Missing observations are common in time series data and several methods are available to impute these values prior to analysis. Variation in statistical characteristics of univariate time series can have a profound effect on characteristics of missing observations and, therefore, the accuracy of different imputation methods. The imputeTestbench package can be used to compare the prediction accuracy of different methods as related to the amount and type of missing data for a user-supplied dataset. Missing data are simulated by removing observations completely at random or in blocks of different sizes depending on characteristics of the data. Several imputation algorithms are included with the package that vary from simple replacement with means to more complex interpolation methods. The testbench is not limited to the default functions and users can add or remove methods as needed. Plotting functions also allow comparative visualization of the behavior and effectiveness of different algorithms. We present example applications that demonstrate how the package can be used to understand differences in prediction accuracy between methods as affected by characteristics of a dataset and the nature of missing data.
Univariate time series data provide valuable information that forms the basis of analysis across several disciplines. The most notable characteristic of time series data is time-dependent correlations between observations such that the likelihood of observing a single value depends on the values of past or future observations (Shumway and Stoffer 2011; Box et al. 2015). This precludes the use of most conventional statistical methods that require independence of observations as a fundamental assumption prior to analysis. However, unique methods have been developed that account for and leverage the statistical characteristics of time series data to provide insight beyond those provided by more conventional techniques. For example, additive or multiplicative models can be used to separate a univariate time series data into unique components with different structures (e.g., Gould et al. 2008), whereas multiple methods for signal processing seek to isolate dominant components that are independent of random variation in the observed data (e.g., Mendel 2000).
Many analysis methods for time series require complete observations at each time step across the period of interest. Complete datasets rarely exist such that missing observations are often defining characteristics of time series data (e.g., Gomez and Maravall 1994; Honaker and King 2010). Missing observations can occur for several reasons, although the type and amount of missing values depend on characteristics of the data (Schafer 1997; Schafer and Graham 2002). For example, a time series with no serial dependence between observations is more likely to have missing observations that are completely random (Rubin 1976). A more common scenario for time series data is missing observations in ‘chunks’ or data missing in sequence for a period of time (Schafer 1997; Donders et al. 2006). The occurrence of missing chunks relates directly to the correlation structure of time series data, as in cases when experiments are not continuously maintained, remote data fail to transmit from the source to the user, or funding mechanisms for monitoring programs are discontinuous. As such, the accuracy of imputation methods can vary considerably depending on characteristics of the dataset (Yozgatligil et al. 2013). Similar to the application of analysis methods that use time-dependent information, imputation methods must also faithfully reconstruct missing observations in this context.
Identifying an appropriate imputation method is often the first step towards more formal time series analysis. Different imputation methods will have differing precision in reproducing missing values, where precision will depend on how much data are missing and how the data are missing (i.e., individual observations missing at random or data missing in continuous chunks). The characteristics of the dataset will also influence imputation precision between methods. An expectation is that imputation methods that leverage characteristics of the dataset to predict missing values will perform better than more naïve methods, if indeed there is sufficient temporal structure. Accordingly, choosing an appropriate imputation method can be facilitated by using a standardized method of comparison. A simple approach for method comparison is to evaluate prediction accuracy from imputed values after removing observations from a test dataset, where the test dataset should have characteristics similar to the one requiring imputation. For example, (Zhu et al. 2011) proposed a kernel-based iterative estimation method for missing data and compared the approach to other conventional frequency estimators. The methods were compared by simulating different amounts of missing data, predicting the missing values with each method, and then comparing the predictions to the actual data that were removed. Table 1 reproduces the results, where the rows show root-mean squared error (RMSE) between observed and predicted data for each imputation method after removing and predicting 10% and 80% of the complete dataset. Additional studies have used a similar workflow to compare the performance of imputation methods (Jörnsten et al. 2007; Nguyen et al. 2013; Li et al. 2015; Ran et al. 2015; Tak et al. 2016).
10% | 80% | |||
Method names | T | V | T | V |
Mixing | 8 | 0.085 | 20 | 1.53 |
Poly | 10 | 0.103 | 25 | 2.11 |
RBF | 11 | 0.107 | 29 | 2.86 |
Normal | 14 | 0.121 | 30 | 3.01 |
FE | 13 | 0.117 | 29 | 2.59 |
There are several challenges for adopting a standardized approach to compare imputation methods. An obvious concern is the amount of missing data, such that a complete gradient from very few to many observations should be evaluated with each method (Zhu et al. 2011). For example, one method may be superior for very few missing observations but perform poorly relative to other methods for many missing observations. Additionally, missing data as random or in chunks could also influence the comparisons of prediction accuracy depending on the dataset (Donders et al. 2006). Interpretations may also be influenced by the choice of error metric (e.g., RMSE) as different metrics have different objectives (Yozgatligil et al. 2013).
This paper describes the imputeTestbench package to simultaneously compare different imputation methods for univariate time series (Bokde and Beck 2017). The goal of this package is to provide an evaluation toolset that addresses the above challenges for identifying an appropriate imputation method before more detailed analysis. This package provides several options for simulating missing observations with repeated sampling from a complete dataset. Missing values are imputed using any of several methods and then compared with a common error metric chosen by the user. Plotting functions are available to visualize the simulation methods for missing data, the predicted time series from each method, and overall evaluation of prediction accuracy between methods. Example applications are provided to demonstrate how imputeTestbench can be used to understand why different methods have different prediction accuracy given characteristics of the original data and characteristics of the missing data.
The theoretical foundation of imputeTestbench is shown in Figure 1. Comparing imputation methods begins by identifying the range of missing observations to remove and the number of repetitions for randomly removing the data. The removed data are imputed using one of several methods for each percentage of missing observations up to the maximum. Error metrics are used to identify the prediction accuracies of each imputation method for each repetition and interval of missing data.
Components of the workflow in Figure 1 are executed with
the functions in imputeTestbench. The primary function is
which is used to evaluate different imputation methods
with missing data that are randomly generated from a complete dataset.
The sample_dat()
function is used to generate missing data within
and includes a plotting option to demonstrate how the
missing data are generated. The default error metrics for the imputed
data are in the error_functions()
function. The remaining two
functions, plot_impute()
and plot_errors()
, are used to visualize
imputation results and error summaries for the chosen methods.
Dependencies include additional packages for data manipulation
(dplyr, (Wickham and Francois 2016);
(Wickham 2007); tidyr,
(Wickham 2017)), graphing
(Wickham 2009)), and imputation
(Hyndman et al. 2017);
(Moritz and Bartz-Beielstein 2017); zoo,
(Zeileis and Grothendieck 2005)).
function:The impute_errors()
function evaluates the accuracy of different
imputation methods based on changes in the amount and type of missing
observations from the complete dataset. The default methods included in
are three methods for linear interpolation
, zoo; na.interp()
, forecast;
, imputeTS), last-observation carried forward
, zoo), and mean replacement (na.mean()
imputeTS). These methods are routinely applied in time series
analysis, are easily understood compared to more complex approaches, and
have relatively short computation times (Moritz and Bartz-Beielstein 2017). Moreover, these
methods represent a gradient from none to more complex dependence on the
serial correlation of the time series - replacing missing data with
overall means (na.mean()
), replacing missing data with the last prior
observation (na.locf()
), and gap interpolation with linear methods
, na.interp()
, na.interpolation()
). Note that the
three linear methods vary considerably in the optional arguments that
affect the imputation output. An expectation with the default methods
included in imputeTestbench is varying imputation accuracy based
on how each method relies on characteristics of a dataset to predict
missing observations. Although we acknowledge that the effectiveness of
a chosen method depends on the data, the default techniques represent a
broad range that is sufficient for most applications. As noted below,
additional methods can be added as needed.
The impute_errors()
function has the following arguments:
impute_errors(dataIn, smps = "mcar",
methods = c("na.approx","na.interp",
"na.interpolation", "na.locf", "na.mean"),
methodPath = NULL, errorParameter = "rmse",
errorPath = NULL, blck = 50, blckper = TRUE,
missPercentFrom = 10, missPercentTo = 90,
interval = 10, repetition = 10, addl_arg =
:A ts
(stats) or
numeric object that will be evaluated. The input object is a complete
dataset to evaluate by simulating missing data for performance
evaluation and comparison of imputation methods. The examples in the
documentation use the nottem
time series object of average air
temperatures recorded at Nottingham Castle from 1920 to 1930
(datasets package).
:The desired type of sampling method for removing values from the
complete time series provided by dataIn
. Options are smps = ’mcar’
for missing completely at random (MCAR, default) and smps = ’mar’
missing at random (MAR). Both methods provide different approaches to
generating missing data in time series. In general, MCAR removes
individual observations where the likelihood of a single observation
being removed does not depend on whether observations closer in time
have also been removed. By contrast, MAR removes observations in
continuous blocks such that the likelihood of an observation being
removed depends on whether observations closer in time have also been
removed. The methods are described in detail in the section
:Methods that are used to impute the missing values generated by smps
replace with means (na.mean()
), last-observation carried forward
), and three methods of linear interpolation (na.approx()
, na.interpolation()
). All five default methods are used
unless the argument is changed by the user. For example,
methods = ’na.approx’
will use only na.approx()
. Methods not included with the default options can be
added by including the name of the function in methods
and providing
the path to the script in methodPath
. Additional arguments passed to
each method can be included in addl_arg
described below.
:A character string for the path of the user-supplied script that
includes one to many functions passed to methods
. The path can be
absolute or relative within the current working directory for the R
session. The impute_errors()
function sources the file indicated by
to add the user-supplied function to the global
:The error metric used to compare the true, observed values from dataIn
with the imputed values. Metrics included with imputeTestbench are
root-mean squared error (RMSE), mean absolute percent error (MAPE)
and mean absolute error (MAE). The metric can be changed using
errorParameter = ’rmse’
(default), ’mape’
, or ’mae’
. Formulas for
the error metrics are as follows:
\[RMSE = \sqrt {\frac{{\sum\limits_{{i = 1}}^n {{{\left( {{x_i} - {\widehat{x}_i}} \right)}^2}} }}{n}}\]
\[MAPE = 100 \cdot \frac{{\sum\limits_{{i = 1}}^n {|\left({x_i} - {\widehat{x}_i}\right) / x_i |} }}{n}\]
\[MAE = \frac{{\sum\limits_{{i = 1}}^n {|{{x_i} - {\widehat{x}_i}}|} }}{n}\] where \(n\) is the total number of missing observations, \(x\) are the actual observations, and \(\widehat{x}\) are the imputed observations. Additional error measures can be provided as user-supplied functions.
:A character string for the path of the user-supplied script that
includes one to many error methods passed to errorParameter
:The block size for missing data if the sampling method is at random,
smps = ’mar’
. The block size can be specified as a percentage of the
total amount of missing observations to remove or as a number of time
steps in the input dataset. For example, if blck = 50
blkper = TRUE
(indicating blck
is a percentage), each block has a
size that is 50% of the total amount of observations to remove. A time
series with 100 observations will have two missing chunks of 20
observations each if a total of 40% of the observations are removed and
each chunk is 50% of the total. The total amount of observations to
remove depends on values inherited from missPercentFrom
, and interval
:A logical value indicating if the value for blck
is a percentage
(blckper = TRUE
) of the total number of observations to remove or a
sequential number of time steps (blckper = FALSE
) to remove for each
block. This argument only applies if smps = ’mar’
, missPercentTo
:The minimum and maximum percentages of missing values, respectively,
that are introduced in dataIn
. Appropriate values for these arguments
are \(10\) to \(90\), indicating a range from few missing observations to
almost completely absent observations.
:The interval of missing data from missPercentFrom
to missPercentTo
The default value is \(10\)% such that missing percentages in dataIn
evaluated from \(10\)% to \(90\)% at an interval of \(10\)%, i.e., \(10\)%,
\(20\)%, \(30\)%, ..., \(90\)%. Combined, these arguments are identical to
seq(from = 10, to = 90, by = 10)
:The number of repetitions at each interval
. Missing values are placed
randomly in the original data such that multiple repetitions must be
evaluated for a robust comparison of the imputation methods.
Considering the default values for the above arguments, the
function returns an "errprof"
object as the error
profile for the imputation methods:
<- impute_errors(dataIn = nottem)
a## $Parameter
## [1] "rmse"
## $MissingPercent
## [1] 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
## $na.approx
## [1] 0.87 1.49 1.87 3.01 3.91 4.58 6.75
## [8] 8.68 9.82
## $na.interp
## [1] 0.76 1.09 1.41 1.67 1.91 2.09 2.30
## [8] 2.53 2.92
## $na.interpolation
## [1] 0.87 1.49 1.87 3.01 3.91 4.58 6.75
## [8] 8.68 9.82
## $na.locf
## [1] 1.8 2.6 3.7 5.4 6.5 7.3 9.1
## [8] 11.0 11.0
## $na.mean
## [1] 2.6 3.8 4.6 5.4 6.2 6.7 7.2 7.6 8.4
The "errprof"
object is a list with seven elements. The first element,
, is a character string of the error metric used for
comparing imputation methods. The second element, MissingPercent
, is a
numeric vector of the missing percentages that were evaluated in the
input dataset. The remaining five elements show the average error for
each imputation method at each interval of missing data in
. The averages at each interval are based on the
repetitions specified in the initial call to impute_errors()
, where
the default is repetition = 10
. Although the print method for the
object returns a list, the object stores the unique error
estimates for every imputation method, repetition, and missing data
interval. These values are used to estimate the averages in the printed
output and to plot the distribution of errors with plot_errors()
below. All error values can be accessed from the errall
i.e., attr(a, ’errall’)
The plot_errors()
function can be used to view summaries of the
imputation errors for each method. This function uses the "errprof"
object as input and returns a graph of error values to compare results
from the methods across the range of missing data. Three plot types are
provided by plot_errors()
and are specified with the plotType
argument using one of three values: “boxplot”, “bar”, or “line”. The
default value is plotType = ’boxplot’
that graphs the distribution of
error values for each method and missing data interval using boxplot
summaries (i.e., 25th, 50th, and 75th percentile shown by the box,
whiskers as 1.5 times interquartile range, and outliers beyond). The
boxplots are created using all error values stored in the ’errall’
attribute of the "errprof"
object (Figure 2).
object for
each imputation method and interval of missing observations. The plot is
created with plot_errors()
using the boxplot
option.The bar and line options for plotType
show the average error values
for each repetition. Similar information is shown as the boxplot
option, although the range of error values for each imputation method is
not shown (‘line’ option shown in Figure 3).
plot_errors(a, plotType = 'line')
option is
used for plot_errors()
The impute_errors()
function uses sample_dat()
to remove
observations for imputation from the input dataset. Observations are
removed using one of two methods relevant for univariate time series:
MCAR and MAR. The MCAR sampling scheme assumes all observations have
equal probability of being selected for removal and is appropriate for
understanding imputation accuracy with univariate time series that are
not serially correlated (Rubin 1976). Conversely, the MAR sampling scheme
selects observations in blocks such that the probability of selection
for a single observation depends on whether an observation closer in
time was also selected (Schafer and Graham 2002). The MAR scheme is appropriate for
time series with serial correlation. The sample_dat()
function has the
following syntax:
sample_dat(datin, smps = "mcar", repetition = 10, b = 50, blck = 50, blckper = TRUE,
plot = FALSE)
:Input "ts"
object or numeric vector, inherited from dataIn
smps, repetition, blck, blckper
:Arguments that are inherited as is from impute_errors()
indicating the
sampling type (smps
), number of repetitions for each missing data type
), block size (blck
), and block type as percentage or
count (blckper
:Numeric indicating the total amount of missing data as a percentage to
remove from the complete time series. The arguments missPercentFrom
, and interval
from impute_errors()
define b
each simulation of missing observations with sample_dat()
. For
example, missing data will be simulated with sample_dat()
percentages of the total sample size as b = 10, 20, ..., 90
missPercentFrom = 10
, missPercentTo = 90
, and interval = 10
:Logical indicating if a plot is returned that shows one repetition of the sampling scheme defined by the arguments (Figure 4).
The MCAR sampling scheme is used if smps = ’mcar’
, where the only
relevant arguments are missPercentFrom
, missPercentTo
, and
from impute_errors()
for the missing data. The amount of
data to remove for each interval is passed to the b
argument in
. Alternatively, the MAR sampling scheme requires
additional arguments to control the block size for removing data in
continuous chunks, in addition to the total amount of data to remove
defined by b
. The block size argument, blck
, can be given as a
percentage or as number of observations in sequence. The type of block
size passed to blck
is controlled by blckper
, where blckper = TRUE
indicates a percentage and FALSE
indicates a count for blck
. For
example, if the total sample size of the dataset is 1000, b = 50
blck = 20
, and blckper = TRUE
means half the dataset is removed
(b = 50
, 500 observations) and each block will have 100 observations
(20% of 500). For both percentages and counts, the blocks are
automatically selected until the total amount of missing data is equal
to that specified by b
. Final blocks may be truncated to make the
total amount of missing observations equal to b
. The starting location
of each block is selected at random and overlapping blocks are not
uniquely counted for the required sample size given by b
(i.e., blocks
larger than that specified by blck
may occur of two separate blocks
The sample_dat()
function is typically not used independently of
, although an optional plotting argument is provided
to visualize different sampling schemes for removing data. Figure
4 shows examples of sampling with MCAR and MAR.
, plotted using the argument
plot = T
. Values to be removed and imputed are shown as
open circles and the data to be kept are in blue. From top to bottom,
sampling is MCAR with 10% missing, MCAR with 50% missing, MAR with 10%
missing and block size 10% of total missing, MAR with 50% missing and
block size 50% of total missing, MAR with 10% missing and block size of
ten observations, and MAR with 50% missing and block size of fifty
functionThe third plotting function available in imputeTestbench is
. This function returns a plot of the imputed values for
each imputation method in impute_errors()
for one repetition of
sampling for missing data. The plot shows the results in individual
panels for each method with the points colored as retained or imputed
(i.e., original data not removed and imputed data that were removed). An
optional argument, showmiss
, can be used to plot the original values
as open circles that were removed from the data. The plot_impute()
function shows results for only one simulation and missing data type
(e.g., smps = ’mcar’
and b = 50
). Although the plot from
is a more accurate representation of overall performance
of each method, plot_impute()
is useful to better understand how the
methods predict values for a sample dataset (Figure 5).
plot_impute(dataIn = nottem, showmiss = T)
function that shows the data that were retained (blue), removed (open
circles), and imputed (red).
Additional arguments for the imputation functions used by
can easily be modified. This is useful for changing
the default arguments, particularly for the three linear interpolation
methods (na.approach()
, na.interp()
, na.interpolation()
). Although
these methods are very similar in the default configuration, the amount
of flexibility varies considerably. For example, na.interpolation()
provides spline interpolation as an alternative that is not provided by
the other functions. Using each method without modifying the additional
arguments is not suggested given that no information is gained by
comparing the linear interpolation methods with the default setup.
Accordingly, additional arguments can be passed to any of the imputation
methods using the addl_arg
argument. These additional arguments are
passed as a list
of lists, where the list contains one to many
elements that are named by the methods in methods
. The elements of the
list are lists with arguments that are specific to each imputation
method. For example, the default imputation function na.mean()
has an
additional option
argument that specifies the algorithm for missing
values, where possible values are "mean"
, "median"
, and "mode"
This argument can be changed from the default option = "mean"
in impute_errors()
, as shown below. Arguments to
user-supplied imputation functions (below) can be changed similarly.
# changing the option argument for na.mean
impute_errors(dataIn = nottem,
addl_arg = list(na.mean = list(option = 'mode'))
Additional imputation methods saved as an R script can be added to
. Attention should be given to the format of the
user-supplied function shown below. The time series data (as numeric or
object) with missing values is required as input and the return
value is the input dataset with imputed values, where the input and
output objects have the same length. The impute_errors()
function will
not process the data correctly if the format is incorrect. The file path
for the R script is supplied as an input string to the methodPath
argument and the function name is added to the methods
argument for
the impute_errors()
# function to include with impute_errors
<- function(In){
new_imp <- imputeTS::na.random(In)
out <- as.numeric(out)
out return(out)
As described above, the error metrics included with
imputeTestbench are RMSE, MAE, and MAPE. These metrics
provide different information and contrasting approaches to evaluate
imputation methods. For example, RMSE is a commonly used metric that
maintains the scale of observations in the input data. The MAE metric
is similar but more interpretable as the differences are in proportion
to the absolute values of the errors, which differs from RMSE that
uses the sum of squared deviations. The MAPE metric is a simple
extension of MAE that scales the output by the range of observations
in the input data and is useful for comparing datasets that differ in
scale. Users should choose a metric based on the information provided by
each. For example, imputation comparisons with different datasets should
use the MAPE
metric that standardizes the scale of assessment.
Each of the metrics are called by the error_functions()
internally within impute_errors()
. Additional error metrics are added
using an approach similar to that used for adding imputation methods.
The following example shows use of the percent change in variance
(PCV, (Tak et al. 2016)) as an alternative error metric:
\[ {PCV} = \frac{var(\bar{V}) - var(V)}{var(V)} \]
The user-supplied error function must include two arguments as input,
the first being a vector of observed values and the second being a
vector of imputed missing values equal in length to the first. The
function must also return a single value as a summary of the errors or
differences. As before, the new error function should be saved as an R
script. The file path is added to the errorPath
argument and the error
function name is added as a character string to the errorParameter
argument for impute_errors()
# error metric to include with impute_errors
<- function(dataIn, imputed)
{<- (var(imputed) - var(dataIn)) *
d 100/ var(imputed)
<- as.numeric(d)
d return(d)
This example demonstrates how imputeTestbench can be used to
compare imputation methods, and more importantly, how it can be used to
better understand the effects of time series characteristics on
prediction accuracies. The objective of the comparison is to relate
prediction accuracies of each method to the time series characteristics
of each dataset, including a description of how the amount and type of
missing data influence the results. Three univariate datasets with
different characteristics are evaluated (Figure 6). The
first dataset, nrm
, is a sample of 100 random observations from a
standard normal distribution to simulate a dataset with no temporal
correlation. The second dataset, austres
, is a "ts"
object of
Australian population in thousands, measured quarterly from 1971 to 1994
(Brockwell and Davis 1996). This dataset includes a simple correlation structure
with minimal random noise. The final dataset is nottem
as described
above. This dataset is characterized by a cyclical or repeating seasonal
component. Lagged correlations show the differences in the temporal
dependencies between the datasets (Figure 6).
, was created with random
samples from a normal distribution. The bottom two datasets are
and nottem
from the datasets package. Each dataset has
different temporal correlation structures shown at different lags (right
column). The light red shading indicates a threshold beyond which
correlations are significant
(\(\alpha = 0.05\)).Each dataset was evaluated by simulating missing observations from 10%
to 90% of the complete data using MCAR (smps = ’mcar’
) and MAR
(smps = ’mar’
) sampling. The size of each chunk (blck
argument) for
MAR sampling was evaluated at 20% and 100% of the total percentage of
missing observations to evaluate an effect of chunk size (small chunks
to one large chunk) on imputation accuracy. As such, the analysis
evaluated imputation accuracy between the default methods as affected by
dataset type (nrm
- no correlation structure, austres
- simple
correlation, nottem
- seasonal correlation) and characteristics of the
missing observations (MAR, MCAR, varying amounts of missing data and
chunk sizes). All comparisons used the MAPE metric to evaluate
imputation errors given scale differences between the datasets. The
following code demonstrates the analysis setup.
# load packages, set seed
# create nested list of datasets
<- list(
dats nrm = rnorm(100),
aust = austres,
nott = nottem
) enframe('nms', 'dataIn')
# create parameters to vary with imputeTestbench
<- crossing(
prms smps = c('mcar', 'mar'),
blck = c(20, 100),
nms = dats$nms
) mutate( # blck does not matter for mcar
blck = ifelse(smps %in% 'mcar', NA, blck)
# join parameters with data
# map parameter and data to impute_errors
<- prms %>%
ests left_join(dats, by = 'nms') %>%
est = pmap(
list(smps = smps, blck = blck, dataIn = dataIn),
.f = impute_errors,
errorParameter = 'mape'
) )
The prediction errors varied considerably between the datasets,
imputation method, and type of simulation for missing observations
(Figure 7). As expected, the type of simulation (MCAR and
MAR with different chunk sizes) did not have a noticeable influence on
prediction accuracy for the normally distributed dataset with no
correlation structure (nrm
). This dataset is described by only two
parameters (mean and standard deviation) and the observations are
completely independent such that imputation accuracy was similar for
both MCAR and MAR sampling, although accuracy decreased with the
addition of missing observations which is not unexpected. The
function generally outperformed the other imputation methods
that incorporate some level of information about the relationship
between observations. The nrm
dataset has observations that are not
correlated and the use of imputation methods that leverage temporal
dependence in the input dataset is expected to induce bias in the
imputation, as shown by larger errors.
By comparison, the prediction errors for the austres
and nottem
datasets differed in both the type of simulation for missing
observations and the imputation method. For austres
, linear
interpolations consistently produced imputations with the least error
and each of the three linear interpolation methods (na.approx()
, na.interpolation()
) performed equally well regardless
of simulation type for missing data. This result is not surprising given
that austres
can be described as a monotonic linear increase with
minimal variation. That is, imputing a straight line between
observations reproduces the original dataset with high accuracy.
However, relative prediction accuracies between methods were affected by
the type of simulation for removing observations. Imputations with
method had increasing error with increasing size of the
missing chunk and errors exceeded na.mean()
for large chunk sizes and
high percentages of missing data (i.e., > 60% missing as one large
chunk). These results can be explained by viewing sample imputations
with plot_impute()
(Figure (8). As in Figure
7, the na.mean()
function performs poorly for most
scenarios because it does not capture the linear increase through time.
However, the na.locf()
and na.approx()
functions perform equally
well for small percentages of missing data but error values diverge for
larger percentages. Errors for na.locf()
exceed those for na.mean()
when large chunks are removed given that the latter produces less biased
estimates, although the method performs poorly overall.
of imputed values for the
austres dataset using na.approx
, na.locf
, and na.mean
. Seventy
percent of observations were removed for each dataset. The left column
shows the observations removed using MCAR and the right shows the
observations removed using MAR.Finally, imputations of the nottem
dataset had similar prediction
errors independent of how the data were removed, although the imputation
methods varied considerably. Specifically, the na.interp()
consistently had lower prediction errors for all percentages of missing
observations. Interestingly, the na.approx()
and na.interpolation()
functions did not have similar performance as na.interp()
, although
all three methods are similarly documented as linear interpolations.
Examples in Figure 5 demonstrate differences in the
imputations between the three methods. Both na.approx()
do not describe the seasonal variation in the data
that is well-described by na.interp()
. As noted in the documentation,
optionally performs periodic decomposition for seasonal
time series based on characteristics of the input data (Hyndman et al. 2017). This
highlights the need to carefully understand the assumptions of each
method and that the default behavior between ostensibly similar
approaches could vary. Users should be familiar with the help
documentation and are advised to make use of the addl_args
argument in
to modify the default behavior of the chosen
imputation functions. The imputeTestbench package provides
sufficient flexibility to accommodate differences among methods for each
approach evaluated with impute_errors()
The applied example demonstrated the value of imputeTestbench for informing the use of imputation methods as a necessary step towards more formal time series analysis. For all examples, a complete dataset was used to demonstrate how characteristics of the temporal correlation structure can influence the prediction accuracy. The default imputation methods in the package have different approaches to imputing missing values that vary in the amount of dependence on the correlation structure of input data. As expected, the accuracy of each imputation method varied depending on the dataset and a general conclusion is that users should carefully evaluate the correlation structure and periodic components of actual data as an approach to choosing an imputation method. The imputeTestbench package greatly facilitates this preliminary step by simultaneously comparing different methods and considering the type and amount of missing observations. In practice, observational data that contain missing values cannot be used directly with the package because the intent is to evaluate hypothetical scenarios of missing observations with complete data. As such, the sample dataset used with imputeTestBench should have characteristics similar to the dataset for which imputation is needed. Our applied example evaluated three time series data with different characteristics and additional comparisons of datasets with more complex temporal dependencies could be helpful towards informing practical applications.
We also demonstrated how the package can be modified to include
additional imputation methods or comparison metrics. By default, the
package provides a core set of existing imputation methods
, na.interp()
, na.interpolation()
, na.locf()
, and
), which are simultaneously compared using RMSE, MAE, or
MAPE error metrics. These simple methods will likely be sufficient for
most users, although we recognize that the comparison of other methods
and error metrics will be required in more advanced cases. As such, the
package allows users to include additional imputation methods for
comparison, which could be particularly useful given the capability of R
to interface with other programming languages (e.g,
Rcpp for compiled
languages, (Eddelbuettel and François 2011);
matlabr for MatLab,
(Muschelli 2016)). As such, the simple architecture of imputeTestbench
to add or remove multiple methods and error metrics makes it a robust
and useful tool to evaluate existing and proposed imputation techniques
for univariate time series.
We thank the R user community for providing feedback that improved earlier versions of the software. The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
imputeTestbench, dplyr, reshape2, tidyr, ggplot2, forecast, imputeTS, zoo, stats, datasets, Rcpp, matlabr
Databases, Econometrics, Environmetrics, Finance, HighPerformanceComputing, MissingData, ModelDeployment, NumericalMathematics, Phylogenetics, Spatial, TeachingStatistics, TimeSeries
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and gather()
functions. 2017. URL https://github.com/tidyverse/tidyr. R package version 0.6.3.
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Beck, et al., "R Package imputeTestbench to Compare Imputation Methods for Univariate Time Series", The R Journal, 2018
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2018-024, author = {Beck, Marcus W and Bokde, Neeraj and Asencio-Cortés, Gualberto and Kulat, Kishore}, title = {R Package imputeTestbench to Compare Imputation Methods for Univariate Time Series}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2018}, note = {https://rjournal.github.io/}, volume = {10}, issue = {1}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {218-233} }