Tools for transport planning should be flexible, scalable, and transparent. The stplanr package demonstrates and provides a home for such tools, with an emphasis on spatial transport data and non-motorized modes. The stplanr package facilitates common transport planning tasks including: downloading and cleaning transport datasets; creating geographic “desire lines” from origin-destination (OD) data; route assignment, locally and interfaces to routing services such as; calculation of route segment attributes such as bearing and aggregate flow; and ‘travel watershed’ analysis. This paper demonstrates this functionality using reproducible examples on real transport datasets. More broadly, the experience of developing and using R functions for transport applications shows that open source software can form the basis of a reproducible transport planning workflow. The stplanr package, alongside other packages and open source projects, could provide a more transparent and democratically accountable alternative to the current approach, which is heavily reliant on proprietary and relatively inaccessible software.
Transport planning can broadly be defined as the process of designing and evaluating transport interventions (Ortuzar and Willumsen 2011), usually with the ultimate aim of improving transport systems from economic, social, and environmental perspectives. This inevitably involves a degree of subjective judgment and intuition. With the proliferation of new transport datasets — and the increasing availability of hardware and software to make sense of them — there is great potential for the discipline to become more evidence-based and scientific (Balmer et al. 2009). Transport planners have always undertaken a wide range of computational activities (Boyce and Williams 2015), but with the digital revolution the demands have grown beyond the capabilities of a single, monolithic product. The diversity of tasks, and the need for democratic accountability in public decision making, suggests that future-proof transport planning software should be:
flexible, able to handle a wide range of data formats
scalable, able to work at multiple geographic levels from single streets to large cities and regions
robust and reliable, tested on a range of datasets and able to work “out of the box” in a range of real-world projects
open source and reproducible, ensuring transparency and encouraging citizen science
This paper sets out to demonstrate that open source software with a command-line interface (CLI) can provide a foundation for transport planning software that meets each of these criteria. R provides a strong basis for progress in this direction because it already contains functionality used in common transport planning workflows. The sp, rgeos, and rgdal packages greatly improved R’s spatial abilities (Bivand et al. 2013), work that is being consolidated and extended in the recent sf package.
Building on these foundations, a number of spatial packages have been developed for applied domains including: disease mapping and modelling, with packages such as SpatialEpi and diseasemapping (Brown and Zhou 2016; Kim and Wakefield 2016); spatial ecology, with the adehabitat family of packages (Calenge 2006); and visualisation, with packages such as leaflet, tmap, mapview, and mapmisc (Brown 2016). However, there has been little prior work to develop R functionality designed specifically for transport planning, with the notable exceptions of TravelR (a package on R-Forge last updated in 2012) and gtfsr (a package for handling General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) data).
The purpose of stplanr is to provide a toolbox rather than a specific solution for transport planning, with an emphasis on spatial data and active modes. This emphasis is timely given the recent emphasis on sustainability (Banister 2008) and ‘Big Data’ (Zheng et al. 2016) in the wider field of transport planning.
A major motivation was the lack of R packages, and open source software in general, for transport applications. This may be surprising given the ubiquity of transport problems;1 R’s proficiency at handling spatial, temporal and travel survey data that describe transport systems; and the growing popularity of R in applied domains (Jalal et al. 2017; Moore and Hutchinson 2017). Another motivation is the growth in open access datasets: the main purpose of early versions of the package was to process open origin-destination data (Lovelace et al. 2017).
R is already used in transport applications, as illustrated by recent research that applies packages from other domains to transport problems. For instance, Efthymiou and Antoniou (2012) ((2012)) use R to analyse the data collected from an online survey focused on car-sharing, bicycle-sharing, and electric vehicles. Efthymiou and Antoniou (2012) ((2012)) also used R to collect and analyse transport-related data from Twitter using packages including XML, twitteR and ggplot2. These packages were used to download, parse and plot the Twitter data using a method that can be repeated and the results reproduced or updated. More general statistical analyses have also been conducted on transport-related datasets using packages including muStat and mgcv (Diana 2012; Cerin et al. 2013). Despite the rising use of R for transport research, there has yet been to be a package for transport planning.
The design of the R language, with its emphasis on flexibility, data processing, and statistical modelling, suggests it can provide a powerful environment for transport planning research. There are many quantitative methods in transport planning, many of which fit into the classic ‘four stage’ transport model which involves the following steps (Ortuzar and Willumsen 2011): (1) trip generation to estimate trip frequency from origins; (2) distribution of trips to destinations; (3) modal split of trips between walking, cycling, buses etc.; (4) assignment of trips to the transport route network. To this we would like to add two more stages for the big data age: (0) data processing and exploration; and (5) validation. This sequence is not the only way of transport modelling and some have argued that its dominance has reduced innovation. However it is certainly a common approach and provides a useful schema for classifying the kinds of task that stplanr can tackle:
accessing and processing of data on transport infrastructure and behaviour (stage 0)
analysis and visualisation of the transport network (0)
analysis of origin-destination (OD) data and the visualisation of resulting ‘desire lines’
the allocation of desire lines to roads and other guideways via routing services
the aggregation of routes to estimate total levels of flow on segments throughout the transport network
development of models to estimate transport behaviour currently and under various scenarios of change
the calculation of “catchment areas” affected by transport infrastructure
The automation of such tasks can assist researchers and practitioners to create evidence for decision making. If the data processing and analysis stages are fast and painless, more time can be dedicated to visualisation and decision making. This should allow researchers to focus on problems, rather than on clunky graphical user interfaces (GUIs), and ad-hoc scripts that could be generalised. Furthermore, if the process can be made reproducible and accessible (e.g. via online visualisation packages such as shiny), this could help transport planning move away from reliance on “black boxes” (Waddell 2002) and empower citizens to challenge decisions made by transport planning authorities based on the evidence (Hollander 2016).
There are many advantages of using a scriptable, interactive, and open source language such as R for transport planning. Such an approach enables: reproducible research; the automation and sharing of code between researchers; reduced barriers to innovation, as anyone can create new features for the benefit of all planners; easier interaction with non domain experts (who will lack dedicated software); and integration with other software systems, as illustrated by the use of leaflet to generate JavaScript for sharing interactive maps for transport planning, used in the publicly accessible Propensity to Cycle Tool (Lovelace et al. 2017). Furthermore, R has a strong user community which can support newcomers (stplanr was peer reviewed thanks to the community surrounding ROpenSci). The advantages of using R specifically to develop the functionality described in this paper are that it has excellent geo-statistical capabilities (Pebesma et al. 2015), visualisation packages (e.g. tmap, ggplot2), support for logit models (which are useful for modelling modal shift), and support for the many formats that transport datasets are stored in (e.g., via the haven and rio packages).
The package can be installed and attached as follows (see the package’s README for dependencies and access to development versions):
stplanr imports both sp and its successor sf. This means that
spatial objects used in and produced by the package work with base R
generic functions such as summary
, aggregate
, and plot
(Bivand et al. 2013). Furthermore, output objects of class "sf"
mostly compatible with the popular data processing package
The package’s core functions are structured around three common types of spatial transport data:
Origin-destination (OD) data, which report the number of people
travelling between origin-destination pairs. This type of data is
not explicitly spatial (OD datasets are usually represented as data
frames) but represents movement over space between points in
geographical space. An example is provided in the flow
Line data, one dimensional linear features on the surface of the
Earth. These are typically stored as a "SpatialLinesDataFrame"
Route data are special types of lines which have been allocated to
the transport network. Routes typically result from the allocation
of a straight “desire line” allocated to the route network with a
function. Route network represent many overlapping routes.
All are typically stored as a "SpatialLinesDataFrame"
A convention has been developed whereby function names are prefixed
depending on the the input data type (od_
, line_
and route_
respectively, although route_
functions do not take routes as inputs,
they output them). A selection of these is presented in Table 1
returns a list of all functions).
Additional “core functions” could be developed, such as those prefixed
with rn_
(for working with route network data) and geo_
for geographic operations such as buffer creation on lat/lon projected
data (this function is currently named buff_geo
Function | Input data type(s) | Output data type |
od_dist |
Data frame | Numeric vector |
od_id_order |
Data frame | Data frame |
line_bearing |
Spatial line | Numeric vector |
line_midpoint |
Spatial line | Spatial points |
route_cyclestreet |
Coordinates, spatial point or text | Spatial lines |
route_graphhopper |
Coordinates, spatial point or text | Spatial lines |
We aim to preserve type in some functions: line2route
, for example,
takes spatial lines objects and returns spatial lines objects. Type
stability has its limitations with spatial data, however: it would be
wasteful for functions such as line_bearing
(which returns the bearing
of a line) to duplicate the spatial data contained in its input, for
instance. Generic classes enable stplanr to handle objects of class
from the new sf package in a type preserving way.
A class system has not been developed for each data type (this option is discussed in the final section) and more classes would be possible: transport datasets are diverse. This diversity helps explain why some functions have more ad-hoc names. Rather than attempting a systematic description of each of stplanr’s functions, the remainder of this paper shows how the package can be used for transport planning, beginning with data access and ending with visualisation.
Gaining access to data is often the problem in transport planning. It can be a long and protracted process but is becoming easier thanks to the “open data” movement and packages such as tigris and osmdata (Walker 2016).
The stplanr package helps import data with functions including
, for importing data from the Australian Bureau of
Statistics (ABS), and dl_stats19
— which has now been split-out into
the package stats19 —
for downloading datasets from the UK’s Stats19 road traffic casualty
system (Lovelace et al. 2019). A brief example of the latter is
demonstrated below, which begins with downloading the data (warning this
downloads ~100 MB of data):
dl_stats19() # download and extract stats19 road traffic casualty data
#> [1] "Data saved at: /tmp/RtmpppF3E2/Accidents0514.csv"
#> [2] "Data saved at: /tmp/RtmpppF3E2/Casualties0514.csv"
#> [3] "Data saved at: /tmp/RtmpppF3E2/Vehicles0514.csv"
Once the data has been saved in the default directory, determined by
, it can be read-in and cleaned with the read_stats19_
functions (note these call format_stats19_
functions internally to
clean the datasets and add correct labels to the variables):
<- read_stats19_ac()
ac <- read_stats19_ca()
ca <- read_stats19_ve() ve
The resulting datasets (representing accident, casualty, and vehicle level data, respectively) can be merged and made geographic, as illustrated below:2
<- inner_join(ca, ac)
ca_ac <- ca_ac %>%
ca_fatal filter(Casualty_Severity == "Fatal" & ! %>%
select(Age = Age_of_Casualty, Mode = Casualty_Type, Longitude, Latitude)
<- sp::SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords = ca_cycle[3:4], data = ca_cycle[1:2]) ca_sp
Now that this casualty data has been cleaned, subsetted (to only include
fatal crashes) and converted into a spatial class system, we can analyse
the data using geographical datasets of the type commonly used by
stplanr. The following code, for example, geographically subsets the
dataset to include only crashes that occurred within the bounding box of
a sample route network
contained as a dataset in stplanr for illustrative purposes. Note the
use of bb2poly
, which converts a spatial dataset into a box,
represented as a rectangular SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
::proj4string(ca_sp) <- sp::proj4string(route_network)
sp<- bb2poly(route_network)
bb ::proj4string(bb) <- sp::proj4string(route_network)
sp<- ca_sp[bb,] ca_local
The above code chunk shows the importance of understanding geographical
data when working with transport data. It is only by converting the
casualty data into a spatial data class, and adding a coordinate
reference system (CRS), that transport planners and researchers can link
this important dataset back to the route network. We can now perform GIS
operations on the results. The next code chunk, for example, finds all
the fatalities that took place within 100 m of the route network, using
the function buff_geo
<- buff_geo(route_network, width = 100)
rnet_buff_100 <- ca_local[rnet_buff_100,] ca_buff
These can be visualised using base R graphics, extended by sp, as illustrated in Figure 1. This provides a good start for analysis but for publication-quality plots and interactive plots, designed for public engagement, we recommend using dedicated visualisation packages that work with spatial data such as tmap.
plot(bb, lty = 4)
plot(rnet_buff_100, col = "grey", add = TRUE)
points(ca_local, pch = 4)
points(ca_buff, cex = 3)
National censuses are one common source of transport data, that
frequently include questions on where people live and work. This is
often accompanied by a question on what mode was taken. These data are
generally provided in standard tables that can be downloaded for free.
For the Australian census, both these standard tables are available as
well as custom tables that can be produced using a service named
TableBuilder. TableBuilder generates Excel or CSV files that contain
additional lines that make reading these data into R difficult. The
stplanr package provides the read_table_builder
function to read in
these files.
Using the example SA1Population.xlsx
file included with stplanr that
contains the population by SA1 zone (a statistical area used for the
Australian census), we can use the read_table_builder
function to read
and format the table for use in R. The function automatically removes
the additional lines and sets the column headers and data types as
appropriate. The result is a data frame that can be used with GIS
boundary files and other datasets produced for SA1 zones.
<- system.file("extdata", package = "stplanr")
data_dir <- read_table_builder(file.path(data_dir, 'SA1Population.xlsx'),
t2 filetype = 'xlsx', sheet = 1, removeTotal = TRUE)
The stplanr package can also be used in conjunction with complementary R packages for downloading data from Open Street Maps (OSM) using osmdata and bicycle share data using the bikedata package.
The bicycle share data that can be accessed using the bikedata package
is particularly well suited for integration with stplanr as it
produces origin-destination (OD) flows from bicycle sharing systems.
This data can be used together with the sum_network_links
function to
generate the likely paths and how these overlap. This can be used to
generate heatmaps of a road network showing modelled common routes such
as in Figure 2.3
Origin-destination (OD) data, which represent the number of people
travelling between geographical zones, is a key input for transport
planning (Calabrese et al. 2011). OD data usually represent an
aggregate data source, and are therefore able to represent the travel
patterns of an entire country in a file of manageable size (see for
example). They can be stored as a (sparse) matrix or (more commonly) a
long table of OD pairs. The long form is illustrated in the code chunk
below which shows a sample of the flow
object. flow
is a data frame
representing the number of home-work commutes by mode between
residential areas in the UK, provided provided in
stplanr for teaching and
demonstration purposes (see ?flow
to see how this dataset was
data("flow", package = "stplanr")
head(flow[c(1:3, 12)])
#> Area.of.residence Area.of.workplace All Bicycle
#> 920573 E02002361 E02002361 109 2
#> 920575 E02002361 E02002363 38 0
#> 920578 E02002361 E02002367 10 0
#> 920582 E02002361 E02002371 44 3
#> 920587 E02002361 E02002377 34 0
#> 920591 E02002361 E02002382 7 0
Although the flow data displayed above describes movement over
geographical space, it contains no explicitly geographical information.
Instead, the coordinates of the origins and destinations are linked to a
separate geographical dataset (represented by the cents
dataset), as
illustrated below:4
data("cents", package = "stplanr")[1:3, -c(3,4)])
#> geo_code MSOA11NM coords.x1 coords.x2
#> 1708 E02002384 Leeds 055 -1.546463 53.80952
#> 1712 E02002382 Leeds 053 -1.511861 53.81161
#> 1805 E02002393 Leeds 064 -1.524205 53.80410
A common task is linking an OD dataset (e.g., flow
) to a geographic
dataset representing zone centroids (e.g. cents
). We use od2line
combine them, as illustrated in the code chunk below, which creates an
object named l
, a spatial object that will be visualised in the next
<- od2line(flow = flow, zones = cents) l
A larger example represents flights from New York in 2013 from the
package. The code chunk below makes use of the function geo_buffer
and highlights stplanr’s ability to work with "Spatial"
or "sf"
objects interchangeably. Figure 3 demonstrates how the
resulting spatial object can be plotted interactively using packages
such as tmap (see the accompanying R file for visualisation code).
<- sf::st_as_sf(airports, coords = c("lon", "lat"), crs = 4326)
airports_sf <- geo_buffer(airports_sf[airports_sf$faa == "NYC",], dist = 1e6)
ny_buff <- airports_sf[ny_buff,]
airports_near <- flights[flights$dest %in% airports_near$faa,]
flights_near <- dplyr::group_by(flights_near, origin, dest) %>%
flights_agg ::summarise(Flights = n())
dplyr= od2line(flow = flights_agg, zones = airports_near)
flights_sf plot(flights_sf, lwd = flights_sf$Flights / 1e3)
A common problem faced by transport researchers is network allocation: converting the ‘as the crow flies’ lines illustrated in Figure 3 into routes. These are the complex, winding paths that people and animals make to avoid obstacles such as buildings and to make the journey faster and more efficient (e.g. by following the route network).
This is difficult (and was until recently near impossible using free software) because of the size and complexity of transport networks, the complexity of realistic routing algorithms and need for context-specificity in the routing engine. Inexperienced cyclists, for example, would take a very different route than a heavy goods vehicle. The stplanr package tackles this issue in two ways: by providing routing functionality that can work on locally stored data and by using third party APIs. Each approach has advantages: local routing functionality is fast and free, whereas online routing services can be more sophisticated (e.g., taking into account local traffic conditions) and work anywhere in the world without needing to download unwieldy datasets and new software libraries such as OSRM. A disadvantage of relying on online services is that they may break or change without warning in the future.
Route allocation is undertaken by route_
functions such as
and route_graphhopper
. These allocate a single OD
pair (represented by from
and to
arguments as coordinates, spatial
point objects, or text strings to be "geo-coded") to the transport
network. This is illustrated below with route_cyclestreet
, which uses
the API, a routing
service “by cyclists for cyclists” which provides "fastest",
"quietest," and "balanced" routes:5
<- route_cyclestreet(from = "Bradford, Yorkshire", to = "Leeds, Yorkshire")
route_bl <- route_cyclestreet(cents[1,], cents[2,]) route_c1_c2
The raw output from routing APIs is usually provided as a JSON or
GeoJSON text string. By default, route_cyclestreet
saves a number of
key variables (including length, time, hilliness and busyness variables
generated by from the attribute data provided by the
API. If the user wants to save the raw output, the save_raw
can be used:
<- route_cyclestreet(from = "Bradford", to = "Leeds", save_raw = TRUE) route_bl_raw
Additional arguments taken by the route_
functions depend on the
routing function in question. By changing the plan
argument of
to fastest
, quietest
, or balanced
, for
example, routes favouring speed, quietness or a balance between speed
and quietness will be saved, respectively.
To automate the creation of route-allocated lines over many desire
lines, the line2route
function loops over each line, wrapping any
function as an input. The output is a SpatialLinesDataFrame
with the same number of dimensions as the input dataset (see the right
panel in Figure 4).
<- line2route(l = l, route_fun = route_cyclestreet) routes_fast
The result of this ‘batch routing’ exercise is illustrated in Figure
4. The red lines in the left hand panel are very
different from the hypothetical straight ‘desire lines’, highlighting
the importance of this route-allocation functionality (see
and for more
sophisticated visualisation methods).
plot(route_network, lwd=0)
plot(l, lwd = l$All / 10, add = TRUE)
lines(routes_fast, col = "red")
$All <- l$All
routes_fast<- overline(routes_fast, "All", fun = sum)
rnet $flow <- rnet$All / mean(rnet$All) * 3
rnetplot(rnet, lwd = rnet$flow / mean(rnet$flow))
To estimate the amount of capacity needed at each segment on the
transport network, the overline
function demonstrated above, is used
to divide line geometries into unique segments and aggregate the
overlapping values. The results, illustrated in the right-hand panel of
Figure 4, could be used to inform the decision
making process at the route network level, such as where to create new
bus routes cycle paths.
Limitations with the route_cyclestreet
routing API include its
specificity to one mode (cycling) and a single region (the UK and part
of Europe). To overcome these limitations, additional routing APIs were
added with the functions route_graphhopper
, and viaroute
. These interface to
Graphhopper, TransportAPI, and the Open Source Routing Machine (OSRM)
routing services, respectively. Advanced users can set-up local routing
services (as demonstrated in a guide by
reducing the disadvantages of using online routing services (they rely
on on potentially slow internet connections, changeable APIs, and
variable/high prices).
A short example of finding the route by car and bike between New York
and Oaxaca demonstrates how route_graphhopper
can collect geographical
and other data on routes by various modes, anywhere in the world. The
output, shown in Table 2, shows that the function also
saves time, distance, and (for bike trips) vertical distance climbed for
the trips.
<- route_graphhopper("New York", "Oaxaca", vehicle = "bike")
ny2oaxaca1 <- route_graphhopper("New York", "Oaxaca", vehicle = "car")
ny2oaxaca2 rbind(ny2oaxaca1@data, ny2oaxaca2@data)
mode | time | dist | change_elev |
Bike | 17522.73 | 4885663 | 87388.13 |
Car | 2759.89 | 4754772 | NA |
Catchment areas are useful analytic and visual tools in transport planning. They can help who will benefit from a particular transport intervention (such as a new bus stop) and illustrate the geographic area that is covered by (or omitted from) a particular service or transport system, to help prioritize new investment. Passengers are often said to be willing to walk up to 400 metres to a bus stop or 800 metres to a railway station (El-Geneidy et al. 2014), leading to surrounding smaller or larger polygons representing the catchment within which people would be willing to travel. Such catchment areas have been criticised as being arbitrary or as underestimating the true sphere of influence of public transport nodes (Daniels and Mulley 2013; El-Geneidy et al. 2014). However, they nonetheless represent a good starting point from which the geographical and social distribution of service provision can be estimated.
Often catchment areas are calculated using straight-line (or “as the crow flies”) distances. This approach is appealing because it requires little additional data and is simple to compute (using buffer function) and understand.
The stplanr package provides functionality that calculates catchment
areas using straight-line distances with the calc_catchment
This function takes a "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame"
object that contains
the population (or other) data, typically from a census, and a
layer that contains the geometry of the transport facility.
These two layers are overlayed to calculate statistics for the desired
catchments including "proportioning" polygons to account for the
proportion located within the catchment area.
To illustrate this functionality, the following code chunk reads-in
sample datasets stored in the common ESRI Shapefile format using the
function from rgdal. The resulting object smallsa1
contains population data for Statistical Area 1 (SA1) zones in Sydney,
Australia. The testcycleway
data set contains hypothetical cycleways
aligned to streets in Sydney:
<- system.file("extdata", package = "stplanr")
data_dir unzip(file.path(data_dir, ''))
unzip(file.path(data_dir, ''))
<- rgdal::readOGR(".", "smallsa1")
sa1income <- rgdal::readOGR(".", "testcycleway")
testcycleway # Remove unzipped files
file.remove(list.files(pattern = "^(smallsa1|testcycleway).*"))
The calculation of catchment areas requires two parameters: a vector containing column names to calculate statistics and a distance. Since proportioning the areas assumes projected data, unprojected data are automatically projected to either a common projection (if one is already projected) or a specified projection. It should be emphasized that the choice of projection is important and has an effect on the results meaning setting a local projection is recommended to achieve the most accurate results. The catchment area is calculated as follows:
<- calc_catchment(
catch800m polygonlayer = sa1income,
targetlayer = testcycleway,
calccols = c('Total'),
distance = 800,
projection = 'austalbers',
dissolve = TRUE
The result can be used to calculate the total population within the
catchment areas of the cycleway, with the command
: 39418 people. The catchment area can then be
visualised (see Figure 5):
plot(sa1income, col = "light grey")
plot(catch800m, col = rgb(1, 0, 0, 0.5), add = TRUE)
plot(testcycleway, col = "green", add = TRUE)
This simplistic catchment area is useful when the straight-line distance
is a reasonable approximation of the route taken to walk (or cycle) to a
transport facility. However, this is often not the case. The catchment
area in Figure 5 initially appears reasonable but
the red-shaded catchment area includes an area that requires travelling
around a bay to access from the (green-coloured) cycleway: users may
have access but that does not mean it’s accessible. To allow for
more realistic catchment areas for most situations, stplanr provides
the calc_network_catchment
function that uses the same principle as
but also takes into account the transport network.
To use calc_network_catchment
, a transport network, as a
object, must be provided. This combines a
object with a graph network (using the
igraph package) to allow
routing (estimation of shortest paths). The network is used to calculate
the shortest actual paths within the specific catchment distance, as
demonstrated in the following code chunk:
unzip(file.path(data_dir, ''))
<- rgdal::readOGR(".", "roads")
sydroads file.remove(list.files(pattern = "^(roads).*"))
<- SpatialLinesNetwork(sydroads) sydnetwork
The network catchment is then calculated using a similar method as with
but with a few minor changes. Specifically these are
including the SpatialLinesNetwork
, and using the maximpedance
parameter to define the distance, with distance being the additional
distance from the network. In contrast to the distance parameter that is
based on the straight-line distance in both the calc_catchment
functions, the maximpedance
parameter is the
maximum value in the units of the network’s weight attribute. In
practice this is generally distance in metres but can also be travel
times, risk or other measures.
<- calc_network_catchment(
netcatch800m sln = sydnetwork,
polygonlayer = sa1income,
targetlayer = testcycleway,
calccols = c('Total'),
maximpedance = 800,
distance = 100,
projection = 'austalbers'
Once calculated, the network catchment area can be used just as the straight-line network catchment. This includes extracting the catchment population of 23457 and plotting the original catchment area together with the original area with the results shown in Figure 6:
plot(sa1income, col = "light grey")
plot(catch800m, col = rgb(1, 0, 0, 0.5), add = TRUE)
plot(netcatch800m, col = rgb(0, 0, 1, 0.5), add = TRUE)
plot(testcycleway, col = "green", add = TRUE)
The calc_catchment
and calc_network_catchment
functions are
complementary functions allowing for the computation of catchment areas.
Although for many transport applications it would be better to use the
function that uses the true network distances,
it may still be useful to use the straight-line version in some cases.
These include calculating the population that may be affected by noise
levels from transport infrastructure (such as a motorway) where the
effects of noise are not limited by the network. In situations where
network data is not available it would be possible to use the
function together with a fixed assumption about what
straight-line distance corresponds to the desired network distance
(i.e., 1km network = 700m straight-line). It may also be appropriate to
use the straight-line distance when the network is not a reasonable
constraint. This may be because the infrastructure of interest is
accessed primarily by walking or cycling in an area where these are not
limited to the road network (such as parks or shopping areas with
passthroughs or overpasses available to pedestrians).
Route-allocated lines allow estimation of route distance and therefore circuity (\(Q\)) (route distance divided by Euclidean distance) (Levinson and El-Geneidy 2009):
\[Q = \frac{d_{Rf}}{d_E},\]
where (\(d_E\)) and (\(d_{Rf}\)) represent Euclidean and fastest route distance respectively.
These variables can help model the rate of flow between origins and
destination, as illustrated in the left-hand panel of Figure
7. The code below demonstrates how objects
generated by stplanr can be used to undertake such analysis, with the
function used to find the distance, in meters, of lat/lon
$d_euclidean <- line_length(l)
l$d_rf <- routes_fast@data$length
lplot(l$d_euclidean, l$d_rf,
xlab = "Euclidean distance", ylab = "Route distance")
abline(a = 0, b = 1)
abline(a = 0, b = 1.2, col = "green")
abline(a = 0, b = 1.5, col = "red")
The left hand panel of Figure 7 shows the expected strong correlation between Euclidean (\(d_E\)) and fastest route (\(d_{Rf}\)) distance. However, some OD pairs have a proportionally higher route distance than others, as illustrated by distance from the black line in the plot.
An extension to the concept of circuity is the "quietness diversion factor" (\(QDF\)) of a desire line (Lovelace et al. 2017), the ratio of the route distance of a quiet route option (\(d_{Rq}\)) to that of the fastest:
\[QDF = \frac{d_{Rq}}{d_{Rf}}.\]
Thanks to the "quietest" route option provided by route_cyclestreet
we can estimate average values for both metrics as follows:
<- line2route(l, route_cyclestreet, plan = "quietest") routes_slow
$d_rq <- routes_slow$length # quietest route distance
l<- mean(l$d_rf / l$d_euclidean, na.rm = TRUE)
Q <- mean(l$d_rq / l$d_rf, na.rm = TRUE)
#> [1] 1.298767
#> [1] 1.034721
The results show that cycle paths are not particularly direct in the study region by international standards (CROW 2007). This is hardly surprisingly given the small size of the sample and the short distances covered: \(Q\) tends to decrease at a decaying rate with distance, meaning longer paths tend to be more direct. What is surprising is that the quietness diversion factor is close to unity, which could imply that the quiet routes are constructed along direct, and therefore sensible routes. When time is explored, we find that the "quietness diversion factor with respect to time" (\(QDF_t\)) is slightly larger, although larger datasets would be needed for any inferences to be made:
<- mean(routes_slow$time / routes_fast$time, na.rm = TRUE)) (QDFt
#> [1] 1.052855
The second step in the four-stage transport model (after trip
generation) is trip distribution. This involves identifying destinations
for trips generated in each zone (creating OD data), which can be done
with a gravity model, logit model, or other technique under the broad
banner of "spatial interaction model" (SIM). The stplanr package is
not intended primarily as an SIM package, but could be extended in this
direction, as illustrated by the od_radiation
function, which
implements a SIM proposed by Simini et al. (2012). Further development
in this direction (or integration with a package dedicated to SIMs)
would complement stplanr’s focus on geographic functions.
At present there are no functions for modelling distance decay, but this is something we would like to add in future versions of stplanr. Although it is only one of several methods used for modelling trip distribution as part of four-step models, distance decay is an especially important concept for sustainable transport planning due to physical limitations on the ability of people to walk and cycle large distances (Iacono et al. 2010). It can also be used to model relationships between locations in situations that are sensitive to distance (cycling facilities for instance) in addition to its use in four-step models.
We can explore the relationship between distance and the proportion of
trips made by walking using the same object l
generated by stplanr.
$pwalk <- l$On.foot / l$All
lplot(l$d_euclidean, l$pwalk, cex = l$All / 50,
xlab = "Euclidean distance (m)", ylab = "Proportion of trips by foot")
Based on the right-hand panel in Figure 7, there
is a clear negative relationship between distance of trips and the
proportion of those trips made by walking. This is unsurprising: beyond
a certain distance (around 1.5km according the the data presented in the
figure above) walking is usually seen as too slow and other modes are
considered. This "distance decay" is non-linear and can be
approximated by a range of functional forms (Martínez and Viegas 2013). From
the range of options we test below just two forms. We will compare the
ability of linear and log-square-root functions to fit the data
contained in l
for walking.
<- lm(pwalk ~ d_euclidean, data = l@data, weights = All)
lm1 <- lm(pwalk ~ d_rf, data = l@data, weights = All)
lm2 <- glm(pwalk ~ d_rf + I(d_rf^0.5),
lm3 data = l@data, weights = All, family = quasipoisson(link = "log"))
The results of these regression models can be seen using summary()
Surprisingly, Euclidean distance was a better predictor of walking than
route distance, but no strong conclusions can be drawn from this
finding, with such a small sample of desire lines (n = 42). The results
are purely illustrative, of the possibilities created by using stplanr
in conjunction with R’s modelling capabilities (see Figure
plot(l$d_euclidean, l$pwalk, cex = l$All / 50,
xlab = "Euclidean distance (m)", ylab = "Proportion of trips by foot")
<- data.frame(d_euclidean = 1:5000, d_rf = 1:5000)
l2 <- predict(lm1, l2)
lm1p <- predict(lm2, l2)
lm2p <- predict(lm3, l2)
lm3p lines(l2$d_euclidean, lm1p)
lines(l2$d_euclidean, exp(lm2p), col = "green")
lines(l2$d_euclidean, exp(lm3p), col = "red")
Visualization is an important aspect of any transport study, as it enables researchers to communicate their findings to other researchers, policy-makers, and, ultimately, the public. It may therefore come as a surprise that stplanr contains no functions for visualisation. Instead, users are encouraged to make use of existing spatial visualisation tools in R, such as tmap, leaflet, and ggmap (Kahle and Wickham 2013; Cheshire and Lovelace 2015).
Furthermore, with the development of online application frameworks, such as shiny, it is now easier than ever to make the results of transport analysis and modelling projects available to the public. There is great potential to expand on the principle of publicly accessible transport planning tools via "web apps", perhaps through new R packages dedicated to visualising and communicating transport data.
This paper demonstrates that transport planning can be done with R. We set out reasons for using open source software in general and command-line interfaces in particular for reproducibility, transparency, and democratic accountability. This is, to our knowledge, the first R package aimed at enabling practitioners and researchers to design more sustainable transport systems. Much more is possible in this direction.
The stplanr package focuses on geographic analysis of transport systems, a niche that is apparent from existing tools. Proprietary software such as INRO, PTV Visum, and TransCAD dominate geospatial methods in applied transport planning. This differs from other fields that use geospatial methods such as spatial epidemiology and ecology, where open source software dominate. Furthermore, the successful "UNIX approach" to software development implies that each piece of software does a limited number of things well. To avoid the pitfall of "feature creep" it makes sense to specialise.
The lack of existing packages that do the same job direct our attention
towards stplanr’s basic functionality rather than more advanced
features. A good example of this is the SpatialLinesNetwork
which could provide a basis for future developments including the
recently implemented route_local
function. This direction of
"incremental growth" could proceed by adding interfaces to more
transport planning APIs, including
Routino and
Directions provided by the mapping
company Mapbox.
Another example of the potential to develop basic functionality rather
than new advanced features is the the possibility of creating an "OD"
class to represent origin-destination data, which could ease the
geographical analysis of OD data via generic methods. Building on the
example data presented in previous sections the idea is for a single
object to be able represent flowlines
, routes_fast
. The recent development of the sf, with its support for
multiple geometry columns, makes this option more feasible.
Another direction of travel is towards better support for large
datasets. We have demonstrated stplnr’s capabilities on deliberately
small datasets for ease of understanding. However, the third criterion
of transport planning software set-out in the introduction —
scalability — is vital to package’s real world utility in the age of
transport-related "Big Data" (Lovelace et al. 2016). Some functions use
C++ (via Rcpp) for
computationally intensive operations, and we plan to continue the drive
toward performant code. Opportunities for improving performance include:
integration with transport databases (e.g., via the bikedata package);
support for batch routing APIs; parallel implementations of
time-consuming functions; and the refactoring of slow functions (e.g.,
, which takes hours to run on large datasets).
Rather than a one-size-fits-all package, we see stplanr as an additional tool in the transport planner’s cabinet. It is part of a wider movement that is making transport planning a more open and democratic process. Other developments in this movement include the increasing availability of open data (Naumova 2016) and the rise of open source products for transport modelling, such as SUMO, MATSim, MITSIMLAB (Saidallah et al. 2016), and pgRouting. In this context, stplanr’s focus on GIS operations represents a niche in the market, allowing it to complement such software and help make better use of new open data sources. The stplanr package could also be used alongside other R packages that use spatial transport data such as aspace and MCI (Wieland 2017).
The stplanr package was first developed to generate data for the Propensity to Cycle Tool (PCT), which estimates cycling potential down to the street level across all major cyclable routes in England and Wales (Lovelace et al. 2017). We believe there are many other national and international transport planning challenges the package could be used to solve. In the context of the increasing availability of open access data6 packages for analyzing transport datasets. The stplanr package could help ensure that the evidence on which transport planning decisions are based is reproducible, systematic, and therefore democratically accountable.
We would like to thank a number of people and organisations who have supported the development of stplanr: the UK’s Department for Transport (DfT) for funding the Propensity to Cycle Tool (see, which instigated code which eventually became stplanr; Colin Gillespie, whose teaching helped turn the code into a package; ROpenSci, for hosting the package (special thanks to Scott Chamberlin who reviewed the package); to Maëlle Salmon, Mark Padgham, Martin Lucas-Smith, and Marcus Young for commenting on early drafts of this paper; and to transport planning professionals Tom van Vuren (Mott MacDonald), John Parkin (University of the West of England), Helen Bowkett (Welsh Government), and Yaron Hollander, who provided input on the paper and ideas for future priorities.
sp, rgeos, rgdal, sf, SpatialEpi, diseasemapping, leaflet, tmap, mapview, mapmisc, XML, twitteR, ggplot2, muStat, mgcv, shiny, haven, rio, dplyr, osmdata, stats19, bikedata, stplanr, nycflights, nycflights13, cyclestreets, igraph, Rcpp, aspace, MCI
Bayesian, Databases, Econometrics, Environmetrics, Epidemiology, GraphicalModels, HighPerformanceComputing, MixedModels, ModelDeployment, NumericalMathematics, OfficialStatistics, Optimization, Phylogenetics, Spatial, SpatioTemporal, TeachingStatistics, WebTechnologies
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Lovelace & Ellison, "stplanr: A Package for Transport Planning", The R Journal, 2018
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2018-053, author = {Lovelace, Robin and Ellison, Richard}, title = {stplanr: A Package for Transport Planning}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2018}, note = {}, volume = {10}, issue = {2}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {7-23} }