Differential item functioning (DIF) and differential distractor functioning (DDF) are important topics in psychometrics, pointing to potential unfairness in items with respect to minorities or different social groups. Various methods have been proposed to detect these issues. The difNLR R
package extends DIF methods currently provided in other packages by offering approaches based on generalized logistic regression models that account for possible guessing or inattention, and by providing methods to detect DIF and DDF among ordinal and nominal data. In the current paper, we describe implementation of the main functions of the difNLR package, from data generation, through the model fitting and hypothesis testing, to graphical representation of the results. Finally, we provide a real data example to bring the concepts together.
Differential item functioning (DIF) is a phenomenon studied in the field of psychometrics which occurs when two subjects with the same ability or knowledge but from different social groups have a different probability of answering a specific test item correctly. DIF may signal bias and therefore potential unfairness of the measurement, so, DIF analysis should be used routinely in development and validation of educational and psychological tests (Martinková et al. 2017).
In recent decades, various methods for DIF detection have been proposed by many different authors and examples of their (non-exhaustive) overviews can be found in (Penfield and Camilli 2006) or (Magis et al. 2010). Generally, DIF detection methods can be classified into two groups – those based on item response theory (IRT) models and those based on other approaches (referenced here as non-IRT). IRT models assume that ability is latent and needs to be estimated, whereas non-IRT methods use the total test score (or its standardization) for an approximation of ability level. IRT models can be found more conceptually and computationally challenging, while non-IRT methods are in general easier to implement and interpret.
Another distinction of DIF detection methods can be made with respect to the nature of the DIF that can be detected. Some methods, such as the Mantel-Haenszel test (Mantel and Haenszel 1959) or IRT methods using the Rasch model (Rasch 1993), can only detect so-called uniform DIF, a situation whereby an item is consistently advantageous to one group across all levels of ability. Other methods, for instance logistic regression (Swaminathan and Rogers 1990) or methods using a 2 parameter logistic (2PL) IRT model, can also detect a non-uniform DIF, a situation when an item is advantageous to one group for some parts of ability levels while for other parts of ability levels the other group is in a more favourable position. DIF can be described as a difference in item parameters between the two groups. Uniform DIF can be then viewed as the difference in item difficulties (location of the inflexion point in the item characteristic curve) whereas non-uniform DIF also comprises a difference in item discrimination (slope at the inflexion point in the item characteristic curve). Most methods for DIF detection, with the important exception of methods based on 3PL and 4PL IRT models, are limited to testing differences in difficulty and discrimination and do not account for the possibility that an item can be guessed without necessary knowledge or incorrectly answered due to inattention, let alone the possibility to test for differences in related parameters.
There are several packages on the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN, https://CRAN.Rproject.org/) which implement various methods for DIF detection. The difR package (Magis et al. 2010) includes a number of DIF detection methods among dichotomous items, inclusive of non-IRT methods as well as those based on IRT models. The DIFlasso (Schauberger 2017) and DIFboost (Schauberger 2016) packages implement penalty approach and boosting techniques in the IRT Rasch model. The GDINA package (Ma and Torre 2019) offers the implementation of generalized deterministic inputs, noisy, and gate model. The mirt package (Chalmers 2012) provides DIF detection based on various IRT models including those for dichotomous as well as ordinal or nominal items. The lordif package (Choi et al. 2016) brings an iterative method based on a mixture of ordinal logistic regression and an IRT approach for DIF detection. Finally, the psychotree package (Strobl et al. 2015) offers a method build on model-based recursive partitioning to detect latent groups of subjects exhibiting uniform DIF under the Rasch model. Mentioned packages do not allow for detecting differences in guessing and inattention, do not offer possibility of various matching criteria, and/or they assume IRT models which may become computationally demanding.
A potential gap in DIF methodology can be filled by generalizations of logistic regression models implemented within the difNLR package described here. These nonlinear extensions include estimations of pseudo-guessing parameters as proposed by (Drabinová and Martinková 2017). However, the difNLR package goes further by introducing a wide range of nonlinear regression models which cover both guessing and the possibility of inattention and allow for the testing of group differences in these parameters or their combinations. Moreover, in the case of ordinal data from rating scales or items allowing for partial credit, the difNLR package is able to detect differential use of the scale among groups by adjacent category logit or cumulative logit models. Finally, in the case of nominal data from multiple choice items, the package offers a multinomial model to test for so-called differential distractor functioning (DDF, Green et al. 1989), a situation when respondents with the same ability or knowledge but from different social groups are attracted differently by offered distractors (incorrect option choices). In addition, the difNLR package provides features such as item purification (see e.g., Lord 1980) or corrections for multiple comparisons (see e.g., Kim and Oshima 2013).
This paper gives a detailed description of the difNLR package with functional examples, from data generation, through the model fitting, to interpretation of the results and their graphical representation, while separate parts are dedicated to features and troubleshooting. To bring the concepts together, we conclude by illustrative real data example connecting the usage of the main functions of the package.
The main advantage of non-IRT DIF detection methods implemented within
the difNLR package is their flexibility with respect to the issue of
guessing or inattention, while they retain pleasant properties such as
low ratio of convergence issues when compared to IRT models
(Drabinová and Martinková 2017). In addition to that, the difNLR provides
DIF and DDF detection methods among ordinal and nominal data and thus
offers a wide range of techniques to deal with an important topic
of detecting potentially unfair items. For users who are new to R
interactive implementation of difNLR functions within the
package (Martinková and Drabinová 2018) with toy datasets may be
The class of generalized logistic models described here includes nonlinear regression models for DIF detection in dichotomously scored items, cumulative logit and adjacent category logit models for DIF detection in ordinal items, and a multinomial model for DDF detection in the case when items are nominal (e.g., multiple-choice).
Nonlinear regression models for DIF detection among binary items are extensions of the logistic regression method (Swaminathan and Rogers 1990). These extensions account for the possibility that an item can be guessed, in other words correctly answered without possessing the necessary knowledge, i.e., lower asymptote of the item characteristic curve can be larger than zero (Drabinová and Martinková 2017). Similarly, these models account for a situation when an item is incorrectly answered by a person with high ability, e.g., due to inattention or lack of time, i.e., upper asymptote of the item characteristic curve can be lower than one.
The probability of a correct answer on item \(i\) by person \(p\) is then given by \[\begin{aligned} \label{fit_dif} \mathrm{P}(Y_{ip} = 1| X_p, G_p) = c_{iG_p} + (d_{iG_p}-c_{iG_p})\frac{e^{a_{iG_p}(X_p - b_{iG_p})}}{1 + e^{a_{iG_p}(X_p - b_{iG_p})}}, \end{aligned} \tag{1}\] where \(X_p\) is a variable describing observed knowledge or ability of person \(p\) and \(G_p\) stands for their membership to social group (\(G_p = 1\) for focal group, usually seen as the disadvantaged one, \(G_p = 0\) for the reference group). Terms \(a_{iG_p}, b_{iG_p} \in \mathbb{R}\), and \(c_{iG_p}, d_{iG_p} \in [0, 1]\) represent discrimination, difficulty, probability of guessing, and a parameter related to the probability of inattention in item \(i\), while they can differ for the reference and the focal group (denoted by the index \(G_p\)). Further, we use parametrization \(a_{iG_p} = a_{i} + a_{i\text{DIF}} G_p\), where \(a_{i\text{DIF}}\) is a difference between the focal and the reference group in discrimination (analogously for other parameters). In other words, \(a_{i0} = a_i\) for the reference group and \(a_{i1} = a_{i} + a_{i\text{DIF}}\) for the focal group. Thus, there are eight parameters for each item in total. For simplicity of the formulas, we stick with the notation of \(a_{iG_p}\), \(b_{iG_p}\), \(c_{iG_p}\), and \(d_{iG_p}\).
The class of models determined by equation (1) contains a wide range of methods for DIF detection. For instance, with \(d_{iG_p} = 1\), we get a nonlinear model for the detection of DIF allowing for differential guessing in groups as presented by (Drabinová and Martinková 2017). Assuming moreover \(c_{iG_p} = 0\), one can obtain a classical logistic regression model for the detection of uniform and non-uniform DIF as proposed by (Swaminathan and Rogers 1990).
In contrast to IRT models, model (1) assumes that knowledge \(X_p\) is represented by the total test score or its standardized form (Z-score) and thus the described method belongs to the class of non-IRT approaches. As such, model (1) can be seen as a proxy to the 4PL IRT model for DIF detection. While estimation of the asymptote parameters is notoriously challenging in IRT models, it was shown that generalized logistic models require a smaller sample size to be fitted while they keep pleasant properties in terms of power and rejection rates (Drabinová and Martinková 2017).
The difNLR package offers two approaches to estimate parameters of model (1). The first option is the nonlinear least squares method (Dennis et al. 1981; Ritz and Streibig 2008), that is, minimization of the residual sums of squares (RSS) for item \(i\) with respect to item parameters: \[\begin{aligned} \text{RSS}(a_{ig_p}, b_{ig_p}, c_{ig_p}, d_{ig_p}) = \sum_{p = 1}^n \left\{y_{ip} - c_{ig_p} - \frac{(d_{ig_p} - c_{ig_p})}{1 + e^{-a_{ig_p}(x_p - b_{ig_p})}}\right\}^2, \end{aligned}\] where \(n\) denotes number of respondents, \(y_{ip}\) is the response of respondent \(p\) to the item \(i\), \(x_p\) is their (standardized) test score, and \(g_p\) is their group membership. The second option is the maximum likelihood method. Likelihood function of item \(i\) \[\begin{aligned} \text{L}(a_{ig_p}, b_{ig_p}, c_{ig_p}, d_{ig_p}) = \prod_{p = 1}^n \left\{c_{ig_p} + \frac{d_{ig_p}-c_{ig_p}}{1 + e^{-a_{ig_p}(x_p - b_{ig_p})}}\right\}^{y_{ip}} \left\{1 - c_{ig_p} - \frac{d_{ig_p}-c_{ig_p}}{1 + e^{-a_{ig_p}(x_p - b_{ig_p})}}\right\}^{1 - y_{ip}} \end{aligned}\] is maximized with respect to item parameters.
The logistic regression procedure which estimates the probability of the correct answer can be extended to estimate the probability of partial credit scores or option choices. When the responses are ordinal, DIF detection can be performed using the cumulative logit regression model (see e.g., Agresti 2010 3). For \(K + 1\) outcome categories, i.e., \(Y \in \left\{0, 1, \dots, K\right\}\), the cumulative probability is \[\begin{aligned} \label{fit_diford_cum} \mathrm{P}(Y_{ip} \geq k| X_p, G_p) = \frac{e^{a_{iG_p}(X_p - b_{ikG_p})}}{1 + e^{a_{iG_p}(X_p - b_{ikG_p})}}, \end{aligned} \tag{2}\] for \(k = 1, \dots, K\), where \(\mathrm{P}(Y_{ip} \geq 0| X_p, G_p) = 1\) and \(b_{ikG_p} = b_{ik} + b_{iDIF}G_p\). The parameter \(b_{iDIF}\) can be interpreted as the difference in difficulty of item \(i\) between the reference and the focal group. The parameter \(b_{ik}\) can be seen as category \(k\) specific difficulty of item \(i\) which is the same for both groups. The category probability is then given by \[\begin{aligned} \mathrm{P}(Y_{ip} = k| X_p, G_p) = \mathrm{P}(Y_{ip} \geq k| X_p, G_p) - \mathrm{P}(Y_{ip} \geq k + 1| X_p, G_p), \end{aligned}\] for categories \(k = 0, \dots, K - 1\) while \(\mathrm{P}(Y_{ip} = K| X_p, G_p) = \mathrm{P}(Y_{ip} \geq K| X_p, G_p)\). Again, knowledge is represented by observed (standardized) total test score \(X_p\) and therefore model (2) can be seen as a proxy to a graded response IRT model (Samejima 1969).
Another approach for DIF detection in ordinal data is the adjacent category logit model (see e.g., Agresti 2010 4), which for \(K + 1\) outcome categories is given by \[\begin{aligned} \log\frac{\mathrm{P}(Y_{ip} = k | X_p, G_p)}{\mathrm{P}(Y_{ip} = k - 1 | X_p, G_p)} = a_{iG_p}(X_p - b_{ikG_p}), \end{aligned}\] where \(k = 1, \dots, K\) and \(b_{ikG_p} = b_{ik} + b_{iDIF}G_p\). The category probability takes the following form: \[\begin{aligned} \label{fit_diford_adj} \mathrm{P}(Y_{ip} = k| X_p, G_p) = \frac{e^{\sum_{l = 0}^k a_{iG_p}(X_p - b_{ilG_p})}}{\sum_{j = 0}^K e^{\sum_{l = 0}^j a_{iG_p}(X_p - b_{ilG_p})}}, \end{aligned} \tag{3}\] where \(k = 1, \dots, K\) and parameters for \(k = 0\) are set to zero, i.e., \(a_{iG_p}(X_p - b_{i0G_p}) = 0\) and hence \(\mathrm{P}(Y_{ip} = 0| X_p, G_p) = \frac{1}{\sum_{j = 0}^K e^{\sum_{l = 0}^j a_{iG_p}(X_p - b_{ilG_p})}}\). As such, an adjacent category logit model (3) can be seen as a proxy to the rating scale IRT model (Andrich 1978). Both models, cumulative logit and adjacent category logit, are estimated by iteratively re-weighted least squares.
When responses are nominal (e.g., multiple choice), DDF detection can be performed with the multinomial model. Considering that \(k = 0, \dots, K\) possible option choices are offered, with \(k = 0\) being the correct answer and other ones distractors, the probability of choosing distractor \(k\) is given by \[\begin{aligned} \label{fit_ddfmlr} \mathrm{P}(Y_{ip} = k| X_p, G_p) = \frac{e^{a_{ikG_p}(X_p - b_{ikG_p})}}{\sum_{l = 0}^{K} e^{a_{ilG_p}(X_p - b_{ilG_p})}}, \end{aligned} \tag{4}\] while for the correct answer \(k = 0\) the parameters are set to zero, i.e., \(a_{i0G_p}(X_p - b_{i0G_p}) = 0\) and thus \(\mathrm{P}(Y_{ip} = 0| X_p, G_p) = \frac{1}{\sum_{l = 0}^{K} e^{a_{ilG_p}(X_p - b_{ilG_p})}}\). In contrast to ordinal models (2) and (3), discrimination \(a_{ikG_p}\) and difficulty \(b_{ikG_p}\) are category-specific and they may vary between groups. The parameters are estimated via neural networks.
The difNLR package provides implementation of the methods to detect
DIF and DDF based on generalized logistic models. Specifically,
a nonlinear regression model (1), cumulative logit model
(2), adjacent category model
(3), and multinomial model (4) are
available within functions difNLR()
, difORD()
, and ddfMLR()
Table 1). All three functions were designed to correspond to
one of the most widely used R
packages for DIF detection – difR
(Magis et al. 2010).
Function | Description |
difNLR() |
Performs DIF detection procedure for dichotomous data based on a nonlinear regression model (generalized logistic regression) and either likelihood-ratio or F test of the submodel. |
difORD() |
Performs DIF detection procedure for ordinal data based on either an adjacent category logit model or a cumulative logit model and likelihood ratio test of the submodel. |
ddfMLR() |
Performs DDF detection procedure for nominal data based on a multinomial log-linear regression model and likelihood ratio test of the submodel. |
In this part, we discuss implementation and usage of the difNLR()
function which offers a wide range of methods for DIF detection among
dichotomous data based on a generalized logistic regression model
(1). The full syntax of the difNLR()
function is
Data, group, focal.name, model, constraints, type = "all", method = "nls", match = "zscore",
anchor = NULL, purify = FALSE, nrIter = 10,
test = "LR", alpha = 0.05, p.adjust.method = "none",
initboot = TRUE, nrBo = 20
start, )
To detect DIF using the difNLR()
function, the user always needs to
provide four pieces of information: 1. the binary data set, 2. the group
membership vector, 3. the indication of the focal group, and
4. the model.
is a matrix
or a data.frame
with rows representing
dichotomously scored respondents’ answers (1 correct, 0 incorrect) and
columns which correspond to the items. In addition, Data
may contain
the vector of group membership. If so, the group
is a column
identifier of the Data
. Otherwise, the group
must be a dichotomous
vector of the same length as the number of rows (respondents) in Data
The name of the focal group is specified in focal.name
To run a simulation study or to create an illustrative example, the
difNLR package contains a data generator genNLR()
, which can be used
to generate dichotomous, ordinal, or nominal data. The type of items to
be generated can be specified via itemtype
itemtype = "dich"
for dichotomous items, "ordinal"
for ordinal
items, and "nominal"
for nominal items.
For the generation of dichotomous items, discrimination and difficulty
parameters need to be specified within a
and b
arguments in the form
of matrices with two columns. The first column stands for the reference
group and the second one for the focal group. Each row of matrices
corresponds to one item. Additionally, one can provide guessing and
inattention parameters via arguments c
and d
in the same way
as for discriminations and difficulties. By default, values of guessing
parameters are set to 0 in both groups, and the values of inattention
parameters to 1 in both groups.
Distribution of the underlying latent trait is considered to be
Gaussian. The user can specify its mean and standard deviation via
arguments mu
and sigma
respectively. By default, mean is 0 and
standard deviation is 1 and they are the same for both groups.
Furthermore, the user needs to provide a sample size (N
) and the ratio
of respondents in the reference and focal group (ratio
). The latent
trait for both groups is then generated and together with item
parameters is used to generate item data. Output of the genNLR()
function is a data.frame
with items represented by columns and
responses to them represented by rows. The last column is a group
indicator, where 0 stands for a focal group and 1 indicates a reference
To illustrate generation of dichotomously scored items and to exemplify
basic DIF detection with a difNLR()
function, we create an example
dataset. We choose discrimination \(a\), difficulty \(b\), guessing \(c\), and
inattention \(d\) parameters for 15 items. Parameters are then set the
same for both groups.
# discrimination
<- matrix(rep(c(1.00, 1.12, 1.45, 1.25, 1.32, 1.38, 1.44, 0.89, 1.15,
a 1.30, 1.29, 1.46, 1.16, 1.26, 0.98), 2), ncol = 2)
# difficulty
<- matrix(rep(c(1.34, 0.06, 1.62, 0.24, -1.45, -0.10, 1.76, 1.96, -1.53,
b -0.44, -1.67, 1.91, 1.62, 1.79, -0.21), 2), ncol = 2)
# guessing
<- matrix(rep(c(0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.17, 0.18, 0.05, 0.10,
c 0.11, 0.15, 0.20, 0.21, 0.23, 0.24), 2), ncol = 2)
# inattention
<- matrix(rep(c(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 0.92, 0.87, 1.00, 1.00, 0.88, 0.93,
d 0.94, 0.81, 0.98, 0.87, 0.96, 0.85), 2), ncol = 2)
For items 5, 8, 11, and 15, we introduce DIF caused by various sources: In item 5, DIF is caused by a difference in difficulty; in item 8 by discrimination; in item 11, the reference and focal groups differ in inattention, and in item 15 in guessing.
5, 2] <- b[5, 2] + 1
b[8, 2] <- a[8, 2] + 1
a[11, 2] <- 1
d[15, 2] <- 0 c[
We generate dichotomous data with 500 observations in the reference
group and 500 in the focal group. We assume that an underlying latent
trait comes from a standard normal distribution for both groups (default
setting). The output is a data.frame
where the first 15 columns are
dichotomously scored answers of 1,000 respondents and the last column is
a group membership variable.
<- genNLR(N = 1000, a = a, b = b, c = c, d = d)
df head(df[, c(1:5, 16)])
Item1 Item2 Item3 Item4 Item5 group1 0 1 1 1 1 0
2 0 1 1 0 1 0
3 0 1 0 0 1 0
4 1 1 1 0 1 0
5 1 1 0 1 1 0
6 0 1 0 0 1 0
<- df[, 1:15]
DataDIF <- df[, 16] groupDIF
The last necessary input of the difNLR()
function is specification of
the model to be estimated. This can be made by model
argument. There
are several predefined models, all of them based on the 4PL model stated
in equation (1) (see Table 2).
Model annotation | Description |
"4PL" |
4PL model |
"4PLcdg" , "4PLc" |
4PL model with an inattention parameter set equal for the two groups |
"4PLcgd" , "4PLd" |
4PL model with a guessing parameter set equal for the two groups |
"4PLcgdg" |
4PL model with a guessing and an inattention parameters set equal for the two groups |
"3PLd" |
3PL model with an inattention parameter and \(c = 0\) |
"3PLc" , "3PL" |
3PL model with a guessing parameter and \(d = 1\) |
"3PLdg" |
3PL model with an inattention parameter set equal for the two groups |
"3PLcg" |
3PL model with a guessing parameter set equal for the two groups |
"2PL" |
Logistic regression model, i.e. \(c = 0\) and \(d = 1\) |
"1PL" |
1PL model with a discrimination parameter set equal for the two groups |
"Rasch" |
1PL model with a discrimination parameter fixed on value of 1 for the two groups |
We are now able to perform the basic DIF detection with a 4PL model for
all the items on a generated example dataset DataDIF
<- difNLR(DataDIF, groupDIF, focal.name = 1, model = "4PL"))
Detection of all types of differential item functioning
using generalized logistic regression model
-square statistics
Generalized logistic regression likelihood ratio chi4PL model
based on
Parameters were estimated with nonlinear least squares
Item purification was not applied-value adjustment for multiple comparisons
No p
-value P-value
Chisq6.2044 0.1844
Item1 0.2802 0.9911
Item2 2.7038 0.6086
Item3 5.8271 0.2124
Item4 48.0052 0.0000 ***
Item5 7.2060 0.1254
Item6 3.2390 0.5187
Item7 16.8991 0.0020 **
Item8 2.1595 0.7064
Item9 4.6866 0.3210
Item10 69.5328 0.0000 ***
Item11 8.1931 0.0848 .
Item12 2.5850 0.6295
Item13 2.9478 0.5666
Item14 20.6589 0.0004 ***
: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Signif. codes
: 9.4877 (significance level: 0.05)
Detection thresholds
Items detected as DIF items
Item11 Item15
The output returns values of the test statistics for DIF detection, corresponding p-values, and set of items which are detected as functioning differently. All items (5, 8, 11, and 15) are correctly identified.
Estimates of parameters can be viewed with coef()
method. Method
returns a list of parameters, which can be simplified to a
matrix by setting simplify = TRUE
. Each row then corresponds to one
item and columns indicate parameters of the estimated model.
round(coef(fit1, simplify = TRUE), 3)
a b c d aDif bDif cDif dDif1.484 1.294 0.049 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Item1 1.176 0.153 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Item2 1.281 1.766 0.001 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Item3 1.450 0.421 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Item4 1.965 -1.147 0.000 0.868 -0.408 0.769 0.023 -0.006
Item5 1.458 -0.527 0.000 0.954 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Item6 0.888 1.392 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Item7 1.162 1.407 0.000 0.866 -0.117 0.974 0.007 0.134
Item8 1.482 -1.337 0.000 0.928 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Item9 1.375 -0.570 0.007 0.967 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Item10 1.071 -1.027 0.000 0.969 1.173 -0.499 0.000 0.011
Item11 1.051 1.560 0.080 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Item12 1.009 1.348 0.084 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Item13 1.093 1.659 0.141 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Item14 0.875 -0.565 0.000 0.945 0.205 0.348 0.000 -0.142 Item15
The user can also print standard errors of the estimates using an option
. For example, estimated difference in difficulty between the
reference and the focal groups in item 5 is 0.769 with standard error of
round(coef(fit1, SE = TRUE)[[5]], 3)
a b c d aDif bDif cDif dDif1.965 -1.147 0.000 0.868 -0.408 0.769 0.023 -0.006
estimate 0.844 0.404 0.307 0.044 1.045 0.483 0.345 0.093 SE
The difNLR()
function provides a visual representation of the item
characteristic curves using
the ggplot2 package
(Wickham 2016) and its graphical environment. Curves are always
based on results of a DIF detection procedure – when an item displays
DIF, two curves are plotted, one for the reference and one for the focal
group. Curves are accompanied by points representing empirical
probabilities, i.e., proportions of correct answers with respect to the
ability level and group membership. Size of the points is determined by
the number of respondents at this ability level. Characteristic curves
may simply be rendered with method plot()
and by specifying items to
be plotted. We show here characteristic curves for DIF items only
(Figure 1).
plot(fit1, item = fit1$DIFitems)
Besides predefined models (see Table 2), all parameters of the
model can be further constrained using argument constraints
which parameters should be set equally for the two groups. For example,
choice "ac"
in 4PL model means that discrimination parameter \(a\) and
pseudo-guessing parameter \(c\) are set equally for the two groups while
the remaining parameters (\(b\) and \(d\)) are not. In addition, both
arguments model
and constraints
are item-specific, meaning that a
single value for all items can be introduced as well as a vector
specifying the setting for each item. While the model specification can
be challenging, this offers a wide range of models for DIF detection
which goes hand in hand with the complexity of the offered method.
Furthermore, via type
argument one can specify which type of DIF to
test. Default option type = "all"
allows one to test the difference in
any parameter which is not constrained to be the same for both groups.
Uniform DIF (difference in difficulty \(b\) only) can be tested by setting
type = "udif"
, while nonuniform DIF (difference also in discrimination
\(a\)) by setting type = "nudif"
. With the argument type = "both"
, the
differences in both parameters (\(a\) and \(b\)) are tested. Moreover, to
identify DIF in more detail, one can determine in which parameters the
difference should be tested. The argument type
is also item-specific.
# item-specific model
<- c("1PL", rep("2PL", 2), rep("3PL", 2), rep("3PLd", 2), rep("4PL", 8))
model <- difNLR(DataDIF, groupDIF, focal.name = 1, model = model, type = "all")
fit2 $DIFitems
fit21] 5 8 11 15
[# item-specific type
<- rep("all", 15)
type 5] <- "b"; type[8] <- "a"; type[11] <- "c"; type[15] <- "d"
type[<- difNLR(DataDIF, groupDIF, focal.name = 1, model = model, type = type)
fit3 $DIFitems
fit31] 5
[# item-specific constraints
<- rep(NA, 15)
constraints 5] <- "ac"; constraints[8] <- "bcd";
constraints[11] <- "abd"; constraints[15] <- "abc"
constraints[<- difNLR(DataDIF, groupDIF, focal.name = 1, model = model,
fit4 constraints = constraints, type = type)
fit41] 5 8 11 15 [
In fit2
we allowed different models for items. In fit3
, when items
were intended to function differently, we tested only the difference in
those parameters which were selected to be a source of DIF when we
generated data, while using the same item-specific models as for fit2
Finally, in items which were intended to function differently we
constrained all other parameters to be the same for both groups
in fit4
. As expected, models fit2
and fit4
correctly identified
all DIF items, while fit3
detected only item 5.
The difNLR()
function offers two techniques to estimate parameters of
a generalized logistic regression model (1). With a
default option method = "nls"
, nonlinear least square estimation is
applied using a nls()
function from the
stats package. With an
option method = "likelihood"
, the maximum likelihood method is used
via an optim()
function again from the stats package. Moreover, with
an argument test
, the user can specify what test of a submodel should
be used to analyze DIF. The default option is the likelihood-ratio test.
Fit of selected models can be examined using information criteria, specifically Akaike’s criterion (AIC, Akaike 1974) and Schwarz’s Bayesian criterion (BIC, Schwarz et al. 1978).
<- data.frame(AIC = c(AIC(fit2), AIC(fit3), AIC(fit4)),
df BIC = c(BIC(fit2), BIC(fit3), BIC(fit4)),
Fit = paste0("fit", rep(2:4, each = 15)),
Item = as.factor(rep(1:15, 3)))
ggplot(df, aes(x = Item, y = AIC, col = Fit)) +
geom_point(size = 3) +
scale_color_manual(values = c("#b94685", "#ffbe33", "#61b8ea"))
ggplot(df, aes(x = Item, y = BIC, col = Fit)) +
geom_point(size = 3) +
scale_color_manual(values = c("#b94685", "#ffbe33", "#61b8ea"))
While there is, not surprisingly, no difference between information
criteria of the three models for non-DIF items, a distinction may be
observed in DIF items. AIC suggests that model fit3
fits best to items
8 and 11 and model fit4
to items 5 and 15, while BIC indicates that
for item 8 model fit4
is the most suitable. However the differences
are small (Figure 2). Fit measures can also be displayed
for specific items.
logLik(fit3, item = 8)
'log Lik.' -312.7227 (df=7)
logLik(fit4, item = 8)
'log Lik.' -316.4998 (df=5)
Fitted values and residuals can be standardly calculated with methods
and residuals()
, again for all items or for those specified
via item
argument. This also holds for predicted values and method
. Predictions for any new respondents can be obtained by
and match
arguments representing group membership and the
value of matching criterion (e.g., standardized total score) of the new
respondent. For example, with fit1
in item 5, new respondents with
average performance (match = 0
) have approximately a 22% lower
probability of a correct answer if they come from a focal rather than
reference group.
predict(fit1, item = 5, group = c(0, 1), match = 0)
item match group prob1 Item5 0 0 0.7851739
2 Item5 0 1 0.5624883
This can also be observed when comparing item characteristic curves for the reference and the focal group in item 5 (see upper left Figure 1).
Here we show implementation and usage of the difORD()
function which
offers two models – cumulative logit model (2) and
adjacent category logit model (3) to detect DIF
among ordinal data. The full syntax of the difORD()
function is
model = "adjacent",
Data, group, focal.name, type = "both", match = "zscore",
anchor = NULL, purify = FALSE, nrIter = 10, p.adjust.method = "none",
parametrization = "irt", alpha = 0.05
To detect DIF among ordinal data using the difORD()
function, the user
needs to provide four pieces of information: 1. the ordinal data set, 2.
the group membership vector, 3. the indication of the focal group, and
4. the model to be fitted.
takes a similar format as used for the difNLR()
however, rows represent ordinally scored respondents’ answers instead of
dichotomous. Specifications of group
and focal.name
remain the same.
Data generator genNLR()
is able to generate ordinal data using an
adjacent category logit model (3) by setting
itemtype = "ordinal"
. For polytomous items (ordinal or nominal), a
and b
have the form of matrices as well as for dichotomous data but
each column now represents parameters of partial scores (or
distractors). For example, to generate an item with 4 partial scores
(i.e., 0-3), the user needs to provide 3 sets of discrimination and
difficulty parameters. The parameters for minimal partial scores (i.e.,
0; or correct answer in the case of nominal data) do not need to be
specified because their probabilities are calculated as a complement to
the sums of the partial scores probabilities. Guessing and inattention
parameters are disregarded.
To illustrate usage of the difORD()
function, we created an example
ordinal dataset with 5 items, each scored with a range of 0-4. We first
generated discrimination parameters \(a\) and difficulties \(b\) from a
uniform distribution for partial scores \(k = 1, \dots, 4\) for each item.
In an adjacent category logit model (3), parameter
\(b_{ik}\) corresponds to an ability level for which the response
categories \(k\) and \(k-1\) intersect in item \(i\). For this reason and to
create well-functioning items, parameters \(b_{ik}\) are sorted so that
\(b_{ik} < b_{ik + 1}\). The parameters are set the same for both the
reference and focal group.
# discrimination
<- matrix(rep(runif(5, 0.25, 1), 8), ncol = 8)
a # difficulty
<- t(sapply(1:5, function(i) rep(sort(runif(4, -1, 1)), 2))) b
For the first two items we introduce uniform and non-uniform DIF respectively.
1, 5:8] <- b[1, 5:8] + 0.1
b[2, 5:8] <- a[2, 5:8] - 0.2 a[
Using parameters a
and b
of an adjacent category logit model, we
generated ordinal data with a total sample size of 1,000 (500
observations per group). The first 5 columns of dataset DataORD
represent ordinally scored items, while the last column represents a
group membership variable.
<- genNLR(N = 1000, itemtype = "ordinal", a = a, b = b)
DataORD summary(DataORD)
Item1 Item2 Item3 Item4 Item5 group 0:488 0:376 0:417 0:530 0:556 Min. :0.0
1:229 1:237 1:331 1:226 1:253 1st Qu.:0.0
2:150 2:195 2:170 2:129 2:123 Median :0.5
3: 93 3:114 3: 71 3: 83 3: 47 Mean :0.5
4: 40 4: 78 4: 11 4: 32 4: 21 3rd Qu.:1.0
:1.0 Max.
The last input of the difORD()
function which needs to be specified is
. It offers two possibilities. With an option
model = "cumulative"
a cumulative logit model (2)
is fitted, while with an option model = "adjacent"
(default) DIF
detection is performed using an adjacent category logit model
(3). The parameters for both models are estimated
via vgam()
function from the
VGAM package
(Yee 2010).
In this part we exemplify usage of the difORD()
function to fit a
cumulative logit model for DIF detection among ordinal data. The group
argument is introduced here by specifying the name of the group
membership variable in DataORD
dataset, i.e., group = "group"
Knowledge is represented by observed standardized total score, i.e.,
standardized sum of all item scores.
<- difORD(DataORD, group = "group", focal.name = 1, model = "cumulative"))
Detection of both types of Differential Itemfor ordinal data using cumulative logit
regression model
-ratio Chi-square statistics
Item purification was not applied-value adjustment for multiple comparisons
No p
-value P-value
Chisq7.4263 0.0244 *
Item1 13.4267 0.0012 **
Item2 0.6805 0.7116
Item3 5.6662 0.0588 .
Item4 2.7916 0.2476
: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Signif. codes
Items detected as DIF items
Item1 Item2
Output provides test statistics for the likelihood ratio test, corresponding p-values, and the set of items which were detected as functioning differently. Items 1 and 2 are correctly identified as DIF items.
Similarly as for the difNLR()
function, characteristic curves can be
imaged with the plot()
method. Besides characteristic curves, the
method plot()
for the cumulative logit model also offers the plot of
cumulative probabilities. This can be achieved using
plot.type = "cumulative"
, while with plot.type = "category"
characteristic curves are shown. The plot of cumulative probabilities
shows only 4 partial scores and does not show the cumulative probability
of \(\mathrm{P}(Y_{ip} \geq 0)\) since it is always equal to 1. Note that
category probability of the highest score corresponds to its cumulative
probability (Figure 3).
plot(fit5, item = "Item1", plot.type = "cumulative")
plot(fit5, item = "Item1", plot.type = "category")
Similarly to the difNLR()
function, difORD()
offers fit measures
provided by AIC()
, BIC()
, and logLik()
S3 methods, and method
to print the estimated parameters of the fitted model.
We illustrate here the fitting of an adjacent category logit model for
DIF detection using the difORD()
function. The group argument is now
introduced by specifying the identifier of a group membership variable
in Data
(i.e., group = 6
<- difORD(DataORD, group = 6, focal.name = 1, model = "adjacent"))
Detection of both types of Differential Itemfor ordinal data using adjacent category
logit model
-ratio Chi-square statistics
Item purification was not applied-value adjustment for multiple comparisons
No p
-value P-value
Chisq8.9024 0.0117 *
Item1 12.9198 0.0016 **
Item2 1.0313 0.5971
Item3 4.3545 0.1134
Item4 2.3809 0.3041
: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Signif. codes
Items detected as DIF items
Item1 Item2
Output again provides test statistics for the likelihood ratio test,
corresponding p-values, and the set of items which were detected as
functioning differently. Items 1 and 2 are correctly identified as DIF
items. Characteristic curves can again be rendered using the plot()
method (Figure 4).
plot(fit6, item = fit6$DIFitems)
Function difORD()
offers the possibility to specify parametrization of
regression coefficients with an argument parametrization
. By default,
IRT parametrization as stated in (2) and
(3) is utilized using parametrization = "irt"
but also classical intercept-slope parametrization
(parametrization = "classic"
) with the effect of group membership and
its interaction with matching criterion as covariates may be applied,
i.e., \(b_{0kG_p} + b_{1G_p} X_p\) instead of
\(a_{iG_p}(X_p - b_{ikG_p}))\). The DIF detection is the same as with IRT
parametrization, the only difference can be found in parameter
<- difORD(DataORD, group = 6, focal.name = 1, model = "adjacent",
fit6a parametrization = "classic")
# coefficients with IRT parametrization
round(coef(fit6)[[1]], 3)
b1 b2 b3 b4 a bDIF1 bDIF2 bDIF3 bDIF4 aDIF 0.013 0.603 1.500 2.500 1.776 -0.042 -0.121 -0.240 -0.374 0.273
# coefficients with classical intercept-slope parametrization
round(coef(fit6a)[[1]], 3)
:1 (Intercept):2 (Intercept):3 (Intercept):4 x group x:group
(Intercept)-0.023 -1.070 -2.664 -4.441 1.776 0.082 0.273
Note that estimated discrimination for the reference group (parameter
) corresponds to the effect of matching criterion x
, and in both
cases their value is 1.776 for item 1. The same holds for the difference
in discrimination and the effect of interaction between the matching
criterion and group membership.
Function ddfMLR()
offers DDF detection among nominal data with the
multinomial model (4). Here we illustrate its
implementation and usage on a generated example. The full syntax of the
function is:
Data, group, focal.name, key, type = "both", match = "zscore",
anchor = NULL, purify = FALSE, nrIter = 10, p.adjust.method = "none",
parametrization = "irt", alpha = 0.05
To detect DDF among nominal data using the ddfMLR()
function, the user
needs to provide four pieces of information: 1. the unscored data set,
2. the key of correct answers, 3. the group membership vector, and 4.
the indication of the focal group. The parameters are estimated via
function from the
nnet package
(Venables and Ripley 2002).
The format of Data
argument is similar to previously described
functions. However, rows here represent respondents’ unscored answers
(e.g., in ABCD format). The group
and focal.name
is specified as in
or difORD()
Data generator genNLR()
can be used to generate nominal data using a
multinomial model (4) by setting
itemtype = "nominal"
. Specification of arguments a
and b
is the
same as for ordinal items, however, it now represents parameters for
distractors (incorrect answers).
To create an illustrative example dataset of nominal data, we must first generate discrimination \(a\) and difficulty \(b\) parameters from a uniform distribution for distractors of 10 items. The parameters are set the same for the reference and the focal group. For the first 5 items, we consider only two distractors (i.e., three item choices in total). For the last 5 items, we consider three distractors (i.e., four item choices in total).
# discrimination
<- matrix(rep(runif(30, -2, -0.5), 2), ncol = 6)
a 1:5, c(3, 6)] <- NA
a[# difficulty
<- matrix(rep(runif(30, -3, 1), 2), ncol = 6)
b 1:5, c(3, 6)] <- NA b[
For item 1, we introduce DDF by difference in discrimination and for item 6 by difference in difficulty.
1, 4] <- a[1, 1] - 1; a[1, 5] <- a[1, 2] + 1
a[6, 4] <- b[6, 1] - 1; b[6, 5] <- b[6, 2] - 1.5 b[
Finally, we generate nominal data with 500 observations in each group,
i.e. 1,000 in total. The first 10 columns of the generated dataset
represent the unscored answers of respondents and the last
column describes a group membership variable.
<- genNLR(N = 1000, itemtype = "nominal", a = a, b = b)
DataDDF head(DataDDF)
Item1 Item2 Item3 Item4 Item5 Item6 Item7 Item8 Item9 Item10 group1 B B C A C B B D B B 0
2 C A B A C C B B C C 0
3 B C C B C C B C B D 0
4 B A C A C B A B B B 0
5 B B C B C B A C A B 0
6 B A A A A B B A A A 0
The correct answers in the generated dataset are denoted by A for each item; the key is hence a vector of As with a length of 10.
Now we have all the necessary inputs to fit a multinomial model
(4) using the ddfMLR()
function. The group
is introduced here by specifying the name of group membership variable
in Data
(i.e., group
= "group"). For the generated data, the total
score is calculated as number of correct answers (i.e., number of As on
a given row) and the matching criterion is then its standardized value
<- ddfMLR(DataDDF, group = "group", focal.name = 1, key = rep("A", 10)))
Detection of both types of Differential Distractor-linear regression model
Functioning using multinomial log
-ratio chi-square statistics
Item purification was not applied-value adjustment for multiple comparisons
No p
-value P-value
Chisq29.5508 0.0000 ***
Item1 1.1136 0.8921
Item2 1.0362 0.9043
Item3 4.1345 0.3881
Item4 7.4608 0.1134
Item5 47.0701 0.0000 ***
Item6 1.3285 0.9701
Item7 2.3629 0.8835
Item8 10.4472 0.1070
Item9 3.5602 0.7359
: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Signif. codes
Items detected as DDF items
Item1 Item6
The output again summarizes the statistics of likelihood ratio test of a submodel, corresponding p-values, and the set of items identified as DDF. As expected, items 1 and 6 are detected as DDF.
Their characteristic curves can be displayed with a plot()
while the name of the reference and focal group can be modified via
argument (Figure 5). This option is also
available for functions difNLR()
and difORD()
and their plotting
plot(fit7, item = fit7$DDFitems, group.names = c("Group 1", "Group 2"))
Similarly as for difNLR()
and difORD()
, item fit measures are
offered via AIC()
, BIC()
, and logLik()
S3 methods. Parameter
estimates can be obtained using the method coef()
The difNLR covers user-friendly features that are common in standard
DIF software – various matching criteria, anchor items, item
purification, and p-value adjustments. These features are available for
all main functions – difNLR()
, difORD()
, and ddfMLR()
The models covered in the difNLR package are extensions of the
logistic regression model described by (Swaminathan and Rogers 1990) who
considered the total test score as an observed ability \(X_p\). While this
approach is well rooted in the psychometric research, note that it may
lead to contradictions, e.g. when a nonzero item score is predicted
for a respondent with a zero total test score. In the difNLR package,
the default observed ability considered in all three main functions is
the standardized total score. However, this estimate can be changed
using the match
argument. Besides default option "zscore"
(standardized total score), it can also be the total test score
(match = "score"
) or any numeric vector of the same length as the
number of respondents. It is hence possible to use, for instance, latent
trait estimates provided by some IRT models, or to use a pre-test score
instead of the total score of the current test to be examined and
analyze DIF in the context of item validity.
Including DIF items into the calculation of matching criterion can lead
to a potential bias and misidentification of DIF and non-DIF items. With
an argument anchor
, one can specify which items are supposed to be
used for the calculation of matching criterion.
In the following examples, we go back to our generated dichotomous
dataset DataDIF
and the difNLR()
function. For illustration, we take
only items 1-6 and we apply some features with the 4PL model. Matching
criterion is now calculated as a total test score based on items 1-6.
Similar examples can also be illustrated with functions difORD()
We start with not specifying the anchor items. This indicates that any item can be considered as DIF one.
<- difNLR(DataDIF[, 1:6], groupDIF, focal.name = 1, match = "score",
fit8a model = "4PL", type = "all")
fit8a1] 5 6 [
Initial fit fit8a
detected items 5 a 6 as functioning differently. Now
we can set all items excluding these two as the anchors.
<- difNLR(DataDIF[, 1:6], groupDIF, focal.name = 1, match = "score",
fit8b model = "4PL", type = "all", anchor = 1:4)
fit8b1] 5 [
With a test score based only on DIF-free items 1-4 (i.e., excluding potentially unfair items 5 and 6 detected in previous run from calculation of the total score), we detected only item 5 as functioning differently. We could again fit the model excluding only item 5 from calculation of matching criterion.
The process of including and omitting DIF and potentially unfair items
could be demanding and time consuming. However, this process can be
applied iteratively and automatically. This procedure is called item
purification (Marco 1977; Lord 1980) and it has been
shown that it can improve DIF detection. Item purification can be
accessed with a purify
argument. This can only be done when
the matching criterion is either the total score or Z-score. The maximal
number of iterations is determined by the nrIter
argument, where the
default value is 10.
<- difNLR(DataDIF[, 1:6], groupDIF, focal.name = 1, match = "score",
fit9 model = "4PL", type = "all", purify = TRUE)
Item purification was run with 2 iterations plus one initial step. The
process of including and excluding items into the calculation of
matching criterion can be found in the difPur
element of the output.
Item1 Item2 Item3 Item4 Item5 Item60 0 0 0 1 1
Step0 0 0 0 0 1 0
Step1 0 0 0 0 1 0 Step2
In the initial step, items 5 and 6 were identified as DIF as it was
shown with fit8a
. The matching criterion was then calculated as the
sum of the correct answers in items 1-4 as demonstrated by fit8b
. In
the next step, only item 5 was identified as DIF and the matching
criterion was based on items 1-4 and 6. The result of the DIF detection
procedure was the same in the next step and the item purification
process thus ended.
As the DIF detection procedure is done item by item, corrections for multiple comparisons may be considered (see Kim and Oshima 2013). For example, applying Holm’s adjustment (Holm 1979) results in item 5 being detected as DIF.
<- difNLR(DataDIF[, 1:6], groupDIF, focal.name = 1, match = "score",
fit10 model = "4PL", type = "all", p.adjust.method = "holm")
fit101] 5 [
And of course, item purification and multiple comparison corrections can be combined in a way that the p-value adjustment is applied for a final run of the item purification.
<- difNLR(DataDIF[, 1:6], groupDIF, focal.name = 1, match = "score",
fit11 model = "4PL", type = "all", p.adjust.method = "holm",
purify = TRUE)
fit111] 5 [
While all three approaches correctly identify item 5 as a DIF item, the significance level varies:
round(fit9$pval, 3)
1] 0.144 0.974 0.244 0.507 0.000 0.126
[round(fit10$adj.pval, 3)
1] 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.747 0.000 0.137
[round(fit11$adj.pval, 3)
1] 0.629 1.000 0.733 1.000 0.000 0.629 [
In this section, we focus on several issues which can be encountered when fitting generalized logistic regression models and using the features offered in the difNLR package.
First, there is no guarantee that the estimation process in the
function will always end successfully. For instance, in the
case of a small sample size, convergence issues may appear.
The easiest way to fix such issues is to specify different starting
values. Various starting values can be applied via a start
argument as
a list with named numeric vectors as its elements. Each element needs to
include values for the parameters a
, b
, c
, and d
of the
reference group and the differences between reference and focal groups
denoted by aDif
, bDif
, cDif
, and dDif
. However, there is no need
to determine initial values manually. In the instance of convergence
issues, the initial values are by default automatically re-calculated
based on bootstrapped samples and applied only to models that failed to
converge. This is also performed when starting values were initially
introduced via a start
argument. This feature can be turned off by
setting initboot = FALSE
. In such a case, no estimates are obtained
for items that failed to converge. To demonstrate described situations,
we now use a sample of our original simulated data set.
# sampled data
<- sample(1:1000, 420)
sam # using re-calculation of starting values
<- difNLR(DataDIF[sam, ], groupDIF[sam], focal.name = 1, model = "4PL",
fit12a type = "all")
Starting values were calculated based on bootstraped samples.
# turn off option of re-calculating starting values
<- difNLR(DataDIF[sam, ], groupDIF[sam], focal.name = 1, model = "4PL",
fit12b type = "all", initboot = FALSE)
Warning messagein item 3
Convergence failure in item 14 Convergence failure
With an option initboot = TRUE
in fit12a
, starting values were
re-calculated and no convergence issue occurred. When setting
initboot = FALSE
in fit12b
we observed convergence failures in items
3 and 14.
The re-calculation process is by default performed up to twenty times,
but the number of runs can be increased via the nrBo
Another option is to apply the maximum likelihood method instead of nonlinear least squares to estimate parameters.
<- difNLR(DataDIF[sam, ], groupDIF[sam], focal.name = 1, model = "4PL",
fit13 type = "all", method = "likelihood")
There is no convergence issue in fit13
using the maximum likelihood
estimation in contrast to fit12b
and nonlinear least squares option.
Issues may also occur when applying an item purification process.
Although this is rare in practice, there is no guarantee that the
process will end successfully. This can be observed, for instance, when
we use DataDIF
with the first 12 items only.
<- difNLR(DataDIF[, 1:12], groupDIF, focal.name = 1, model = "4PL",
fit14 type = "all", purify = TRUE)
Warning message10 iterations.
Item purification process not converged after Results are based on the last iteration of the item purification.
The maximum number of item purification iterations can be increased via
the nrIter
argument. However, in our example this would not
necessarily lead to success as the process was not able to decide
whether or not to include item 1 in the calculation of matching
Item1 Item2 Item3 Item4 Item5 Item6 Item7 Item8 Item9 Item10 Item11 Item120 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
Step0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
Step1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
Step2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
Step3 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
Step4 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
Step5 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
Step6 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
Step7 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
Step8 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
Step9 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 Step10
In this context, we advise considering such items as DIF to be on the safe side. As a general rule, any suspicious item should be reviewed by content experts. Not every DIF item is necessarily unfair, however even in such a case, understanding the reasons behind DIF may inform educators and help provide the best assessment and learning experience to all individuals involved.
To illustrate the work with the difNLR package, we present a real data
example from a study exploring the effect of student tracking on gains
in learning competence (Martinková et al. 2020). The LearningToLearn
dataset presented here is available in the ShinyItemAnalysis package
(Martinková and Hladká 2020). It contains dichotomously scored responses of
782 students in total; 391 from a basic school (BS) track and 391 from a
selective academic school (AS) track, whereas each student answered
exactly the same test questions in Grade 6 and Grade 9. The sample was
created from a larger dataset of 2,917 + 1,322 students using propensity
score matching with the aim of obtaining similar baseline achievement
and socio-economic characteristics of the students in both tracks.
In addition, the matching algorithm required an exact match of the LtL
total score in Grade 6 (i.e., exactly the same total score value in each
matched pair of BS and AS students).
We demonstrate the three main functions of the difNLR package using
items from the most difficult subscale 6, called Mathematical concepts,
which consists of 8 multiple-choice items (6A, 6B, …, 6H) with four
response options. We first test for DIF in Grade 6 using the difNLR()
function to provide a detailed analysis of between-group differences on
the baseline. Then, to get a more detailed insight into the differences
in student gains after three years of education in two different tracks,
we perform an analysis of the differential item functioning in change
[DIF-C; Martinková et al. (2020)] using student item responses in Grade 9
and then also using the nominal and ordinal data of item changes from
Grade 6 to Grade 9.
To identify items functioning differently on the baseline, we use a
reduced dataset LtL6_gr6
which includes only student responses to
eight subscale 6 items collected in Grade 6 and a group membership
variable track
. We further use a standardized total test score
achieved in Grade 6 as an estimate of the students’ ability.
data("LearningToLearn", package = "ShinyItemAnalysis")
# dichotomous items for Grade 6
<- LearningToLearn[, c("track", paste0("Item6", LETTERS[1:8], "_6"))]
LtL6_gr6 head(LtL6_gr6)
track Item6A_6 Item6B_6 Item6C_6 Item6D_6 Item6E_6 Item6F_6 Item6G_6 Item6H_63453 AS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
3456 AS 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0
3458 AS 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
3464 AS 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
3474 AS 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1
3491 AS 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
# standardized total score achieved in Grade 6
<- LearningToLearn$score_6 zscore6
(Martinková et al. 2020) hypothesized that, on the baseline, DIF found in this difficult subscale may possibly be caused by differences in guessing. To test this hypothesis, we can use the 3PL generalized logistic model which allows for detecting group differences in item difficulty, item discrimination, as well as the probability of guessing.
<- difNLR(Data = LtL6_gr6, group = "track", focal.name = "AS", model = "3PL",
fitex1 match = zscore6)
fitex11] 8 [
Using the 3PL model, the eighth item (i.e., item 6H) was identified as DIF, while this DIF may have been caused by difference in any of the three item parameters.
In this eighth item (ninth column in the LtL_gr6
dataset), we now test
a more specific hypothesis that DIF is caused by differences in guessing
. This can be done by adding type = "c"
<- difNLR(Data = LtL6_gr6[, c(1, 9)], group = "track", focal.name = "AS",
fitex2 model = "3PL", type = "c", match = zscore6)
fitex21] 1 [
When specifically analyzing differences in the pseudo-guessing parameter \(c\), we again detected a significant DIF in this item (6H). According to the model, for BS the estimated probability of guessing was close to 0.25, which is to be expected in multiple-choice items providing four response options. In contrast, for AS the probability of guessing was close to 0 (Figure 6).
plot(fitex2, item = fitex2$DIFitems)
We further perform DIF-C analysis to get a more detailed insight into the differences between AS and BS students in item gains. In contrast to DIF analysis, we use pre-test achievement in DIF-C analysis as the matching criterion while testing for group differences in the post-test, or in changes from pre-test to post-test.
In what follows, we demonstrate use of the difNLR()
, difORD()
, and
functions to provide evidence of DIF-C as described above. We
first create a dataset LtL6_gr9
which consists of student responses in
Grade 9 to subscale 6 items and the track variable.
# dichotomous items for Grade 9
<- LearningToLearn[, c("track", paste0("Item6", LETTERS[1:8], "_9"))]
LtL6_gr9 head(LtL6_gr9)
track Item6A_9 Item6B_9 Item6C_9 Item6D_9 Item6E_9 Item6F_9 Item6G_9 Item6H_93453 AS 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1
3456 AS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
3458 AS 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0
3464 AS 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
3474 AS 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0
3491 AS 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1
We then use the standardized total score achieved in Grade 6 as an
estimate of baseline ability to explore the functioning of items in
Grade 9 and the possible differences in their parameters between BS and
AS tracks. We next use the 3PL generalized logistic regression model and
the difNLR()
function, as in the previous example.
<- difNLR(Data = LtL6_gr9, group = "track", focal.name = "AS", model = "3PL",
fitex3 match = zscore6)
fitex31] 1 2 [
The first two easier items of the subscale (i.e., items 6A and 6B) were
identified as functioning differently in Grade 9 when accounting for the
standardized total score in Grade 6. The differences between tracks can
be illustrated by comparing the probabilities of answering item 6A
correctly in Grade 9 by students with various baseline abilities: A
low-performing student, average-performing student, and student
performing above average, specifically, students with standardized total
scores in Grade 6 equal to -1, 0, and 1. Method predict()
also offers
calculation of confidence intervals using delta method approach. Note
that applying delta method in this case can result in confidence
intervals slightly exceeding probability bounds 0 and 1.
fitex3,match = rep(c(-1, 0, 1), 2),
group = rep(c(0, 1), each = 3),
item = 1,
interval = "confidence"
item match group prob lwr.conf upr.conf1 Item6A_9 -1 0 0.6785773 0.6188773 0.7382773
2 Item6A_9 0 0 0.7773050 0.7269066 0.8277034
3 Item6A_9 1 0 0.8781427 0.8114574 0.9448280
4 Item6A_9 -1 1 0.7802955 0.7187001 0.8418909
5 Item6A_9 0 1 0.8431045 0.7869886 0.8992204
6 Item6A_9 1 1 0.9290780 0.8549489 1.0032071
A low-performing student in Grade 6 from BS track has around 10% lower probability of answering item 6A correctly in Grade 9 than a student with the same baseline ability level but from AS track (68%, 95% CI = [62, 74] vs. 78% [72, 84]). Similarly, the probability is 78% [73, 83] vs. 84% [79, 90] for average-performing students and 88% [81, 94] vs. 93% [85, 100] for those performing above average in Grade 6. Note that confidence intervals may overlap even in case when differential item functioning is significant among the two groups.
A second method for testing DIF-C proposed in (Martinková et al. 2020)
is based upon a multinomial model (4). To demonstrate
the usage of ddfMLR()
we use a restricted dataset of variables
combining information about responses in Grades 6 and 9 into four
response patterns: "00" indicating that the student did not answer
correctly in either of the grades (did not improve); "10" meaning that
the student answered correctly in Grade 6 but incorrectly in Grade 9
(deteriorated); "01" standing for a situation where the student
answered incorrectly in Grade 6 but correctly in Grade 9 (improved);
"11" describing the case where the student answered correctly in both
grades (did not deteriorate). These variables denoted as "changes"
be extracted directly from the LearningToLearn
# nominal data for changes between 6th and 9th grade
<- LearningToLearn[, c("track", paste0("Item6", LETTERS[1:8], "_changes"))]
LtL6_change summary(LtL6_change[, 1:4])
track Item6A_changes Item6B_changes Item6C_changes:391 00:113 00:186 00:465
BS:391 10: 33 10: 33 10: 36
AS01:431 01:414 01:252
11:205 11:149 11: 29
We then fit a multinomial model (4) with the ddfMLR()
function on LtL6_change
data, again using the standardized total score
achieved in Grade 6 as an estimate of a student’s baseline ability, and
by using the vector of patterns "11"
as the argument key
<- ddfMLR(Data = LtL6_change, group = "track", focal.name = "AS",
fitex4 key = rep("11", 8), match = zscore6)
fitex41] 2 5 [
Using the multinomial model, we identified items 2 and 5 (i.e., items 6B and 6E) as DIF-C items. In both items, the AS track was favoured in patterns "01" and "11", meaning that AS students had a higher probability of improving (pattern "01") or not deteriorating (pattern "11") than students with the same baseline standardized total score from the BS track. On the contrary, students with the same baseline standardized total score had a higher probability of not improving (pattern "00") or even deteriorating (pattern "10") in the BS track than in the AS track (Figure 7).
plot(fitex4, item = fitex4$DDFitems)
Finally, we introduce a third method for testing DIF-C using ordinal regression models. For this purpose, we create an ordinal dataset combining information about student responses in Grade 6 and Grade 9 into three categories: Score "0" means that the student deteriorated, i.e., answered correctly in Grade 6 but incorrectly in Grade 9; score "1" indicates no change in the accuracy of the answer, i.e., either correct or incorrect in both grades; and the best score "2" stands for improvement, i.e., the student did not answer correctly in Grade 6 but answered correctly in Grade 9.
# ordinal data for change between Grade 6 and 9
<- data.frame(
LtL6_change_ord track = LtL6_change$track,
sapply(LtL6_change[, -1],
function(x) as.factor(ifelse(x == "10", 0, ifelse(x == "01", 2, 1))))
)summary(LtL6_change_ord[, 1:4])
track Item6A_changes Item6B_changes Item6C_changes:391 0: 33 0: 33 0: 36
BS:391 1:318 1:335 1:494
AS2:431 2:414 2:252
We then fit an adjacent category logit model (2), as we are mainly interested in the baseline ability needed to move from one ordinal category into the next one.
<- difORD(Data = LtL6_change_ord, group = "track", focal.name = "AS",
fitex5 model = "adjacent", match = zscore6)
fitex51] 2 4 5 [
Using the ordinal model, we identified items 2, 4, and 5 (i.e., items 6B, 6D, and 6E) as functioning differently. In all the items, AS track was favoured in the improvement category "2", while BS students had a higher probability of deteriorating (category "0") and no change (category "1") when compared to AS students with the same baseline ability. The probability of belonging to category "2" was decreasing with an increasing baseline ability in items 6B and 6D, which is reasonable since the students with a higher baseline ability were more likely to have already answered these items correctly while in Grade 6. On the contrary, the probability of falling into the deteriorating category "0" was slightly increasing with baseline ability in these items, which can be explained as a tendency for over-thinking or inattention in very well-performing students. Trends were different in item 6E, where category probabilities seemed to be stable for all baseline ability levels, however, differences between the BS and AS track remained the same as for items 6B and 6D, favouring the AS track in the improving category "2" (Figure 8).
plot(fit5, item = fit5$DIFitems)
All three approaches, using functions difNLR()
, difORD()
, and
jointly confirmed DIF-C in item 6B. Conclusions regarding
other items were somewhat ambiguous, nevertheless, this is to be
expected given the fact that each approach used different data (binary,
nominal, and ordinal) which contained slightly different information.
Similar analysis can be conducted using an interactive environment of the ShinyItemAnalysis application (Martinková and Drabinová 2018) which offers complex psychometric analysis including some functionalities implemented via difNLR package (see Figure 9). The datasets used in the real data example are included in the application; moreover, the user may upload and analyze interactively their own datasets as well.
This article introduced the R
package difNLR version 1.3.5 for DIF
and DDF detection with extensions of a logistic regression model. The
release version of the difNLR package is hosted on CRAN and the newest
development version on GitHub, which can be accessed by
. The current paper offered a description of the
implementation of its three main functions difNLR()
, difORD()
, and
using simulated examples as well as a real data example
with a longitudinal dataset LearningToLearn
the ShinyItemAnalysis package.
While the difR package already offers a classical logistic regression
model for DIF detection via its function difLogistic()
, the difNLR
offers a wide range of methods based on extensions of the original
model. The package is user-friendly since its model-fitting functions
were designed to behave like the analogous functions in the difR
package. Hence users who are already proficient in DIF detection among
dichotomous items using R
will find it easy to follow DIF and DDF
detection via difNLR. In addition, the difNLR package offers various
S3 methods, including graphical representation of characteristic curves
using the ggplot2 environment, various fit measures, extraction
of fitted values and residuals as well as a prediction for a generalized
logistic model.
Described models are also accessible via shiny application
ShinyItemAnalysis which provides not only an interactive environment
with a number of toy datasets including the real dataset analyzed here,
but also a selected R
code which can serve as a springboard for those
new to R
Future plans for the difNLR package include extensions of its
functionality. In the difNLR()
function, this comprises more options
for estimation algorithms, as well as fine-tuning of the starting values
to prevent convergence issues and to improve accuracy of the nonlinear
models. We also plan to implement methods to extract fitted values and
residuals for the difORD()
and ddfMLR()
functions together with
their prediction via predict()
method. Further, we would like to offer
confidence and prediction intervals and their graphical representation
for all three main functions. Finally, considered extensions include
generalizations for longitudinal data with more time points.
In summary, the difNLR package provides various methods for DIF and DDF detection and can thus serve as a complex tool for detection of between-group differences in various contexts of educational and psychological tests and their items.
We gratefully thank Jon Kern, Eva Potužníková, Michal Kulich, and anonymous reviewers for helpful comments to previous versions of this manuscript. We also thank Jan Netík for computational assistance. The work was supported by the long-term strategic development financing of the Institute of Computer Science (Czech Republic RVO 67985807).
difR, DIFlasso, DIFboost, GDINA, mirt, lordif, psychotree, difNLR, ShinyItemAnalysis, ggplot2, stats, VGAM, nnet
Distributions, Econometrics, Environmetrics, ExtremeValue, MachineLearning, MissingData, Phylogenetics, Psychometrics, Spatial, Survival, TeachingStatistics
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Hladká & Martinková, "difNLR: Generalized Logistic Regression Models for DIF and DDF Detection", The R Journal, 2020
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2020-014, author = {Hladká, Adéla and Martinková, Patrícia}, title = {difNLR: Generalized Logistic Regression Models for DIF and DDF Detection}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2020}, note = {https://rjournal.github.io/}, volume = {12}, issue = {1}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {300-323} }