High-dimensional longitudinal data pose a serious challenge for statistical inference as many test statistics cannot be computed for high-dimensional data, or they do not maintain the nominal type-I error rate, or have very low power. Therefore, it is necessary to derive new inference methods capable of dealing with high dimensionality, and to make them available to statistics practitioners. One such method is implemented in the package HRM described in this article. This new method uses a similar approach as the Welch-Satterthwaite
Repeated measures designs appear in many different situations. In clinical studies, physicians might be interested in the effect of different treatments over time. Typically, a univariate or multivariate measurement is observed over a period of time for each subject. The subjects can be separated into different disjoint groups and can often be assumed not to influence one another. That is, observations on different subjects are considered independent. We refer to factors whose levels contain different sets of subjects as whole-plot or between-subjects factors. On the other hand, the time factor is a typical sub-plot or within-subjects factor because it structures the observations within individual subjects. Observations on the same subject may be dependent, and for different level combinations of the whole-plot factors, different types of dependence may be assumed. However, within a group defined by a factor level combination or cell, the observation vectors are modeled as coming from the same multivariate distribution. In particular, the dependence structure is the same for all subjects within such a cell.
Let us first consider a simple, additive model for univariate repeated
measures data with different groups. This model already allows for
different variances in different cells, as described above, but it is
not sufficiently general regarding the dependence structures that are
encompassed, and therefore a more general model will be considered
later. An additive model for repeated measures could be written as
For other dependence structures the correlation may decrease if two observations are further apart. Such dependence models are certainly possible and sometimes justified. By inspecting the compound symmetry structure above more closely, we also observe that also differences of two observations have the same variance independent of the choice of time points. Indeed, this property is generally referred to as sphericity. Therefore, the compound symmetry covariance structure is a special case of sphericity (see e.g., (Bathke et al. 2009)).
(Box 1954a; Box 1954b) (or in more detail (Huynh and Feldt 1970)) showed that the
Here, and in the following, high-dimensionality of repeated measures
means that the number of repeated measurements
The method implemented in the package HRM does not assume any particular covariance structures (Happ et al. 2016, 2017), neither homoscedasticity across the between-subjects factor levels, nor sphericity regarding the levels of the within-subjects factor. In particular, no compound symmetry is assumed. Also, it does not require a stringent covariance assumption as in (Secchi et al. 2013) or (Srivastava and Yanagihara 2010). It is therefore rather general. A limitation exists, however, for this method. The theory has been derived under the asumption of normal errors. While it performs well empirically for a wide range of simulated data distributions, including discrete data, we recommend caution when the data is very skewed or heavy-tailed. For details, see Section 6.
In the following subsection, we will describe the model that is underlying the HRM package. Here, it will become clear that this model allows for rather general covariance structures, rendering the associated R package applicable for a wide range of high-dimensional data sets.
Consider a setting with two whole- and two sub-plot factors. Models for
other designs can be formulated analogously. We refer to the whole-plot
factors as
Accordingly, the factors
Note that this method only provides an approximation to the sampling
distribution. Although it generally performs well, it is not
asymptotically exact. There are asymptotic tests such as those proposed
by (Pauly et al. 2015) or (Sattler and Pauly 2017), converging under some assumptions
such as
In the R package HRM, the test statistic is implemented for
designs described in Section 2. It is possible
to use tests with up to four factors (at most two whole-plot or three
sub-plot factors). Two S3 methods are provided to facilitate different
data input formats. Both S3 methods can be called by the generic
function hrm_test
. The data can either be provided in the wide table
format where each row represents the observations from one subject. This
means that for each group, all observations have to be stored in a
matrix. Then the matrices from all groups need to be elements of a
. This method only supports one whole- or one sub-plot factor,
that is, a maximum of two factors can be used.
The other way is to provide the data in the long table format as a data frame. Here, all observations are in stored in one column. The other columns of the data frame specify the factor levels to which an observation belongs. For this type of data, at least one whole- and one sub-plot factor have to be used and they support in general up to two whole- and two sub-plot factors. There is also the special case of one whole- and three sub-plot factors implemented.
Depending on the type of data that is given as an argument to
, either the S3 method hrm_test.list
is internally called. We will give now a short
description of these two S3 methods.
The S3 method hrm_test.list
has two parameters, data
and alpha
The second parameter has its default value set to
data <- list(group_1, group_2, ..., group_a),
where group_i
is the data for the
The method hrm_test.data.frame
can be used for designs with up to two
whole- and three sub-plot factors, but it is limited to a maximum number
of four factors. The parameter data
needs to be a data frame
containing the data with the aforementioned columns. Similar to the
method hrm_test.list
we can also specify the nominal type-I error rate
by using the parameter alpha
. The method hrm_test.data.frame
needs a
formula object. These are special R objects that allow to write a
statistical model in a compact way and is used by many R packages. Let
us assume the model
response ~ whole-plot factor * sub-plot factor.
Here the expression on the left-hand side of *
means that the interaction term
response ~ whole-plot factor + sub-plot factor
+ whole-plot factor : sub-plot factor,
where :
specifically denotes for the interaction effect. Hence the
response ~ whole-plot factor + sub-plot factor,
or alternatively if we are only interested in the interaction effect, our formula has the form
response ~ whole-plot factor : sub-plot factor.
For the method hrm_test.data.fram
we also need to specify the column
name for the subjects. This column name needs to be a character
Otherwise an error message is returned by the method.
All these methods previously described return an HRM object which
contains a list consisting of the results in a data.frame
, the
formula, the type-I error, the subject column name and the column names
of the whole- and sub-plot factors which are used, and the data used for
In the special case when only one whole- and one sub-plot factor is
used, it is possible to plot the so-called profile curves. In each group
is available. It
needs an object of class "HRM"
which is returned by the function
. Additionally we can change the labels for the xlab
and ylab
Furthermore, it is possible to disable the legend by setting the
argument legend = FALSE
, the title for the legend can be changed with
the argument legend.title
. By setting legend.title = NULL
, no legend
title is displayed. Internally, this method is only a
ggplot2 wrapper
(Wickham 2009). If there is only one sub-plot but no whole-plot factor used,
it is still possible to plot profile curves (see for example Figure
For objects of class "HRM"
, there are also the methods print.HRM
available. The first method just reproduces the standard
output from hrm_test
whereas summary.HRM
lists additionally the
whole- and sub-plot factors which were used in the model.
To improve the performance in case of a large dimension, this package
uses mainly the dual empirical variance-covariance matrices
(Brunner et al. 2012; Happ et al. 2017). Because the trace function is invariant under
cyclic permutations, the empirical
An additional enhancement for high-dimensional data is achieved by using
the method hrm_test.list
instead of hrm_test.data.frame
. Although it
can sometimes be convenient to use the long table format in a data
frame, for computing the degrees of freedom and the test statistic, the
data has to be separated internally by the whole-plot factors. This
procedure can be quite time consuming for very large datasets (dimension
is used. The problem in this case is that the data
structure "data.frame"
is not suitable for large data sets. But most
functions that import data into R return a "data.frame"
object. In
such a case, it is beneficial to provide the data already separated by
the whole-plot factors in a list. This can be done with the method
. One disadvantage by using this method is, that it is
currently not possible to specify more than one whole- or sub-plot
factor. Another way to solve this problem is to convert the
object into a "data.table"
object (from package
(Dowle and Srinivasan 2017)) which is specifically developed for large data sets. But
the syntax for a data.table is completely different from a data.frame
and their syntax is also not compatible with each other. In order to
demonstrate the effect, we ran a small simulation with data.frame
the wide to the long table format and when we used a data.table
takes under 1 second to do the same (see Table 1). By
increasing the dimension, the time it takes for the conversion increases
exponentially if you use a data.frame
. For this simulation we used the
the function Sys.time
to measure the calculation time and repeated
each calculation five times. Note that the time needed for rearranging
the data heavily depends on the computer on which the R script runs. In
our case, we employed a computer with an AMD Ryzen 5 1600 CPU (6hrm_test.list
may help to avoid this additional step
of converting your data frame into a "data.table"
dimension |
data.frame |
data.table |
224.17 | 0.64 | |
1411.93 | 1.07 |
For more convenient access to the package’s capabilities, a graphical
user interface (GUI) can be used by typing the command hrm_GUI()
the R console. A window opens where the data file (long table format)
can be loaded and viewed. This window is shown in Figure 1.
After typing the formula as described before and selecting the column
identifying the subjects, the results can be displayed in a separate
window. Optionally, the results can be saved as a LaTeX-table or just as
plain text. For each hypothesis test, the degrees of freedom of the
If only one whole- and one sub-plot factor is being used, the profile curves of the groups are displayed as a graphic in a separate window. The plot can be saved in the pdf format.
The GUI relies on the function hrm_test
for doing the analysis and
for creating the plot as shown in Figure 3.
That is, there is no difference between using the GUI or using both
generic functions directly. For creating the GUI, the
RGtk2 package is used
(Lawrence and Temple Lang 2010). This package allows us to utilise the cross-platform
widget-toolkit GTK+ with R. The current version 2.20.34 of this package
cannot be installed on macOS, therefore the GUI for the package
HRM does not work on macOS.
For opening data files, we rely on the functions provided in the package
tcltk to ensure that this procedure works on multiple computer
environments. For viewing the data we utilise the package
(Taverner et al. 2012) which provides a very easy way do display and manipulate
data in a GUI. The packages
cairoDevice and
ggplot2 are used for plotting (Wickham 2009; Lawrence 2017) profile
curves. Similar as before, we have to avoid functions that only work for
a specific computer environment. Therefore we work with the package
cairoDevice which is capable of displaying a graphic in a window
and does not depend on a specific computer environment. For saving the
results of the function hrm_test
as a LaTeX-table, we are using the
package xtable
(Dahl 2016) which converts a data.frame
into the corresponding
LaTeX code for a table.
Because of the limitation of RGtk2, the GUI does not work on macOS
(OS X 10.11.6). But the package HRM itself can be installed on
macOS and the function hrm_test
can be run regardless. Apart from
that, the GUI works on all other newer operating systems (for example
Debian 7.3.0-12 or Microsoft Windows 7, 8, 10).
In order to demonstrate how to work with the package, we use the EEG data from (Staffen et al. 2014) which is included in the HRM package. There are 160 subjects who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease (AD), mild cognitive impairments (MCI), or subjective cognitive complaints (SCC+ or SCC–). For each subject, four variables (activity, complexity, mobility and brain rate) are measured at 10 different brain regions (frontal left/right, parietal left/right, central left/right, temporal left/right, and occipital left/right). We are using the diagnostic groups and sex as whole-plot factors, and the region and variable as sub-plot factors. Sample sizes are given in Table 2. In all combinations of diagnostic group and sex the dimension is larger than the sample size, therefore this is considered a high-dimensional setting.
Sex | AD | MCI | SCC+ | SCC- |
male | 12 | 27 | 14 | 6 |
female | 24 | 30 | 31 | 16 |
sum | 36 | 57 | 45 | 22 |
To perform the analysis we are using the graphical user interface and the R console. The commands
# Save EEG data from package HRM
file = "EEG.csv",
sep = ",",
dec = ".",
col.names = TRUE)
# Open the GUI
will load the package and save the EEG data in a .csv
file in the
current working directory. The last line launches the GUI (see Figure
1). By clicking on the ‘Open File’ button we can select the
file we previously saved. Depending on the data, we may have
to change the separator mark, decimal mark, or deselect that the file
contains header. This can be done in the fields below the textfield for
the file path. We can look at the data by clicking on the button ‘View
Data’ in the toolbar. A new window is created displaying the data we
have just loaded (seen in Figure 4). The data consists of
columns specifying the whole-plot (group
, sex
) and sub-plot factors
, region
). Additionally, one column contains the response
variable from each person (value
) and the subject column identifies
the subjects. A unique identification of the subjects is necessary to
determine automatically within the function hrm_test
which factors are
whole- and which are sub-plot factors. By combining the factors region
and variable into just one factor, we obtain a new factor which we will
simply call dimension. It is provided in the column with the same name.
Another way to look at the data is by using the command
which will also display the complete data set. After we have loaded and looked at the data we need to specify the formula in the GUI. In this example, the formula is given by
value ~ group * sex * region * variable
which means that for the four factors tests for main and interaction effects will be performed. If we were only interested in testing the main effects we could use the formula
value ~ group + sex + region + variable
where we are using +
instead of *
. If we simply want to test
interaction effects we could use :
instead. In addition to specifying
the formula, we need to select which column identifies the subjects.
This is done by selecting the ‘subject’ column in the dropdown list. To
perform the tests, we simply click on the ‘Ok’ button on the bottom of
the window or the ‘Get Results’ button in the toolbar. A new window (see
Figure 2) will open which contains the results of the
performed tests. For each tested hypothesis, the degrees of freedom, the
value of the test statistic, and the
r <- hrm_test(formula = value ~ group*sex*region*variable,
data = EEG,
subject = "subject")
print(xtable(r$result), include.rownames = FALSE)
% latex table generated in R 3.4.1 by xtable 1.8-2 package
hypothesis & df1 & df2 & crit & test & p.value & sign.code \\
group & 3.04 & 116.29 & 2.67 & 1.66 & 0.18 & \\
sex & 1.00 & 116.29 & 3.92 & 6.05 & 0.02 & * \\
region & 5.59 & 246.82 & 2.18 & 196.60 & 0.00 & *** \\
variable & 1.51 & 178.72 & 3.36 & 4930.69 & 0.00 & *** \\
group:sex & 3.04 & 116.29 & 2.67 & 0.18 & 0.91 & \\
group:region & 14.09 & 246.82 & 1.73 & 0.80 & 0.67 & \\
group:variable & 4.52 & 178.72 & 2.33 & 3.34 & 0.01 & ** \\
sex:region & 5.59 & 246.82 & 2.18 & 0.99 & 0.43 & \\
sex:variable & 1.51 & 178.72 & 3.36 & 4.89 & 0.02 & * \\
region:variable & 7.76 & 299.89 & 1.99 & 143.58 & 0.00 & *** \\
group:sex:region & 14.09 & 246.82 & 1.73 & 0.58 & 0.88 & \\
group:sex:variable & 4.52 & 178.72 & 2.33 & 0.26 & 0.92 & \\
group:region:variable & 18.75 & 299.89 & 1.63 & 1.04 & 0.41 & \\
sex:region:variable & 7.76 & 299.89 & 1.99 & 1.26 & 0.27 & \\
group:sex:region:variable & 18.75 & 299.89 & 1.63 & 0.74 & 0.77 & \\
to obtain the results stated here. The command xtable
is used to
convert a "data.frame"
object into a LaTeX table. This is also
possible with the GUI. In the toolbar of the results window there is a
button labeled with ‘Save as LaTeX table’. By clicking on it we can
select a path to save a .tex
file containing the results.
As an alternative formula, we may use the following.
value ~ group * dimension
Here, only one whole- and one sub-plot factor are specified. After clicking on the ‘Ok’ button, two windows will open. In the first window, the results of the test statistics are displayed. The other window shows a plot of the profiles (see Figure 3). We can also create these plots by using the function
plot(hrm_test(value ~ group*dimension, data = EEG, subject = "subject"))
Here the function hrm_test
returns an object of class "HRM"
and the
function plot
is applied to an object of such a class. If we calculate
the test statistics in this two-factor example and save the results
again as a table, we obtain the following:
hrm_test(formula = value ~ group*dimension,
data = EEG,
subject = "subject")
value ~ group * dimension
hypothesis df1 df2 crit test p.value sign.code
group (weighted) 2.993584 130.10764 2.676095 1.881486 0.13600798
group 2.779981 95.00304 2.768161 1.657329 0.18482432
dimension 2.504068 268.94339 2.803050 3056.569162 0.00000000 ***
group : dimension 7.155131 268.94339 2.031723 2.376905 0.02164946 *
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
It is also possible to use the function hrm_test
with only one
sub-plot factor and no whole-plot factor. A data example with such a
design is included in the package
(Opgen-Rhein and Strimmer. 2015) and is originally taken from (Rangel et al. 2004). The data are
from a microarray time series for T-lymphocytes activation. Here, the
expression levels of hrm_test
which detects a significant time effect.
Alternatively, we could have used the GUI. But for this approach we
would have needed to save the data as a .csv
file first because the
GUI only supports loading data sets from external files.
This data example is just used as a demonstration for the package. From a statistical point of view, the gene expressions do not necessarily have to be independent, as different genes may have an influence on each other. For example in eukaryotes, gene expression is highly regulated. Some genes encode for transcription factors (for example zinc-fingers) which can up- or down-regulate the expression of other genes. With regard to this data example the gene FYB seems to influence the expression of several interleukin receptor genes and GATA-3 (a zinc-finger transcription factor) (Rangel et al. 2004). Therefore, it is very plausible that the assumption of independent genes is violated for this data example. However, for the illustration of the method we are making the simplifying assumption that observations on different ‘subjects’ (genes, in this case) are independent from each other.
# transforming the data into the long table format
data <- t(print(tcell.10))
data <- as.data.frame(data)
data$subject = 1:58
data_long <- gather(data, time, measurement, 1:100, factor_key = TRUE)
hrm_test(data_long, measurement ~ time, subject = "subject")
measurement ~ time
hypothesis df1 df2 crit test p.value sign.code
time 5.514332 314.3169 2.179376 6.268063 6.538363e-06 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
To plot the profile curve for this data set, we simply apply the plot
function to an "HRM"
object returned by the function hrm_test
. By
setting the optional argument legend
, no legend is added to
the plot (see Figure 5).
object_hrm <- hrm_test(measurement ~ time, data = data_long, subject = "subject")
plot(object_hrm, legend = FALSE, xlab = "time", ylab = "mean expression level")
For the plot.HRM
method it is also possible to use additional
arguments which will be added to the "ggplot2"
object. As an example
we want to use the theme_bw
style with no legend. Here we need to take
into consideration that theme_bw
overwrites everything related to the
legend already specified in plot.HRM
. Therefore, we need to specify
separately that a legend should not be displayed. The code
plot(object_hrm, ... = theme_bw() +
theme(legend.title = element_blank(), legend.position = "none") +
theme(axis.text = element_text(size=18), axis.title = element_text(size = 25)) )
produces Figure 6 with a white background and no legend.
Because plot.HRM
simply returns an "ggplot2"
object, we also could
have used the following code.
plot(object_hrm) + theme_bw() +
theme(legend.title = element_blank(), legend.position = "none") +
theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 18), axis.title = element_text(size = 25))
That is we can pass additional arguments through ...
in the method
or, even easier, just add the additional arguments directly
to the object to manipulate the graphic.
In Section 2, we have already stated the mathematical assumptions for the methods implemented in the HRM package. We are assuming normally distributed observations from independent subjects. As long as the data distribution is not ‘too far’ from a normal distribution, the test works fine. However, for very skewed or heavy-tailed distributions, the test may in general not maintain the type-I error rate. This could especially be a problem in combination with heteroscedastic data and unbalanced groups. Note that this limitation still holds for large sample sizes because the described method is only an approximation and not an asymptotically exact test. This limitation also applies in particular to the case of multivariate normally distributed observations. Therefore it is important to check the assumptions or do some simulations to see whether the test is robust against some violations of the assumptions. As we see in the following simulations, the test statistic is mainly affected by skewed or heavy-tailed distributions but works well for data generated by a binomial distribution. For our two examples used in Section 5 they do not satisfy the assumptions. For the genetic data, the gene expressions (subjects) are in general correlated. The EEG data seems to violate the normality assumption as some QQ-plots from marginal distributions show larger deviations from a straight line. But it is very difficult to check these distributional assumptions in general for high-dimensional data sets. In our case we only use those data sets for demonstration purposes but for real analyses one should be careful about the assumptions, as the type-I error can be quite inflated which we can see in the subsequent simulations.
In order to illustrate the behaviour of the proposed method when its
formal assumptions are violated, we have performed several simulations
for testing for the main group effect. For all simulations we used the
For the first simulation, we defined the random variables
In a third simulation, we considered binomial distributions as an
example for discrete data. Here, we defined
Therefore the package HRM should not be used with distributions similar to log-normal or exponential distributions, that is very skewed or heavy-tailed distributions. Instead, in those cases, we recommend using a nonparametric test such as the rank-based ANOVA type statistic or a similar method.
Sample sizes | Type-I error rate | |
2 | 20, 30 | 0.0688 |
4 | 20, 30 | 0.0748 |
2 | 30, 20 | 0.0543 |
4 | 30, 20 | 0.0685 |
2 | 25, 25 | 0.0616 |
4 | 25, 25 | 0.0702 |
Sample sizes | Type-I error rate | |
0.5 | 20, 30 | 0.1157 |
2 | 20, 30 | 0.2927 |
0.5 | 30, 20 | 0.0917 |
2 | 30, 20 | 0.3126 |
0.5 | 25, 25 | 0.1032 |
2 | 25, 25 | 0.2974 |
Sample sizes | Type-I error rate | |
1 | 20, 15 | 0.0488 |
5 | 20, 15 | 0.0476 |
10 | 20, 15 | 0.0503 |
15 | 20, 15 | 0.0467 |
1 | 15, 20 | 0.0515 |
5 | 15, 20 | 0.0485 |
10 | 15, 20 | 0.0479 |
15 | 15, 20 | 0.0489 |
Another drawback of our method is that it is not invariant under scale
transformations of individual variables. This means that changing the
scale in one dimension (using
The package MANOVA.RM by (Friedrich et al. 2017b) provides several asymptotically exact tests that do not have these limitations (see for example (Friedrich and Pauly 2018)). However, not all have been extended to high-dimensional settings (Friedrich et al. 2017a) and some may also require a resampling step which may take a while to compute for large data sets. But this might only become a real problem if you want to simulate the power of the test for multiple situations. The ANOVA type statistic mentioned before has the problem that it gets quite conservative when the dimension is large (Brunner et al. 2002; Bathke et al. 2009; Friedrich et al. 2017a), and additionally, the test is also not invariant under scale transformations. (Friedrich et al. 2017a) proposed a potential solution for this problem in the low-dimensional case.
The aim of the HRM package is to provide an easy to use way to do inference on high-dimensional repeated measures. To that end, a graphical user interface has also been implemented in this package. With the GUI, it is possible to load and view the data, plot the profile curves and save the results of hypothesis tests as a table which can be inserted very easily into a LaTeX document. The GUI is optional, that is, all of its functions can be used directly. There are different functions to allow for data in the long or wide table format. Although both formats can be transformed easily into each other, not having to do it is more convenient for users. This applies especially to statistics practitioners who are not expert R users.
The package currently supports up to four factors. If data in the wide table format are used, the maximum number of factors that can be used is two. For the long table format, it is possible to use up to two whole-plot factors and up to three sub-plot factors, but the maximum number of factors is four. Table 6 summarizes the minimum and maximum number of factors that can be used.
Table Format | Whole-plot | Sub-plot | Total |
long table | 0–2 | 0–3 | 1–4 |
wide table | 1 | 1 | 2 |
There are still a few limitations to the method implemented in the
package. Improvements to the test statistic to get rid of these
limitations are part of future work and will also be implemented in the
package. For example, a nonparametric version of the test statistic will
be provided in the future by setting an additional argument
nonparametric = TRUE
for the function hrm_test
. This new test will
use (pseudo)-ranks and can be applied to metric or non-metric data.
Additionally, the package will be further improved to increase the
performance for large data.
The research was supported by Austrian Science Fund (FWF) I 2697-N31.
HRM, ggplot2, data.table, RGtk2, RGtk2Extras, cairoDevice, xtable, longitudinal, MANOVA.RM
Finance, HighPerformanceComputing, Phylogenetics, ReproducibleResearch, Spatial, TeachingStatistics, TimeSeries, WebTechnologies
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Happ, et al., "HRM: An R Package for Analysing High-dimensional Multi-factor Repeated Measures", The R Journal, 2018
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2018-032, author = {Happ, Martin and Harrar, Solomon W. and Bathke, Arnce C.}, title = {HRM: An R Package for Analysing High-dimensional Multi-factor Repeated Measures}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2018}, note = {https://rjournal.github.io/}, volume = {10}, issue = {1}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {534-548} }