In recent years, the cost of DNA sequencing has decreased at a rate that has outpaced improvements in memory capacity. It is now common to collect or have access to many gigabytes of biological sequences. This has created an urgent need for approaches that analyze sequences in subsets without requiring all of the sequences to be loaded into memory at one time. It has also opened opportunities to improve the organization and accessibility of information acquired in sequencing projects. The DECIPHER package offers solutions to these problems by assisting in the curation of large sets of biological sequences stored in compressed format inside a database. This approach has many practical advantages over standard bioinformatics workflows, and enables large analyses that would otherwise be prohibitively time consuming.
With the advent of next-generation sequencing technologies, the cost of sequencing DNA has plummeted, facilitating a deluge of biological sequences (Hayden 2014). Since the cost of computer storage space has not kept pace with biologists’ ability to generate data, multiple compression methods have been developed for compactly storing nucleotide sequences (Deorowicz and Grabowski 2013). These methods are critical for efficiently transmitting and preserving the outputs of next-generation sequencing machines. However, far less emphasis has been placed on the organization and usability of the massive amounts of biological sequences that are now routine in bioinformatics work. It is still commonplace to decompress large files and load them entirely into memory before analyses are performed. This traditional approach is quickly becoming infeasible as sequence sets swell in size, and alternative methods for storing, organizing, and analyzing sequences are needed.
A typical bioinformatics workflow begins with a set of biological sequences in one or more text files. These sequences are used as input to subsequent analysis steps, each of which generates text files as output (Schloss et al. 2011). Large workflows constructed in this manner can generate a plethora of text files, often resulting in unnecessary redundancy and disorganization. Fortunately, databases offer an organized means for storing related data, and underlie many commonly used bioinformatics software such as BLAST (Altschul et al. 1997). Nevertheless, biologists rarely use databases to curate their own sequences, in large part due to the difficulties associated with creating and accessing a database. Here I describe flexible user-friendly workflows for employing databases to efficiently analyze large sets of sequences via the R programming language.
Although R has traditionally been viewed as a statistical software, many
add-on packages are available for analyzing biological sequence data.
One representative, the
package (Pagès et al.), offers a suite of functions for
reading, writing, searching, and manipulating DNA, RNA, or amino acid
sequences. Sequences are stored in memory according to their
corresponding XStringSet
class, where “X” is specific to the type of
sequences (e.g., “AA” for amino acid sequences). For example, a
can store the standard DNA bases (“A”, “C”, “G”, or
“T”), as well as ambiguity codes (e.g., “N” for any bases) and gap
characters used in alignment (“-”).
package also makes use of XStringSet
classes. However, unlike other R
packages for biological sequence analysis, DECIPHER employs databases
so that an entire sequence set does not need to simultaneously reside in
memory. This enables DECIPHER to extend many analyses to millions of
sequences without requiring extreme amounts of memory, and offers a
means of handling the even more massive biological datasets of the
future. The DECIPHER package also includes many advanced functions for
oligonucleotide design (Wright et al. 2014b,a; Wright and Vetsigian 2016),
sequence alignment (Wright 2015), and other common bioinformatics
tasks. Despite its many applications, the core database functionality
underpinning DECIPHER has not been previously described.
New users of DECIPHER are often unaccustomed to the use of a database to manage their own sequences. The purpose of this text is to describe the merits of this approach, and outline how sequence databases are configured by DECIPHER and can be used to improve analysis workflows. Sequences are stored independently within the database in a compressed format, which enables the database to be compact while maintaining fast random access to different sequences. The custom compression algorithm implemented in DECIPHER is compared to standard compression algorithms accessible within R. Finally, example uses of a sequence database are provided to demonstrate the power of this alternative workflow.
A database, much like a spreadsheet, is an ideal way to maintain interconnected data. The concept of storing biological sequences in a relational database is not new (Xie et al. 2000), and underpins many popular bioinformatics programs and online web tools. However, end-users of these tools rarely directly employ databases for their own sequences, despite many practical advantages such as:
Organizational improvements:
Databases can be arranged to minimize redundancy by maintaining an
association between different columns. For example, the length of
each sequence in the database can be easily added as a separate
Random access:
Databases permit quick access to subsets of the data, without the
need to seek through large text files in order to find the desired
subset. For example, it is very fast to obtain the longest sequence
in the database once a column with the length of each sequence has
been added.
Concurrent users:
A database can be queried concurrently by multiple users without
interference. For example, one user can obtain the shortest
sequence, while another simultaneously requests the longest
Reliable storage:
Commands can be used that allow the database to revert changes in
case of a mistake. DECIPHER workflows are designed to be
non-destructive, so that the original sequence information is always
Several standard add-on packages are available to interface between R and popular database management systems (DBMSs) including MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite (Ripley 2001b). DECIPHER uses SQLite for a number of reasons. First, SQLite databases are flat-files that can easily be transferred between computers, or even emailed like a standard text file. Second, SQLite requires minimal setup on the part of the end-user, unlike some DBMSs. Third, support for the BLOB data type from R is currently only available from the RSQLite package. The BLOB type is used to store compressed sequences, which are raw (binary) type within R. Lastly, SQLite databases can contain an exceedingly large number of rows, up to 264, meaning that they are typically limited in size by the available disk space rather than the DBMS.
The use of SQLite as the sole DBMS results in a few limitations. First, users cannot be given separate access privileges, as all users are considered database administrators. Second, concurrent writes to the same database are not permitted, although concurrent reads are not a problem. These drawbacks cause few practical limitations for a typical group consisting of a few database users performing standard operations with DECIPHER. Furthermore, databases can be organized such that each sequencing project resides in its own table, which minimizes conflicts between users.
DECIPHER uses a simple relational database schema involving two tables
(Fig. 1): one that is highly “visible” to the user
(named “Seqs” by default) containing information about the sequences,
and a second “hidden” table (named “_Seqs”) for storing compressed
sequences and, if applicable, their corresponding quality scores. The
tables are connected by a shared primary key, named “row_names”, that
enables fast lookup between the two tables. This split table design
substantially increases access speed over using a single table, as the
table being queried does not include any sequences, which are often
large in size and can slow access to other data. Use of separate tables
within the same database is provided by the argument tblName
in each
: one that is highly visible to
the user (named “Seqs” by default) and a second (named “_Seqs”) that is
largely hidden. The tables are connected by a shared primary key
(“row_names”) that enables fast lookup between the two tables. Columns
containing the sequence descriptors, compressed sequences, and
compressed quality scores (if applicable) are automatically generated.
The user must specify an “identifier” during import, which can be
changed later through a variety of methods. Additional columns of data
may be added to the database using the Add2DB
function.Sequences are imported with the Seqs2DB
function which supports three
popular file formats as well as in-memory XStringSet
objects. The
destination table is automatically populated with appropriate text
columns containing information stored in the file. For example,
sequences imported from FASTA files store each sequence’s record name in
a column named “description”. FASTQ files are imported similarly, but
also store the quality information corresponding to each sequence in
gzip compressed format. For GenBank files, the “description” column is
obtained from the DEFINITION field and other fields can be imported as
desired using the fields
argument of Seqs2DB
. By default, the
ACCESSION and ORGANISM fields are imported as additional columns named
“accession” and “rank” in the database.
All DECIPHER databases require an “identifier” to be specified during
import. The identifier column is used extensively by DECIPHER
functions, and is the recommended way to delineate groups of sequences.
Common ways to identify sequences include: the file they were imported
from (e.g., “file1”, “file2”, etc.), the cluster they belong to in a
phylogeny (e.g., “cluster1”, “cluster2”, etc.), or the name of the
organism from which the sequence originated (e.g., “E. coli”, “Yeast”,
etc.). It is also possible to simply provide an empty character string
(i.e., ““) as the identifier during import, and then set the identifier
later. DECIPHER includes several functions to help with identifying
the sequences after they are imported. For example, the IdClusters
function can assign phylogenetic cluster numbers. The IdentifyByRank
function can parse the”rank” column from an imported GenBank file to
identify sequences according to a given taxonomic rank (e.g.,
DECIPHER uses R’s connection interface (Ripley 2001a) to read files incrementally during import. Files compressed with gzip, bzip2, xz, or lzma compression are automatically detected and read appropriately without user intervention. The user can also provide a URL instead of a file path, which enables sequences to be imported from “http” or “ftp” sources without first needing to save the file locally. In the case of URLs, only uncompressed text files or files with gzip compression are supported. Notwithstanding this limitation, reading files directly from online sources, such as NCBI repositories, is often preferable to downloading files locally before importing them into a database as it prevents unnecessary redundancy. An example of importing a compressed GenBank file from online is shown below:
> library(DECIPHER)
> # specify the input file and database location
> gbk_file <- ""
> db_file <- "~/Desktop/SeqsDB.sqlite"
> dbConn <- dbConnect(SQLite(), db_file)
> # import the sequences from online
> Seqs2DB(seqs = gbk_file,
+ type = "GenBank",
+ dbFile = dbConn,
+ identifier = "Human_mRNA")
162916 total sequences in table Seqs.
176.19 secs Time difference of
The imported file contains known and predicted human RNA sequences. At
this point it is useful to reset the values in the identifier column so
that they can be referenced in downstream analyses. In this particular
example, the prefix of the accession number can be parsed into one of
four values, indicating whether the sequence is a predicted or
hand-curated RNA or messenger RNA (mRNA) sequence. This information is
updated in the database using the Add2DB
function, which, like many
other DECIPHER functions, displays the associated SQL commands when
the input argument verbose
. Add2DB
will add or update
table columns in accordance with the column names and row names in a
input. For example, in this case the values of identifier
in the input "data.frame"
are added to the rows with corresponding
“row_names” in the database. To view the results of this modification,
the database table can be displayed in a web browser with the BrowseDB
function (Fig. 2).
> # reset the 'identifier' column based on the prefix of the accession number
> x <- dbGetQuery(dbConn, "select accession from Seqs")
> id <- substring(x$accession, 1, 2)
> id <- c(`NM` = "curated mRNA",
+ `NR` = "curated RNA",
+ `XM` = "predicted mRNA",
+ `XR` = "predicted RNA")[id]
> Add2DB(data.frame(identifier = id), dbConn)
Expression= :identifier where row_names =
update or replace Seqs set identifier :row_names
: "identifier".
Added to table Seqs2.06 secs
Time difference of
> BrowseDB(dbConn, limit = 1000)
function. Metadata information such as accession
numbers and taxonomy are automatically imported from GenBank sequence
files into separate table columns. The value in the “identifier” column
controls sequence groupings in many DECIPHER functions, and can be set
during or after import by a variety of methods. For easier viewing, the
text in each field is truncated at a maximum of 50 characters by
default.Many compression algorithms have been proposed for storing nucleotide sequences, some of which are specific to the FASTQ file format (Deorowicz and Grabowski 2013). The most common compression method is gzip, owing to its reasonable compression ratio and high decompression rate. However, since gzip is a generalized method, it may be possible to obtain better compression ratios by using algorithms specific to DNA sequences. In particular, reference-based compression is generally preferable when a reference sequence is available (Jones et al. 2012). In re-sequencing projects a reference genome is always available, whereas it is often unavailable for new sequencing projects. In either case, compression of a file containing many similar sequences allows redundancy to be exploited to a greater extent than independently compressing sequences.
Several considerations were taken into account when designing a compression method for DECIPHER. First, the method must work well with a wide variety in the number of sequences and their lengths. Second, in order to allow random access and deposition, each sequence is stored independently in the database, ruling out exploiting redundancy between sequences. Third, compression and decompression rates were prioritized over achieving the maximal possible compression ratio. Fourth, support for all possible characters in the DNA and RNA alphabets was desired, in particular the gap character that is largely neglected by most DNA-specific compression formats. These considerations led to the development of the nbit compression method for DNA or RNA sequences. Compression with nbit uses a combination of 2-bit encoding for gapless bases (i.e., A=00, C=01, G=10, T=11), and 3-bit encoding for gappy regions. Although this encoding was inspired by prior work (Wandelt et al. 2014), DECIPHER uses a unique implementation that is customized to the package’s goals.
In principle, the maximum achievable compression rate is 2-bits per base with this encoding, which is the theoretical limit (i.e., Shannon entropy) for four randomly drawn characters in equal proportions. However, DNA sequences contain appreciable information and are non-random in their construction, which permits additional compression to be achieved. To this end, the nbit algorithm incorporates runs of a single base or ambiguity codes (e.g., “NNN”), which are frequent in some sequences. Furthermore, long DNA sequences often contain exact repeats or reverse complement repeats, which can be stored compactly by referencing their prior occurrence. Finally, the nbit format includes a variable-sized cyclic redundancy check to ensure data integrity.
The nbit compression and decompression algorithms were implemented
in the DECIPHER function Codec
, which interconverts between
character (uncompressed) and binary (compressed) data. In comparison to
the three generalized compression methods available in R, the nbit
algorithm exhibits a substantially faster compression rate, as shown in
Figure 3. Compression sizes are generally better than
those of the other methods, except for sequences longer than about
100,000 nucleotides where xz compression results in more compaction at
the expense of substantially longer compression times. The user may also
specify to use more than one processor with nbit, in which case the
function will compress/decompress sequences in parallel.
Furthermore, the Codec
function will automatically fall back to gzip
compression when the sequences are incompressible with nbit, as in
the case of amino acid sequences.
One of the major advantages of using a sequence database is the ability
to quickly access subsets of the sequences matching certain criteria.
The SearchDB
function can be used to easily build flexible queries and
obtain the sequences meeting those specifications. SearchDB
several common SQL clauses, including ‘LIMIT’, ‘OFFSET’, ‘ORDER BY’, and
‘WHERE’. If unspecified, SearchDB
can automatically detect the type of
sequences (DNA, RNA, or AA) returned from the search. In addition, it
can be used to quickly count the number of sequences matching a query,
name the sequences based on the value in a specific table column, remove
gaps (“-”) from sequences, or replace characters not present in the
specified sequence alphabet. As an example, the command below will find
all of the “curated mRNA” sequences with “transcription factor” in their
“description” and name the sequences by their accession number. The
sequences can then be viewed in a web browser using the BrowseSeqs
function, as shown in Figure 4.
function. The mRNA sequences shown
here all match the query “transcription factor” and are named by their
accession number(s). Sequence positions are colored according to their
DNA base (A, C, G, or T) and wrapped at 100
nucleotides.> dna <- SearchDB(dbConn,
+ identifier = "curated mRNA",
+ nameBy = "accession",
+ clause = "description like '%transcription factor%'")
Search Expression=
select accession, _Seqs.sequence from Seqs join _Seqs on Seqs.row_names in (select row_names from Seqs where
_Seqs.row_names where _Seqs.row_names "curated mRNA" and description like '%transcription factor%')
identifier is
: 437
DNAStringSet of length0.44 secs
Time difference of
> BrowseSeqs(dna, colWidth = 100)
Several DECIPHER functions make use of SearchDB
’s limit
to extract batches of sequences. The limit
argument can be either a
single numeric value indicating the maximum number of sequences to
return, or a character string specifying two numbers separated by a
comma giving the offset and limit. For example, the IdLengths
makes use of this feature to efficiently compute the lengths of all of
the sequences in a database table. This length information is then added
to the database in batches using the Add2DB
function. A similar
workflow is used by many DECIPHER functions so that all of the
sequences do not have to be kept in memory simultaneously. An example of
using the IdLengths
function is shown below:
> l <- IdLengths(dbConn, add2tbl = TRUE)
|======================================================================| 100%
for 162916 sequences.
Lengths counted : "bases", "nonbases", and "width".
Added to Seqs
26.15 secs Time difference of
Rather than using offset and limit values, several DECIPHER functions
make use of the user-specified identifier to split the sequences into
groups. For example, the IdConsensus
function will create a single
consensus sequence for the sequences corresponding to each identifier in
a table, by accessing one identifier’s sequences at a time. It is also
possible to construct more sophisticated queries of the database using
the clause
argument of the SearchDB
function. The clause will be
appended to the query after the keyword ‘WHERE’. Below is an example of
using the clause
argument to retrieve the longest ‘curated RNA’
sequence in the table, which is 91,671 nucleotides in length.
> SearchDB(dbConn,
+ identifier = "curated RNA",
+ clause = "bases = (select max(bases) from Seqs
+ where identifier is 'curated RNA')")
Search Expressionin (select row_names
select row_names, sequence from _Seqs where row_names "curated RNA" and bases = (select max(bases)
from Seqs where identifier is 'curated RNA'))
from Seqs where identifier is
: 1
DNAStringSet of length0.25 secs
Time difference of
A DNAStringSet instance of length
As the above example demonstrates, a knowledge of basic SQL syntax is
helpful to harness the full potential of DECIPHER for analyzing big
biological sequence data in R. Nevertheless, it is still possible to
automatically generate a wide variety of complex queries using only the
input arguments of DECIPHER’s database functions. For example, the
function can be used to export a large number of sequences
meeting certain criteria from the database. The sequences are exported
in FASTA format, or FASTQ format if corresponding quality scores are
available. The code below exports a gzip compressed FASTA file
containing all of the “predicted mRNA” sequences, ordered by their
length, and with each sequence record named by its accession number.
> out_file <- "~/Desktop/seqs.fas.gz"
> DB2Seqs(out_file,
+ dbConn,
+ identifier = "predicted mRNA",
+ nameBy = "accession",
+ orderBy = "bases",
+ compress = TRUE)
|======================================================================| 100%
61051 sequences.
Wrote 52.22 secs Time difference of
Access times vary greatly depending on where the database is stored. If the database is small enough, very fast read and write speeds can be obtained by keeping the entire database in memory. For moderate to large sets of sequences it is necessary to store the database on a drive, as demonstrated in the examples above. Note that access speed can be delayed considerably when the database is kept in a shared location, such as on a networked drive. Independently of the database’s location, it is important to disconnect after finishing the database session. This would permanently destroy an in-memory database, but only reversibly closes a connection to a drive-based database, as shown here:
> dbDisconnect(dbConn)
1] TRUE [
DECIPHER is a versatile R package for the curation of biological
sequence sets. Its Seqs2DB
function constructs a database that can be
used to efficiently store DNA, RNA, or amino acid sequences in
compressed format. For DNA and RNA, DECIPHER employs a custom
compression algorithm, called nbit, that enables fast compression
and decompression at a reasonable compression ratio. Using a database,
it is possible to construct non-destructive workflows that handle
sequences in batches so that they do not need to be kept in memory
simultaneously. The SearchDB
function can be used to automatically
generate complex queries that return sequences from a database table.
Collectively, DECIPHER functions make it possible to process millions
of biological sequences with relative ease. This capability will only
become more useful as improvements in sequencing power continue to
outpace growth in memory capacity.
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Wright, "Using DECIPHER v2.0 to Analyze Big Biological Sequence Data in R", The R Journal, 2016
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2016-025, author = {Wright, Erik S.}, title = {Using DECIPHER v2.0 to Analyze Big Biological Sequence Data in R}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2016}, note = {}, volume = {8}, issue = {1}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {352-359} }