Requiring no analytical forms, nonparametric discrete patterns are flexible in representing complex relationships among random variables. This makes them increasingly useful for data-driven applications. However, there appears to be no software tools for simulating nonparametric discrete patterns, which prevents objective evaluation of statistical methods that discover discrete relationships from data. We present a simulator to generate nonparametric discrete functions as contingency tables. User can request strictly many-to-one functional patterns. The simulator can also produce contingency tables representing dependent non-functional and independent relationships. An option is provided to apply random noise to contingency tables. We demonstrate the utility of the simulator by showing the advantage of the FunChisq test over Pearson’s chi-square test in detecting functional patterns. This simulator, implemented in the function simulate_tables
in the R package FunChisq (version 2.4.0 or greater), offers an important means to evaluate the performance of nonparametric statistical pattern discovery methods.
The demand for pattern discovery methodologies has elevated as massive automatic data collection takes place in every application domain. Consequently, an increasingly critical task in data science is to design effective algorithms to recognize complex meaningful patterns from data. Nonparametric discrete patterns do not require an analytical form, allowing them to flexibly represent functional and associative relationships among random variables. This makes them appealing to data-driven capture of complex relationships from big data sources. Indeed, many classical statistical methods can detect associative patterns between discrete random variables, including the widely used Pearson’s chi-square test (Pearson 1900), Fisher’s exact test (Fisher 1922), \(G\)-test (McDonald 2014), and Barnard’s test (Barnard 1945).
However, these methods are not specifically designed for detecting
functional patterns, where a dependent variable is a mathematical
function of other independent variables. Functional relationships are
considered powerful indicators of causality (Simon and Rescher 1966). Recent
methods for detecting discrete functional patterns such as the
functional chi-square test (FunChisq) (Zhang and Song 2013) have
demonstrated their effectiveness in identifying causal molecular
interactions in human breast cancer from both real and simulated protein
abundance data (Hill et al. 2016). To evaluate such methods, software tools
that can randomly generate diverse functional patterns are necessary.
Such computer programs are unavailable as far as we are aware, in spite
of several R functions for generating other types of random contingency
table. The function r2dtable
in the base package stats creates
random two-way tables with given marginals using Patefield’s algorithm
(Patefield 1981) under product-multinomial sampling. The
package rTableICC
(Demirhan 2016) produces random \(2 \times 2 \times K\) tables and
\(R \times C\) tables based on either intraclass-correlated or
uncorrelated individuals. No utility known to us can generate noisy,
random, and nonparametric discrete patterns that satisfy requirements on
functional relationships between the row and column variables.
To address this gap, we present a new simulator to generate discrete
functional patterns. This simulator is publicly available and
implemented as the R function simulate_tables
within the R package
(\(\ge\)2.4.0) (Zhang et al. 2017), which also contains
statistical hypothesis testing methods for non-parametric functional
dependencies using asymptotic chi-square or exact distributions.
Functional chi-squares are asymmetric and functionally optimal, unique
from other related statistics. The simulator can generate associative
two-way contingency tables to depict several types of relationships. A
relationship type can be a combination of statistical dependency and
mathematical functionality. In a dependent relationship, the outcomes of
two random variables are statistically dependent; whereas in an
independent relationship, the outcomes of two random variables are
statistically independent of each other. Dependency can be further
categorized as functional (Bartle 1964) or non-functional. The
simulator is also capable of generating many-to-one functional patterns
whose inverse is non-functional. To emulate real data often tainted with
noise, our simulator can apply a controllable level of house
noise (Zhang et al. 2015) into the contingency tables. This option
enables one to evaluate the robustness of a discrete pattern discovery
algorithm subject to noise. We utilized the simulator to contrast
FunChisq and Pearson’s chi-square tests and demonstrate their expected
difference in detecting discrete functional relationships. We also
report the runtime of the simulator as a function of sample size with
and without noise. Finally, we illustrated how to use this computer
program to generate simulated data for weather forecasting, drug
development, molecular biology, and statistical algorithm design. This
discrete data simulator thus can serve as a benchmarking tool for the
development of new statistical methods for pattern discovery in various
scientific fields.
The simulator randomly samples contingency tables with specified functional and statistical patterns and also has an option to apply additional noise on the tables. Let \(X \in \{1,\ldots, r\}\) be a discrete random variable with \(r\) levels, and \(Y \in \{1,\ldots, c\}\) be a second discrete random variable with \(c\) levels. We use \(p_{XY}(i, j)\) to represent the joint probability mass function of \(X\) and \(Y\), and \(p_X(i)\) and \(p_Y(j)\) for the marginal probability mass functions of \(X\) and \(Y\), respectively. We use the notation \(Y=f(X)\) to indicate that \(Y\) is some function of \(X\), and the notation \(X \neq g(Y)\) to indicate that \(X\) is not any function of \(Y\). We use the notation \(X \perp Y\) to indicate that \(X\) and \(Y\) are statistically independent.
We define four pattern types formed by \(X\) and \(Y\) as follows:
Functional—\(Y\) is a function of \(X\);
Many-to-one—\(Y\) is a function of \(X\), but not vice versa. A discrete non-monotonic function is not necessarily many-to-one;
Dependent non-functional—\(Y\) and \(X\) are statistically dependent, but not a function of each other;
Independent—\(Y\) and \(X\) are statistically independent.
For all functional patterns, we do not consider the special case where \(X\) or \(Y\) can take only one value (\(r=1\) or \(c=1\)), as in constant functions. We do not include the pattern type where \(Y\) is not a function of \(X\) but \(X\) is a function of \(Y\), as it can be generated easily by transposing a many-to-one functional pattern. These four patterns are characterized by the mathematical and statistical relations between \(X\) and \(Y\) in Table 1.
Pattern | Is \(Y=f(X)\)? | Is \(X=g(Y)\)? | Is \(X \perp Y\)? | |
Functional | True | True or False | False | |
Many-to-one | True | False | False | |
Dependent non-functional | False | False | False | |
Independent | False | False | True |
The simulator will generate three related tables in order: a noise-free sampled contingency table, a pattern table, and a noisy contingency table. All tables are \(r \times c\), where \(X\) and \(Y\) are the row and column variables, respectively. Here is an explanation of these tables:
The sampled contingency table—With given sample size \(n\) and row and/or column marginal probability mass functions, this table satisfies both the functional and statistical requirements. This table, being noise free, can be used to simulate noisy versions and evaluate the performance of pattern discovery algorithms on their statistical effectiveness.
The binary pattern table—This table is created by setting all non-zero entries in the sampled contingency table to 1. Thus values in the pattern table are either 0 or 1. The table strictly satisfies the mathematical relationship for a given pattern type requested by the user, but it does not meet the statistical requirements. It can be used as the ground truth or gold standard for benchmarking how well pattern discovery algorithms can uncover the mathematical relationships.
The noisy contingency table—At a user-specified noise level, this table is the noisy version of the sampled contingency table. Due to the added noise, this table may no longer strictly satisfy the required functional or statistical relationships. This table is the main output to be used for the evaluation of a discrete pattern discovery algorithm.
Figure 1 illustrates the four pattern types by sampled contingency tables generated using the simulator. The tables are rotated so that the horizontal axis represents the row variable \(X\).
Next, we describe how to generate the sampled contingency tables for each type of discrete pattern. All pattern types require the common input of sample size \(n\) and table size \(r\times c\). They differ in which marginal probability mass functions, \(p_X\), \(p_Y\), or both, must be provided. Let \(n_{ij}\) be the count in the entry at row \(i\) and column \(j\). We use the notation \(n_{i\cdot}\) to indicate the sum of row \(i\) in a contingency table: \[n_{i\cdot} = \sum_{j=1}^{c} n_{ij}, \quad i=1,\ldots,r\] and \(n_{\cdot j}\) as the sum of column \(j\): \[n_{\cdot j} = \sum_{i=1}^{r} n_{ij}, \quad j=1,\ldots,c\]
Functional patterns can be used to model causal relationships that are either linear or nonlinear. A contingency table reduces the burden of assuming a parametric form for the function. In a functional table representing \(Y = f(X)\), every level \(X=i\) maps to exactly one outcome \(Y=j\) in the contingency table. The following steps generate a noise-free sampled table that satisfies all mathematical and statistical requirements:
Input: row marginal probability function \(p_X\), sample size \(n \ge 2\), table size \(r \times c\), \(r, c\ge 2\).
Output: a non-constant functional table.
Randomly generate the row sums \(n_{i\cdot}\) (\(i=1,\ldots,r\)) by the multinomial distribution with success probability function \(p_{X}\) and the sample size \(n\).
For each row \(i\) in the table, initialize the entire row to be 0, randomly pick a column \(j \in \{1,\ldots,c\}\) with equal probability, and set \(n_{ij} = n_{i\cdot}\).
Convert the function from constant to non-constant: If the function is constant—all nonzero values are on the same column \(j\), randomly pick a row \(i'\) from \(\{1,\ldots,r\}\) with equal probability and a column \(j'\) from \(\{1,\ldots,c\} \backslash \{j\}\) with equal probability. Swap the values of \(n_{ij}\) and \(n_{i'j'}\). This will guarantee function \(Y=f(X)\) is a non-constant function.
Many-to-one functions are special cases of functional relationships. They are increasingly relevant as they can expose complex patterns from data of large sample sizes. Being able to generate such patterns will facilitate the evaluation of complex pattern discovery methods. The following two main steps generate this type of patterns:
Input: row marginal probability function \(p_X\), sample size \(n \ge 2\), table size \(r \times c\), \(r\ge 3\), \(c\ge 2\).
Output: a strictly many-to-one and non-constant functional table.
Generate a non-constant functional table using Step 1 to 3 above.
Convert the function from one-to-one to many-to-one: If the function is one-to-one—every column of the table has at most one non-zero entry, do the following. Randomly pick a row \(i\) from all those rows with non-zero totals with equal probability. Let \(j\) be the index to the only non-zero entry on row \(i\). Pick \(j'\) from the indices of those columns with non-zero totals except \(j\) with equal probability. Swap the values of \(n_{ij}\) and \(n_{ij'}\).
In non-functional dependent relationships between \(X\) and \(Y\), \(X\) and \(Y\) are statistically dependent but \(Y\) is not a function of \(X\) and \(X\) is neither a function of \(Y\). They are not as strong as functional patterns in revealing causal relationships, but can reveal strong associative relationships such as a circular pattern. Their joint probability function must satisfy \[\label{eq1} p_{XY}(i, j) \neq p_{X}(i) \cdot p_{Y}(j) \quad \text{for some } i, j \tag{1}\] As we do not have the above true probability functions, we will directly estimate them using frequencies in the table. If the above inequality is satisfied, we call \(X\) and \(Y\) empirically statistically dependent; otherwise, \(X\) and \(Y\) are empirically statistically independent.
Lemma 1. Let \(p, P, Q, M, N\) be five positive numbers and \(q\) be a nonnegative number, where \(P > p\) and \(Q > q\). If these numbers satisfy two equalities \[\label{eq:pP} \frac{P}{N} \cdot \frac{M}{N} = \frac{p}{N} \tag{2}\] and \[\label{eq:qQ} \frac{Q}{N} \cdot \frac{M}{N} = \frac{q}{N} \tag{3}\] and if we are given a number \(k\) such that \(0 < k \le p\), then the following two inequalities must be true:
\[\label{eq:p-kP} \frac{P-k}{N} \cdot \frac{M}{N} > \frac{p-k}{N} \tag{4}\]
\[\label{eq:qpluskQ} \frac{Q+k}{N} \cdot \frac{M}{N} < \frac{q+k}{N} \tag{5}\]
Proof. As we are given \(P>p\), we have algebraically \[\frac{P-k}{p-k} = \frac{P-p}{p-k} + 1\] monotonically increasing as \(k\) increases from 0 to \(p\). Thus it follows \[\frac{P-k}{p-k} > \frac{P}{p} = \frac{N}{M}\] using the equality in Eq. ((2)). Multiplying both sides by \(\frac{(p-k)M}{N^2}\), we immediately prove inequality ((4)). Similarly, with given \(Q > q\) and as \(k\) increases from 0, we have a monotonic decreasing function of \(k\) \[\frac{Q+k}{q+k} = \frac{Q-q}{q+k} + 1\] which implies \[\frac{Q+k}{q+k} < \frac{Q}{q} = \frac{N}{M}\] based on Eq. ((3)). Multiplying both sides by \(\frac{(q+k)M}{N^2}\), we immediately prove inequality ((5)). Q.E.D.
Based on Lemma 1, we design Algorithm 1 to break the statistical independency. Let \((i,j)\) represent the entry at row \(i\) and column \(j\).
Algorithm 1. Convert an independent non-functional table to a dependent non-functional table.
Input: an independent non-functional table
Output: a dependent non-functional table
Randomly pick an entry \((i,j)\) with at least one sample point (\(n_{ij}>0\)).
Randomly select column \(j' \neq j\) with equal probability from row \(i\).
Move all \(n_{ij}\) samples from entry \((i,j)\) to \((i,j')\), which finally have 0 and \(n_{ij} + n_{ij'}\) sample points, respectively.
Theorem 1. An empirically statistically independent non-functional contingency table can be converted to dependent non-functional contingency table by Algorithm 1. The row marginal probability function remains the same after the conversion.
Proof. Table 2 illustrates that any independent non-functional table has at least two rows and two columns with non-zero entries. Non-functionality guarantees at least one row (row \(i_1\) in Table 2) and one column (column \(j_1\) in Table 2) each with two non-zero entries. The independent property ensures that at least another non-zero row (row \(i_2\) in Table 2) and another non-zero column (column \(j_2\) in Table 2) has the same distribution of numbers proportional to row \(i_1\) and the column \(j_1\), respectively. Additionally, all non-zero rows are proportional to each other by a constant, and so do the columns.
\(\cdots\) | \(\cdots\) | \(\cdots\) | \(\cdots\) | \(\cdots\) |
\(\cdots\) | \(n_{i_1j_1} > 0\) | \(\cdots\) | \(n_{i_1j_2} > 0\) | \(\cdots\) |
\(\cdots\) | \(\cdots\) | \(\cdots\) | \(\cdots\) | \(\cdots\) |
\(\cdots\) | \(n_{i_2j_1} > 0\) | \(\cdots\) | \(n_{i_2j_2} > 0\) | \(\cdots\) |
\(\cdots\) | \(\cdots\) | \(\cdots\) | \(\cdots\) | \(\cdots\) |
In the input table to Algorithm 1, entry \((i,j)\) satisfies the empirical independence equation \[\frac{n_{i\cdot}}{n} \cdot \frac{n_{\cdot j}}{n} = \frac{n_{ij}}{n}\] where \(n_{i\cdot}\) is the sum of row \(i\) and \(n_{\cdot j}\) is the sum of column \(j\). After the move, we have by Lemma 1 \[\frac{n_{i\cdot}}{n} \cdot \frac{n_{\cdot j}-n_{ij}}{n} > \frac{0}{n}\] where \(n_{\cdot j}-n_{ij} > 0\) is guaranteed by the property shown in Table 2. As the left hand side of the inequality is the product of the new marginal probabilities and the right hand side is the new joint probability, it implies the loss of statistical independency in the modified table. Therefore the modified table is now statistically dependent.
Also by the property shown in Table 2, no matter where \(n_{ij}\) was moved to, we will indeed have another row and another column with at least two non-zero entries, which will guarantee the non-functionality of the modified table.
As the samples are moved within the same row \(i\), the row sum is unchanged and thus the row marginal probability function is unchanged in the modified table.
Therefore, we conclude that the new table must be dependent non-functional. Q.E.D.
Such tables are only possible when \(n \ge 4\). The following steps generate such tables by distributing samples to rows and then to columns and converting any resulting functions to non-functions:
Input: row marginal probability function \(p_X\), sample size \(n \ge 4\), table size \(r \times c\), \(r \ge 2\), and \(c\ge 2\).
Output: a dependent non-functional table.
Randomly generate the row sums \(n_{i\cdot}\) (\(i=1,\ldots,r\)) by the multinomial distribution with success probability function \(p_{X}\) and the sample size \(n\).
For each row \(i\) in the table, initialize the entire row to be 0. Sample a value \(k\) from \(\{1,\ldots,c\}\) with equal probability. Randomly pick \(k\) columns \(j_{1},\ldots,j_{k}\) from \(\{1,\ldots,c\}\) with equal probability. Then randomly determine the values of \(n_{ij_{1}},\ldots,n_{ij_{k}}\) using the multinomial distribution with equal success probability of \(1/k\).
If \(Y=f(X)\), convert the function to a non-function: If the table represents a valid function—each row has at most one non-zero entry, do the following. Pick a row \(i\) from all rows with at least two samples with equal probability. Let \(j\) be the index to the only non-zero entry in row \(i\). Pick \(j'\) from \(\{1,\ldots,c\} \backslash \{j\}\) with equal probability. Redistribute the row sample \(n_{i\cdot}\) into \(n_{ij}\) and \(n_{ij'}\) with equal probability using a binomial distribution.
If \(X=g(Y)\), convert the function to a non-function: follow the previous step but switch rows and columns. This operation also maintains the non-functionality \(Y \neq f(X)\) as no non-zero entries are eliminated.
If empirically \(X \perp Y\), we break the statistical independency by converting the table to a dependent non-functional table using Algorithm 1.
When \(X\) and \(Y\) are statistically independent, their joint probability mass function is \[p_{XY}(i, j) = p_X(i) \cdot p_Y(j) \quad \text{for all } i \in \{1,\ldots,r\} \text{ and } j \in \{1,\ldots,c\}\] where \(p_X(i)\) and \(p_Y(j)\) are marginal probabilities of occurrence for \(X = i\) and \(Y = j\), respectively. The tables formed by such \(X\) and \(Y\) are useful as a negative control, because they represent patterns that are typically considered uninteresting. To generate an independent pattern, the input needs both row and column marginal probability mass functions \(p_X\) and \(p_Y\). As \(X\) and \(Y\) are statistically independent, the numbers of samples in each entry follow a multinomial distribution. The success probability in the entry at row \(i\) and column \(j\) is exactly \(p_{XY}(i, j)\). Given the sample size \(n\), we randomly generate samples from the multinomial distribution with \(r\times c\) outcomes and map them to the sampled contingency table.
It is very common to observe noise in real data; noise may arise due to a multitude of reasons ranging from data preparation through the machinery involved in the entire data acquisition process. In statistical inference, noise needs to be handled to reduce type I and type II errors. Thus, our simulator also factors in noise to make the contingency tables resemble those constructed out of real data sets in order to additionally provide for a test of robustness.
By specifying the noise level parameter in the simulate_tables
function, one can apply noise to a contingency table. We use the
discrete house noise model (Zhang et al. 2015) that is controlled by the
\(noise\) level parameter \(\theta\). \(\theta\) is a continuous constant
between 0 and 1, where 0 represents no noise and 1 represents maximum
noise level. Let \(Y \in \{1, \ldots, c\}\) be a dependent discrete random
variable and \(c>1\) be the number of discrete levels of \(Y\). Let
\(Y' \in \{1, \ldots, c\}\) be a random discrete variable which represents
the noisy version of \(Y\). Let \(y\) and \(y'\) represent values for \(Y\) and
\(Y'\), respectively. The house noise model is defined through a
probability function of noisy \(Y'\) conditioned on truth \(Y\) and noise
level \({\theta}\) by
\[p_{Y'|Y}(y'|y,\theta)=\Pr(Y' = y'| Y = y, \theta) =
\left[\left(1 - \frac{|y-y'|}{\sum_{d=1}^{c}(|d-y|)} \right) \frac{\theta}{c-1} \right] (1- \theta) + \frac{\theta}{c} & \text{if } y' \neq y \\
\left(\frac{\theta}{c-1} + 1 - \theta \right) (1- \theta) + \frac{\theta}{c} & \text{if } y' = y
The model works on the principle of making its value closer to the true
value rather than being further away. By this model, the probability of
a larger deviation of \(Y'\) from \(Y\) is smaller than that of a smaller
deviation. At \({\theta} = 0\), we have \(Y'=Y\) and it is thus noise free;
at \({\theta} = 1\), the conditional probability function becomes
uniformly distributed and the noise completely destroys the underlying
We implemented the model as an R function
to apply
noise to an input contingency table and return a noisy contingency table
as the output. The syntax of the function is as follows:, u, margin = 1)
where tables
is a list of input contingency tables and u
is the
noise level between 0 and 1. The noise can be applied along rows
), columns (margin=2
), or both rows and columns
). In simulate_tables
, the noise is always applied along
the rows, which can be interpreted as applying noise to the dependent
variable \(Y\) if the column variable is a function of the row variable
\(X\). The house noise model can be used independently of function
To affirm each table type generated by the simulator indeed has the
required characteristics, we compared two hypothesis testing methods:
the fun.chisq.test
(Zhang and Song 2013) in the R package FunChisq
and chisq.test
in the R package stats.
We first simulated 1000 randomly generated tables for each of the four types at the noise level of 0.1. The numbers of rows and columns of the tables were randomly selected from 3 to 10. The sample size of each table was randomly drawn from 10 to 1000 and must be at least the table size.
Next we applied the two tests on the tables.The log \(p\)-value distributions of both tests are shown in Fig. 2. In Fig. 2a, the FunChisq test tends to yield smaller \(p\)-values compared to Pearson’s chi-square on functional patterns. In Fig. 2b, both tests are approximately equal on dependent non-functional patterns. The \(p\)-values remarkably increased in comparison to functional patterns but are still showing significance due to statistical dependency in the pattern. Taken together, the FunChisq test has a higher sensitivity of functional over non-functional patterns than Pearson’s chi-square test, as expected.
In Fig. 2c, the FunChisq test was performed first on noisy many-to-one functional patterns and second on the transposed table. There is an increase in the \(p\)-value by the latter which explains that the transposed noisy many-to-one tables are no longer functional. We did not show Pearson’s chi-square \(p\)-values because they are equal on transposed contingency tables. Indeed, one expects to see such a difference in the distribution of FunChisq statistics when comparing functional tables versus their transposed non-functional tables, as FunChisq, unlike Pearson’s chi squares, is asymmetric when testing functional dependency.
In Fig. 2d the log \(p\)-value distributions of both FunChisq and Pearson’s chi-squares are nearly identical and the \(p\)-values are very close to 1, because both tests follow the same \(\chi^2\) distribution under the null hypothesis when using independent patterns.
These results confirm that our simulator was indeed able to generate functional, non-functional, many-to-one, and independent patterns.
a | b |
c | d |
We further benchmarked the runtime of the simulator over four table types, four sample sizes (100, 500, 1000, and 10000), and two noise levels (0 and 0.5) at a fixed table size of 5\(\times\)5. This gives a total of 32 configurations. For each configuration, we repeated the simulation 100 times to account for random variations. We ran the simulation on iMac (27-inch, Mid 2010) with 2.93 GHz Intel Core i7 processor and 16 GB 1333 MHz DDR3 RAM. Figure 3 shows the runtime of generating noise-free and noisy versions of all four pattern types. It is apparent from the figure that table type, sample size, and noise application can all influence the runtime of table generation. Dependent non-functional tables took the most time because they are subject to more mathematical requirements. Applying noise incurred additional time for all table types. Sample size has an observable effect on the runtime when noise is applied.
a | c | e | g |
b | d | f | h |
Here we demonstrate the usage of the simulator by providing examples of
all four pattern types including the description of important
parameters. The R package FunChisq (\(\ge\) 2.4.0) contains the function
that implements the simulator. The package is publicly
available from the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). The package
can be installed and loaded by
The signature of the function simulate_tables
is given below:
simulate_tables(n=100, nrow=3, ncol=3, type=c("functional", "",
"independent", "dependent.non.functional"), noise=0.0, n.tables=1,
row.marginal=rep(1/nrow, nrow), col.marginal=rep(1/ncol, ncol))
The arguments are
—an integer specifying the sample size to be distributed in the
table. For "functional"
and ""
tables, n
must be no
less than nrow
. For "independent"
tables, n
must be no less
than nrow
. For "dependent.non.functional"
tables, n
must be greater than nrow
—an integer specifying the number of rows of output tables.
The value must be no less than 2. For ""
tables, nrow
must be no less than 3.
—an integer value specifying the number of columns in
desired table. The value for ncol
must be no less than 2.
—a character string to specify the type of pattern
underlying the table. The options are "functional"
, "independent"
, and "dependent.non.functional"
—a numeric value between 0 and 1 specifying the factor of
noise to be added to the table using the house noise
model (Zhang et al. 2015). The house noise is applied along the rows
of the table. See
for details.
—an integer value specifying the number of tables to be
—a numeric vector of length at least 2 specifying
row marginal probabilities. For ""
tables, the length
of row.marginal
vector must be no less than 3.
—a numeric vector specifying column marginal
probabilities. It is only applicable in generating independent
The return value of the function simulate_tables
is a list containing
the following components:
—a list of tables containing 0-1 binary patterns.
Each table is created by setting all non-zero entries in the
corresponding sampled contingency table from sample.list
to 1.
Each table strictly satisfies the functional relationship for a
given pattern type
requested. This table does not meet the
statistical requirements. As each table represents the truth
regarding the mathematical relationship between the row and column
variables, they can be used as the ground truth or gold standard for
—a list of tables satisfying both the functional and
statistical requirements. These tables are noise free.
—a list of tables after applying noise to the
corresponding tables in sample.list
. Each table is the noisy
version of the sampled contingency table. Due to the added noise,
each table may no longer strictly satisfy the required functional or
statistical relationships. These tables are the main output to be
used for the evaluation of a discrete pattern discovery algorithm.
—a list of \(p\)-values reporting the statistical
significance of the generated tables for the required type. When the
pattern type specifies a functional relationship, the \(p\)-values are
computed by the FunChisq test; otherwise, the Pearson’s chi-square
test of independence is used to calculate the \(p\)-value.
Example 1. A functional table. A scientist working at a weather
forecasting agency came up with a novel method that can be trained for
each geographical area to predict the amount of rainfall in that area
given a month. While the agency is busy collecting real data for the
last 10 years, the scientist wants to test his method and train the
method to learn the following hypothesis: ‘The amount of rainfall in an
area is a function of time, expressed in months’. Using different
probability distributions for each month (row.marginal
) the scientist
can simulate contingency tables with \(X\) being month with 12 levels and
\(Y\) being the amount of rainfall with 3 levels ‘Scant’, ‘Medium’ and
‘Heavy’. We assume that the amount of rainfall is equally likely in a
given month. Noise can be added to imitate imperfect real-world
scenario. The following code generates 12\(\times\)3
functional contingency tables with 100 samples using multinomial
distribution at the noise level of of 0.1:
simulate_tables(nrow=12, ncol=3, type='functional', n=100, n.tables=1,
row.marginal = c(0.116, 0.109, 0.049, 0.142, 0.083,
0.070, 0.140, 0.151, 0.037, 0.032, 0.050, 0.015), noise=0.1)
## Output:
## pattern.table sampled.table noise.table
C1 C2 C3 C1 C2 C3 C1 C2 C3## R1 0 1 0 R1 0 5 0 R1 0 5 0
## R2 0 0 1 R2 0 0 17 R2 0 1 16
## R3 0 0 1 R3 0 0 3 R3 0 0 3
## R4 0 1 0 R4 0 15 0 R4 0 14 1
## R5 0 1 0 R5 0 3 0 R5 1 2 0
## R6 0 0 1 R6 0 0 5 R6 1 0 4
## R7 1 0 0 R7 22 0 0 R7 20 1 1
## R8 0 1 0 R8 0 15 0 R8 1 13 1
## R9 0 0 1 R9 0 0 4 R9 0 1 3
## R10 1 0 0 R10 5 0 0 R10 5 0 0
## R11 0 0 1 R11 0 0 3 R11 0 0 3
## R12 0 0 1 R12 0 0 3 R12 0 0 3
The scientist can also tune parameters and generate 100 or more such tables representing data for 100 or more years.
Example 2. A many-to-one functional table. This type of table is a special case of functional table. It can be used to model the relationship between the effectiveness \(Y\) and the dosage \(X\) of a drug. When the dosage of the drug is too low or too high, it becomes ineffective. The following code generates 4\(\times\)5, noisy, many-to-one contingency tables with 100 samples distributed using multinomial distribution. The row marginals used are 0.1, 0.3, 0.2, 0.4. Noise factor of 0.5 is added to the sampled table.
simulate_tables(nrow=4, ncol=5, type='', n=100, n.tables=1, noise=0.5)
## Output:
## pattern.table sampled.table noise.table
## C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
## R1 0 0 0 1 0 R1 0 0 0 19 0 R1 2 4 0 11 2
## R2 0 1 0 0 0 R2 0 32 0 0 0 R2 5 12 7 3 5
## R3 0 1 0 0 0 R3 0 31 0 0 0 R3 5 10 4 7 5
## R4 0 0 1 0 0 R4 0 0 18 0 0 R4 2 3 7 4 2
Example 3. An independent table. This type of table is useful in generating null distribution or bootstrapping. To measure the statistical significance or probability of getting a certain empirical score reported by a method, one needs to randomly sample from an independent and identically distributed population. The following code generates 4\(\times\)5 contingency tables with 100 samples distributed using multinomial distribution, where row and column variables are statistically independent. The row marginal probabilities are 0.1, 0.3, 0.2, 0.4 and column marginal probabilities are 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.3, 0.1. No noise is applied.
simulate_tables(nrow=4, ncol=5, type='independent', n=100, n.tables=1, noise=0.0,
row.marginal=c(0.1,0.3,0.2,0.4), col.marginal=c(0.3,0.2,0.1,0.3,0.1))
## Output:
## pattern.table sampled.table noise.table
## C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
## R1 1 1 1 1 1 R1 4 3 2 4 1 R1 4 3 2 4 1
## R2 1 1 1 1 1 R2 8 4 1 5 3 R2 8 4 1 5 3
## R2 1 1 1 1 1 R3 6 3 1 6 5 R3 6 3 1 6 5
## R2 1 1 1 1 1 R4 16 8 5 7 8 R4 16 8 5 7 8
Example 4. A dependent non-functional table. Two genes \(X\) and \(Y\) may be regulated by a common transcription factor. Here \(X\) and \(Y\) are categorized as low, medium and high. The two variables are dependent but not a function of each other. We simulate this type of data using dependent non-functional table type. The following code generates 3\(\times\)3, noise free, non-functional contingency tables with 100 samples distributed using multinomial distribution. The row marginals used are 0.3, 0.5, 0.2.
simulate_tables(nrow=3, ncol=3, type='dependent.non.functional', n=100, n.tables=1,
row.marginal=c(0.3,0.5,0.2), noise=0.1)
## Output:
## pattern.table sampled.table noise.table
## C1 C2 C3 C1 C2 C3 C1 C2 C3
## R1 1 1 0 R1 12 11 0 R1 8 13 2
## R2 0 0 1 R2 0 0 49 R2 3 1 45
## R3 1 1 1 R3 7 10 11 R3 9 9 10
We have just introduced a new simulator which conveniently generates random noisy \(r{\times}c\) contingency tables exhibiting four contrasting pattern types including functional, many-to-one functional, dependent non-functional, and independent. These contingency tables are advantageous for methods which are designed to discover patterns among discrete random variables.
Although other methods for constructing random contingency tables are available (Demirhan 2016), the generation of functional tables is innovative. Having diverse functional tables meets a need to detect causal relationships from functional dependencies without using a parametric form.
For practical reasons, if the row marginal is non-zero, we will generate at least one sample for that row. Currently the simulator utilizes row marginal probabilities for the generation of dependent contingency tables; in the future we may provide an option to use the column marginal probabilities instead, to match some experimental design where the distribution of the effect variable is predefined, such as in case-control studies of cancer.
The generated dependent non-functional patterns may span a wide range of statistical dependency from being very weak to very strong. The \(p\)-values associated with these patterns can be used to filter out tables of weak statistical dependency.
Beyond generating tables of bivariate patterns between the row and column variables, one may consider the row variable as a combination of multiple discrete variables. Therefore one can immediately extend the procedures to generate contingency tables representing multivariate patterns.
In summary, we described algorithms and implemented a simulator to construct contingency tables of desired mathematical and statistical properties, and illustrated the use of this function with several examples. We validated the generation of all table types by the FunChisq and Pearson’s chi-square tests. We evaluated the runtime of the function in generating various noisy patterns. This function offers a previously overlooked utility to generate diverse functional patterns to evaluate discrete pattern discovery methods increasingly important in data science research.
This work is supported by US NSF Advances in Biological Informatics Grant DBI 1661331.
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Sharma, et al., "Simulating Noisy, Nonparametric, and Multivariate Discrete Patterns", The R Journal, 2017
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2017-053, author = {Sharma, Ruby and Kumar, Sajal and Zhong, Hua and Song, Mingzhou}, title = {Simulating Noisy, Nonparametric, and Multivariate Discrete Patterns}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2017}, note = {}, volume = {9}, issue = {2}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {366-377} }