We introduce and illustrate the utility of MapGAM, a user-friendly R package that provides a unified framework for estimating, predicting and drawing inference on covariate-adjusted spatial effects using individual-level data. The package also facilitates visualization of spatial effects via automated mapping procedures. MapGAM estimates covariate-adjusted spatial associations with a univariate or survival outcome using generalized additive models that include a non-parametric bivariate smooth term of geolocation parameters. Estimation and mapping methods are implemented for continuous, discrete, and right-censored survival data. In the current manuscript, we summarize the methodology implemented in MapGAM and illustrate the package using two example simulated datasets: the first considering a case-control study design from the state of Massachusetts and the second considering right-censored survival data from California.
In spatial epidemiology studies, mapping crude and adjusted spatial
distributions of disease risk is a useful tool for identifying risk
factors of public health concern (Elliott and Wartenberg 2004). The underlying (or crude)
geographic pattern of disease is often what is observed by public health
practitioners, but these patterns may be due to important
spatially-varying predictors such as socioeconomic status,
race/ethnicity, or environmental exposures. Individual-level spatial
analyses can provide insight regarding disease risk by adjusting for
these variables without aggregation bias (also known as ecological
bias). Disease risks often have complex spatial patterns that are
subject to high variability due to sparsity. Smoothing provides an
efficient method to deal with these issues by borrowing strength from
adjacent observations to reduce variability while allowing for
non-parametric flexibility when estimating the spatial distribution of
risk. Generalized additive models (GAMs), originally proposed by
Hastie and Tibshirani (1986), are common model-based approaches for mapping point-based
data(Webster et al. 2006; Vieira et al. 2008; Baker et al. 2011; Akullian et al. 2014; Bristow et al. 2014; Hoffman et al. 2015). GAMs
provide a unified statistical framework that allows for the adjustment
of individual-level risk factors when evaluating spatial variability in
a flexible way. The flexibility provided by GAMs, together with the
intuitive nature of many smoothing techniques, make them an ideal choice
for modeling complex spatial associations.
There are a number of R
packages implementing GAMs and related models
(R Core Team 2015). The gam package (Hastie 2004) provides an implementation of the GAM
framework of Hastie and Tibshirani (1986) by providing two types of commonly used smoothing
methods: cubic loess smoothing splines for univariate variables and
local kernel smoothing (LOESS) for multivariate variables. The
mgcv(Breslow and Clayton 1993; Wood 2009) package implements cubic smoothing splines and
tensor product smooths, an extension of cubic splines to
multi-dimentions. mgcv also provides various criterion to aid in the
selection of model complexity via the choice of effective degrees of
freedom and provides functions to fit generalized additive mixed effects
models (GAMMs) for correlated data. Package gamlss (Rigby and Stasinopoulos 2005; Stasinopoulos and Rigby 2007)
implements an extension of the GAM that incorporates selected
distributions outside of the exponential family. With respect to
censored survival data, parametric additive models can be fit using both
the gamlss.cens package (Stasinopoulos et al. 2015) and the VGAM package (W. 2007).
Bayesian inferences for the spatial analysis of survival data based on
the parametric proportional hazards model are implemented in package
spatsurv(Taylor and Rowlingson 2014; Taylor et al. 2016). However, parametric models assume a
full distribution of the survival times, and misspecifying the
distribution may yield bias for estimates. Cox proportional hazards
models, which are semi-parametric without specifying a form for
underlying hazard function, are more robust for survival analysis
including mulitple adjusted variables.
A variety of R
packages incorporate Cox proportional hazards models
and spatial smoothing term. The R interface to
BayesX(Kneib et al. 2014; Umlauf et al. 2015; Belitz et al. 2016), R2BayesX(Umlauf et al. 2016), provides
survival spatial analysis based on structured additive models (STAR)
without specifying the baseline hazard. mboost(Hothorn et al. 2016) implements
boosting for optimizing penalized likehood function, and as an extention
of mboost, gamboostMSM(Reulen 2014) provides estimates for
multistate models. mgcv also incorporates ’coxph’
family in the
model fitting. However these packages use cubic, B- and/or P- splines as
smoothing methods; none offer LOESS. LOESS adapts to varying data
densities by defining a local neighborhood based on a fixed proportion
("span") of the observations; this is especially useful for spatial
analyses as population densities typically vary within any study
Therefore, none of the above packages provide an implementation of the
Cox proportional hazards additive model for censored survival data that
allows for multivariate loess smoothing of covariates such as
geolocation parameters, despite the fact that spatial effect estimation
in the context of survival outcomes is of great interest in epidemiology
studies (Henderson et al. 2002; Bristow et al. 2014). Moreover, displaying spatial predictions
on a map with irregular geographic boundaries is a non-trivial effort,
often handled by exporting statistical predictions to separate
specialized geographic information system (GIS) software such as
that requires a paid user license (Webster et al. 2006; Vieira et al. 2008) or by
omitting geographic boundaries altogether(Akullian et al. 2014). At best, these
limitations and complexities pose a significant barrier to researchers
not already well versed in both GAMs and GIS methods and at worst may
lead to reporting errors due to the inefficient transfer of estimates
between separate software packages.
To address the above deficiencies of current software,
MapGAM was built to
provide a single R
package that allows for estimating, predicting, and
visualizing covariate-adjusted spatial effects using individual-level
data. The package estimates covariate-adjusted spatial associations with
a univariate or survival outcome via GAMs that include a non-parametric
bivariate smooth term of geolocation parameters. Estimation and mapping
methods are implemented for continuous, discrete, and right-censored
survival data. In addition, support functions for efficient control
sampling in case-control studies and inferential procedures for testing
global and pointwise spatial effects are implemented. We have found that
a unified system for estimating and visualizing covariate-adjusted
spatial effects on outcomes arising from the most commonly encountered
epidemiologic study designs greatly facilitates efficient and
reproducible analyses in these settings.
This article serves as an introduction and illustration of the MapGAM
package. The remainder of the manuscript is organized as follows:
Section 2 provides an overview of the methodology implemented in
MapGAM for estimating and visualizing spatial effects in the context
of a generalized additive model for continuous, binary or count outcome
data. An illustrative example using MapGAM to analyze hypothetical
case-control data from the state of Massachusetts is also provided.
Section 3 considers estimating spatial effects on
right-censored survival times via a Cox proportional hazards additive
model. The estimation procedures implemented in MapGAM are provided
and a brief simulation study considers the performance of the proposed
fitting methods in various settings. In Section 4 we
consider inference procedures associated with spatial modeling and
illustrate how to use the package to perform a global test of a spatial
effect and calculate confidence intervals for predictions at each
spatial prediction point. Section 5 concludes with
discussion of the utility of the MapGAM package and considers possible
extensions of the package in future research.
We consider estimating and visualizing covariate-adjusted spatial effects in the context of a GAM for continuous, binary or count outcome data. The spatial effect can be estimated by fitting a GAM model with a bivariate smoothing term for the two geolocation parameters. Typical models will also include additional adjustment for demographic characteristics and other risk factors that may serve as potential confounding factors in the association between location and the outcome of interest.
We consider modeling observations that are distributed on a map with \(u_i\) and \(v_i\) denoting the geographical parameters for the \(i^{th}\) observation, \(i=1,\dots,n\). Let \(Y_i\) denote the outcome and \(X_i\) denote a vector of adjustment covariates. Further suppose that the distribution of the outcome belongs to the exponential family. The GAM then assumes that \[g(\mu_i) =\eta_i= \beta_0 + X_i^\top\beta +f(u_i, v_i),\] where \(g(\cdot)\) is the link function for mean of the outcome \(\mu_i =\mathbb{E}[Y_i]\) and the variance of the outcome is defined by the assumed probability model and denoted as \(V_i \equiv Var(Y_i) = V(\mu_i, \phi)\); a function of the mean and nuisance parameter \(\phi\). \(\beta\) denotes a vector of coefficients associated with adjustment covariate \(X_i\) and \(f(u_i, v_i)\) represents the spatial effects, which is a nonlinear function of location.
When fitting the model, we separate the spatial effect into parametric
and nonparametric portions:
\(f(u_i,v_i) = \gamma_1u_i +\gamma_2v_i +s_i\), and the model becomes
g(\mu_i) =\eta_i= \beta_0 + \tilde{X}_i^\top\tilde{\beta} +s_i, \tag{1}\]
where \(\tilde{X}_i=[X_i, u_i, v_i]\) and
\(\tilde{\beta} = [\beta^\top, \gamma_1, \gamma_2]^\top\). The parametric
part of the spatial effect is fit jointly with other adjustment
variables using least squares, while the nonparametric term is fit using
a nonparametric smoother. To ensure identifiability, we constrain the
model so that \(\sum_i{s_i} = 0\).
A local scoring procedure (Hastie and Tibshirani 1986) is used to fit the model. Let \(l\)
denote the log-likelihood function based upon one observations
\(Y=[Y_1,\dots,Y_n]^\top\), which is a function of
\(\eta=[\eta_1,\dots,\eta_n]^\top\). To estimate the parameters of the
model we seek to maximize the expected log likelihood:
\mathbb{E}(l(\hat{\eta}_i,Y_i)) = \max_{\eta_i} \mathbb{E}(l(\eta_i,Y_i)),~for~i=1, \cdots, n \tag{2}\]
where the expectation is taken over the joint distribution of \(X\) and \(Y\). This has intuitive appeal since it seeks to choose a model that maximizes the likelihood of all possible future observations. Under standard regularity conditions (namely the ability to interchange integration and differentiation), we obtain \[\label{dmax} \mathbb{E}[dl/d\eta_i]_{\hat{\eta}_i} = 0, \tag{3}\] While there is no general closed for solution to Eq.((3)), a first-order Taylor series expansion leads to an iterative estimating procedure given by \[\eta_i^{new} = \eta_i^{old}-\mathbb{E}[dl/d\eta_i]|_{\eta^{old}_i}/\mathbb{E}[d^2l/d\eta_i^2]|_{\eta^{old}_i},\] which is equivalent to \[\label{etaupdate} \eta_i^{new} = \mathbb{E}\left[\eta_i-\frac{dl/d\eta_i}{\mathbb{E}[d^2l/d\eta_i^2]}\right]_{\eta_i^{old}}. \tag{4}\] In the exponential family case, we can compute the first and second derivatives of the expected log likelihood as \[\frac{dl}{d\eta_i} = (Y_i-\mu_i) V_i^{-1} \left(\frac{d\mu_i}{d\eta_i}\right),\] and \[\label{dl2} \frac{d^2l}{d\eta_i^2} = (Y_i-\mu_i) V_i^{-1} \left(\frac{d}{d\eta_i}\right)\left[V_i^{-1}\left(\frac{d\mu_i}{d\eta_i}\right)\right] - \left(\frac{d\mu_i}{d\eta_i}\right)^2V_i^{-1}. \tag{5}\] Then taking the expectation (conditional on \(X\)) of Eq.((5)) we obtain \[\label{edl2} E\left.\left[\left(\frac{d^2l}{d\eta_i^2}\right)\right|X\right]= - \left(\frac{d\mu_i}{d\eta_i}\right)^2V_i^{-1}. \tag{6}\] Hence \(\eta_i\) is updated in the GLM case by \[\label{update} \eta_i^{new} = E\left.\left[\eta_i + (Y_i-\mu_i)\left(\frac{d\eta_i}{d\mu_i}\right)\right|_{\eta_i^{old}, \mu_i^{old}}\right]. \tag{7}\] Further, letting \(Y_w^{old}=[Y_{w1}^{old},\cdots,Y_{wn}^{old}]^\top\) denote the working response computed in terms of \(\eta^{old}\) and \(\mu^{old}\) and given by \[\label{wkrp} Y_{wi}^{old}=\left.\eta_i + (Y_i-\mu_i)\left(\frac{d\eta_i}{d\mu_i}\right)\right|_{\eta_i^{old}, \mu_i^{old}}, \tag{8}\] we obtain from Eq.((1)), Eq.((7)), and Eq.((8)), \[E[Y_{wi}^{old}] = \beta_0^{new} + \tilde{X_i}^\top\tilde{\beta}^{new} + s_i^{new}.\] The coefficients \(\tilde{\beta}_0^{new}\), \(\tilde{\beta}^{new}\) and nonparametric term, \(s\), must be estimated in order to obtain an updated value of \(\eta^{new}\) in Eq.((7)). If no parametric linear predictor term is included in the model (beyond the spatial smoothing term), the updated \(s^{new}\) can be estimated by regressing the working response \(Y_w^{old}\) on a bivariate smoother for \(u\) and \(v\). However, with the parametric linear predictor term included in the model, the backfitting algorithm can be used to update \(\beta_0\) ,\(\tilde{\beta}\) and \(s\), as is done in the gam package. Specifically, we begin by defining \(W=[W_1, \cdots, W_n]^\top\) as \[\label{weight1} W_i=(d\mu_i/d\eta_i)^2V_i^{-1}|_{\eta_i^{old}, \mu_i^{old}} \tag{9}\] and initializing \(s=0\). The backfitting procedure then loops through the following three steps until the mean squared error does not further decrease relative to a defined convergence criteria:
Update \(\beta_0\) and \(\tilde{\beta}\) by fitting a linear regression model with \(Y^{old}_w-s\) as the response and corresponding weight \(W\);
Update \(\hat{s}\) by regressing response \(Y^{old}_w-\beta_0-\tilde{\mathbf{X}}\tilde{\beta}\) on a bivariate smoother for \(u\) and \(v\) with weight \(W\);
Calculate \(s=\hat{s}-1^\top\hat{s}\).
Thus, the general algorithm for fitting a generalized additive model within the MapGAM package is:
Initialize \(s=0\). Initialize \(\beta_0\) and \(\tilde{\beta}\) by fitting a generalized linear regression model with all the adjusted covariates and geolocation parameters included in the model (ie. omitting \(s\)).
Repeat 2. until convergence.
A locally weighted scatterplot smoother (LOESS) (Cleveland 1979, 1981; Cleveland and Devlin 1988) is utilized as the bivariate smoothing function for the two geolocation parameters \(u\) and \(v\) in the MapGAM package. The smoothing parameter defining the neighborhood used to select the \(K\) nearest observations points for smoothing may be user specified or automatically chosen by minimizing AIC (Webster et al. 2006).
In the MapGAM package, typical spatial applications will start with
the predgrid()
function to create a regular grid of points within the
study area, potentially restricted to points within optional map
boundaries (e.g., a country, state, or regional map obtained from the
maps package or imported from a shapefile). Crude or
covariate-adjusted odds ratios, hazard ratios, or other effect estimates
are then obtained for each grid point using the modgam()
function to
smooth by geolocation. modgam()
provides compatible and flexible
interfaces, acting as a wrapper function to the gam()
function in the
gam package. Specifically, the model can be specified via a formula
statement, or for users less familiar with writing model formulas in R,
the formula can be omitted in which case the model is specified
implicitly by structuring the data so that the first column of the data
represents the outcome to be modeled (or the first two columns for
survival objects), the next two columns represent the parameters for
geolocation, and the remaining columns represent the adjustment
covariates to be included in the model. With the model specified,
proceeds by calling the gam()
function to estimate model
parameters, then calls mypredict.gam()
to generate predictions for the
specified grid. The optspan()
function can be used to find an optimal
span size (proportion of data size included in the neighborhood) for the
LOESS smoother. Optionally, the modgam()
function can call optspan()
to choose the optimal span for fitting the model in an automated
Considering the estimated spatial effect \(f(u_i,v_i)\) for the \(i^{th}\)
location, researchers are often interested in the spatial effect
difference (or ratio, log-ratio) comparing each location to a defined
reference. To obtain spatial effect estimates, one can specify
, then modgam()
provides three options for the choice
of reference: the median of \(f(u_i,v_i)\), \(i=1,\dots,n\), the mean of
\(f(u_i,v_i)\), \(i=1,\dots,n\), or an estimated spatial effect value at a
user-specified geolocation. Alternatively, specifying reference="none"
will produce prediction estimates based upon the linear predictor for
each covariate combination in the prediction dataset (including the
model intercept). To produce estimates of effects for all adjustment
covariates, the option type="all"
may be specified. The result of
is an object of class modgam()
that can be summarized by
class-defined printing, summarizing and plotting methods. Specifically,
a heatmap of the predicted values from a fitted model can be generated
using either the colormap()
or plot()
functions. For tailored plots,
the trimdata()
and sampcont()
functions can be used to restrict data
to those areas within a specified set of map boundaries and to conduct
simple or spatiotemporal stratified sampling from eligible controls–a
useful feature for analysis of data from large cohorts.
In this section we present an illustrative example using MapGAM to
analyze hypothetical case-control data from Massachusetts. MAdata
is a
simulated case-control study dataset available in the MapGAM package.
Contained in the dataset are \(90\) cases and \(910\) controls with randomly
generated geolocations across Massachusetts, geocoded on a Lambert
projection (in meters). MAmap
provides a map of Massachusetts using
the same projection. The dataset also contains three randomly generated
potential adjustment covariates: smoking, mercury exposure and selenium
exposure. A summary of the dataset follows:
> data("MAdata")
R> data("MAmap")
R> summary(MAdata) R
Case Xcoord Ycoord Smoking :0.00 Min. : 35354 Min. :778430 Min. :0.000
Min. 1st Qu.:0.00 1st Qu.:111465 1st Qu.:869089 1st Qu.:0.000
:0.00 Median :183100 Median :891067 Median :0.000
Median :0.09 Mean :175054 Mean :889081 Mean :0.177
Mean 3rd Qu.:0.00 3rd Qu.:236826 3rd Qu.:919684 3rd Qu.:0.000
:1.00 Max. :327861 Max. :954253 Max. :1.000
Mercury Selenium :0.1418 Min. :0.2049
Min. 1st Qu.:0.7206 1st Qu.:0.8573
:1.0010 Median :1.1836
Median :1.1471 Mean :1.3590
Mean 3rd Qu.:1.4017 3rd Qu.:1.6844
:5.6298 Max. :5.8963 Max.
The geolocations of the observations are shown in Figure 1, which can be generated with the following code:
> plot(MAmap)
R> points(MAdata$Xcoord, MAdata$Ycoord, col = MAdata$Case + 1) R
We first start with generating a prediction grid for the map using
> gamgrid <- predgrid(MAdata, map = MAmap) R
After defining a prediction grid, modgam()
is used to fit a GAM model
based on the MAdata
and generate predictions on the defined grid. A
formula expression indicates that the indicator Case
is specified as
the response, and two spatial parameters Xcoord
and Ycoord
included in lo()
to specify a geospatial smoothing term. In addition,
potential confounders Smoking
, Mercury
and Selenium
are also
adjusted for in the model as linear terms. Argument sp
is used to
specify the span size for the spatial smoothing term. A specification of
sp = null
(the default) implies that an optimal span will be selected.
Note that if the model formula is not supplied, the data must be
structuring so that the outcome is in the first column, the two spatial
parameters are in the second and third columns and the adjustment
variables are in other columns. In that case, specifying m="adjusted"
will include all other columns of the data as linear terms in the model
and m="crude"
will fit only the two spatial parameters (the m
argument is ignored if a model formula is supplied). For this particular
example, the resulting call to modgam()
using the formula statement is
given as follows:
> fit1 <- modgam(Case ~ lo(Xcoord, Ycoord) + Smoking + Mercury +
R+ Selenium, data = MAdata, rgrid = gamgrid, sp = NULL,
+ type = "spatial", verbose = FALSE)
> fit1 R
Callmodgam(formula = Case ~ lo(Xcoord, Ycoord) + Smoking + Mercury +
data = MAdata, rgrid = gamgrid, sp = NULL, type = "spatial",
Selenium, verbose = FALSE)
Model~ lo(Xcoord, Ycoord, span = 0.3, degree = 1) + Smoking +
Case + Selenium
Mercury : binomial Link: logit
(Intercept) -6.911648e+00
lo(Xcoord, Ycoord, span = 0.3, degree = 1)Xcoord
lo(Xcoord, Ycoord, span = 0.3, degree = 1)Ycoord
Smoking 1.533433e+00
Mercury 5.729589e-01
Selenium -6.431932e-01
Coefficients in the above output represent log-odds ratios. The interpretation of parametric terms remain the same as the usual logistic regression model. For example, we estimate the odds of disease is estimated to be \(e^{1.53}=4.63\)-fold higher when comparing smokers to non-smokers with similar location and exposure to mercury and selenium.
The interpretation of the smoothed spatial terms is best done
graphically. A heatmap of the estimated spatial effect predictions
(representing the odds ratio comparing the odds at each location to the
median odds across all locations) can be generated using the modgam
plotting routine via a call to the plot()
function. This in turn
relies upon the colormap()
function defined within MapGAM. The
resulting heatmap is displayed in Figure 2. The exp
argument is used to specify whether the heatmap is drawn on the scale of
the odds ratio (exp=TRUE
) or the log odds ratio (exp=FALSE
> plot(fit1, exp = TRUE, MAmap, contours = "response") R
To quantify spatial effects on censored survival outcomes, MapGAM
implements a Cox proportional hazards additive model with a bivariate
(two geolocation parameters) smoothing term. The incorporation of a
bivariate smoother within the Cox model is not, to the best of our
knowledge, currently implemented within R
. In this section, we briefly
introduce the methodology implemented in MapGAM as an extension of the
GAM methods previously discussed for GLMs, provide a limited simulation
study to illustrate the validity of the methodology in selected settings
and provide an example of applying the MapGAM package to estimate
spatial effects on censored survival data using hypothetical survival
times derived from the state of California.
Suppose we observe right-censored survival data that is distributed on a
map with \(u_i\) and \(v_i\) as the geographical parameters for the \(i^{th}\)
observation, \(i=1,\dots,n\). Let \(T_i\) denote the observed followup time
and \(\delta_i\) denote the indicator of whether or not \(T_i\) represents
the true failure time for observation \(i\). Further, let \(\tilde{X}_i\) be
a vector including adjustment covariates \(X\) and geolocations \((u,v)\)
corresponding to observation \(i\). The Cox proportional hazards additive
model used in the MapGAM package incorporates a bivariate smoother
into the Cox proportional hazards model (Kelsall and Diggle 1998) as
\[\lambda_i(t)=\lambda_0(t)\exp\{\tilde{X}_i^\top\tilde{\beta} +s_i\},\]
where \(\lambda_i(t)\) represents the hazard function for observation \(i\)
evaluated at time \(t\) and \(\lambda_0(t)\) denotes the baseline hazard
(ie. the hazard of an observation with all covariate values equal to \(0\)
and location with \(s=0\), where again \(s\) is a smooth function of spatial
coordinates \(u\) and \(v\)). Define the linear predictor
\[\eta_i = \tilde{X}_i^\top\tilde{\beta} + s_i.\]
For ease of exposition, consider the case of no tied failure times. Then
the partial likelihood and log-partial likelihood are given by
\[PL = \prod_{j\in D}{\frac{e^{\eta_j}}{\sum_{k\in R_j}{e^{\eta_k}}}},\]
l = \sum_{j\in D}\left[\eta_j-\log\left(\sum_{k\in R_j}{e^{\eta_k}}\right)\right], \tag{10}\]
respectively, where \(D\) represents the set of indices of all unique
failures and \(R_j = \{k|T_k \ge T_j\}\) denotes the risk set just prior
to time \(T_j\). In the event of tied failure times, MapGAM defaults to
the use of the Efron approximation (Efron 1977) for the partial likelihood:
\[\prod_{j\in D}{\frac{\prod_{k\in F_j}e^{\eta_k}}{\prod_{k=1}^{|F_j|}\left[\sum_{l\in R_j}{e^{\eta_l}}-\sum_{l\in F_j}{e^{\eta_l}(k-1)/|F_j|}\right]}},\]
where \(F_j\) is the set of indices of the failures occurring at time
\(T_j\), and \(|F_j|\) is the number of indices in the set \(F_j\).
Letting \(l\) denote the log-partial likelihood in Eq.((10)),
we again seek to solve the maximization problem provided in
Eq.((2)). The solution can be found iteratively using
Eq.((4)). We can compute the first and second
derivatives of the log-partial likelihood with respect to \(\eta_i\) for
observation \(i\) as
\[\frac{dl}{d\eta_i} = \delta_i -\sum_{j: i\in R_j}\frac{e^{\eta_i}}{\sum_{k\in R_j}e^{\eta_k}} ,\]
\[\frac{d^2l}{d\eta_i^2} = -\sum_{j: i\in R_j}\frac{e^{\eta_i}}{\sum_{k\in R_j}e^{\eta_k}}+\sum_{j: i\in R_j}\frac{e^{2\eta_i}}{\left(\sum_{k\in R_j}e^{\eta_k}\right)^2}.\]
The Cox model is a semi-parametric model without any specification for
the distribution of the survival times, so it is not possible to
calculate a close form for the expectation of the second derivatives for
the log partial likelihood as required in Eq.((6)). So before
updating \(\eta\), a GAM model can be fitted using the second derivatives
as responses to estimate the expectation of the second derivatives of
log-partial likelihood.
To this end, we modify the local scoring procedure presented in Section 2.1 by noting that in Eq.((4)), with an estimate \(\eta^{old}\), the new estimate for \(\eta\) can be obtained using the following two steps:
Estimate \(\mathbb{E}[d^2l/d\eta_i^2]\) by fitting a generalized additive model using \([d^2l/d\eta_i^2], ~i=1,\cdots,n\) as responses, including the linear predictor of \(\tilde{X}\) and a bivariate smoother of geolocation parameters;
Estimate \(\eta^{new}\) using the backfitting algorithm described in Section 2.1 with \(W_i=-1/\hat{\mathbb{E}}[d^2l/d\eta_i^2]\) as weights and \(Y^{old}_{wi}=\eta_i^{old} - [dl/d\eta_i]|_{\eta_i^{old}}/\hat{\mathbb{E}}[d^2l/d\eta_i^2]\) as working responses.
In this section we assess the performance of our proposed method for
fitting the Cox proportional hazards additive model using two simulation
studies. In both simulation settings, two spatial parameters (\(u\), \(v\))
and adjustment covariate \(x\) are generated from a uniform distribution
with range from \(-1\) to \(1\). Survival times were then simulated from an
exponential distribution with a hazard function. The first simulation
example assumes a linear effect of all covariates on the log-hazard and
that the effect of adjustment covariate \(x\) does not interact with the
effect of the spatial parameters \(u\) and \(v\).
\lambda = 0.03\exp\left\{\log(0.7)x+ \log(1.2)u + \log(1.5)v\right\}. \tag{11}\]
In the second simulation example, the spatial parameters have a
nonlinear effect on the log-hazard, while the adjustment covariate \(x\)
has a linear effect that does not interact with the spatial coordinates.
The hazard function used in the second simulation example is
\lambda = 0.03\exp\left\{\log(0.7)x+ \log(1.2)u + \log(1.5)v+\log(0.8)u^2+\log(1.8)uv\right\}. \tag{12}\]
The true data-generating heatmaps of the two examples are shown in
Figures 3a and 3c,
respectively. When we set a seed of 269, with \(N=5000\) sampled data
points. The survival times under the first (second) simulation setting
range from \(0.0011 (0.0011)\) to \(316.5 (396.8)\), and have a median of
\(22.66 (24.16)\). In both settings, censoring times were randomly sampled
from a \(Uniform(0, 70)\) distribution and observed times were taken to be
the minimum of the true failure time and censoring time for each
observation, yielding approximately 41.6% and 43.9% censoring in
scenario 1 and 2, respectively. Code for this simulation is provided in
the Appendix. Cox proportional hazards additive models were fit and the
spatial effect of the points on an equally-spaced grid (\(201\times201\))
extended across \(u\in[-1,1]\) and \(v\in[-1,1]\) were predicted using the
function from the MapGAM package. Smoothing span sizes of
\(0.4\) and \(0.2\) were utilized for scenario 1 and 2, respectively. In
each case, these values roughly correspond to the automated span size
chosen when optimizing AIC.
Figure 3b and 3d display
the estimated spatial effects for example data sets using the first
(linear relationship) and second (nonlinear relationship) simulation
settings, respectively. Comparing the estimated values in Figures
3b and 3d to the
corresponding true data generating values displayed in Figures
3a and 3d, we can see that
the additive proportional hazards model implemented in MapGAM
accurately recreates the true spatial effects (either linear or
nonlinear) giving rise to the data. In addition, two scatterplots of the
estimated versus true spatial effect are provided in Figure
4a and 4b, again
illustrating that the additive proportional hazards method outlined
above is able to correctly identify the spatial effects present in the
data with minimal bias.
In this section we use the MapGAM package to estimate and visualize
spatial effects for a dataset simulated from information on censored
survival times of California ovarian cancer patients. These are data
contained in the object CAdata
within the MapGAM package. The
original source is the California advanced-stage invasive epithelial
ovarian cancer patients reported to the California Cancer Registry from
1996 to 2006 (Bristow et al. 2014). After removing patients with age <25 and >80
for identifiability reasons, and adding random noise to the geolocation
parameters, CAdata
represents a random draw of size \(N=5,000\)
observations from the original dataset. Observed times and failure
status were simulated based upon the observed distribution found in the
original dataset. Potential covariates available in the dataset include
age and insurance type (6 categories in total: Managed Care, Medicare,
Medicaid, Other Insurance, Not Insured and Unknown). A summary of
is as follows:
> data("CAdata")
R> summary(CAdata) R
time event X Y : 0.004068 Min. :0.0000 Min. :1811375 Min. :-241999
Min. 1st Qu.: 1.931247 1st Qu.:0.0000 1st Qu.:2018363 1st Qu.: -94700
: 4.749980 Median :1.0000 Median :2325084 Median : -60387
Median : 6.496130 Mean :0.6062 Mean :2230219 Mean : 87591
Mean 3rd Qu.: 9.609031 3rd Qu.:1.0000 3rd Qu.:2380230 3rd Qu.: 318280
:24.997764 Max. :1.0000 Max. :2705633 Max. : 770658
AGE INS :25.00 Mcd: 431
Min. 1st Qu.:53.00 Mcr:1419
:62.00 Mng:2304
Median :61.28 Oth: 526
Mean 3rd Qu.:71.00 Uni: 168
:80.00 Unk: 152 Max.
is the map file for California State. The geolocations of the
observations are plotted in Figure 5.
> data("CAmap")
R> plot(CAmap)
R> points(CAdata$X,CAdata$Y) R
Below we generate the object CAgrid
for the state of California using
the predgrid()
function and estimate spatial effects on the relative
risk of death from a Cox proportional hazards additive model using the
function. As with the previous example, coeficients for
parametric terms in the model are interpretable as the would be in a
standard (non-GAM) fit of the data. In this case, the coefficients for
these terms represent log-hazard ratios. For example, we estimate that
the hazard ratio comparing two subpopulations differing in age by 1 year
but having similar insurance status is approximately \(e^{1.026}=1.03\).
The smoothed spatial terms are again best intepreted graphically. A
heatmap of the hazard ratio comparing the estimated hazard at each
location to the median hazard across all locations is plotted using the
plotting routines defined for modgam
objects via plot()
. The
resulting heatmap is displayed in Figure 6.
> CAgrid = predgrid(CAdata[, c("X","Y")], map = CAmap,
R+ nrow = 186, ncol = 179)
> fit2 <- modgam(Surv(time, event) ~ AGE + factor(INS) + lo(X, Y),
R+ data = CAdata, rgrid = CAgrid, sp = 0.3, verbose = FALSE)
> plot(fit2, CAmap, exp = T, border.gray = 0.5)
R> fit2 R
Callmodgam(formula = Surv(time, event) ~ AGE + factor(INS) + lo(X,
data = CAdata, rgrid = CAgrid, sp = 0.3, verbose = FALSE)
ModelSurv(time, event) ~ lo(X, Y) + AGE + factor(INS)
: 0.3
Coefficientsfactor(INS)Mcr factor(INS)Mng factor(INS)Oth factor(INS)Uni
AGE 0.02657848 0.03657777 0.05251440 0.16770033 0.26790051
In addition to providing point estimates associated with each spatial
location, MapGAM provides pointwise standard errors as well confidence
intervals. This inference is returned by the modgam
function when the
option se.fit=TRUE
is specified. The estimated pointwise standard
errors for spatial effects are derived from the sum of two variance
curves: one from the parametric terms associated with location,
\(\gamma_1u_i + \gamma_2v_i\), and the other from the non parametric term,
\(s_i\)(Chambers and Hastie 1992). Briefly, variance estimation requires computation of
the operation matrix \(G_i\) for each smooth term \(s_i\), such that
\(s_i=G_iz\), where \(z\) is the working response from the last iteration of
the fitting algorithm described in Section 2.1 and is asymptotically
distributed as a Gaussian random variable. From this, the covariance
matrix for the estimated \(s_i\) is given by \(G_iCov(z)G_i^\top\), which
can be estimated by \(\hat{\phi}G_iW^{-1}G_i^\top\), where \(W\) is a
diagonal matrix with elements defined by the weights used in the last
iteration of the fitting algorithm and \(\hat{\phi}\) is an overdispersion
parameter estimated using Pearson’s Chi square statistic. The operation
matrix, \(G_i\), tends to be computationally expensive to obtain for
non-parametric or semi-parametric smoothing procedures, and hence
approximations are often used when estimating \(G_iCov(z)G_i^\top\). One
approach is to approximate \(\hat{\phi}G_iW^{-1}G_i^\top\) by
\(\hat{\phi}G_iW^{-1}\), which is generally conservative for
non-projection smoothers (Chambers and Hastie 1992). In this case, \(G_i\) can be
orthogonally decomposed into \(G_i=H_i+N_i\), where \(H_i\) can be obtained
as the design matrix corresponding to the parametric portion of the
linear predictor, and \(N_i\) corresponds to the non-parametric portion.
Thus, the variance of the estimated smooth term can be approximated via
a decomposition of two variance components: (i) the variance from the
parametric portion of the linear predictor which captures the
correlation all parametric terms that are fitted together, and (ii) the
variance from the non-parametric portion of linear predictor reflecting
the marginal information obtained in the smoothing terms.
conducts a global test for spatial effects via a likelihood
ratio test by comparing the deviance between a full model (including the
spatial smoother) and a reduced model (omitting the spatial smoother).
For the full model, the degrees of freedom of the non-parametric term
are computed as \(tr(S)-1\), where \(S\) denotes the smoothing matrix, and
the degrees of freedom of the parametric portion are \(p+3\) (\(p+2\) for
survival data). Thus, the degrees of freedom of the full model are
\(tr(S)+p+2\) (tr(S)+p+1), and the degrees of freedom for the likelihood
ratio test statistic are \(tr(S)+1\). The function modgam
will return
the p-value for the likelihood ratio test automatically. In addition,
also performs a permutation test of the global spatial effect
and pointwise significance (Kelsall and Diggle 1998; Webster et al. 2006) . The function will
return the results of the permutation test when permute=N.permt
specified in the function call, where N.permt
denotes the desired
number of permutations used to generate the permutation distribution.
For visualizing inference for spatial effects, the plot
function will
plot all point estimates along with the associated lower and higher band
of confidence intervals provided that se.fit=TRUE
is specified in the
original modgam
call. By setting "contours = intervals", areas with
confidence intervals excluding \(0\) (on the log estimated effect scale)
will be indicated on the map by plotting the contours of an indicator
vector created to indicate whether \(0\) is below, between or above the
confidence intervals at the grid points. By setting "contours =
permrank", contours will be added to indicate significant areas that
had a pointwise permutation based p value less than a specified
threshold (default of .05).
Returning to the CAdata
example presented in Section
3.3, we consider visualizing spatial inference.
Setting se.fit=TRUE
, modgam
function returns pointwise standard
errors and confidence intervals. In fit3
below, the resulting standard
errors can be obtained via the call fit3$se
. The resulting confidence
intervals can be plotted via the plot
function, and are shown in
Figure 7.
> fit3 <- modgam(Surv(time, event) ~ AGE + factor(INS) + lo(X, Y),
R+ data = CAdata, rgrid = CAgrid, sp = 0.3, verbose = FALSE,
+ se.fit = TRUE)
> plot(fit3, CAmap, exp = True, mapmin = 0.2, mapmax = 5,
R+ border.gray = 0.7, contours = "interval")
> fit3 R
Callmodgam(formula = Surv(time, event) ~ AGE + factor(INS) + lo(X,
data = CAdata, rgrid = CAgrid, sp = 0.3, se.fit = TRUE,
Y), verbose = FALSE)
ModelSurv(time, event) ~ lo(X, Y) + AGE + factor(INS)
: 0.3
Coefficientsfactor(INS)Mcr factor(INS)Mng factor(INS)Oth factor(INS)Uni
AGE 0.02657848 0.03657777 0.05251440 0.16770033 0.26790051
GAMs provide a unified statistical framework that allows for the
adjustment of individual-level risk factors when evaluating spatial
variability in a flexible way. Given the complex nature of spatial
patterns, GAMs provide an improved framework over traditional parametric
modeling of spatial patterns. The MapGAM
package introduced here
provides a fairly comprehensive and user-friendly set of tools for both
fitting GAMs to a variety of outcomes and visualizing complex spatial
effects. Of course, one must be careful of overfitting observed data
given the flexibility afforded by the GAM framework. As such, care is
needed when choosing the degree of flexibility utilized in model
specifications and honest assessments of out-of-sample predictive
performance should be considered.
Bivariate LOESS smoothing with standard error estimation is
computationally intensive, especially in the context of GAMs and
proportional hazards models. For example, with 5000 observations, a span
size of 0.2, and a binomial outcome modgam
took about 1 second to
provide estimates without standard errors but about 50 seconds with
standard error estimates (se.fit=TRUE
) on recent personal computers.
For the same span size and number of observations but with a
proportional hazards model, modgam
took about 40 seconds without
standard errors and about 70 seconds with standard errors. Although
slower than we might like, the run times for se.fit=TRUE
are much
faster than the pointwise permutation test we previously employed which
required a 1000-fold increase in run times (Webster et al. 2006).
Estimating and mapping spatial distributions of disease risk is
extremely useful for identifying health disparities, and mapping risk
surfaces that are adjusted for individual-level confounding variables is
of great interest to epidemiologists. By developing and actively
maintaining a convenient R
package, MapGAM
, we intend to facilitate
mapping crude and covariate-adjusted spatial effects for the most common
probability models used to characterize the relationship of disease risk
to spatial location and other factors. In the future we hope to improve
the flexibility of the package by expanding the incorporated smoothing
methods, including the addition of basis expansion and tensor product
methods, allowing for smoothing over more than two dimensions, and
expanding the sampcont
function to include additional sampling methods
such as matching. Further research on the development and implementation
of adaptive smoothing methods that allow for the amount of smoothing to
vary depending on the local extent of a spatial effect is currently in
progress, and may be added to the package in a future update. In
addition, while spatial correlation is accounted for via the fixed
effects smoothed spatial term in the models we have presented,
correlation may also arise if repeated measures on sampling units are
taken through time. This is currently beyond the scope of the package,
but is an area of our current research.
Funding for the project was provided by NIH NIEHS Grant No. P42ES007381.
We have conducted simulations to assess the performance of the proposed
method for fitting the Cox proportional hazards additive mode in Section
3.2. Data was generated by the function sim.sample.data
under the settings described in Section 3.2.
> sim.sample.data <- function(f, N = 5000){
R+ set.seed(269)
+ u <- runif(N, -1, 1)
+ v <- runif(N, -1, 1)
+ x <- runif(N, -1, 1)
+ lambda <- 0.03 * exp(f(u, v, x))
+ eventTime <- rexp(N, lambda)
+ censTime <- runif(N, 0, 70)
+ time <- ifelse(eventTime <= censTime, eventTime, censTime)
+ event <- (eventTime <= censTime) * 1
+ obs.data <- data.frame(time = time, event = event, u = u, v = v, x = x)
+ new.data <- data.frame(u = rep(seq(-1, 1, 0.01), each = 201),
+ v = rep(seq(-1, 1, 0.01), 201))
+ truth <- f(new.data$u, new.data$v, 0)
+ list(obs = obs.data, new = new.data, truth = truth - median(truth))
+ }
The first simulation example assumes a linear effect of all covariates
on the log-hazard as shown in Eq. (11). The following code
generates the data for the first simulation example and estimates the
spatial effect using modgam()
> f.linear <- function(u, v, x){
R+ log(0.7) * x + log(1.2) * u + log(1.5) * v
+ }
> data.linear <- sim.sample.data(f.linear)
R> fit.linear <- modgam(Surv(time, event) ~ lo(u, v) + x,
R+ data = data.linear$obs, rgrid = data.linear$new,
+ family = "survival", sp = 0.4)
The second simulation example assumes a nonlinear effect of spatial
parameters on the log-hazard as shown in Eq. (12). The
following code generates the data for the second simulation example and
estimates the spatial effect using modgam()
> f.nonlinear <- function(u,v,x){
R+ log(0.7)*x + log(1.2)*u + log(1.5)*v+log(0.8)*u^2+log(1.8)*u*v
+ }
> data.nonlinear <- sim.sample.data(f.nonlinear)
R> fit.nonlinear <- modgam(Surv(time, event) ~ lo(u, v) + x,
R+ rgrid = data = data.nonlinear$obs, data.nonlinear$new,
+ family = "survival", sp = 0.2)
Heatmaps of the log-hazard ratio comparing the hazard of the location to the median hazard for the two simulation examples are generated using the following code:
> par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
R> obj.linear <- list(grid = data.linear$new, fit = data.linear$truth)
R> colormap(obj.linear, axes = T, arrow = F, mapmin = -0.6, mapmax = 0.55,
R+ legend.name = "log hazard ratio", legend.cex = 1.3, legend.add.line = 0,
+ col.seq = diverge_hsv(201))
> mtext("(a) Truths for linear spatial effect", side = 1, line = 4)
R> plot(fit.linear, mapmin = -0.6, mapmax = 0.55, axes =T, arrow = F,
R+ legend.cex = 1.3)
> mtext("(b) Estimates for linear spatial effect", side = 1, line = 4)
R> obj.nonlinear <- list(grid = data.nonlinear$new,
R+ fit = data.nonlinear$truth)
> colormap(obj.nonlinear, axes = T, arrow = F, mapmin = -0.9,
R+ mapmax = 1.05, legend.name = "log hazard ratio", legend.cex = 1.3,
+ legend.add.line = 0, col.seq = diverge_hsv(201))
> mtext("(c) Truths for nonlinear spatial effect", side = 1 , line = 4)
R> plot(fit.nonlinear, mapmin = -0.9, mapmax = 1.05, axes = T,
R+ arrow = F, legend.cex = 1.3)
> mtext("(d) Estimates for nonlinear spatial effect", side = 1, line = 4) R
Comparisons of the true log-hazard ratio and the esimated log-hazard ratio for the two simulation examples are plotted using the following code:
> par(mfrow = c(1, 2), mai = c(1.3, 0.8, 0.4, 0.4))
R> plot(data.linear$truth, fit.linear$fit, xlab = "true log hazard ratio",
R+ ylab = "predicted log hazard ratio")
> abline(0, 1, lwd = 4, col = "green")
R> mtext("(a) Linear spatial effect", side = 1, line = 4.5)
R> plot(data.nonlinear$truth, fit.nonlinear$fit,
R+ xlab = "true log hazard ratio", ylab = "predicted log hazard ratio")
> abline(0, 1, lwd = 4, col = "green")
R> mtext("(b) Nonlinear spatial effect", side = 1, line = 4.5) R
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package version 4.3.1.
package for bayesian inference with spatial survival models. Journal of Statistical Software, 2014. URL https://doi.org/10.18637/jss.v077.i04.
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Text and figures are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0. The figures that have been reused from other sources don't fall under this license and can be recognized by a note in their caption: "Figure from ...".
For attribution, please cite this work as
Bai, et al., "Mapping Smoothed Spatial Effect Estimates from Individual-Level Data: MapGAM ", The R Journal, 2020
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2020-001, author = {Bai, Lu and Gillen, Daniel L. and Bartell, Scott M. and Vieira, Verónica M.}, title = {Mapping Smoothed Spatial Effect Estimates from Individual-Level Data: MapGAM }, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2020}, note = {https://rjournal.github.io/}, volume = {12}, issue = {1}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {32-48} }