Nonparametric partitioning-based least squares regression is an important tool in empirical work. Common examples include regressions based on splines, wavelets, and piecewise polynomials. This article discusses the main methodological and numerical features of the R software package lspartition, which implements results for partitioning-based least squares (series) regression estimation and inference from Cattaneo and Farrell (2013) and Cattaneo et al. (2020). These results cover the multivariate regression function as well as its derivatives. First, the package provides data-driven methods to choose the number of partition knots optimally, according to integrated mean squared error, yielding optimal point estimation. Second, robust bias correction is implemented to combine this point estimator with valid inference. Third, the package provides estimates and inference for the unknown function both pointwise and uniformly in the conditioning variables. In particular, valid confidence bands are provided. Finally, an extension to two-sample analysis is developed, which can be used in treatment-control comparisons and related problems.
Nonparametric partitioning-based least squares regression estimation is an important method for estimating conditional expectation functions in statistics, economics, and other disciplines. These methods first partition the support of covariates and then construct a set of local basis functions on top of the partition to approximate the unknown regression function or its derivatives. Empirically popular basis functions include splines, compactly supported wavelets, and piecewise polynomials. For textbook reviews on classical and modern nonparametric regression methodology see, among others, Fan and Gijbels (2018), Györfi et al. (2002), Ruppert et al. (2003), and Harezlak et al. (2018). For a review on partitioning-based approximations in nonparametrics and machine learning see (Zhang and Singer 2010) and references therein.
This article gives a detailed discussion of the software package lspartition, available for R, which implements partitioning-based least squares regression estimation and inference. This package offers several features which improve on existing tools, leveraging the recent results of Cattaneo and Farrell (2013) and Cattaneo et al. (2020), and delivering data-driven methods to easily implement partitioning-based estimation and inference, including optimal tuning parameter choices and uniform inference results such as confidence bands. We cover splines, compactly supported wavelets, and piecewise polynomials, in a unified way, encompassing prior methods and routines previously unavailable without manual coding by researchers. Piecewise polynomials generally differ from splines and wavelets in that they do not enforce global smoothness over the partition, but in the special cases of zero-degree bases on a tensor-product partition, the three basis choices (i.e., zero-degree spline, Haar wavelet, and piecewise constant) are equivalent.
The first contribution offered by lspartition is a data-driven choice of the number of partitioning knots that is optimal in an integrated mean squared error (IMSE) sense. A major hurdle to practical implementation of any nonparametric estimator is tuning parameter choice, and by offering several feasible IMSE-optimal methods for splines, compactly supported wavelets, and piecewise polynomials, lspartition provides practitioners with tools to overcome this important implementation issue.
However, point estimation optimal tuning parameter choices yield invalid inference in general, and the IMSE-optimal choice is no exception. The second contribution of lspartition is the inclusion of robust bias correction methods, which allow for inference based on optimal point estimators. lspartition implements the three methods studied by Cattaneo et al. (2020), which are based on novel bias expansions therein. Both the bias and variance quantities are kept in pre-asymptotic form, yielding better bias correction and standard errors robust to conditional heteroskedasticity of unknown form. Collectively, this style of robust bias correction has been proven to yield improved inference in other nonparametric contexts (Calonico et al. 2018, 2020).
The third main contribution is valid inference, both pointwise and uniformly in the support of the conditioning variables. When robust bias correction is employed, this inference is valid for the IMSE-optimal point estimator, allowing the researcher to combine an optimal partition for point estimation and a “faithful” measure of uncertainty (i.e., one that uses the same nonparametric estimation choices, here captured by the partition). In particular, lspartition delivers valid confidence bands that cover the entire regression function and its derivatives. These data-driven confidence bands are constructed by approximating the distribution of \(t\)-statistic processes, using either a plug-in approach or a bootstrap approach. Importantly, the construction of confidence bands does not employ (asymptotic) extreme value theory, but instead uses the strong approximation results of Cattaneo et al. (2020), which perform substantially better in samples of moderate size.
Last but not least, the package also offers a convenient function to implement estimation and inference for linear combinations of regression estimators of different groups with all the features mentioned above. This function can be used to analyze conditional treatment effects in random control trials in particular, or for two-sample comparisons more generally. For example, a common question in applications is whether two groups have the same “trend” in a regression function, and this is often answered in a restricted way by testing a single interaction term in a (parametric) linear model. In contrast, lspartition delivers a valid measure of this difference nonparametrically and uniformly over the support of the conditioning variables, greatly increasing its flexibility in applications.
All of these contributions are fully implemented for splines, wavelets, and piecewise polynomials through the following four functions included in the package lspartition:
. This function implements estimation and inference for
partitioning-based least squares regression. It takes the
partitioning scheme as given, and constructs point and variance
estimators, bias correction, conventional and robust bias-corrected
confidence intervals, and simulation-based conventional and robust
bias-corrected uniform inference measures (e.g., confidence bands).
Three approximation bases are provided: B-splines,
Cohen-Daubechies-Vial wavelets, and piecewise polynomials. When the
partitioning scheme is not specified, the companion function
is used to select a tensor-product partition in a
fully data-driven fashion.lspkselect()
. This function implements data-driven procedures to
select the number of knots for partitioning-based least squares
regression. It allows for evenly-spaced and quantile-spaced knot
placements, and computes the corresponding IMSE-optimal choices. Two
selectors are provided: rule of thumb (ROT) and direct plug-in (DPI)
. This function implements estimation and robust
inference procedures for linear combinations of regression
estimators of multiple groups based on lsprobust()
. Given a
user-specified linear combination, it offers all the estimation and
inference methods available in the functions lsprobust()
. This function builds on
ggplot2 (Wickham and Chang 2016),
and is used as a wrapper for plotting results. It plots regression
function curves, robust bias-corrected confidence intervals and
uniform confidence bands, among other possibilities.The paper continues as follows. The next section describes the basic setup including a brief introduction to partitioning-based least squares regression and the empirical example to be used throughout to illustrate features of lspartition. The third section discusses data-driven IMSE-optimal selection of the number of knots and gives implementation details. Estimation and inference implementation is covered in the fourth section, including bias correction methods. The last section provides concluding remarks. We defer to (Cattaneo et al. 2020) for complete theoretical and technical details. Statements below are sometimes specific versions of a general case therein.
We assume that \(\{(y_i, \mathbf{x}_i')':1\leq i \leq n\}\) is an observed random sample of a scalar outcome \(y_i\) and a \(d\)-vector of covariates \(\mathbf{x}_i\in\mathcal{X}\subset\mathbb{R}^d\). The object of interest is the regression function \(\mu(\mathbf{x})=\mathbb{E}[y_i|\mathbf{x}_i=\mathbf{x}]\) or its derivative, the latter denoted by \(\partial^{\mathbf{q}}\mu(\mathbf{x})=\partial^{[\mathbf{q}]}\mu(\mathbf{x})/\partial x_1^{q_1}\cdots\partial x_d^{q_d}\), for a \(d\)-tuple \(\mathbf{q}=(q_1, \ldots, q_d)'\in\mathbb{Z}_+^d\) with \([\mathbf{q}]=\sum_{j=1}^{d}q_j\).
Estimation and inference is based on least squares regression of \(y_i\) on set of basis functions of \(\mathbf{x}_i\) which are themselves built on top of a partition of the support \(\mathcal{X}\). A partition, denoted by \(\Delta=\{\delta_l\subset\mathcal{X}: 1\leq l \leq \kappa\}\), is a collection of \(\kappa\) disjoint open sets such that the closure of their union is \(\mathcal{X}\). For a partition, a set of basis functions, each of order \(m\) and denoted by \(\mathbf{p}(\mathbf{x})\), is constructed so that each individual function (i.e., each element of the vector \(\mathbf{p}(\mathbf{x})\)) is nonzero on a fixed number of contiguous \(\delta_l\). lspartition allows for three such bases: piecewise polynomials, B-splines, and Cohen-Daubechies-Vial wavelets (Cohen et al. 1993). For the first two bases, the order \(m\) of the basis can be any positive integer, and any derivative of \(\mu\) up to total order \((m-1)\) can be estimated employing such a basis. For wavelets, the current version allows for \(m\leq 4\) (i.e., up to cubic wavelets), and \(\mathbf{q}=(0, \ldots, 0)\). The package takes \(m=2\) (linear basis) as default. To fix ideas, consider \(d=1\) with piecewise constants. Each \(\delta_l\) is an interval and \(\mathbf{p}(\mathbf{x})\) collects all the indicator functions \(\mathbf{1}\{x\in \delta_l\}\), \(1\leq l\leq\kappa\).
Once the basis \(\mathbf{p}(\mathbf{x})\) is constructed, the final estimator of \(\partial^\mathbf{q}\mu(\mathbf{x})\), for \([\mathbf{q}]<m\), is \[\label{eq: point estimate} \widehat{\partial^\mathbf{q}\mu}(\mathbf{x})=\partial^\mathbf{q}\mathbf{p}(\mathbf{x})'\widehat{\boldsymbol{\beta}}, \qquad \text{where} \qquad \widehat{\boldsymbol{\beta}}=\underset{\mathbf{b}\in\mathbb{R}^K}{\arg\min}\sum_{i=1}^{n}\left(y_i-\mathbf{p}(\mathbf{x}_i)'\mathbf{b}\right)^2. \tag{1}\] When \(\mathbf{q}=\mathbf{0}\), we write \(\widehat{\mu}(\cdot)=\widehat{\partial^\mathbf{0}\mu}(\cdot)\) for simplicity.
The approximation power of such estimators increases with the granularity of the partition \(\Delta\) and the order \(m\). We take the latter as fixed in practice. The most popular structure of \(\Delta\) in applications is a tensor-product form, which partitions each covariate marginally into intervals and then sets \(\Delta\) to be the set of all tensor (Cartesian) products of these intervals ((Cattaneo et al. 2020) consider more general cases). For this type of partition, the user must choose the number and placement of the partitioning knots in each dimension. lspartition allows for three knot placement types: user-specified, evenly-spaced, and quantile-spaced. In the first case, the user has complete freedom to choose both the number and positions of knots for each dimension. In the latter two cases, the knot placement scheme is pre-specified, and hence only the number of subintervals for each dimension needs to be chosen.
We denote the number of knots in the \(d\) dimensions of the regressor
\(\mathbf{x}_i\) by
\(\boldsymbol{\kappa}=(\kappa_1, \ldots, \kappa_d)\in\mathbb{Z}_+^d\),
which can be either specified by users or selected by data-driven
procedures (see Section 3 below). Moreover, for
wavelet bases, motivated by the standard multi-resolution analysis, we
provide an option J
for the regression command lsprobust()
, which
indicates the resolution level of a wavelet basis. This gives
\(\kappa_\ell = 2^{J_\ell}, \ell = 1, \ldots d\), for a resolution
\(J_\ell\) (see Chui 1992 for a review). In any case, the tuning
parameter to be chosen is
\(\kappa = \kappa_1 \times \cdots \times \kappa_d\). In the next section
we choose \(\kappa\) to minimize the IMSE of the estimator
We will showcase the main aspects of lspartition using a running empirical example. The package is available in R and can be installed as follows:
> install.packages("lspartition", dependencies = TRUE)
> library(lspartition)
The data we use come from Capital Bikeshare, and is available at For the
first 19 days of each month of 2011 and 2012 we observe the outcome
, the total number of rentals and the covariates atemp
, the
“feels-like” temperature in Celsius, and workingday
, a binary
indicator for working days (versus weekends and holidays). The data is
summarized as follows.
> data <- read.csv("bikesharing.csv", header = TRUE)
> summary(data)
count atemp workingday : 1.0 Min. :-14.997 Min. :0.0000
Min. 1st Qu.: 42.0 1st Qu.: 5.998 1st Qu.:0.0000
:145.0 Median : 15.997 Median :1.0000
Median :191.6 Mean : 15.225 Mean :0.6809
Mean 3rd Qu.:284.0 3rd Qu.: 24.999 3rd Qu.:1.0000
:977.0 Max. : 44.001 Max. :1.0000 Max.
We will investigate nonparametrically the relationship between temperature and number of rentals and compare the two groups defined by the type of days:
> y <- data$count
> x <- data$atemp
> g <- data$workingday
The sample code that follows will use this designation of y
, x
, and
We will now briefly describe the IMSE expansion and its use in tuning parameter selection. To differentiate the original point estimator of (1) and the post-bias-correction estimators, we will add a subscript \(``0"\) to the original estimator: \(\widehat{\partial^\mathbf{q}\mu}_0(\mathbf{x})\). The three bias corrections discussed below will add corresponding subscripts of 1, 2, and 3. We first discuss the bias and variance of \(\widehat{\partial^\mathbf{q}\mu}_0(\mathbf{x})\), and then use these for minimizing the IMSE. Throughout, \(\approx\) denotes that the approximation holds for large sample in probability, \(\asymp\) indicates an asymptotic rate, and \(\mathbb{E}_n[\cdot]\) denotes the sample average over \(1\leq i \leq n\). To simplify notation, we may write the estimator as \[\widehat{\partial^\mathbf{q}\mu}_0(\mathbf{x}) := \widehat{\boldsymbol{\gamma}}_{\mathbf{q},0}'\mathbb{E}_n[\mathbf{p}(\mathbf{x}_i) y_i], \quad\text{ where }\quad \widehat{\boldsymbol{\gamma}}_{\mathbf{q},0}(\mathbf{x})' := \partial^\mathbf{q}\mathbf{p}(\mathbf{x})' \mathbb{E}_n[ \mathbf{p}(\mathbf{x}_i) \mathbf{p}(\mathbf{x}_i)']^{-1}.\] Again, note the subscript “0”; the bias-corrected estimators are of the same form (see below).
The bias expansion for the \(\widehat{\partial^\mathbf{q}\mu}_0(\mathbf{x})\) is: \[\begin{aligned} \mathbb{E}[\widehat{\partial^\mathbf{q}\mu}_0(\mathbf{x})|\mathbf{X}] - \partial^{\mathbf{q}}\mu(\mathbf{x}) &=\widehat{\boldsymbol{\gamma}}_{\mathbf{q},0}(\mathbf{x})'\mathbb{E}_n[\mathbf{p}(\mathbf{x}_i)\mu(\mathbf{x}_i)] - \partial^{\mathbf{q}}\mu(\mathbf{x}) \label{eq: implicit bias} \end{aligned} \tag{2}\]
\[\begin{aligned} &\approx \mathscr{B}_{m, \mathbf{q}}(\mathbf{x})-\widehat{\boldsymbol{\gamma}}_{\mathbf{q},0}(\mathbf{x})'\mathbb{E}_n[\mathbf{p}(\mathbf{x}_i)\mathscr{B}_{m, \mathbf{0}}(\mathbf{x}_i)]. \label{eq: explicit bias} \end{aligned} \tag{3}\] \(\mathscr{B}_{m, \mathbf{q}}(\cdot)\) is the leading approximation error in the \(L_\infty\)-norm and the second term is the accompanying error from the linear projection of \(\mathscr{B}_{m, \mathbf{0}}(\cdot)\) onto the space spanned by the basis functions. The form of each of these is complex, and depends on the basis, but what is crucial for the present purposes is that the form is known and the only unknown elements are derivatives of order \(m\), \(\partial^{\mathbf{u}}\mu(\mathbf{x})\), \([\mathbf{u}]=m\). (Cattaneo et al. 2020) derive exact expressions for splines, wavelets, and piecewise polynomials. Both bias terms will, in general, contribute to the same order, and both will matter in finite samples. However, the second term in (3) will be higher order if the bases are carefully constructed so that \(\mathscr{B}_{m, \mathbf{0}}(\cdot)\) is orthogonal to \(\mathbf{p}(\cdot)\) in \(L_2\) with respect to the Lebesgue measure. lspartition allows users to choose whether the projection of the leading error is used in partitioning scheme selection, as well as estimation and inference.
The conditional variance is straightforward from least squares algebra
and takes the familiar sandwich form. With
\(\sigma^2(\mathbf{x}_i)=\mathbb{V}\left[y_i|\mathbf{x}_i\right]\), we
\widehat{\boldsymbol{\gamma}}_{\mathbf{q},0}(\mathbf{x})'\bar{\boldsymbol{\Sigma}}_0\widehat{\boldsymbol{\gamma}}_{\mathbf{q},0}(\mathbf{x}), \qquad \text{where} \qquad \bar{\boldsymbol{\Sigma}}_0=\mathbb{E}_n\left[\mathbf{p}(\mathbf{x}_i)\mathbf{p}(\mathbf{x}_i)'\sigma^2(\mathbf{x}_i)\right].\]
Only \(\sigma^2(\mathbf{x}_i)\) is unknown here, and will be replaced by a
residual-based estimator. In particular lspartition allows for the
standard Heteroskedasticity-Consistent (HC) class of estimators via the
options hc0
, hc1
, hc2
, hc3
. See Long and Ervin (2000) for a review
in the context of least squares regression.
In general, for a weighting function \(w(\mathbf{x})\), (Cattaneo et al. 2020) derive the following (conditional) IMSE expansion: \[\mathtt{IMSE}[\widehat{\partial^{\mathbf{q}}\mu}(\cdot)|\mathbf{X}] \approx \frac{1}{n}\mathscr{V}_{\boldsymbol{\kappa}, \mathbf{q}} + \mathscr{B}_{\boldsymbol{\kappa}, \mathbf{q}},\] where the \(n\)-varying quantities \(\mathscr{V}_{\boldsymbol{\kappa}, \mathbf{q}}\) and \(\mathscr{B}_{\boldsymbol{\kappa}, \mathbf{q}}\) correspond to fixed-\(n\) approximations to the variance and squared bias, respectively, and are asymptotically of order \(\mathscr{V}_{\boldsymbol{\kappa}, \mathbf{q}} \asymp \kappa^{1+2[\mathbf{q}]/d}\) and \(\mathscr{B}_{\boldsymbol{\kappa}, \mathbf{q}} \asymp \kappa^{-2(m-[\mathbf{q}])/d}\).
Under regularity conditions on the partition and basis used, (Cattaneo et al. 2020) derive explicit leading constants in this expansion. lspartition implements IMSE-minimization for the common simple case where \(\Delta\) is a tensor product of marginally formed intervals where the same number of intervals are used for each dimension. Specifically, \(\Delta_\ell=\{\underline{x}_\ell = t_{\ell, 0} < t_{\ell,1} < \cdots <t_{\ell, \bar{\kappa}-1} < t_{\ell, \bar{\kappa}} = \bar{x}_\ell\}\) partitions \(\mathcal{X}_\ell\) into \(\bar{\kappa}\) subintervals, and the complete partition \(\Delta=\otimes_{\ell=1}^d\Delta_\ell\), where \(\otimes\) denotes tensor (Cartesian) product. Thus, the IMSE-optimal number of cells of a tensor-product partition is \(\kappa_{\mathtt{IMSE}}= \bar{\kappa}_{\mathtt{IMSE}}^d \asymp n^{\frac{d}{2m+d}}\).
To select \(\bar{\kappa}_{\mathtt{IMSE}}\), or equivalently \(\kappa_{\mathtt{IMSE}}\), assume that the partitioning knots \(\{0=t_{\ell, 0}<t_{\ell,1}<\cdots<t_{\ell, \bar{\kappa}-1} < t_{\ell, \bar{\kappa}}=1\}\) are generated as quantiles of some marginal distributions \(G_\ell(\cdot)\), \(\ell=1, \ldots, d\), that is, for \(l=0, 1, \ldots, \bar{\kappa}\) and \(\ell=1, \ldots, d\), \[t_{\ell, l} = G_\ell^{-1}\left(\frac{l}{\bar{\kappa}}\right),\] where \(G_\ell^{-1}(v) = \inf\{x\in\mathbb{R}: G_\ell(x)\geq v \}\). Then, the IMSE-optimal choice for \(\mathbf{q}=\mathbf{0}\) is \[\bar{\kappa}_{\mathtt{IMSE},\mathbf{0}}=\bigg\lceil \left(\frac{2m \mathscr{B}_{G,\mathbf{0}}}{d\mathscr{V}_{\mathbf{0}}}\right)^{\frac{1}{2m+d}}n^{\frac{1}{2m+d}}\bigg\rceil,\] where \(\lceil x \rceil\) is a ceiling operator that outputs the smallest integer that is no less than \(x\) and \(\mathscr{B}_{G,\mathbf{0}}\) is a (squared) bias term that may depend on the marginals \(G_\ell\) and, as before, is entirely known up to \(m^{th}\) order derivatives: \(\partial^{\mathbf{u}}\mu(\mathbf{x})\), \([\mathbf{u}]=m\).
Two popular choices of partitioning schemes are evenly-spaced partitions
), which sets \(G_\ell(\cdot)\) to be the uniform
distribution over the support of the data, and quantile-spaced
partitions (ktype="qua"
), which sets \(G_\ell(\cdot)\) to be the
empirical distribution function of each covariate. The package
lspartition implements both partitioning schemes, and for each case
offers two IMSE-optimal tuning parameter selection procedures: rule of
thumb (imse-rot
) and direct plug-in (imse-dpi
) choices. We close
this section with a brief description of the implementation details and
an illustration using real data.
Rule-of-Thumb Choice
The rule-of-thumb choice is based on the special case of \(\mathbf{q}=\mathbf{0}\). Let the weighting function \(w(\mathbf{x})\) be the density of \(\mathbf{x}_i\). The implementation steps are summarized in the following:
).The command lspkselect()
implements the rule-of-thumb selection
). For example, we focus on a subsample of bike
rentals during working days (g==1
), and then the selected number of
knots are reported in the following:
> summary(lspkselect(y, x, kselect = "imse-rot", subset = (g ==
+ 1)))
: lspkselect
size (n) = 7412
Sample function (method) = B-spline
Basis estimation (m) = 2
Order of basis point derivative (deriv) = (0)
Order of correction (m.bc) = 3
Order of basis bias placement (ktype) = Uniform
Knot method (kselect) = imse-rot
k k.bc=======================
5 9
In this example, for the point estimator based on an evenly-spaced partition, the rule-of-thumb estimate of the IMSE-optimal number of knots is \(\mathtt{k}=5\), and for the derivative estimators used in bias correction for later inference, the rule-of-thumb choice is \(\mathtt{k.bc=9}\).
Direct Plug-in Choice
Assuming the weighting \(w(\mathbf{x})\) is equal to the density of \(\mathbf{x}_i\), the package lspartition implements a direct-plug-in (DPI) procedure summarized by the following steps.
).The following shows the results of the direct plug-in procedure based on the real data:
> summary(lspkselect(y, x, kselect = "imse-dpi", subset = (g ==
+ 1)))
: lspkselect
size (n) = 7412
Sample function (method) = B-spline
Basis estimation (m) = 2
Order of basis point derivative (deriv) = (0)
Order of correction (m.bc) = 3
Order of basis bias placement (ktype) = Uniform
Knot method (kselect) = imse-dpi
k k.bc=======================
8 10
The direct plug-in procedure gives more partitioning knots than the
rule-of-thumb, leading to a finer partition. For point estimation,
\(\hat{\bar\kappa}_{\mathtt{dpi}}=8\) knots are suggested, while for bias
correction purpose, it selects \(\hat{\bar\kappa}_{\mathtt{dpi}}=10\)
knots to estimate derivatives in the leading bias. Quantile-spaced knot
placement is obtained by adding ktype = "qua"
This section reviews and illustrates the estimation and inference procedures implemented. A crucial ingredient is the bias correction that allows for valid inference after tuning parameter selection.
The estimator \(\widehat{\partial^{\mathbf{q}}\mu}_0(\mathbf{x})\) is IMSE-optimal from a point estimation perspective when implemented using the choice \(\kappa_{\mathtt{IMSE}}\) to form \(\Delta\), but conventional inference methods based on this resulting point estimator will be invalid. More precisely, the ratio of bias to standard error in the \(t\)-statistic is non-negligible, requiring either ad-hoc undersmoothing or some form of bias correction. In addition to the (uncorrected) point estimate in (1), the package lspartition implements the three bias correction options derived by (Cattaneo et al. 2020) for valid (pointwise and uniform) inference. All these strategies resort to a higher-order basis, \(\tilde{\mathbf{p}}(\mathbf{x})\), of order \(\tilde{m}>m\). The partition \(\tilde{\Delta}\) where \(\tilde{\mathbf{p}}(\mathbf{x})\) is built on may be different from \(\Delta\) but need not be. These approaches allow researchers to combine an optimal point estimate \(\widehat{\partial^\mathbf{q}\mu}_0(\mathbf{x})\) based on the IMSE-optimal \(\kappa_{\mathtt{IMSE}}\) with inference based on the same tuning parameter and partitioning scheme choices.
Our bias correction strategies are based on (2) and (3), where the only unknowns are \(\mu(\cdot)\), \(\partial^{\mathbf{q}}\mu(\cdot)\), and \(\partial^{\mathbf{u}}\mu(\cdot)\) for \([\mathbf{u}]=m\). These are summarized as follows; see (Cattaneo et al. 2020) for details.
.The optimal (uncorrected) point estimator (\(j=0\)) and the three bias-corrected estimators (\(j=1,2,3\)) can be written in a unified form for a given \(j=0,1,2,3\) as \[\widehat{\partial^\mathbf{q}\mu}_j(\mathbf{x})=\widehat{\boldsymbol{\gamma}}_{\mathbf{q},j}(\mathbf{x})'\mathbb{E}_n[\boldsymbol{\Pi}_j(\mathbf{x}_i)y_i].\] These estimators only differ in \(\widehat{\boldsymbol{\gamma}}_{\mathbf{q},j}(\cdot)\) and \(\boldsymbol{\Pi}_j(\cdot)\), which depend in different ways on \(\mathbf{p}(\mathbf{x})\) and \(\tilde{\mathbf{p}}(\mathbf{x})\). See (Cattaneo et al. 2020) for exact formulas.
Pointwise inference relies on a Gaussian approximation for the \(t\)-statistics, which holds for any \(j=0,1,2,3\): \[\widehat{T}_j(\mathbf{x})= \frac{\widehat{\partial^{\mathbf{q}}\mu}_j(\mathbf{x})-\partial^{\mathbf{q}}\mu(\mathbf{x})} {\sqrt{\widehat{\Omega}_j(\mathbf{x})/n}} \rightsquigarrow \mathsf{N}(0, 1).\] where \(\widehat{\Omega}_j(\mathbf{x})/n=\widehat{\boldsymbol{\gamma}}_{\mathbf{q},j}(\mathbf{x})'\widehat{\boldsymbol{\Sigma}}_j\widehat{\boldsymbol{\gamma}}_{\mathbf{q},j}(\mathbf{x})/n\) is an estimator of the conditional variance of \(\widehat{\partial^\mathbf{q}\mu}_j(\cdot)\), and \(\rightsquigarrow\) denotes convergence in distribution. \(\widehat{\boldsymbol{\Sigma}}_j(\mathbf{x})=\mathbb{E}_n[\boldsymbol{\Pi}_j(\mathbf{x}_i)\boldsymbol{\Pi}_j(\mathbf{x}_i)'w_i\widehat{\epsilon}_{i,j}^2]\) is a consistent estimator of \(\boldsymbol{\Sigma}_j=\mathbb{E}[\boldsymbol{\Pi}_j(\mathbf{x}_i)\boldsymbol{\Pi}_j(\mathbf{x}_i)\sigma^2(\mathbf{x}_i)]\), where \(\widehat{\epsilon}_{i,j}=y_i-\widehat{\mu}_j(\mathbf{x}_i)\) and the \(w_i\)’s are additional weights leading to various HC variance estimators. Then nominal \(100(1-\alpha)\)-percent symmetric confidence intervals are \[\label{eq: CI} I_j(\mathbf{x})=\left[\widehat{\partial^\mathbf{q}\mu}_j(\mathbf{x})-\Phi_{1-\alpha/2} \sqrt{\widehat{\Omega}_j(\mathbf{x})/n},\quad \widehat{\partial^\mathbf{q}\mu}_j(\mathbf{x})- \Phi_{\alpha/2}\sqrt{\widehat{\Omega}_j(\mathbf{x})/n}\right], \tag{4}\] where \(\Phi_u\) is the \(u^{th}\) quantile of the standard normal distribution.
For conventional confidence intervals (\(j=0\)), (asymptotically) correct coverage relies on undersmoothing (\(\kappa \gg \kappa_{\mathtt{IMSE}}\)) that renders the bias negligible relative to the standard error in large samples. Though straightforward in theory, it is difficult to implement in a principled way. In comparison, given the IMSE-optimal tuning parameter, all three bias-corrected estimators (\(j=1,2,3\)) have only higher-order bias, and thus the corresponding confidence intervals based on these estimators will have asymptotically correct coverage. Importantly, the Studentization quantity \(\widehat{\Omega}_j(\mathbf{x})/n\) also captures the additional variability introduced by bias correction.
We now illustrate the pointwise inference features of lsprobust()
using the bike rental data. The previous result of knot selection based
on the DPI procedure will be employed. Specifically, we set nknot=8
for point estimation. For higher-order-basis bias correction
), the same number of knots is used to correct bias by
default, while for plug-in bias correction (bc="bc3"
), we use \(10\)
knots (bnknot=10
) to estimate the higher-order derivatives in the
leading bias. One may leave these options unspecified and then the
command lsprobust()
will automatically implement knot selection using
the command lspkselect()
> est_workday_bc1 <- lsprobust(y, x, neval = 20, bc = "bc1", nknot = 8,
+ subset = (g == 1))
> est_workday_bc3 <- lsprobust(y, x, neval = 20, bc = "bc3", nknot = 8,
+ bnknot = 10, subset = (g == 1))
> summary(est_workday_bc1)
: lprobust
size (n) = 7412
Sample covariates (d) = 1
Num. function (method) = B-spline
Basis estimation (m) = 2
Order of basis point derivative (deriv) = (0)
Order of correction (m.bc) = 3
Order of basis bias estimation (smooth) = 0
Smoothness point correction (bsmooth) = 1
Smoothness bias placement (ktype) = Uniform
Knot method (kselect) = User-specified
Knots method (uni.method) = NA
Uniform inference estimation (nknot) = (8)
Num. knots point correction (bnknot) = (8)
Num. knots bias
Eval Point Std. Robust B.C. 95% C.I. ]
X1 n Est. Error [ =================================================================
1 -2.998 7412 90.667 5.316 [77.610 , 96.347]
2 -0.002 7412 110.509 3.909 [100.736 , 119.604]
3 1.998 7412 123.937 3.580 [115.071 , 133.583]
4 3.998 7412 137.364 5.183 [129.929 , 144.504]
5 5.998 7412 148.437 3.627 [139.724 , 158.148]
6 7.001 7412 153.989 3.571 [144.494 , 164.327]
7 11.001 7412 173.306 5.690 [164.945 , 181.894]
8 11.997 7412 174.599 4.600 [167.492 , 186.141]
9 13.997 7412 177.194 3.771 [171.250 , 190.769]
10 15.997 7412 179.789 5.300 [173.561 , 189.839]
11 17.000 7412 182.743 5.708 [172.595 , 189.229]
12 18.003 7412 189.044 4.662 [172.267 , 191.494]
13 19.000 7412 195.303 4.070 [174.665 , 196.009]
14 22.003 7412 214.165 5.899 [201.197 , 220.363]
15 24.003 7412 231.911 5.770 [228.211 , 248.431]
16 24.999 7412 243.335 4.760 [239.920 , 262.104]
17 26.002 7412 254.833 4.486 [251.063 , 273.840]
18 28.002 7412 277.755 6.284 [270.701 , 291.816]
19 30.002 7412 298.199 7.278 [280.463 , 309.527]
20 32.002 7412 313.696 6.596 [289.109 , 324.772]
The above table summarizes the results for pointwise estimation and
inference, including point estimates, conventional standard errors, and
robust confidence intervals based on higher-order-basis bias correction
for \(20\) quantile-spaced evaluation points. We can use the companion
plotting command lsprobust.plot()
to visualize the results:
> lsprobust.plot(est_workday_bc1, xlabel = "Temperature", ylabel = "Number of Rentals",
+ legendGroups = "Working Days") + theme(text = element_text(size = 17),
+ legend.position = c(0.15, 0.9))
> ggsave("output/pointwise1.pdf", width = 6.8, height = 5.5)
> lsprobust.plot(est_workday_bc3, xlabel = "Temperature", ylabel = "Number of Rentals") +
+ theme(text = element_text(size = 17), legend.position = "none")
> ggsave("output/pointwise2.pdf", width = 6.8, height = 5.5)
-axis) and temperature (x
during working days. The solid curves are the point estimates, and the
shaded regions are robust confidence intervals. a shows the results
based on higher-order-basis correction, and b shows the results based on
plug-in bias correction. We see that as the temperature increases, so
does the number of rentals, and that lspartition
gives a
valid visualization of this trend.
The result is displayed in Figure 1. As the temperature gets higher, the number of rentals increases as expected. Both panels show the same point estimator, \(\widehat{\mu}_0\). We plot both the robust confidence intervals based on higher-order-basis bias correction (Figure 1a) and plug-in bias correction (Figure 1b). Since the higher-order-basis approach is equivalent to a quadratic spline fitting, the resulting confidence interval has a smoother shape.
To obtain uniform inference (over the support of \(\mathbf{x}\)), (Cattaneo et al. 2020) establish Gaussian approximations for the whole \(t\)-statistic processes, and propose several sampling-based approximations which are easy to implement in practice. To be concrete, for each \(j=0,1,2,3\), there exists a Gaussian process \(Z_j(\cdot)\) such that \(\widehat{T}_j(\cdot)\approx_d Z_j(\cdot)\). This Guassian process is given by \[Z_j(\cdot)=\frac{\boldsymbol{\gamma}_{\mathbf{q},j}(\cdot)'\boldsymbol{\Sigma}_j^{1/2}}{\sqrt{\Omega_j(\cdot)}}\mathsf{N}_{K_j},\] where \(K_j=\dim(\boldsymbol{\Pi}_j(\cdot)) \propto \kappa\), \(\boldsymbol{\gamma}_{\mathbf{q},j}(\cdot)\) and \(\Omega_j(\cdot)\) are population counterparts of \(\widehat{\boldsymbol{\gamma}}_{\mathbf{q},j}(\cdot)\) and \(\widehat{\Omega}_j(\cdot)\), and \(\mathsf{N}_{K_j}\) is a \(K_j\)-dimensional standard normal random vector. The notation \(\approx_d\) means that the two processes are asymptotically equal in distribution in the following sense: in a sufficiently rich probability space, we have identical copies of \(\widehat{T}_j(\cdot)\) and \(Z_j(\cdot)\) whose difference converges in probability to zero uniformly.
The Gaussian stochastic process \(Z_j(\cdot)\) is not feasible in practice because it involves unknown population quantities. Thus, the package lspartition offers two options for implementation: plug-in or bootstrap.
.Importantly, these strong approximations apply to the whole
\(t\)-statistic processes, and thus can be used to implement general
inference procedures based on transformations of \(\widehat{T}_j(\cdot)\).
The main regression command lsprobust()
will output the the following
quantities for uniform analyses upon setting uni.out=TRUE
:, t.num.wb1, t.num.wb2
. The numerators of approximation
processes except the “simulated components”, which are evaluated at
a set of pre-specified grid points \(\mathcal{K}\). Suppose that
\(\mathcal{K}\) contains \(L\) grid points. Then for the plug-in method,
the numerator, stored in
, is the \(L\times K_j\) matrix
\(\left\{\widehat{\boldsymbol{\gamma}}_{\mathbf{q},j}(\mathbf{x})'\widehat{\boldsymbol{\Sigma}}_j^{1/2}/\sqrt{n}: \mathbf{x}\in\mathcal{K}\right\}\). For wild bootstrap, the numerator
is separated to t.num.wb1
and t.num.wb2
, which are
\(\left\{\widehat{\boldsymbol{\gamma}}_{\mathbf{q},j}(\mathbf{x})'/n: \mathbf{x}\in\mathcal{K}\right\}\)
\((\boldsymbol{\Pi}_j(\mathbf{x}_1),\ldots, \boldsymbol{\Pi}(\mathbf{x}_n))'\)
. The denominator of approximation processes, i.e.,
stored in a vector of length \(L\).res
. Residuals from the specified bias-corrected regression
(needed for bootstrap-based approximation).For example, the following command requests the necessary quantities for uniform inference based on the plug-in method:
> est_workday_bc1 <- lsprobust(y, x, bc = "bc1", nknot = 4, uni.method = "pl",
+ uni.ngrid = 100, uni.out = T, subset = (g == 1))
> round(est_workday_bc1$uni.output$[1:5, ], 3)
1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7]
[,1,] 30.549 -4.923 2.311 -1.470 0.779 -0.451 0.121
[2,] 27.104 -3.553 1.746 -1.162 0.620 -0.354 0.090
[3,] 23.856 -2.285 1.236 -0.880 0.474 -0.266 0.062
[4,] 20.803 -1.117 0.780 -0.624 0.341 -0.185 0.037
[5,] 17.946 -0.052 0.379 -0.395 0.221 -0.113 0.014 [
We list the first \(5\) rows of the numerator matrix. Each row corresponds
to a grid point. Since we use a linear spline for point estimation and
set nknot=4
, the higher-order-basis bias correction is equivalent to
quadratic spline fitting. Thus the numerator matrix has \(7\) columns
corresponding to the quadratic spline basis.
As a special application, these results can be used to construct uniform
confidence bands, which builds on the suprema of
\(|\widehat{T}_j(\cdot)|\). The function lsprobust()
computes the
critical value to construct confidence bands. Specifically, it generates
many simulated realizations of \(\widehat{Z}_j(\cdot)\) or
\(\widehat{z}^*_j(\cdot)\) using the methods described above, and then
obtains an estimated \(100(1-\alpha)\)-quantile of
\(\sup_{\mathbf{x}\in\mathcal{X}}|\widehat{Z}_j(\mathbf{x})|\) or
\(\sup_{\mathbf{x}\in\mathcal{X}}|\widehat{z}^*_j(\mathbf{x})|\) given the
data, denoted by \(q_j(1-\alpha)\). Then, \((1-\alpha)\) confidence band for
\(\partial^\mathbf{q}\mu(\mathbf{x})\) is given by
\[\widehat{\partial^\mathbf{q}\mu}_j(\mathbf{x})\pm q_j(1-\alpha)\sqrt{\widehat{\Omega}_j(\mathbf{x})/n}.\]
For example, the following command requests a critical value for
constructing confidence bands:
> est_workday_bc1 <- lsprobust(y, x, neval = 20, bc = "bc1", uni.method = "pl",
+ nknot = 8, subset = (g == 1), band = T)
> est_workday_bc1$sup.cval
Once the critical value is available, the command lsprobust.plot()
able to visualize confidence bands:
> lsprobust.plot(est_workday_bc1, CS = "all", xlabel = "Temperature",
+ ylabel = "Number of Rentals", legendGroups = "Working Days") +
+ theme(text = element_text(size = 17), legend.position = c(0.15,
+ 0.9))
> ggsave("output/uniform1.pdf", width = 6.8, height = 5.5)
-axis) and temperature (x
-axis) during working days. The solid
curve shows the point estimates, the error bars show the robust
confidence intervals, and the shaded region shows the robust confidence
band based on the plug-in method with higher-order-basis bias
correction. We see that the uniform coverage of the confidence band
makes it wider than a single pointwise interval and that lspartition
allows both to be cleanly
displayed.The result is displayed in Figure 2. Since we set
, the command simultaneously plots pointwise confidence
intervals (error bars) and a uniform confidence band (shaded region).
It is also possible to specify other bias correction approaches or uniform methods:
> est_workday_bc3 <- lsprobust(y, x, neval = 20, bc = "bc3", nknot = 8,
+ bnknot = 10, uni.method = "wb", subset = (g == 1), band = T)
> est_workday_bc3$sup.cval
> lsprobust.plot(est_workday_bc3, CS = "all", xlabel = "Temperature",
+ ylabel = "Number of Rentals", legendGroups = "Working Days") +
+ theme(text = element_text(size = 17), legend.position = c(0.15,
+ 0.9))
> ggsave("output/uniform2.pdf", width = 6.8, height = 5.5)
-axis) and temperature (x
-axis) during working days. The solid
curve shows the point estimates, the error bars show the robust
confidence intervals, and the shaded region shows the robust confidence
band based on the bootstrap method with plug-in bias correction.
Comparing to Figure 2, we see that using the
bootstrap to measure uncertainty produces similar results, as expected
from the theory.The result is displayed in Figure 3. In this example, the critical values based on different methods are quite close, but in general their difference could be more pronounced in finite samples. See (Cattaneo et al. 2020) for some simulation evidence.
The package lspartition also includes a function lsplincom()
, which
implements estimation and inference for a linear combination of
regression functions of different subgroups. To be concrete, consider a
random trial with \(G\) groups. Let \(\mu(\mathbf{x}; g)\) be the
conditional expectation function (CEF) for group \(g\), \(g=1, \ldots, G\).
The parameter of interest is
\(\theta(\mathbf{x})=\sum_{g=1}^{G}r_g\partial^\mathbf{q}\mu(\mathbf{x}; g)\),
i.e., a linear combination of CEFs (or derivatives thereof) for
different groups. To fix ideas, consider the most common application,
the difference between two groups (or the conditional average treatment
effect). Here, \(G=2\), \(\mathbf{q}=\mathbf{0}\), and \((r_1, r_2)=(-1, 1)\).
\(\theta(\mathbf{x}) = \mathbb{E}[y_i|\mathbf{x}_i=\mathbf{x}, g=1] - \mathbb{E}[y_i|\mathbf{x}_i=\mathbf{x}, g=0]\).
To implement estimation and inference for \(\theta(\mathbf{x})\),
first calls lsprobust()
to obtain a point estimate
\(\widehat{\partial^\mathbf{q}\mu}_0(\mathbf{x};g)\) and all other objects
for each group. The tuning parameter for each group can be selected by
the data-driven procedures above. Then the point estimate of
\(\theta(\mathbf{x})\) is
The standard error of \(\widehat{\theta}_j(\mathbf{x})\) can be obtained simply by taking the appropriate linear combination of standard errors for each \(\widehat{\partial^\mathbf{q}\mu}_j(\mathbf{x}; g)\) and their estimated covariances. Robust confidence intervals can be similarly constructed as in (4).
also allows users to construct confidence bands for
\(\theta(\cdot)\). Specifically, it requests lsprobust()
to output the
numerators (
for “plug-in”, or t.num.wb1
and t.num.wb2
“bootstrap”) and denominators (t.denom
) of the feasible approximation
processes \(\widehat{Z}_j(\cdot)\) or \(\widehat{z}^*(\cdot)\). Let
\(\mathbf{U}_j(\cdot;g)\) and \(\mathbf{v}_j(\cdot;g)\) denote the numerator
and denominator from group \(g\) based on bias correction approach \(j\),
\(g=1, \ldots, G\) and \(j=1,2,3\). The approximation process for the
\(t\)-statistic process based on \(\widehat{\theta}_j(\mathbf{x})\) is
\[\widehat{Z}_{j, \theta}(\cdot)=
\frac{\sum_{g=1}^{G} r_g \mathbf{U}_j(\cdot; g) \mathsf{N}_{g, K_{j,g}}}
where \(\{\mathsf{N}_{g, K_{j,g}}\}_{g=1}^G\) is a collection of
independent standard normal vectors, and \(K_{j,g}\) indicates the
dimension of \(\mathsf{N}_{g, K_{j,g}}\). As discussed before, the
dimensionality of these normal vectors depends on the particular bias
correction approach and may vary across groups since the selected number
of knots may be different across groups. The bootstrap approximation
process \(\widehat{z}^*_{j, \theta}(\cdot)\) can be constructed similarly.
Given these processes, inference is implemented by sampling from \(G\) standard normal vectors (“plug-in" method) or \(G\) groups of Rademacher vectors given the data. Then critical values used to construct \(100(1-\alpha)\) confidence bands for \(\theta(\cdot)\) are estimated similarly by \(100(1-\alpha)\) empirical quantiles of \(\sup_{\mathbf{x}\in\mathcal{X}}|\widehat{Z}_{j,\theta}(\mathbf{x})|\) or \(\sup_{\mathbf{x}\in\mathcal{X}}|\widehat{z}^*_{j, \theta}(\mathbf{x})|\).
As an illustration, we compare the number of rentals during working days
and other time periods (weekends and holidays) based on linear splines
and plug-in bias correction. To begin with, we first estimate the
conditional mean function for each group using the command
> est_workday <- lsprobust(y, x, neval = 20, bc = "bc3", nknot = 8,
+ subset = (g == 1))
> est_nworkday <- lsprobust(y, x, neval = 20, bc = "bc3", nknot = 8,
+ subset = (g == 0))
> lsprobust.plot(est_workday, est_nworkday, legendGroups = c("Working Days",
+ "Nonworking Days"), xlabel = "Temperature", ylabel = "Number of Rentals",
+ lty = c(1, 2)) + theme(text = element_text(size = 17), legend.position = c(0.2,
+ 0.85))
> ggsave("output/diff1.pdf", width = 6.8, height = 5.5)
The pointwise results for each group are displayed in Figure 4. The shaded regions represent confidence intervals. Clearly, when the temperature is low, two regions are well separated, implying that people may rent bikes more during working days than weekends or holidays when the weather is cold.
-axis) and temperature (x
-axis) during working and nonworking
days. The solid and dashed curves show the point estimates, and the
shaded regions show the robust confidence intervals for the two groups.
We observe that the two groups appear statistically different at some
points, but not all, and testing across the entire range requires
uniform, not pointwise, results.Next, we employ the command lsplincom()
to formally test this result.
We specify R=(-1, 1)
, denoting that \(-1\) is the coefficient of the
conditional mean function for the group workingday==0
and \(1\) is the
coefficient of the conditional mean function for the group
> diff <- lsplincom(y, x, data$workingday, R = c(-1, 1), band = T,
+ cb.method = "pl")
> summary(diff)
: lprobust
size (n) = 10886
Sample covariates (d) = 1
Num. groups (G) = 2
Num. function (method) = B-spline
Basis estimation (m) = 2
Order of basis point derivative (deriv) = (0)
Order of correction (m.bc) = 3
Order of basis bias estimation (smooth) = 0
Smoothness point correction (bsmooth) = 1
Smoothness bias placement (ktype) = Uniform
Knot method (kselect) = imse-dpi
Knots method (cb.method) = Plug-in
Confidence band
Eval Point Std. Robust B.C. 95% C.I. ]
X1 Est. Error [ =========================================================
1 -2.998 32.170 6.077 [24.120 , 47.837]
2 -0.002 49.661 5.552 [37.497 , 61.394]
3 1.998 39.749 4.553 [30.882 , 51.186]
4 3.998 29.838 6.463 [17.013 , 42.425]
5 5.998 17.571 7.049 [3.137 , 30.514]
6 7.001 16.300 6.121 [4.717 , 29.559]
7 9.997 12.569 7.733 [-4.275 , 26.973]
8 11.997 3.039 8.339 [-12.379 , 19.761]
9 13.000 1.653 7.540 [-9.502 , 21.073]
10 15.000 3.060 6.664 [-13.960 , 14.078]
11 17.000 6.118 8.836 [-6.110 , 27.954]
12 18.003 11.823 9.513 [-2.996 , 33.270]
13 19.000 12.311 9.746 [-23.007 , 15.243]
14 22.003 -17.533 8.520 [-20.891 , 15.791]
15 24.003 -32.221 10.024 [-49.905 , -11.277]
16 24.999 -36.962 11.016 [-67.843 , -25.825]
17 26.002 -31.760 9.171 [-37.713 , -1.062]
18 28.002 -21.347 8.789 [-46.161 , -9.332]
19 30.002 -13.412 11.053 [-34.039 , 8.122]
20 32.002 -15.438 11.606 [-44.170 , 1.813]
The pointwise results are summarized in the above table. Clearly, when
the temperature is low, the point estimate of the rental difference is
significantly positive since the robust confidence intervals do not
cover \(0\). In contrast, when the temperature is above 7, it is no longer
significant. This implies that the difference in the number of rentals
between working days and other periods is less pronounced when the
weather is warm. Again, we can use the command lsprobust.plot()
plot point estimates, confidence intervals and uniform band
> lsprobust.plot(diff, CS = "all", xlabel = "Temperature", ylabel = "Number of Rentals",
+ legendGroups = "Difference between Working and Other Days") +
+ theme(text = element_text(size = 17), legend.position = c(0.36,
+ 0.2))
> ggsave("output/diff2.pdf", width = 6.8, height = 5.5)
In addition, some basic options for the command lsprobust()
may be
passed on to the command lsplincom()
. For example, the following code
generates a smoother fit of the rental difference by setting m=3
> diff <- lsplincom(y, x, data$workingday, R = c(-1, 1), band = T,
+ cb.method = "pl", m = 3)
> lsprobust.plot(diff, CS = "all", xlabel = "Temperature", ylabel = "Number of Rentals") +
+ theme(text = element_text(size = 17), legend.position = "none")
> ggsave("output/diff3.pdf", width = 6.8, height = 5.5)
-axis plots the
difference in the number of rentals, and the x
-axis plots
the temperature. The solid curves show the point estimates, error bars
show the robust confidence intervals, and the shaded regions show the
robust confidence bands. Results in a are based on a linear basis, and
those in b are based on a quadratic basis. The uniformly valid
confidence bands used here provide an assessment of the difference
between the groups overall, compared to the pointwise results in Figure
The results are shown in Figure 5. The confidence band for the difference is constructed based on the plug-in distributional approximation computed previously. It leads to an even stronger conclusion: the entire difference as a function of temperature is significantly positive uniformly over a range of low temperatures since the confidence band is above zero when the temperature is low.
We gave an introduction to the software package lspartition, which offers estimation and robust inference procedures (both pointwise and uniform) for partitioning-based least squares regression. In particular, splines, wavelets, and piecewise polynomials are implemented. The main underlying methodologies were illustrated empirically using real data. Finally, installation details, scripts replicating the numerical results reported herein, links to software repositories, and other companion information, can be found in the package’s website:
Phylogenetics, Spatial, TeachingStatistics
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Cattaneo, et al., "lspartition: Partitioning-Based Least Squares Regression", The R Journal, 2020
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2020-005, author = {Cattaneo, Matias D. and Farrell, Max H. and Feng, Yingjie}, title = {lspartition: Partitioning-Based Least Squares Regression}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2020}, note = {}, volume = {12}, issue = {1}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {172-187} }