Count data can be analyzed using generalized linear mixed models when observations are correlated in ways that require random effects. However, count data are often zero-inflated, containing more zeros than would be expected from the typical error distributions. We present a new package, glmmTMB, and compare it to other R packages that fit zero-inflated mixed models. The glmmTMB package fits many types of GLMMs and extensions, including models with continuously distributed responses, but here we focus on count responses. glmmTMB is faster than glmmADMB, MCMCglmm, and brms, and more flexible than INLA and mgcv for zero-inflated modeling. One unique feature of glmmTMB (among packages that fit zero-inflated mixed models) is its ability to estimate the Conway-Maxwell-Poisson distribution parameterized by the mean. Overall, its most appealing features for new users may be the combination of speed, flexibility, and its interface’s similarity to lme4.
Observed response variables are often in the form of discrete count data, e.g., the number of times that owl nestlings beg for food (Roulin and Bersier 2007), counts of salamanders in streams (Price et al. 2016), or counts of parasite eggs in fecal samples of sheep (Denwood et al. 2008). These counts are often analyzed using generalized linear models (GLMs) and their extensions (Wilson and Grenfell 1997; O’Hara and Kotze 2010). GLMs quantify how expected counts change as a function of predictor variables, e.g., nestlings change their behavior depending on which parent they interact with (Roulin and Bersier 2007), salamander abundance decreases in streams affected by coal mining (Price et al. 2016), and helminth infection intensity in sheep decreases in response to treatment with anthelmintic drugs (Wang et al. 2017). Repeated measurements on the same individual, at the same location, or observations during the same time period are often correlated; this correlation can be accounted for using random effects in generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs; (Bolker et al. 2009; Bolker 2015)).
These types of count data are commonly modeled with GLMs and GLMMs using either Poisson or negative binomial distributions. For the Poisson distribution, the variance is equal to the mean. When data are overdispersed — meaning the variance is larger than the mean — they are often instead modeled using the negative binomial distribution, which can be defined as a mixture of Poisson distributions with Gamma-distributed rates. Overdispersion can also be addressed by adding a random effect with one level for each observation, i.e., a log-normal Poisson distribution (Elston et al. 2001; Hadfield 2010; Harrison 2014, 2015). Ignoring overdispersion causes confidence intervals to be too narrow and inflates the rate of false positives in statistical tests (Rhodes 2015). When data are either over- or underdispersed, they can be modeled with the lesser-known, Conway-Maxwell-Poisson distribution (Shmueli et al. 2005; Barriga and Louzada 2014; Lynch et al. 2014). Depending on the dispersion, the upper tail of the Conway-Maxwell-Poisson distribution can be either longer or shorter than that of the Poisson (Sellers and Shmueli 2010). With two parameters, the Conway-Maxwell-Poisson is a generalization of the Poisson distribution and, depending on the dispersion parameter, it also includes the Bernoulli and geometric distributions as special cases (Sellers and Shmueli 2010). Among other generalizations, the Sichel and Delaporte distributions (Stasinopoulos et al. 2017) provide flexibility in skewness in addition to dispersion.
For these distributions, the expected number of zeros decreases as the mean increases. However, when multiple processes underlie the observed counts, the counts can contain many zeros even if the mean is much greater than zero. For example, an observation of a stream with zero salamanders could be a “structural” zero due to the stream being uninhabitable due to mining waste, or a “sampling” zero due to the combination of a low mean (due to poor ecological suitability and/or low detectability) and sampling variation (Price et al. 2016). Zero-inflated (more broadly zero-altered) GLMs allow us to model count data using a mixture of a Poisson, negative binomial, or Conway-Maxwell-Poisson distribution and a structural zero component. Models that ignore zero-inflation, or attempt to handle it in the same way as simple overdispersion, can yield biased parameter estimates (Harrison 2014).
In this article, we outline the R packages available for fitting models to count data while introducing glmmTMB. We assume that the reader already has a basic understanding of GLMs (Buckley 2015), GLMMs (Bolker 2015), and zero-altered models (Zeileis et al. 2008; Harrison 2014)).
Several R packages are available for fitting zero-inflated models: pscl, INLA, MCMCglmm, glmmADMB, mgcv, brms, and gamlss (Table 1; (Zeileis et al. 2008; HRue et al. 2009; Hadfield 2010; Skaug et al. 2012; Wood et al. 2016; Bürkner 2017; Stasinopoulos et al. 2017)). The widely-used pscl package can fit zero-inflated and hurdle GLMs with predictor variables on the zero-inflation using maximum likelihood estimation (MLE: (Zeileis et al. 2008)). For example, pscl can be used to test the hypothesis that sheep fecal egg counts depend on age and structural zeros depend on genotype. However, pscl cannot model the correlation within sampling units caused by repeated samples; this requires random effects. Omitting random effects and thereby ignoring correlation makes statistical inference anti-conservative (Bolker et al. 2009; Bolker 2015). Several other packages have similar capabilities for fitting zero-inflated GLMs (flexmix, MXM, VGAM: (Grün and Leisch 2008; Lagani et al. 2017; Yee 2017)), but in this paper we focus on packages that can also estimate random effects. One such package is glmmADMB which can fit zero-inflated GLMMs (Skaug et al. 2012). However, glmmADMB cannot fit models where the degree of zero-inflation varies across observational units; thus, it is only appropriate for models where all observational units have an equal probability of producing a structural zero. INLA has the same limitation as glmmADMB (HRue et al. 2009). The mgcv package can only fit zero-inflated GLMMs with predictors of zero-inflation when using a Poisson distribution (Wood et al. 2016). The MCMCglmm and brms packages can fit zero-inflated GLMMs with predictors of zero-inflation, but they are relatively slow (as we will show) because they rely on Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling (Hadfield 2010; Bürkner 2017). gamlss is a flexible package that fits generalized additive models with predictors on all parameters of a distribution; its scope includes several zero-inflated and zero-altered distributions (Stasinopoulos et al. 2017).
The list of features documented here is not exhaustive. It should be appreciated that brms, gamlss and MCMCglmm have additional features that go beyond the scope of zero-inflated GLMMs (Hadfield 2010; Bürkner 2017; Stasinopoulos et al. 2017). We focus on the process of fitting models, largely neglecting questions of statistical frameworks (frequentist vs. Bayesian) or post-fitting procedures such as inference and prediction. For example, having MCMC samples from a fitted model allows a wide range of inferential and predictive procedures.
Here we introduce a new R package, glmmTMB, that estimates GLMs, GLMMs and extensions of GLMMs including zero-inflated and hurdle GLMMs using ML. The ability to fit these types of models quickly and using a single package will make it easier to perform model selection. We focus on zero-inflated counts, but note that there are many other distributions available in glmmTMB, including continuous distributions. We demonstrate the package using two examples without going into details of the reasons why a user would want to fit these models. We use an example of salamander abundance to show how to fit and compare zero-inflated and hurdle GLMMs and then how to extract results from a model. We then use variations of the salamander data to compare how the timings of different packages scale with the number of observations and random effect levels. We use a classic example of owl nestling behavior to compare the timing and parameter estimates from glmmTMB with other R packages.
Feature | glmmTMB | glmmADMB | MCMCglmm | brms | INLA | mgcv | gamlss | |
hurdle models\(^1\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | |||
predictors of zero-inflation | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | ||||
predictors of dispersion | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | |||||
zero-truncated distributions | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | ||
nbinom2 distribution |
\(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\)\(^2\) | \(\checkmark\) | ||
nbinom1 distribution |
\(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\)\(^2\) | |||||
compois distribution |
\(\checkmark\)\(^3\) | |||||||
Delaporte distribution | \(\checkmark\)\(^2\) | |||||||
Sichel distribution | \(\checkmark\) | |||||||
geometric distribution | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\)\(^2\) | |||||
PIG distribution | \(\checkmark\) | |||||||
weights | \(\checkmark\)\(^4\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | ||
offsets | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(^5\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | ||
various RE structures | \(\checkmark\)\(^6\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | |||
RE cor across components \(^7\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | ||||||
MLE | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | ||||
MCMC samples\(^8\) | \(\checkmark\)\(^9\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) \(^{10}\) | \(\checkmark\) | ||
multivariate responses \(^{11}\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | ||||||
GAM \(^{12}\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) |
The design goal of glmmTMB is to extend the flexibility of GLMMs in R while maintaining a familiar interface. To maximize flexibility and speed, glmmTMB’s estimation is done using the TMB package (Kristensen et al. 2016), but users need not be familiar with TMB. We based glmmTMB’s interface (e.g., formula syntax) on the lme4 package — one of the most widely used R packages for fitting GLMMs (Bates et al. 2015). Like lme4, glmmTMB uses MLE and the Laplace approximation to integrate over random effects; unlike lme4, glmmTMB does not have the alternative options of doing restricted maximum likelihood (REML) estimation nor using Gauss-Hermite quadrature to integrate over random effects (Bolker et al. 2009; Bolker 2015). The Laplace approximation may perform poorly when there is little information available on each random effect level (Ogden 2015). REML may be added to glmmTMB in the future. The underlying implementation using TMB is a fundamental difference compared to lme4 and provides glmmTMB with a speed advantage when estimating non-Gaussian models (Figures 1 and 2) and gives it greater flexibility in the classes of distributions it can fit (Table 1).
The flexibility of glmmTMB enables users to fit and compare many varieties of models with assurance that the log-likelihood values are calculated in a consistent way. Comparing likelihoods of models fit by multiple packages must be done carefully because some packages drop constants from the log-likelihood calculations while others do not.
A glmmTMB model has four main components: a conditional model formula,
a distribution for the conditional model, a dispersion model formula,
and a zero-inflation model formula. Simple GLMs and GLMMs can be fit
using the conditional model while leaving the zero-inflation and
dispersion formulas at their default values. The mean of the conditional
model is specified using a two-sided formula with the response variable
on the left and predictors on the right, potentially including random
effects and offsets. This formula uses the same syntax as lme4. For
example, if salamander counts vary by species (spp
) and vary randomly
by site, then the formula for the dependence of mean count on species
could be
~ spp + (1 | site) count
The distribution around the mean of the conditional model is specified
using the argument family
. For the types of count data described in
the introduction, the distribution will typically be either Poisson or
negative binomial. The Conway-Maxwell-Poisson is a less commonly known
distribution for count data that is flexible enough to fit both over-
and underdispersed data. Following the standard of glmmTMB described
above, the Conway-Maxwell-Poisson distribution (family = compois
) is
parameterized with the mean (Huang 2017), which differs from the
COMPoissonReg package(Sellers et al. 2017).
The Poisson, Conway-Maxwell-Poisson, and negative binomial distributions
use a log link by default, but other links can be specified as in
family = poisson(link = "identity")
. glmmTMB provides two
parameterizations of the negative binomial which differ in the
dependence of the variance (\(\sigma^2\)) on the mean (\(\mu\)). For
family = nbinom1
, the variance increases linearly with the mean as
\(\sigma^2 = \mu(1+\alpha)\), with \(\alpha>0\); for family = nbinom2
, the
variance increases quadratically with the mean as
\(\sigma^2 = \mu(1+\mu/\theta)\), with \(\theta>0\) (Hardin and Hilbe 2007). For the
Conway-Maxwell-Poisson distribution, there is no closed form equation
for the variance (Huang 2017).
With the default dispersion model (dispformula = ~ 1
), the dispersion
parameter (e.g., \(\alpha\) or \(\theta\) for the negative binomial
distribution) is identical for each observation. Alternatively, the
dispersion parameter can vary with fixed effects; in this case, the
dispersion model uses a log link. The dispersion model can be used to
account for heteroskedasticity. For example, if the response is more
variable (relative to the mean) as the year progresses, then a model
with either negative binomial distribution might use the one-sided
formula dispformula = ~ DOY
where DOY
is the day of the year. When
the same variables are in the conditional and dispersion models, the
mean-variance relationship can be manipulated, but this could
potentially lead to non-convergence issues. A description of the
dispersion parameter for each distribution can be accessed by typing
in R.
The zero-inflation model describes the probability of observing an extra
(i.e., structural) zero that is not generated by the conditional model.
Zero-inflation creates an extra point mass of zeros in the response
distribution; the overall distribution is a mixture of the conditional
model and zero-inflation model (Lambert 1992; Rhodes 2015).
The zero-inflation probability is bounded between zero and one by using
a logit link. For example, if salamanders emerged seasonally at each
site, such that a structural zero could occur either because a site was
contaminated or because it was visited too early in the season, then the
model could include the one-sided formula ziformula = ~ DOY
. The
probability of producing a structural zero can be modeled as equal for
all observations with ziformula = ~ 1
. In glmmTMB, it is possible to
include random effects in the conditional and zero-inflation models, but
not the dispersion model.
The package is available from The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN)
via the command install.packages("glmmTMB")
. The current version is
0.2.0. Development versions are available from GitHub and can be
installed using
(Wickham and Chang 2017). Current details for installing development versions
should be accessed on the GitHub page
To illustrate how to use glmmTMB and to compare it to other packages, we applied it to two data sets that are distributed with glmmTMB. Additional code and graphs for these examples can be found in Appendicies A and B.
We demonstrate how to use features of glmmTMB
to do model selection
and output model results using a data set of the abundance of
salamanders (Figure 3). They were observed four times at 23 sites in
streams, some of which were impacted by coal mining; multiple species
and life stages of salamanders were observed. The data set contains
covariates that may affect the habitat suitability of a site and the
ability of researchers to capture salamanders that inhabit the site
(Price et al. 2015, 2016). Price et al. (2016) analyzed the
data using a Bayesian model with an ecological and a sampling component;
abundance was estimated with a hurdle Poisson model and then
observations were modeled as binomial samples from the abundance.
We fit GLMMs, zero-inflated GLMMs, and hurdle models to the salamander
data with Poisson, Conway-Maxwell-Poisson, and negative binomial
distributions on the conditional model. For simplicity, we neglected
some possible covariates. As a null model, we assumed that counts varied
by species (spp
) and randomly by site (site
). We fit models where
the mean count additionally depended on mining status (mined
). Our
full zero-inflated GLMMs allowed both the conditional and zero-inflation
models to differ between mined and unmined sites. Full zero-inflated and
hurdle negative binomial GLMMs were fit using the following commands
(respectively) :
= glmmTMB(count~spp * mined + (1|site), zi=~spp * mined,
zinb data=Salamanders, family=nbinom2)
= glmmTMB(count~spp * mined + (1|site), zi=~spp * mined,
hnb data=Salamanders, family=truncated_nbinom2)
As is generally the case for model formulas in R, the *
indicates an
interaction plus main effects. We used Akaike information criteria (AIC)
to compare all models via the AICtab
function from the bbmle
(Bolker and Team 2017). For convenience, glmmTMB
reports the log-likelihood
of unconverged models as NA
and version 1.0.19 of bbmle
puts these
models at the bottom of AIC tables. The code for fitting these models
and doing model selection is presented in Appendix A.
Of the models we considered, the most parsimonious was a
Conway-Maxwell-Poisson GLMM that allowed counts to vary with species,
mining, and their interaction. It did not include zero-inflation, as is
common in abundance models (Warton 2005). Two zero-inflated negative
binomial and one zero-inflated Conway-Maxwell-Poisson model did not
converge. Failed convergence is typically caused by trying to estimate
parameters for which the data do not contain information. Models that do
not converge should not be considered in model comparison. General model
convergence issues are discussed in
The summary of simple GLMMs from glmmTMB is modeled on the familiar output format of lme4. To demonstrate the extra output from zero-inflation and dispersion models, we present the summary from a more complicated model.
glmmTMB(count ~ mined + (1|site), zi=~mined , disp=~DOY, Salamanders, family=nbinom2)
Following the arguments in the function call above, this model allows the conditional mean to depend on whether or not a site was mined and to vary randomly by site. It allows the number of structural (i.e., extra) zeros to depend on mining. Additionally, it allows the dispersion parameter to depend on the day of the year. This model can be represented by the following set of equations
\[\begin{aligned} \mu &=& E(\texttt{count}|u,\texttt{NSZ}) = \exp( \beta_0 + \beta_\texttt{minedno} + u ),\label{ref:mu}\\ \end{aligned} \tag{1}\]
\[\begin{aligned} u &\sim& N\left(0,\sigma_u^2\right),\label{ref:u}\\ \end{aligned} \tag{2}\]
\[\begin{aligned} \sigma^2 &=& \hbox{Var}(\texttt{count}|u,\texttt{NSZ}) = \mu(1+\mu/\theta),\label{ref:sigma2}\\ \end{aligned} \tag{3}\]
\[\begin{aligned} \hbox{logit}(p) &=& \beta_0^{(\texttt{zi})}+\beta_\texttt{minedno}^{(\texttt{zi})},\label{ref:p_zi}\\ \end{aligned} \tag{4}\]
\[\begin{aligned} \log(\theta) &=& \beta_0^\texttt{(disp)} + \beta_\texttt{DOY}^\texttt{(disp)}\cdot \texttt{DOY}\label{ref:theta}, \end{aligned} \tag{5}\]
where \(u\) is a site specific random effect, NSZ is the event “non-structural zero”, \(p=1-\Pr(\texttt{NSZ})\) is the zero inflation probability, and \(\beta\)’s are regression coefficients with subscript denoting covariate/level (with 0 denoting intercept).
summary(glmmTMB(count~mined+(1|site), zi=~mined , disp=~DOY, Salamanders, family=nbinom2))
#> Family: nbinom2 ( log )
#> Formula: count ~ mined + (1 | site)
#> Zero inflation: ~mined
#> Dispersion: ~DOY
#> Data: Salamanders
#> AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
#> 1735 1767 -861 1721 637
#> Random effects:
#> Conditional model:
#> Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
#> site (Intercept) 0.134 0.366
#> Number of obs: 644, groups: site, 23
#> Conditional model:
#> Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
#> (Intercept) -0.540 0.376 -1.44 0.15
#> minedno 1.424 0.365 3.90 0.000098 ***
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#> Zero-inflation model:
#> Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
#> (Intercept) 0.256 0.487 0.53 0.5988
#> minedno -2.244 0.745 -3.01 0.0026 **
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#> Dispersion model:
#> Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
#> (Intercept) 0.0278 0.3177 0.09 0.93
#> DOY -0.3947 0.1537 -2.57 0.01 *
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
This summary can be broken down into five sections. The top section is a
general overview containing a description of the model specification
, Formula
, Zero inflation
, Dispersion
, Data
) and
resulting information criteria. The information criteria can only be
compared to models fitted by packages that, like, glmmTMB, compute the
full form of the log-likelihood without dropping constant terms. The
second section describes the variability of the Random effects
. In
this model, we only had random effects in the conditional model
(equation (1)), but random effects from the zero-inflation
model (equation (4)) could also appear here. The estimated
variance 0.134
is \(\sigma_u^2\) in equation (2). The third
section describes the coefficients of the Conditional model
and \(\beta_\texttt{minedno}\) in equation (1)) including Wald
\(Z\) statistics and \(p\)-values. Apart from the intercept, the estimates
are all contrasts as is standard in regression models. This model has a
log link as stated in the top line of the summary. The fourth section
describes the Zero-inflation model
similarly to the
Conditional model
except that this model has a logit link. The
zero-inflation model estimates the probability of an extra zero such
that a positive contrast indicates a higher chance of absence (e.g.
minedno < 0
means fewer absences in sites unaffected by mining); this
is the opposite of the conditional model where a positive contrast
indicates a higher abundance (e.g., minedno > 0
means higher
abundances in sites unaffected by mining). The estimates in this section
correspond to \(\beta_0^{(\texttt{zi})}\) and
\(\beta_\texttt{minedno}^{(\texttt{zi})}\) in equation (4).
The last section provides estimated coefficients from the
Dispersion model
(equation (5)), which uses a log link
to keep the dispersion parameter \(\theta\) positive. In contrast, a model
with the default (simple) dispersion model would report the single
dispersion parameter on the natural (rather than log) scale. To
interpret the dispersion parameters of any distribution, see
The current version of the summary
function does not display
uncertainty estimates for the random effects nor for single dispersion
parameters, but confidence intervals can be calculated using the
function. See ?confint.glmmTMB
for details. All confidence
intervals produced by the current version of the confint
function are
Wald intervals, based on the standard errors calculated using the delta
method for the parameter on the scale of the internal parameterization
(which varies by family).
Additional model output using the predict
and simulate
from glmmTMB
is demonstrated in appendix A (Figures 4, 5, 6, and 7).
Because glmmTMB is the only package that can fit
Conway-Maxwell-Poisson GLMMs, it was not possible to do benchmarking
with the most parsimonious model. Therefore, for benchmarking, we used
the second best model (\(\Delta\) AIC=0.5 ) which substituted a negative
binomial response for the Conway-Maxwell-Poisson response. We measured
the time required to fit this model using multiple packages. We
performed three sets of timing benchmarks: (1) on simulated data with
the same structure as the original salamander data, (2) on the original
data replicated to create more observations per random effect level and
the same number of random effect levels, (3) on simulated data with
increasing numbers of random effect levels and the same number of
observations per random effect level. Benchmarks were run in parallel
using parLapply
on a high performance computing cluster with 12 cores.
This performance should match running on a single core. We used default
values for all packages except with glmmADMB which required an
additional argument (extra.args="-ndi 1000000"
) to allocate additional
memory. By default, brms runs four MCMC chains while MCMCglmm runs
one, which greatly affects their estimation time. However, it would be
simple to speed up fitting of brms models by running the chains in
parallel. For Bayesian methods, the important aspect of timing is
sampling efficiency (minimum effective samples per unit time,
(Bürkner 2017)), but this is not compatible with the MLE methods, so we
limit our presentation of the timings of the Bayesian methods.
Benchmarking showed that fitting the negative binomial model to
simulated data with the same structure as the original data was, on
average, equally fast in glmmTMB
and INLA
, 14 times slower with
, 29 times slower with lme4, and 190 times slower with
. mgcv fit the model the fastest, taking 0.03 times as long as
glmmTMB. gamlss took 0.24 times as long as glmmTMB. With
increasing numbers of observations, the estimation times of all packages
appeared to follow power law functions (Figure 1). For simulated data
sets with increasing numbers of random effect levels, estimation time
increased as a power-law function for all packages except INLA which
had estimation times that accelerated (Figure 2). The speed of glmmTMB
for models with more random effect levels is due to the sparseness
handling by TMB
. Benchmarking nuances such as memory usage and how
timings scale with model complexity could be investigated in more detail
in future studies.
, glmer.nb
, and gam
was recorded. That model can be represented as
glmmTMB(count ~ spp * mined + (1 | site), Salamanders, family="nbinom2")
All models had the same number of parameters including random effect
levels. Lines represent linear models fit on the log-log scale. With
increasing numbers of observations (\(n\)), estimation times increased as
a power-law function (\(n^x\)) with exponents (\(x\)) reported next to model
names.glmmTMB(count ~ spp * mined + (1 | site), Salamanders, family="nbinom2")
The time required to fit the same model using functions glmmadmb
, inla
, glmer.nb
, and gam
was recorded. Each simulated
data set had the same number of observations per random effect level —
the same ratio as in the original data. Lines represent linear models
fit on the log-log scale.With increasing numbers of random effect levels
(\(n\)), estimation times increased as a power-law function (\(n^x\)),
except for INLA which accelerates. The exponents (\(x\)) are reported here
as labels over the
lines.To further compare R packages for fitting zero-inflated GLMMs, we analyzed counts of begging behavior by owl nestlings. The full analyses can be found in Appendix B. This example previously appeared in (Zuur et al. 2009) and (Bolker et al. 2013) and was originally published by (Roulin and Bersier 2007). We compared the estimates of fixed effects and the amount of time required for fitting the same model in INLA, MCMCglmm, glmmADMB, mgcv, and brms (HRue et al. 2009; Hadfield 2010; Skaug et al. 2012; Wood et al. 2016; Bürkner 2017). For brms and MCMCglmm, we used the default number of iterations, burn-in samples, and thinning. In each package, we fit zero-inflated Poisson models with six fixed effects, one random effect; we also accounted for overdispersion, although sometimes (of necessity) in slightly different ways with different packages (e.g., negative binomial vs. log-normal-Poisson models). We allowed zero-inflation to vary with food treatment and vary randomly with nest. See Appendix B for details of these methods, including code.
Estimates and confidence (or credible) intervals (CI) from brms,
mgcv, MCMCglmm
, and INLA were nearly identical to those of
glmmTMB, when running the Bayesian models with flat priors (Figures 8
and 9).
We have introduced an R package that can quickly estimate a variety of models including GLMs, GLMMs, zero-inflated GLMMs, and hurdle models. By providing this flexibility in a single package, we reduce the need for researchers to learn multiple packages. Another benefit is that models estimated with a single package can be compared using likelihood-based methods including information criteria. Using information criteria to select a model for the salamander data, we found that (among the models we considered) zero-inflation did not improve the fit; we expect that this will be a common result. While glmmTMB allows users to easily fit complicated models, a maximally complex model might not be necessary and might not converge, as we saw here. Other packages have many of the features implemented in glmmTMB, but none have the ability to fit Conway-Maxwell-Poisson GLMMs. Overall, glmmTMB is a very flexible package for modeling count data with zero-inflated GLMMs while still ranking highly in speed comparisons.
Thanks to S Price for providing the data on salamanders and for helpful comments on the manuscript. Thanks to P-C Bürkner, J Hadfield, M Bekker-Nielsen Dunbar, and two anonymous reviewers for helpful comments on the manuscript. Thanks to A Zuur for providing the data on owl nestlings. Thanks to G Simpson for advice on capabilities of the mgcv package. This work was supported by grants from the Swiss National Science Foundation (#IZ320Z0_161670) and from the AD Model Builder Foundation to MEB.
In this appendix, we reanalyze counts of salamanders in streams. Repeated samples of salamanders were taken at 23 sites. Some of the sites were affected by mountain top removal coal mining. The data was originally published in (Price et al. 2016) and was acquired from Dryad (Price et al. 2015). These analyses are intended to be a simple demonstration of how to use some features of the glmmTMB package, so we do not attempt to fit all of the models that could be reasonable to try with the covariates that were collected.
The syntax for fitting GLMMs with glmmTMB is quite similar to using
glmer. In the first model, the formula, count ~ spp + (1 | site)
says that counts depend on species and vary randomly by site. We also
pass it the data frame, Salamanders
, and specify a Poisson
distribution using the family
argument. glmmTMB assumes that we want
a log link with the Poisson distribution because that’s the standard.
= glmmTMB(count~spp + (1|site), Salamanders, family=poisson)
pm0 = glmmTMB(count~spp + mined + (1|site), Salamanders, family=poisson)
pm1 = glmmTMB(count~spp * mined + (1|site), Salamanders, family=poisson) pm2
To fit Conway-Maxwell-Poisson models, we use family=compois
instead of
= glmmTMB(count~spp + (1|site), Salamanders, family=compois)
cmpm0 = glmmTMB(count~spp + mined + (1|site), Salamanders, family=compois)
cmpm1 = glmmTMB(count~spp * mined + (1|site), Salamanders, family=compois) cmpm2
= glmmTMB(count~spp + (1|site), Salamanders, family=nbinom2)
nbm0 = glmmTMB(count~spp + mined + (1|site), Salamanders, family=nbinom2)
nbm1 = glmmTMB(count~spp * mined + (1|site), Salamanders, family=nbinom2) nbm2
Unlike the Poisson, the negative binomial distribution has a dispersion
parameter. If we expected the counts to become more dispersed (relative
to the mean) as the year progresses, then we could use the dispersion
formula to model how the dispersion changes with the day of the year
) using disp= ~ DOY
= glmmTMB(count~spp + (1|site), disp=~DOY, Salamanders, family=nbinom2)
nbdm0 = glmmTMB(count~spp + mined + (1|site), disp=~DOY, Salamanders, family=nbinom2)
nbdm1 = glmmTMB(count~spp * mined + (1|site), disp=~DOY, Salamanders, family=nbinom2) nbdm2
To fit zero-inflated models, we use the ziformula
argument, or
glmmTMB will also recognize zi
. This is a formula that describes how
the probability of an extra zero (i.e., structural zero) will vary with
predictors. In this example, we might assume that absences will at least
vary by species (spp
), so we write zi= ~ spp
. This formula only has
a right side because the left side is always the probability of having a
structural zero in the response that was specified in the first formula.
The zero-inflation probability is always modeled with a logit link to
keep it between 0 and 1.
Zero-inflation can be used with any of the distributions in glmmTMB, so we compare the same conditional and zero-inflation models with Poisson, Conway-Maxwell-Poisson, and negative binomial distributions.
Warning messages tell us that zicmpm3
, zinbm0
, and zinbm1
do not
converge. The convergence warning refers to
; this vignette will expand as advice for
troubleshooting convergence issues develops. It seems that zicmpm3
overparameterized, but the problem with zinbm0
and zinbm1
is that
they only have mined
in the conditional model and not the
zero-inflation model, so that they do not agree well with the data.
Plotting the data and thinking carefully about the models should help to
avoid convergence issues.
= glmmTMB(count~spp +(1|site), zi=~spp, Salamanders, family=poisson)
zipm0 = glmmTMB(count~spp + mined +(1|site), zi=~spp, Salamanders, family=poisson)
zipm1 = glmmTMB(count~spp + mined +(1|site), zi=~spp + mined, Salamanders, family=poisson)
zipm2 = glmmTMB(count~spp * mined +(1|site), zi=~spp * mined, Salamanders, family=poisson) zipm3
= glmmTMB(count~spp +(1|site), zi=~spp, Salamanders, family=compois)
zicmpm0 = glmmTMB(count~spp + mined +(1|site), zi=~spp, Salamanders, family=compois)
zicmpm1 = glmmTMB(count~spp + mined +(1|site), zi=~spp + mined, Salamanders, family=compois)
zicmpm2 = glmmTMB(count~spp * mined +(1|site), zi=~spp * mined, Salamanders, family=compois) zicmpm3
#> Warning in fitTMB(TMBStruc): Model convergence problem; non-positive-
#> definite Hessian matrix. See vignette('troubleshooting')
= glmmTMB(count~spp +(1|site), zi=~spp, Salamanders, family=nbinom2) zinbm0
#> Warning in fitTMB(TMBStruc): Model convergence problem; non-positive-
#> definite Hessian matrix. See vignette('troubleshooting')
= glmmTMB(count~spp + mined +(1|site), zi=~spp, Salamanders, family=nbinom2) zinbm1
#> Warning in fitTMB(TMBStruc): Model convergence problem; non-positive-
#> definite Hessian matrix. See vignette('troubleshooting')
= glmmTMB(count~spp + mined +(1|site), zi=~spp + mined, Salamanders, family=nbinom2)
zinbm2 = glmmTMB(count~spp * mined +(1|site), zi=~spp * mined, Salamanders, family=nbinom2) zinbm3
#> Warning in fitTMB(TMBStruc): Model convergence problem; singular
#> convergence (7). See vignette('troubleshooting')
We can also fit hurdle models in a single model by using a truncated distribution for the conditional model and adding zero-inflation.
= glmmTMB(count~spp + (1|site), zi=~spp, Salamanders, family=truncated_poisson)
hpm0 = glmmTMB(count~spp + mined + (1|site), zi=~spp + mined, Salamanders,
hpm1 family=truncated_poisson)
= glmmTMB(count~spp * mined + (1|site), zi=~spp + mined, Salamanders,
hpm2 family=truncated_poisson)
= glmmTMB(count~spp + (1|site), zi=~spp, Salamanders, family=truncated_nbinom2)
hnbm0 = glmmTMB(count~spp + mined + (1|site), zi=~spp + mined, Salamanders,
hnbm1 family=truncated_nbinom2)
= glmmTMB(count~spp * mined + (1|site), zi=~spp + mined, Salamanders,
hnbm2 family=truncated_nbinom2)
We can use AICtab
to compare all the GLMMs, including zero-inflated
and hurdle models. Here, to save space, we only output the AICtable for
the top four and bottom four models. The most parsimonious model has a
Conway-Maxwell-Poisson distribution with effects of species, mining, and
their interaction.
AICtab(pm0, pm1, pm2,
cmpm0, cmpm1, cmpm2,
nbm0, nbm1, nbm2,
nbdm0, nbdm1, nbdm2,
zipm0, zipm1, zipm2, zipm3,
zicmpm0, zicmpm1, zicmpm2, zicmpm3,
zinbm0, zinbm1, zinbm2, zinbm3,
hpm0, hpm1, hpm2, hnbm0, hnbm1, hnbm2)
The top of the table
model | df | dAIC |
cmpm2 | 16 | 0.00 |
nbm2 | 16 | 0.48 |
nbdm2 | 17 | 1.99 |
zicmpm2 | 18 | 2.09 |
zinbm3 | 30 | 6.80 |
and the bottom
model | df | dAIC |
hpm0 | 15 | 314 |
pm0 | 8 | 330 |
zicmpm3 | 30 | NA |
zinbm0 | 16 | NA |
zinbm1 | 17 | NA |
The log-likelihood of the unconverged models is reported as NA
so that
these models appear at the end of the AIC table. The negative
log-likelihood could be extracted with zinbm1$fit$objective
if it was
There are many decisions to make about marginalizing over or conditioning on the random effects. See discussion at
For demonstration purposes, we plot results from the top zero-inflated
model zinbm3
It’s easiest to see the pattern by using the predict
function. To
avoid marginalizing over or conditioning on random effects, we can refit
the best model without the random effect of site; however, this is not
ideal because it ignores the correlation within sites. We present a more
rigorous version next.
The predict
function has a parameter zitype
that specifies whether
you want predictions from the conditional model, the zero-inflation
model, or the expected response that combines both parts of the model.
= glmmTMB(count~spp * mined, zi=~spp * mined, Salamanders, family=nbinom2)
zinbm3FE = newdata = unique(Salamanders[,c("mined","spp")])
newdata0 = predict(zinbm3FE, newdata,, zitype="response")
temp $predFE = temp$fit
newdata$predFE.min = temp$fit-1.96*temp$
newdata$predFE.max = temp$fit+1.96*temp$
=ddply(Salamanders, ~site+spp+mined, summarize, m=mean(count))
ggplot(newdata, aes(spp, predFE, colour=mined))+geom_point()+
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=predFE.min, ymax=predFE.max))+
geom_point(data=real, aes(x=spp, y=m) )+
ylab("Average abundance \n including presences and absences")+
We can predict at the population mode, by setting the random effects to zero.
= model.matrix(lme4::nobars(formula(zinbm3)[-2]), newdata0)
X.cond = fixef(zinbm3)$cond
beta.cond = X.cond %*% beta.cond
= zinbm3$modelInfo$allForm$ziformula #$
ziformula = model.matrix(lme4::nobars(ziformula), newdata0)
X.zi = fixef(zinbm3)$zi
beta.zi = X.zi %*% beta.zi pred.zi
These are estimates of the linear predictors (i.e., predictions on the link scale: logit(prob) and log(cond)), not the predictions themselves. The easiest thing to do for the point estimates of the unconditional count (ucount) is to transform to the response scale and multiply:
= exp(pred.cond)*(1-plogis(pred.zi)) pred.ucount
For the standard errors/confidence intervals, we could use posterior predictive simulations (i.e., draw multivariate normal samples from the parameter for the fixed effects). This conditions on/ignores uncertainty in the random-effect parameters.
= mvrnorm(1000,mu=beta.cond,Sigma=vcov(zinbm3)$cond)
pred.condpar.psim = X.cond %*% t(pred.condpar.psim)
pred.cond.psim = mvrnorm(1000,mu=beta.zi,Sigma=vcov(zinbm3)$zi)
pred.zipar.psim = X.zi %*% t(pred.zipar.psim)
pred.zi.psim = exp(pred.cond.psim)*(1-plogis(pred.zi.psim))
pred.ucount.psim = t(apply(pred.ucount.psim,1,quantile,c(0.025,0.975)))
ci.ucount = data.frame(ci.ucount)
ci.ucount names(ci.ucount) = c("ucount.low","ucount.high")
= data.frame(newdata0, pred.ucount, ci.ucount) pred.ucount
These predicted counts should be close to the median counts, so we plot them together to compare.
= ddply(Salamanders, ~spp+mined, summarize, m=median(count), mu=mean(count))
real.count ggplot(pred.ucount, aes(x=spp, y=pred.ucount, colour=mined))+geom_point(shape=1, size=2)+
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=ucount.low, ymax=ucount.high))+
geom_point(data=real.count, aes(x=spp, y=m, colour=mined), shape=0, size=2)+
geom_point(data=real.count, aes(x=spp, y=mu, colour=mined), shape=5, size=2)+
ylab("Abundance \n including presences and absences")+
We could also examine the distribution of simulated values from the best
fitted model. For this we use the function simulate.glmmTMB
. This
function works for zero-inflated and hurdle models as well as less
complex models.
=simulate(nbm2, seed = 1, nsim = 1000) sims
This function returns a list of vectors. The list has one element for
each simulation (nsim
) and the vectors are the same shape as our
response variable.
=lapply(sims, function(count){
simdatlistcbind(count, Salamanders[,c('site', 'mined', 'spp')])
})=lapply(simdatlist, function(x){
simdatsumsddply(x, ~spp+mined, summarize,
}), simdatsums) ssd
Then we can plot them with the observations summarized in the same way.
= ddply(Salamanders, ~spp+mined, summarize,
real absence=mean(count==0),
ggplot(ssd, aes(x=absence, color=mined))+
geom_point(data=real, aes(x=absence, y=1, color=mined), size=2)+
xlab("Probability that salamanders are not observed")+ylab(NULL)
We can see that this model does a good job of capturing the observed zero counts.
ggplot(ssd, aes(x=mu, color=mined))+
geom_point(data=real, aes(x=mu, y=.5, color=mined), size=2)+
xlab("Abundance including presences and absences")+ylab(NULL)
In this appendix, we analyze counts of begging behavior by owl
nestlings. This example previously appeared in similar forms
(Zuur et al. 2009) and (Bolker et al. 2013); the data were
originally published by (Roulin and Bersier 2007). The response variable
is the number of calls from chicks (NCalls
) in a nest. Two changes
from the example published in (Bolker et al. 2013) are that (1) we
use an observation-level random effect to account for overdispersion;
(2) instead of assuming that the number of calls is strictly
proportional to brood size (i.e., using an offset of log(brood size)),
we fit the model with log(brood size) as a predictor, equivalent to
assuming that \(\textrm{calls} \propto (\textrm{brood size})^\gamma\),
with \(\gamma\) not necessarily equal to 1.
Since nests were repeatedly measured, Nest
is included as a random
effect; observation-level random effects are incorporated to allow for
overdispersion (Elston et al. 2001; Hadfield 2010). Covariates of interest
include the sex of the parent visiting the nest (SexParent
), whether
the chicks were satiated or not (FoodTreatment
), and the timing of the
parent’s arrival (ArrivalTime
library(broom) #for tidy devtools::install_github("bbolker/broom")
library(dplyr) #tidyverse
library(ggplot2); theme_set(theme_bw())
library(ggstance)#for position_dodgev
= plyr::rename(Owls, c(SiblingNegotiation="NCalls"))
Owls = transform(Owls,
Owls ArrivalTime=scale(ArrivalTime, center=TRUE, scale=FALSE),
Here we fit the model with zero-inflation assumed to be constant across the data set, i.e., zero-inflation is independent of the predictor variables.
= NCalls~(FoodTreatment + ArrivalTime) * SexParent + logBroodSize
fixef1 = update(fixef1, . ~ . + (1|Nest)+(1|obs))
form1 = tfun(m1.tmb <<- glmmTMB(form1,
time.tmb ziformula=~1, data = Owls,
With the additions to the model (logBroodSize
as a covariate and
observation-level random effects), we were unsuccessful in fitting the
model with glmmADMB. Some variants (e.g., with observation-level
random effects, but with logBroodSize
as an offset) were possible by
modifying control settings (i.e.
), but even when
successful these fits were very slow (>10 minutes).
Code for this example was modified from (Bolker et al. 2013); a more complete description appears in the supplementary material for that paper.
= NCalls~trait-1+ # intercept terms for both count and binary terms
fixef2 # other fixed-effect terms only apply to count term
= 8
nfix # residual variances independent for count and binary terms;
# fixed to 1 for binary term
# random-effects variances independent for count and binary terms;
# fixed very small (1e-6) for binary term
= list(R=list(V=diag(c(1,1)),nu=0.002,fix=2),
prior_overdisp G=list(list(V=diag(c(1,1e-6)),nu=0.002,fix=2)))
= c(prior_overdisp,
prior_overdisp_broodoff list(B=list(mu=rep(0,nfix),
= tfun(m1.MCMCglmm <<- MCMCglmm(fixef2,
time.MCMCglmm rcov=~idh(trait):units,
We adjusted the number of samples until the effective sample size of the most poorly sampled parameter (the zero-inflation parameter, in this case) was greater than 500; with 100,000 samples after a burn-in of 3,000, we achieved a minimum effective sample size of 568 (for the zero-inflation parameter).
= tfun(m1.brms <<- brm(form1, data = Owls,
time.brms iter=1000,
#> Compiling the C++ model
#> Start sampling
One of the known advantages of Hamiltonian Monte Carlo, as implemented in Stan (on which brms is built), is that it achieves high effective sample size per MCMC step; we were able to cut down the number of samples considerably from the default of 2000 and still achieve a minimum effective sample size of approximately 500 (the minimum effective sample size achieved was 460).
We resample to estimate the time required for sampling only (i.e., not including model compilation
= tfun(m1.brms2 <<- update(m1.brms)) time.brms2
#> Start sampling
= update(fixef1, . ~ . + f(Nest, model="iid") + f(obs, model="iid"))
form2 = tfun(m1.inla <<-
time.inla inla(form2,
family= "zeroinflatedpoisson1",
To the best of our knowledge, mgcv::gam
is currently unable to fit
models with the combination of zero-inflation and overdispersion (the
famiy that handles zero-inflation handles only a ZIP case
rather than zero-inflated negative binomial or other extensions, and
observation-level random effects cannot be fit with gam
random-effect approach). To address this issue, we fitted a GAM with
zero-inflated Poisson responses and used a quasi-likelihood approach:
i.e., estimating overdispersion as [sum of squared Pearson
residuals/residual degrees of freedom] and inflating the parameter
standard errors by the square root of the overdispersion.
= update(fixef1, . ~ . + s(Nest, bs="re"))
form3 = tfun(m1.gam <<- gam(list(form3, ~ 1),
time.mgcv data = Owls,
family = ziplss(), method = "REML"))
time (sec) | |
mgcv | 0.2 |
glmmTMB | 2.5 |
INLA | 4.2 |
MCMCglmm | 53.0 |
brms (no compilation) | 55.2 |
brms (with compilation) | 115.6 |
The deterministic methods (gam
, glmmTMB
and inla
) were all fast;
was fastest, because we fitted a simpler model (see above). The
stochastic methods (MCMCglmm
and brm
) were about an order of
magnitude slower.
, brm
, inla
, and
.Because we ran brms with flat priors, the estimates are very close to
the ML estimates of glmmTMB. The most different results are from
, because we used a quasi-likelihood model with a slightly
different implicit variance scaling.
Here we fit the model with zero-inflation depending on some of the predictor variables. We can no longer use glmmADMB or INLA (INLA allows the zero-inflation probabilities to depend on covariates in hurdle models — “type 0” in the INLA documentation — but not for zero-inflated models).
= update(fixef1, . ~ . + (1|Nest))
form0 = ~FoodTreatment+(1|Nest)
ziform = tfun(m1.tmb_czi <<- glmmTMB(form0,
time.tmb_czi ziformula=ziform,
data = Owls, family=nbinom2))
Attempting to fit the glmmTMB model with a log Normal-Poisson model (i.e., a Poisson model with observation-level random effects) and covariate-dependent zero-inflation led to convergence failure, so we substituted a similar model (a negative-binomial model without observation-level random effects).
= NCalls~trait-1+ # intercept terms for both count and binary terms
fixef3 # fixed-effect terms for count term
# fixed-effect terms for binary term
= 9
nfix # residual variances independent for count and binary terms;
# fixed to 1 for binary term
# random-effects variances now allow estimated variance for binary term
# as well
= list(R=list(V=diag(c(1,1)),nu=0.002,fix=2),
prior_overdisp_czi G=list(list(V=diag(c(1,1)),nu=0.002)))
= c(prior_overdisp_czi,
prior_overdisp_broodoff_czi list(B=list(mu=rep(0,nfix),
=tfun(m1.mcmc_czi <<- MCMCglmm(fixef3,
## warning message suppressed ...
Minimum effective sample size: 884
= tfun(m1.brms_czi <<- brm(brmsformula(form1, zi=ziform),
time.brms_czi data = Owls,
#> Compiling the C++ model
#> Start sampling
= tfun(m1.brms_czi2 <<- update(m1.brms_czi)) time.brms_czi2
#> Start sampling
= tfun(m1.gam_czi <<- gam(list(form3,
time.mgcv_czi ~FoodTreatment+ s(Nest, bs = "re")),
data = Owls, family = ziplss(), method = "REML"))
time (sec) | |
mgcv | 0.3 |
TMB | 3.9 |
brms (no compilation) | 53.1 |
MCMCglmm | 88.5 |
brms (with compilation) | 174.4 |
, MCMCglmm
, brm
, and
.Package versions:
#> brms glmmADMB glmmTMB INLA MCMCglmm mgcv
#> 1.10.2 0.8.5 0.2.0 17.6.20 2.25 1.8.20
glmmTMB, pscl, MCMCglmm, mgcv, brms, gamlss, flexmix, MXM, VGAM, TMB, COMPoissonReg package, devtools
Bayesian, Cluster, Distributions, Econometrics, Environmetrics, ExtremeValue, GraphicalModels, MetaAnalysis, MixedModels, Phylogenetics, Psychometrics, Spatial, Survival
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Brooks, et al., "glmmTMB Balances Speed and Flexibility Among Packages for Zero-inflated Generalized Linear Mixed Modeling", The R Journal, 2017
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2017-066, author = {Brooks, Mollie E. and Kristensen, Kasper and Benthem, Koen J. van and Magnusson, Arni and Berg, Casper W. and Nielsen, Anders and Skaug, Hans J. and Mächler, Martin and Bolker, Benjamin M.}, title = {glmmTMB Balances Speed and Flexibility Among Packages for Zero-inflated Generalized Linear Mixed Modeling}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2017}, note = {}, volume = {9}, issue = {2}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {378-400} }