The Method of Anchored Distributions (MAD) is a method for Bayesian inversion designed for inferring both local (e.g. point values) and global properties (e.g. mean and variogram parameters) of spatially heterogenous fields using multi-type and multi-scale data. Software implementations of MAD exist in C++ and C# to import data, execute an ensemble of forward model simulations, and perform basic post-processing of calculating likelihood and posterior distributions for a given application. This article describes the R package anchoredDistr that has been built to provide an R-based environment for this method. In particular, anchoredDistr provides a range of post-processing capabilities for MAD software by taking advantage of the statistical capabilities and wide use of the R language. Two examples from stochastic hydrogeology are provided to highlight the features of the package for MAD applications in inferring anchored distributions of local parameters (e.g. point values of transmissivity) as well as global parameters (e.g. the mean of the spatial random function for hydraulic conductivity).
The field of geostatistics originated in the 1950s with the pioneering work of Krige (1951) and Matheron (1962) who tried to estimate the characteristics of subsurface properties with the limited measurements typically available in this field. This scarcity, caused by the high explorations costs, is exacerbated by the strong heterogeneity that many such subsurface properties exhibit. Both these factors combined make it impossible to describe any subsurface process with certainty, therefore necessitating the application of statistical tools. Today, geostatistics is used in many fields of earth science such as geology (Hohn 1962), hydrogeology (Kitanidis 2008), plus hydrology and soil science (Goovaerts 1999). To meet this demand, many software packages have been developed that provide practitioners and scientists alike with the much needed tools to apply geostatistics. In R, the best collection of such tools is arguably found in the gstat package (Pebesma 2004) developed and maintained by Pebesma and colleagues. With gstat, it is possible to estimate (Kriging) and simulate (Gaussian process generation) heterogenous fields in one, two or three dimensions, therefore providing necessary tools for geostatistical analysis.
Any such statistical analysis should draw on all available data that are connected to the variable of interest to infer, i.e. to learn about, its spatial distribution as much as possible. Examples for such spatially distributed variables in earth sciences would be, e.g. the hydraulic conductivity of an aquifer, evapotranspiration rates of different land surface areas, and soil moisture. In classical statistics, such information may consist of measurements of the variable itself or so-called local variables. Here, local means that a point-by-point relationship between both variables exists. However, many data are non-local, which means they are connected to the variable of interest via a complicated forward model. For instance, hydraulic conductivity may be connected by a solute transport model to break-through curves of said solutes and soil moisture may be connected by a hydraulic catchment model to river discharge. To learn about the input from the output of such forward models means to invert them, hence the name inversion for such techniques.
The Method of Anchored Distributions (MAD) provides a Bayesian framework for the geostatistical inversion of spatially heterogeneous variables. MAD solves the aforementioned problem by converting non-local data into equivalent local data using the tools of Bayesian inference. The result of such a conversion is the consistent representation of all data (local and non-local) as local data only, which is then amendable to further geostatistical analysis (Rubin et al. 2010). So far, applications of MAD have been focused on hydrogeology (Murakami et al. 2010; Chen et al. 2012; Heße et al. 2015) as well as soil science (Over et al. 2015). However, given the explanations above, MAD is in no way limited to these fields and can be employed wherever non-local data need to be incorporated into a geostatistical framework. This generality also extends to the spatial model being inferred. While there are R packages utilizing Bayesian inference for spatial models such as spBayes (Finley et al. 2015), spTimer (Bakar and Sahu 2015), and INLA (Lindgren and HåRue 2015 software available from, these packages have several constraints compared to anchoredDistr. First, each method assumes a Gaussian process for the spatial variability. MAD has no inherent distributional assumptions, which allows its application to a wide variety of scenarios where, for example, Gaussian fields are not justified. In addition, these packages are either geared toward large data sets (spBayes and spTimer) or applied to only local data (spBayes, spTimer, and INLA) while MAD focuses on addressing uncertainty due to sparse data sets by incorporating non-local data. Finally, MAD employs a non-parameteric likelihood estimation, which allows for great flexibility, in particular for non-linear forward models. The presented R package anchoredDistr provides an interface to the C# implementation of MAD. It allows post-processing of calculating likelihood and posterior distributions as well as visualization of the data.
Equation (1) displays the general procedure of Bayesian inference where \(\theta\) represents the parameters of the variable being inferred (e.g. hydraulic conductivity) and \(z\) represents the data informing the inference: \[\label{eq:bayes} p \left( \theta | z \right) \propto p\left( \theta \right) p\left( z | \theta \right). \tag{1}\]
An important element of MAD is a strict classification of all data into local \(z_a\) and non-local data \(z_b\), with the latter being the target of inversion. MAD employs Bayesian inference in the realm of geostatistics by expanding the supported parameters into \(\theta\) for global parameters (describing overall trend and spatial correlation) and \(\vartheta\) for local parameters. Since MAD is a Bayesian scheme, these \(\theta\) and \(\vartheta\) both have probability distributions. As mentioned above, MAD turns non-local data into equivalent local data \(\vartheta\) by inverting the forward model that connects both. The non-local data therefore become anchored in space, hence the name Method of Anchored Distributions. Equation (2) displays the general form of MAD: \[\label{eq:mad} p \left( \theta, \vartheta | z_a, z_b \right) \propto p\left( \theta \right) p\left( \vartheta | \theta, z_a \right) p\left( z_b | \theta, \vartheta, z_a \right). \tag{2}\]
Open-source software implementations for applying the entirety of MAD are available both with a graphical interface and a command-line interface to guide users through connecting their forward models and random field generators and to execute the ensemble of forward simulations (Osorio-Murillo et al. 2015). This software (available at was inspired by the claim that inverse modeling will be widely applied in hydrogeology only if user-friendly software tools are available (Carrera et al. 2005).
The package anchoredDistr described here focuses on extending the post-processing capabilities of MAD software, particularly the calculation of the likelihood distribution \(p\left( z_b | \theta, \vartheta, z_a \right)\) and the posterior distribution \(p\left( \theta, \vartheta | , z_b, z_a \right)\) after the ensemble of forward model simulations is already complete. The MAD# software has basic post-processing capabilities, but does not offer the degree of flexibility as R for the post-processing analysis. For example, when handling \(z_b\) in the form of time series, dimension reduction techniques are necessary for calculating the likelihood values. By having the R package anchoredDistr, users have the support to attach whichever applicable technique for their data.
In the current version of anchoredDistr, which only handles the
post-processing of a MAD application, it is assumed that prior
distributions of local and global parameters,
\(p\left(\vartheta | \theta, z_a \right)\) and \(p\left(\theta\right)\)
respectively, have already been defined and sampled and that forward
model simulations based on those samples have been executed either
within the MAD# software or by other means of batch execution. If the
MAD# software is used, this data is stored by MAD# in databases
(extensions .xresult for project metadata and .xdata for each sample).
The package anchoredDistr primarily consists of methods for the S4
class "MADproject
" that extract and analyze data from these
databases, i.e. handling information regarding the samples from the
prior distributions and the resulting ensemble of simulated \(z_b\) data.
If MAD# is not used, the information can be formatted into a
" manually. The usage of anchoredDistr will generally
follow the workflow below (also see Figure 1):
Create "MADproject"
object with new()
function (passing slot
information if manually filling data)
Read data from MAD# databases, if being used, into "MADproject"
object with readMAD()
View the observations and realizations with plotMAD()
Apply any necessary dimension reduction techniques to \(z_b\) with
Test the convergence of the likelihood distribution with respect to
the number of realizations with testConvergence()
(return to MAD
software to run additional realizations if unsatisfactory)
Calculate likelihood and posterior distributions with
and calcPosterior()
, respectively
View the posterior distribution with plotMAD()
To install the anchoredDistr package, the release version is available from CRAN:
Alternatively, the development version can be obtained by using the devtools package (Wickham and Chang 2016) to download the necessary files from GitHub:
Other packages used by anchoredDistr include RSQLite (Wickham et al. 2014) for reading from MAD databases, np (Hayfield and Racine 2008) for estimating non-parametric density distributions, plyr (Wickham 2011) and dplyr (Wickham and Francois 2016) for efficient data manipulation, and ggplot2 (Wickham 2009) for plotting. The methods included in anchoredDistr are listed in Table 1 and two examples utilizing these methods are provided next.
Method | Description |
readMAD() |
Reads data from databases generated by MAD software |
reduceData() |
Applies dimension reduction to \(z_b\) time series |
testConvergence() |
Tests for convergence of likelihood values for |
increasing number of realizations | |
calcLikelihood() |
Calculates the likelihood values for the samples |
calcPosterior() |
Calculates the posterior values for the samples |
plotMAD() |
Plots the observations, realizations, reduced data, |
and/or posteriors |
In this first example, we will use the tutorial example available from
the MAD website Within the anchoredDistr
package, this tutorial example is available as MAD# databases, as well
as a "MADproject"
object accessed by data(tutorial)
. The variable of
interest is transmissivity \(T\), an aquifer property that represents how
much water can be transmitted horizontally through an aquifer. We will
use the one-dimensional heterogenous field of the decimal log transform
of \(T\) (see Figure 2) as our baseline field from which
we can generate virtual measurements and validate our resulting
posterior distributions. The field was generated as a Gaussian process
by the gstat package in R with a mean \(\mu_{\log_{10} T}=-2\) and an
exponential covariance function with a variance
\(\sigma^2_{\log_{10}T}=0.4\) and length scale \(l_{\log_{10}T} =3\) m.
Within the scope of this example, we assume these global parameter
values to be known. Furthermore, we assume that we have local data in
the form of measurements of \(T\) at three different locations. In
addition, non-local data are available in the form of head measurements
(indication of water pressure) at the same locations. The forward model
used to solve the groundwater flow equation and relate \(T\) to head is
the software MODFLOW-96 (Harbaugh and Mcdonald 1996), part of the open source MODFLOW
series that is the industry standard for groundwater modeling. To
convert the non-local data into equivalent local data of \(T\), we will
place four anchors at selected unmeasured locations. The number of
anchors needs to be justified by the data content of the measurements
such that the complexity of the model does not become disproportionate
to the information available. The locations of these anchors reflect
locations where there is no other local data available but there is
non-local data nearby for conversion (see Yang et al. (2012) for more discussion
on anchor placement). The locations of the measurements and anchors are
depicted in Figure 2. The prior distributions for
these anchors are based on simple kriging with the local data \(z_a\) for
conditioning and the known Gaussian process for the covariance function:
p\left( \vartheta_i | \theta, z_a \right) = \mathcal{N}\left( \mu=\hat{Z}\left( y_i \right), \sigma^2=Var\left( Z\left( y_i \right) - \hat{Z}\left( y_i \right) \right) \right) , \tag{3}\]
where \(Z\) generally represents \(\log_{10} T\), \(y_i\) is the
\(y\)-coordinate of the \(i^{th}\) anchor, \(\hat{Z}\left( y_i \right)\) is
the kriging estimate at the \(i^{th}\) anchor , and
\(Var\left( Z\left( y_i \right) - \hat{Z}\left( y_i \right) \right)\) is
the kriging variance at the \(i^{th}\) anchor. The goal of the example is
to compare the posterior distributions of the four anchors resulting
from the inversion to their prior distributions which will indicate the
information gain from the inclusion of the non-local data \(z_b\).
In the first step, a "MADproject"
object is created with the new()
function. Three arguments must be provided to read the MAD databases:
(the name of the MAD project, e.g. the filename for the .xmad
database), resultname
(the name of the result from MAD, e.g. the
result folder name), and xpath
(the path to where the .xresult
database and result folder are located). These three arguments ensure
the MAD databases can be read by the method readMAD()
, which will read
in the prior distribution samples for the global and local parameters
plus the observations and forward model predictions for the \(z_b\). Note
that anchoredDistr could be used independently of the MAD software, if
desired, as long as the slots filled in by readMAD()
Table 2) are provided manually (see next example). To
create a "MADproject"
object for this tutorial example, the code below
will read the MAD# databases stored in the anchoredDistr package
<- new("MADproject", madname="Tutorial", resultname="example1",
tutorial xpath=paste0(system.file("extdata", package = "anchoredDistr"),"/"))
<- readMAD(tutorial, 1:3) tutorial
Slot | Description | Source |
madname |
MAD project name | user provided |
resultname |
MAD result name | user provided |
xpath |
Path to .xresult database | user provided |
numLocations |
Number of \(z_b\) locations | readMAD() |
numTimesteps |
Number of time steps measured at each \(z_b\) locations | readMAD() |
numSamples |
Number of samples drawn from prior distributions | readMAD() |
numAnchors |
Number of local parameters / anchors placed in field | readMAD() |
numTheta |
Number of random global parameters to infer | readMAD() |
truevalues |
True values for the parameters to infer, if known | readMAD() |
observations |
Observed values of the \(z_b\) locations and time steps | readMAD() |
realizations |
Simulated values of the \(z_b\) locations and time steps | readMAD() |
priors |
Samples from the prior distributions of each parameter | readMAD() |
likelihoods |
Likelihood values for each sample | calcLikelihoods() |
posteriors |
Posterior values for each sample of each parameter | calcPosteriors() |
The prior distributions can be viewed by calling the plotMAD()
function with the "MADproject"
object and the string "priors" (see
below). Figure 3 shows the prior distributions for the
four anchors in Example 1. The distributions roughly follow a Gaussian
distribution due to the baseline field being a Gaussian field and the
prior distributions based on the kriging mean and variance at these four
locations from the \(z_a\) data and the known spatial random function. The
x-axis labels are pulled from the "MADproject"
object’s priors
which contains the random parameter names as provided in the MAD
plotMAD(tutorial, "priors")
After the information contained in the MAD databases has been read into
the "MADproject"
object, the likelihood and posterior distributions
can be calculated by calcLikelihood()
and calcPosterior()
respectively. The method calcLikelihood()
uses non-parametric kernel
density estimation (from the package np) to estimate the probability
density of measured inversion data from the probability density function
of inversion data simulated from the realizations per sample. The method
multiplies the resulting likelihood distribution
across the samples and the provided prior distribution to calculate the
First, we can call the testConvergence()
method to visually inspect if
we have enough realizations for the likelihood values of samples to
converge (this method calls the calcLikelihood()
internally to perform
this test). Figure 4 depicts this qualitative
convergence test for Example 1 by plotting the likelihood values of a
sample with increasing number of realizations. In order to prevent
cluttering, the default number of samples to display is set to seven
samples randomly selected from those available in the project.
Convergence is achieved when the likelihood stabilizes with increasing
realizations. For this example, it appears that the log likelihood of
the samples have started to stabilize by 50 realizations, but more
realizations may be warranted.
The posterior distributions for each random parameter can be seen by
calling plotMAD()
with the "MADproject"
object and the string
"posteriors". Figure 5 shows the posteriors for
Example 1 along with the prior distribution and the true values for each
of the four anchors. The posterior distributions for Anchors 2 and 3,
which were surrounded by \(z_b\) measurements, show an increase in
probability near the true value, indicating a successful information
transfer from the non-local \(z_b\) into equivalent local data.
<- calcLikelihood(tutorial)
tutorial <- calcPosterior(tutorial)
tutorial plotMAD(tutorial, "posteriors")
The second example depicts a different aquifer characterization scenario
for a two-dimensional field where the natural log transform of hydraulic
conductivity (\(K\)) is assumed to be an isotropic Gaussian field with
variance \(\sigma^2_{\ln K} = 1\) and length scale \(l_{\ln K} = 10\)m but
unknown mean \(\mu_{\ln K}\) (Figure 6). There are no
anchors placed in this example, leaving the mean as the only parameter
to infer. Unlike Example 1, Example 2 is therefore a demonstration of
how MAD can be employed as a regular Bayesian inversion scheme, too. The
prior distribution for global parameters ideally come from previous
knowledge of similar sites, e.g. the distribution of mean \(\ln K\)
observed at other aquifers with the same geological setting. For this
example, we will compare three equally spaced samples for \(\ln K\) to
represent a uniform prior distribution for the mean. The data include
four local data \(z_a\) (\(K\)) at four different locations and one
non-local data series \(z_b\) (hydraulic head drawdown) at a single
location (see Figure 6). The \(z_b\) location provides
100 time steps, i.e. data points, of drawdown measurements
(Figure 7). The forward model used to solve the
groundwater flow equation and relate \(K\) to drawdown is OpenGeoSys
(Kolditz et al. 2012), an open source software that simulates a variety of
subsurface processes. This second example uses a different forward model
than the first example to showcase the MAD software’s modular design,
which does not assume or rely on specific forward models. The
observation, realizations, and prior sample data for this example is
provided within the package as external data that can be created with
as shown below, as well as a pre-made "MADproject"
accessed with data(pumping)
load(system.file("extdata", "pumpingInput.RData", package = "anchoredDistr"))
<- new("MADproject",
pumping numLocations = 1,
numTimesteps = 100,
numSamples = 50,
numAnchors = 0,
numTheta = 1,
observations = obs,
realizations = realizations,
priors = priors)
When the pumping
dataset is initially loaded, we can view the
observation of \(z_b\), i.e. drawdown time series
(Figure 7), the prior distribution of the three
samples (Figure 8), and the interquartile range of the
time series simulated by the forward model for the samples
(Figure 9).
plotMAD(pumping, "observations")
plotMAD(pumping, "priors")
plotMAD(pumping, "realizations")
Even though we have the time series of drawdown, we cannot use these 100
individual values to calculate the likelihood because they are
correlated and the multivariate likelihood distribution would be
100-dimensional. Such dimensionality would require an unrealistic number
of realizations to resolve, known as "the curse of dimensionality." To
overcome this obstacle, dimension reduction is needed and the method to
use depends on the type of non-local data \(z_b\). For this example, we
will simply use the min()
function to collect the minimum head value
in the time series since the observed head reduces and converges to a
stable head value with time (Figure 7). The
anchoredDistr package can handle any non-parameterized function, such
as min()
, or a parameterized function if initial values for each
parameter are given and the nls()
function (R Core Team 2016) can perform the
fitting (see the package vignette for an example). The reduceData()
function is used to perform the dimension reduction on the time series:
<- reduceData(pumping, min)
pumping.min plotMAD(pumping.min, "realizations")
The reduceData()
function returns a "MADproject"
object with a
slot with reduced dimensions. The reduced data can be
viewed by calling plotMAD()
with the string "realizations". The plot
shows the distributions of each parameter for each sample. In this case,
Figure 10 shows the minimum head value distribution for
the three samples, which will be used to calculate the three likelihood
With this new "MADproject"
object, calcLikelihoods()
can be called. In Figure 11, the
posterior distributions are shown for the three samples along with the
true value of \(-10\). The posterior distribution assigns greater
probability toward the true value.
<- calcLikelihood(pumping.min)
pumping.min <- calcPosterior(pumping.min)
pumping.min plotMAD(pumping.min, "posteriors")
The examples given above show how the anchoredDistr package allows
flexible post-processing of results by virtue of the MAD software such
that users can apply their own post-processing analyses, such as
dimension-reduction techniques. The first example shown here is
available as external and internal datasets in the anchoredDistr
package. The second example is also included in anchoredDistr and is
further detailed in the package vignette. The release version of the
anchoredDistr package is hosted on CRAN and the development version is
hosted on GitHub, which can be accessed by calling
or by downloading
This work was supported by the National Science Foundation under grant EAR-1011336, "The Method of Anchored Distributions (MAD): Principles and Implementation as a Community Resource." Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
gstat, spBayes, spTimer, anchoredDistr, devtools, RSQLite, np, plyr, dplyr, ggplot2
Bayesian, Databases, Econometrics, ModelDeployment, Phylogenetics, Spatial, SpatioTemporal, TeachingStatistics, TimeSeries
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Savoy, et al., "anchoredDistr: a Package for the Bayesian Inversion of Geostatistical Parameters with Multi-type and Multi-scale Data", The R Journal, 2017
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2017-034, author = {Savoy, Heather and Heße, Falk and Rubin, Yoram}, title = {anchoredDistr: a Package for the Bayesian Inversion of Geostatistical Parameters with Multi-type and Multi-scale Data}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2017}, note = {}, volume = {9}, issue = {2}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {6-17} }