the selected raw data.
plot(NA, NA, xlim = c(20, 95), ylim = c(-0.6, 0.6), xlab = "T [C]",
ylab = "-d(refMFI) / d(T)", main = "", pch = 19, col = 1:12, cex = 1.8)
# Add minor tick marks to the abscissa.
require(Hmisc); minor.tick(nx = 10)
Thereafter, the data were preprocessed with mcaSmoother()
in a loop.
The arguments bg = c(20, 35)
and bgadj
were used to adjust the
background signal. This causes mcaSmoother()
to use the subset of the
data between 20 °C and 35 °C for the linear regression and background
correction. To determine the \(Tm\) of the first probe (positive sign) and
the second (negative sign) probe diffQ()
was used with min
and max
for argument fct
, respectively. In the loop the corresponding \(Tm\)
values were assigned to the matrix RES
and the melting curve is drawn.
In addition to the lines the \(Tm\)s were added
(Figure 12).
# Create an empty matrix ("RES") for the results of the peak values (Tm) and peak
# heights (F).
<- matrix(NA, 3, 4, dimnames = list(colnames(data.tmp[, 2:4]),
RES c("F 1", "Tm 1", "F 2", "Tm 2")))
# Use mcaSmoother to preprocess the raw data.
# Use a background correction (20-35 degree Celsius).
# Apply the smoothed data to diffQ, calculate the peak values for the extremes
# (minimum and maximum) and assign the results to the matrix "RES".
# Plot the smoothed data with the peak values and peak heights.
for (i in c(1:3)) {
<- mcaSmoother(data.tmp[, 1], data.tmp[, i + 1], bgadj = TRUE, bg = c(20, 35))
tmp lines(data.frame(diffQ(tmp, verbose = TRUE)["xy"]), col = i)
1] <- round(diffQ(tmp, fct = max)[[2]], 2) #fluoTm
RES[i, 2] <- round(diffQ(tmp, fct = max)[[1]], 2) #Tm
RES[i, 3] <- round(diffQ(tmp, fct = min)[[2]], 2) #fluoTm
RES[i, 4] <- round(diffQ(tmp, fct = min)[[1]], 2) #Tm
}legend(20, 0.6, names(data.tmp[, 2:4]), lty = 1, bty = "n", col = 1:3)
points(RES[, 2], RES[, 1], pch = 19, col = 4, cex = 2)
points(RES[, 4], RES[, 3], pch = 19, col = 1, cex = 2)
Figure 12 shows that \(Poly(dA)_{20}\) melts as
single sharp peak at circa 48 °C. The detection probes aCS and
\(MLC{-2v}\) had a single peak at a higher \(Tm\) of circa 74 °C. Both,
the number and the separation of the peaks were consistent to the
estimated theoretical temperatures18 (not shown). The results of the
matrix RES
are shown in Table 2. The \(Tm\) of
\(Poly(dA)_{20}\) alone and \(Poly(dA)_{20}\) combined with another
detection probe differed slightly. This is presumably due to different
capture immobilization strategies and/or bCP/DP interactions
(unpublished data).
\(DP/bCP\) | \(F_{1}\) | \(Tm\)1 | \(DP/bCP\) | \(F_{2}\) | \(Tm\)2 |
\(Poly(dA)_{20}\) | 0.59 | 49.6 | \(MLC{-2v}\) | \(-0.57\) | 74.7 |
\(-\) | 0.02 | 91.7 | \(Poly(dA)_{20}\) | \(-0.08\) | 49.7 |
\(Poly(dA)_{20}\) | 0.20 | 47.9 | \(aCS\) | \(-0.15\) | 73.9 |
SNPs are important diagnostic markers for example in cardiac diseases (Villard, L. Duboscq-Bidot, P. Charron, A. Benaiche, V. Conraads, N. Sylvius, and M. Komajda 2005; Muthumala, F. Drenos, P. M. Elliott, and S. E. Humphries 2008). SNPs alter thermodynamic properties of dsDNA and thus the \(Tm\). In proof-of-principle experiments melting curves were obtained from sequences of human VIM with a single base exchange19. We used the previously reported (Rödiger et al. 2012) dual-hybridization probe on microbeads to analyze the \(Tm\) shift (inset Figure 13).
The temperature resolution was 0.5 °C per step. The DualHyb
data were
preprocessed with mcaSmoother()
in a loop. The \(Tm\) and intensity
(\(fluoTm\)) were stored in the matrix RES
# Load DualHyb data set.
# Create an empty matrix ("RES") for the results of the peak values (TmD1)
# and calculated peak heights (fluoTm).
<- matrix(NA, 4, 2, dimnames = list(colnames(DualHyb[, 2:5]),
RES c("fluoTm", "TmD1")))
# Use mcaSmoother to check and smooth the raw data.
# Apply diffQ to the smoothed data, calculate the peak values for the extreme
# (minimum) and assign the results to the matrix "RES".
for (i in c(1:4)) {
<- mcaSmoother(DualHyb[, 1], DualHyb[, i + 1])
tmp 1] <- round(diffQ(tmp, fct = min)[[2]], 2) # fluoTm
RES[i, 2] <- round(diffQ(tmp, fct = min)[[1]], 2) # Tm
RES[i, }
Calling RES
gives the following output:
# Call RES to show the peak values and peak heights.
fluoTm TmD1-0.48 76.62
MLC2v -0.04 62.87
SERCA2 -0.33 71.67
VIM.w.Mutation -0.32 73.29 VIM.wo.Mutation
The algorithm calculated for the muted VIM a \(Tm\) of 71.67 °C which is
1.62 °C lower than the native VIM
(Figure 13). This is in agreement with
expected behavior. The negative control (unspecific bCP for SERCA2)
had a \(Tm\) of 62.87 ° C. But looking at the intensity showed that
SERCA2 is very low (\(-0.04\)). For screening purposes a simple cut-off
would exclude this sample. The reference \(MLC{-2v}\) had a \(Tm\) of
76.62 °C. Thus the method can be applied to identify SNPs. High
multiplex level was achieved by using different capture probe microbead
combinations. In this example a low temperature resolution of 0.5 °C per
step was used. However, since lower heating rates are positively
correlated with a higher resolution for SNP analysis generally higher
resolutions are recommended. The temperature resolution of the raw data
can be analyzed with diffQ(..., verbose = TRUE)[["temperature"]]
Experimental hardware platforms often require the development of adapted software, in particular in cases where the hardware affects the signal (e. g., photo bleaching). R is an optimal tool for such scenarios. Within this article we proposed the MBmca package for MCA on microbead surfaces. The functions of the package were used for different detection-probe-systems, including direct hybridization of DNA dulexes or dual-hybridization probes for SNP detection. The capture-probe-systems produce unique melting profiles which allowed simple and rapid discrimination of different DNA sequences in one sample. The functions are useful to preprocess and inspect the data and to determine melting temperatures of immobilized DNA fragments. While used in this study for identification and quantification of biomolecules attached to microbeads it is applicable for MCA in solution too (not shown).
It was assumed that a quadratic polynomial at the approximate melting peaks can be used to calculate an accurate \(Tm\). One drawback is that the local quadratic polynomial use a predefined number (\(n~=~1,\dots,8\)) of left and right approximate melting peaks neighbors. From experience this approach proved to be reliable for the temperature resolution of \(0.5--1\) °C per step as used in the present and the study of Rödiger et al. (2012). Preliminary tests in solution using the LightCycler 2.0 (Roche) with high resolution (\(\geq 0.1\) °C per step) suggest that the method works too (not shown). This implementation is designed to meet the needs of a certain experimental setup and therefore may require evaluation prior to use in new applications. Besides \(Tm\) \(Tm_{1}^{D2}\) and \(Tm_{2}^{D2}\) were proposed as additional values to describe early and late phases of the melting process on surfaces. Particularly, in investigations on the impact of the capture probe immobilization strategy or capture probe surface density these values might be useful. Methods to determine the area under the curve (AUC) were not taken into consideration due to the fact that photobleaching and quenching effects play an unknown role and are still an ongoing matter of debate in the literature. In practical terms it is recommended to implement functions from the MBmca package in an R GUI (see Valero-Mora and R. Ledesma (2012)), e. g., RKWard20 (Rödiger, T. Friedrichsmeier, P. Kapat, and M. Michalke 2012). GUIs provide more intuitive means to perform multiplex high-throughput analysis with visual feedback and enrichment with additional information like goodness of fit or peak heights.
Part of this work was funded by the BMBF InnoProfile-Projekt 03 IP 611. Grateful thanks belong to the authors of the cited R packages, the R community and the RKWard developers.
qpcR, MBmca, robustbase, stats, signal, zoo, delftfews, Hmisc, base, fda
Bayesian, ClinicalTrials, Databases, Econometrics, Environmetrics, Finance, FunctionalData, MissingData, NumericalMathematics, ReproducibleResearch, Robust, TimeSeries
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Stefan, et al., "Surface Melting Curve Analysis with R", The R Journal, 2013
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2013-024, author = {Stefan, and Alexander, and Schimke, Ingolf}, title = {Surface Melting Curve Analysis with R}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2013}, note = {}, volume = {5}, issue = {2}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {37-52} }