BayesMallows is an R package for analyzing preference data in the form of rankings with the Mallows rank model, and its finite mixture extension, in a Bayesian framework. The model is grounded on the idea that the probability density of an observed ranking decreases exponentially with the distance to the location parameter. It is the first Bayesian implementation that allows wide choices of distances, and it works well with a large amount of items to be ranked. BayesMallows handles non-standard data: partial rankings and pairwise comparisons, even in cases including non-transitive preference patterns. The Bayesian paradigm allows coherent quantification of posterior uncertainties of estimates of any quantity of interest. These posteriors are fully available to the user, and the package comes with convienient tools for summarizing and visualizing the posterior distributions.
Preference data are usually collected when individuals are asked to rank a set of items according to a certain preference criterion. The booming of internet-related activities and applications in recent years has led to a rapid increase of the amount of data that have ranks as their natural scale, however often in the form of partial or indirect rankings (pairwise preferences, ratings, clicks). The amount of readily available software handling preference data has consequently increased consistently in the last decade or so, but not many packages are flexible enough to handle all types of data mentioned above. The typical tasks when analyzing preference data are rank aggregation, classification or clustering, and prediction, where the latter task refers to the estimation of the individual rankings of the assessors when completely or partially missing. These tasks can be addressed either via model-based inference or via heuristic machine learning algorithms, with or without uncertainty quantification. However, very few methods allow handling diverse data types, combining several inferential tasks with proper propagation of the uncertainties, while also providing individualized predictions. Our proposal goes exactly in this direction, thus making the scopes of BayesMallows broad when it comes to data handling and individual-level inference.
The R package BayesMallows is the first software conceived to answer the needs mentioned above in a unified framework: it implements full Bayesian inference for ranking data, and performs all of the tasks above in the framework of the Bayesian Mallows model (BMM) (Mallows 1957; Vitelli et al. 2018). More specifically, BayesMallows allows for data in the forms of complete rankings, partial rankings, as well as pairwise comparisons, including the case where some comparisons are inconsistent. In these situations, it provides all Bayesian inferential tools for rank modeling with the BMM: it performs rank aggregation (estimation of a consensus ranking of the items), it can cluster together the assessors providing similar preferences (estimating both cluster specific model parameters, and individual cluster assignments, with uncertainty), it performs data augmentation for estimating the latent assessor-specific full ranking of the items in all missing data situations (partial rankings, pairwise preferences). The latter in particular, i.e., the possibility of predicting individual preferences for unranked items, enables the model to be used as a probabilistic recommender system. BayesMallows also enlarges the pool of distances that can be used in the Mallows model, and it supports the rank distances most used in the literature: Spearman’s footrule (henceforth footrule), Spearman’s rank correlation (henceforth Spearman), Cayley, Hamming, Kendall, and Ulam distances (we refer to Diaconis 1988; Marden 1995 for details on these). Finally, BayesMallows implements the Iterative Proportional Fitting Procedure (IPFP) algorithm for computing the partition function for the Mallows model (MM) (Mukherjee 2016) and the importance sampling algorithm described in Vitelli et al. (2018). In addition to being used in the MM, these functions may be of interest in their own right.
Comparing with other available inferential software, we notice that not many packages allow for such flexibility, very few in combination with full Bayesian inference, and none when using the MM as outlined in Section 4 below. Often machine learning approaches focus on either rank aggregation (i.e., consensus estimation), or individual rank prediction, while BayesMallows handles both. Since the BMM is fully Bayesian, all posterior quantities of interest are automatically available from BayesMallows for the first time for the MM. In addition, the package also has tools for visualizing posterior distributions, and hence, posterior quantities as well as their associated uncertainties. Uncertainty quantification is often critical in real applications: for recommender systems, the model should not spam the users with very uncertain recommendations; when performing subtype identification for cancer patients, a very uncertain cluster assignment might have serious consequences for the clinical practice, for example in treatment choice. The package also works well with a fairly large number of items, thanks to computational approximations and efficient programming. In conclusion, BayesMallows provides the first fully probabilistic inferential tool for the MM with many different distances. It is flexible in the types of data it handles, and computationally efficient. We therefore think that this package will gain popularity, and prove its usefulness in many practical situations, many of which we probably cannot foresee now.
The paper is organized as follows. The BMM for ranking data is briefly reviewed in Section 2, as well as its model extensions to different data types and to mixtures. Section 3 includes details on the implementation of the inferential procedure. For a thorough discussion of both the model and its implementation we refer interested readers to Vitelli et al. (2018). An overview of existing R packages implementing the Mallows model (MM) is given in Section 4. The use of the BayesMallows package is presented, in the form of three case studies, in Sections 5, 6, and 7. Section 8 concludes the paper, also discussing model extensions that will come with new releases of the package.
In this section we give the background for understanding the functions in the BayesMallows package. More details can be found in Vitelli et al. (2018) and Liu et al. (2019). The section is organized as follows: we first clarify the notations that we will use throughout the paper (Section 2.1). We then briefly describe the BMM for complete ranking data (Section 2.2), also focusing on the relevance of the choice of distance (Section 2.3). The last two sections focus on model extensions: partial and pairwise data (Section 2.4), non-transitive pairwise comparisons (Section 2.5), and mixtures (Section 2.6).
Let us denote with \(\mathcal{A}=\left\{A_1,...,A_n\right\}\) the finite set of labeled items to be ranked, and with \(\mathcal{P}_n\) the space of \(n\)-dimensional permutations. A complete ranking of \(n\) items is then a mapping \(\mathbf{R}:\, \mathcal{A}\rightarrow \mathcal{P}_n\) that attributes a rank \({R}_i\in\left\{1,...,n\right\}\) to each item, according to some criterion. We here denote a generic complete ranking by \(\mathbf{R}=\left(R_{1},...,R_{n}\right)\), where \(R_{i}\) is the rank assigned to item \(A_i\). Given a pair of items \(\{A_{i}, A_{k}\}\), we denote a pairwise preference between them as \(\left(A_{i}\prec A_{k}\right)\), meaning that item \(A_{i}\) is preferred to item \(A_{k}\). Note the intimate relation that exists between a ranking and pairwise preferences. Given a full ranking \(\mathbf{R}\in\mathcal{P}_n\), it is immediate to evince all the possible \(n\left(n-1\right)/2\) pairwise preferences between the items taken in pairs, since the item in the pair having the lower rank is the preferred one: \[\label{prefff} \begin{split}\left(A_{t_1}\prec A_{t_2}\right) \text{ }\iff\text{ } R_{t_1}<{R}_{t_2},\quad\quad t_1,t_2=1,...,n,\quad t_1\not=t_2. \end{split} \tag{1}\] Conversely, obtaining a full ranking from a set of pairwise preferences is not straightforward. Pairwise preference data are typically incomplete, meaning that not all pairwise preferences necessary to determine each individual ranking are present. They can contain non-transitive patterns, that is, one or more pairwise preferences contradict what is implied by other pairwise preferences. In this package we can handle partial and possibly non-transitive pairwise preferences.
The MM for ranking data (Mallows 1957) specifies the probability density for a ranking \(\mathbf{r}\in\mathcal{P}_n\) as follows \[\label{eq:mallows_distribution} P\left(\mathbf{r} | \alpha, \mathbf{\rho}\right) = \frac{1}{Z_{n}\left(\alpha\right)} \exp\left[-\frac{\alpha}{n}d\left(\mathbf{r}, \mathbf{\rho}\right)\right] 1_{\mathcal{P}_{n}}\left(\mathbf{r}\right) \tag{2}\] where \(\mathbf{\rho} \in \mathcal{P}_{n}\) is the location parameter representing the consensus ranking, \(\alpha\geq0\) is the scale parameter (precision), \(Z_{n}\left(\alpha\right)\) is the normalizing function (or partition function), \(d\left(\cdot, \cdot\right)\) is a right-invariant distance among rankings (Diaconis 1988), and \(1_{\mathcal{P}_{n}}\left(\mathbf{r}\right)\) is an indicator function for the set \({\mathcal{P}_{n}}\) which equals one when \(\mathbf{r} \in {\mathcal{P}_{n}}\) and zero otherwise.
In the complete data case, \(N\) assessors have provided complete rankings of the \(n\) items in \(\mathcal{A}\) according to some criterion, yielding the permutation \(\mathbf{R}_{j} = \left(R_{1j}, \dots, R_{nj}\right)\) for assessor \(j,\) \(j=1,\ldots,N\). The likelihood of the \(N\) observed rankings \(\mathbf{R}_{1}, \dots, \mathbf{R}_{N}\), assumed conditionally independent given \(\alpha\) and \(\mathbf{\rho}\), is \[\label{eq:mallows_likelihood} P\left(\mathbf{R}_{1}, \dots, \mathbf{R}_{N} | \alpha, \mathbf{\rho}\right) = \frac{1}{Z_{n}\left(\alpha\right)^N} \exp\left[-\frac{\alpha}{n}\sum_{j=1}^Nd\left(\mathbf{R}_j, \mathbf{\rho}\right)\right] \prod_{j=1}^N 1_{\mathcal{P}_n}\left(\mathbf{R}_j\right). \tag{3}\] According to the BMM introduced in Vitelli et al. (2018), prior distributions have to be elicited on every parameter of interest. A truncated exponential prior distribution was specified for \(\alpha\) \[\pi\left(\alpha | \lambda\right) = \frac{\lambda \exp\left(-\lambda \alpha\right) 1_{\left[0, \alpha_{\text{max}}\right]}\left(\alpha\right)}{1 - \exp\left(-\lambda \alpha_{\text{max}}\right)},\] where \(\lambda\) is a rate parameter, small enough to ensure good prior dispersion, and \(\alpha_{\text{max}}\) is a cutoff, large enough to cover reasonable \(\alpha\) values. A uniform prior \(\pi\left(\mathbf{\rho}\right)\) on \(\mathcal{P}_{n}\) was assumed for \(\mathbf{\rho}\). It follows that the posterior distribution for \(\alpha\) and \(\mathbf{\rho}\) is \[\label{eq:mallows_posterior} P\left(\alpha, \mathbf{\rho} | \mathbf{R}_{1}, \dots, \mathbf{R}_{N}\right) \propto \frac{1_{\mathcal{P}_{n}}\left(\mathbf{\rho}\right)}{Z_{n}\left(\alpha\right)^{N}} \exp\left[-\frac{\alpha}{n}\sum_{j=1}^{N}d\left(\mathbf{R}_{j}, \mathbf{\rho}\right) - \lambda \alpha\right] 1_{\left[0, \alpha_{\text{max}}\right]}\left(\alpha\right). \tag{4}\]
Inference on the model parameters is based on a Metropolis-Hastings (M-H) Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm, described in Vitelli et al. (2018). Some details relevant for a correct use of this package are also given in Section 3.1.
The partition function \(Z_{n}\left(\alpha\right)\) in (2), (3) and (4) does not depend on the latent consensus ranking \(\mathbf{\rho}\) when the distance \(d\left(\cdot, \cdot\right)\) is right-invariant, meaning that it is unaffected by a relabelling of the items (Diaconis 1988). Right-invariant distances play an important role in the MM, and BayesMallows only handles right-invariant distances. The choice of distance affects the model fit to the data and the results of the analysis, and is crucial also because of its role in the partition function computation. Some right-invariant distances allow for analytical computation of the partition function, and for this reason they have become quite popular. In particular, the MM with Kendall (Meilǎ and Chen 2010; Lu and Boutilier 2014), Hamming (Irurozki et al. 2014) and Cayley (Irurozki et al. 2016b) distances have a closed form of \(Z_n\left(\alpha\right)\) due to Fligner and Verducci (1986). There are however important and natural right-invariant distances for which the computation of the partition function is NP-hard, in particular the footrule (\({l}_1\)) and the Spearman (\({l}_2\)) distances. For precise definitions of all distances involved in the MM we refer to Marden (1995). BayesMallows handles the footrule, Spearman, Cayley, Hamming, Kendall, and Ulam distances.
When complete rankings of all items are not readily available, the BMM can still be used by applying data augmentation techniques. Partial rankings can occur because ranks are missing at random, because the assessors have only ranked their top-\(k\) items, or because they have been presented with a subset of items. In more complex situations, data do not include ranks at all, but the assessors have only compared pairs of items and given a preference between the two. The Bayesian data augmentation scheme can still be used to handle such pairwise comparison data, thus providing a solution that is fully integrated into the Bayesian inferential framework. The following paragraphs provide a summary of Sections 4.1 and 4.2 of Vitelli et al. (2018), which we refer to for details.
Let us start by considering the case of top-\(k\) rankings. Suppose that each assessor \(j\) has chosen a set of preferred items \(\mathcal{A}_{j} \subseteq \mathcal{A}\), which were given ranks from \(1\) to \(n_j=|\mathcal{A}_{j}|\). Now \(R_{ij} \in \{1,\ldots,n_j\}\) if \(A_{i} \in \mathcal{A}_{j}\), while for \(A_i \in \mathcal{A}^c_{j}\), \(R_{ij}\) is unknown, except for the constraint \(R_{ij} > n_j\), \(j=1,\dots,N.\) The augmented data vectors \(\tilde{\mathbf{R}}_{1},\dots,\tilde{\mathbf{R}}_{N}\) are introduced in the model to include the missing ranks, which are estimated as latent parameters. Let \(\mathcal{S}_{j} = \{ \tilde{\mathbf{R}}_{j} \in \mathcal{P}_{n} : \tilde{R}_{ij} = R_{ij} \text{ if } A_{i} \in \mathcal{A}_{j} \}, ~ j=1,\dots,N\) be the set of possible augmented random vectors, including the ranks of the observed top-\(n_j\) items together with the unobserved ranks, which are assigned a uniform prior on the permutations of \(\{n_j+1,\ldots,n\}\). The goal is to sample from the posterior distribution \[\begin{aligned} \label{eq:mallows_partial} P\left(\alpha, \mathbf{\rho}| \mathbf{R}_{1},\dots, \mathbf{R}_{N}\right) = \sum_{\tilde{\mathbf{R}}_{1} \in \mathcal{S}_{1}} \dots \sum_{\tilde{\mathbf{R}}_{N} \in \mathcal{S}_{N}} P\left( \alpha, \mathbf{\rho} , \tilde{\mathbf{R}}_{1},\dots, \tilde{\mathbf{R}}_{N}|\mathbf{R}_{1},\dots, \mathbf{R}_{N}\right). \end{aligned} \tag{5}\] The augmentation scheme amounts to alternating between sampling \(\alpha\) and \(\mathbf{\rho}\) given the current values of the augmented ranks using the posterior given in ((4)), and sampling the augmented ranks given the current values of \(\alpha\) and \(\mathbf{\rho}\). For the latter task, once \(\alpha\), \(\mathbf{\rho}\) and the observed ranks \(\mathbf{R}_{1},\dots, \mathbf{R}_{N}\) are fixed, one can see that \(\tilde{\mathbf{R}}_{1},\dots, \tilde{\mathbf{R}}_{N}\) are conditionally independent, and that each \(\tilde{\mathbf{R}}_{j}\) only depends on the corresponding \({\mathbf{R}}_{j}\). As a consequence, the update of new augmented vectors is performed independently, for each \(j =1,\dots,N\).
The above procedure can also handle more general situations where missing rankings are not necessarily the bottom ones, and where each assessor is asked to provide the mutual ranking of some possibly random subset \(\mathcal{A}_j\subseteq\mathcal{A}\) consisting of \(n_j\leq n\) items. Note that the only difference from the previous formulation is that each latent rank vector \(\tilde{\mathbf{R}}_j\) takes values in the set \[\mathcal{S}_j=\left\{\tilde{\mathbf{R}}_j\in\mathcal{P}_n:\left(R_{i_1j}<R_{i_2j}\right) \land \left(A_{i_1},A_{i_2}\in \mathcal{A}_j\right)\Rightarrow \tilde{R}_{i_1j}<\tilde{R}_{i_2j}\right\}.\] Also in this case the prior for \(\tilde{\mathbf{R}}_j\) is assumed uniform on \(\mathcal{S}_j\).
In the case of pairwise comparison data, let us call \(\mathcal{B}_{j}\) the set of all pairwise preferences stated by assessor \(j\), and let \(\mathcal{A}_{j}\) be the set of items appearing at least once in \(\mathcal{B}_{j}\). Note that the items in \(\mathcal{A}_{j}\) are not necessarily fixed to a given rank but may only be given some partial ordering. For the time being, we assume that the observed pairwise orderings in \(\mathcal{B}_{j}\) are transitive, i.e., mutually compatible, and define by \(\text{tc}\left(\mathcal{B}_{j}\right)\) the transitive closure of \(\mathcal{B}_{j}\), which contains all pairwise orderings of the elements in \(\mathcal{A}_{j}\) induced by \(\mathcal{B}_{j}\). The model formulation remains the same as in the case of partial rankings, with the prior for the augmented data vectors \(\tilde{\mathbf{R}}_{1},\dots,\tilde{\mathbf{R}}_{N}\) being uniform on the set \(\mathcal{S}_j\) of rankings that are compatible with the observed data.
It can happen in real applications that individual pairwise comparison data are non-transitive, that is, they may contain a pattern of the form \(x \prec y\,,\,\, y \prec z\) but \(z \prec x\). This is typically the case of data collected from internet user activities, when the pool of items is very large: non-transitive patterns can arise for instance due to assessors’ inattentiveness, uncertainty in their preferences, and actual confusion, even when one specific criterion for ranking is used. Another frequent situation is when the number of items is not very large, but the items are perceived as very similar by the assessors. This setting is discussed in Crispino et al. (2019), where the model for transitive pairwise comparisons of Section 2.4 is generalized to handle situations where non-transitivities in the data occur. Note that the kind of non-transitivity that is considered in Crispino et al. (2019) considers only the individual level preferences. A different type of non-transitivity, which we do not consider here, arises when aggregating preferences across assessors, as under Condorcet (Marquis of Condorcet 1785) or Borda (Borda 1781) voting rules.
The key ingredient of this generalization consists of adding one layer of latent variables to the model hierarchy, accounting for the fact that assessors can make mistakes. The main assumption is that the assessor makes pairwise comparisons based on her latent full rankings \(\tilde{\mathbf R}\). A mistake is defined as an inconsistency between one of the assessor’s pairwise comparisons and \(\tilde{\mathbf R}\). Suppose each assessor \(j=1,\dots,N\) has assessed \(M_j\) pairwise comparisons, collected in the set \(\mathcal{B}_j,\) and assume the existence of latent ranking vectors \(\tilde{\mathbf R_j}\), \(j=1,\dots,N\). Differently from Section 2.4, since \(\mathcal{B}_j\) is allowed to contain non-transitive pairwise preferences, the transitive closure of \(\mathcal{B}_j\) is not defined, and the posterior density (5) cannot be evaluated. In this case, the posterior takes the form, \[\label{incons}\begin{split} P\left(\alpha,\mathbf{\rho}| \mathcal{B}_{1},...,\mathcal{B}_{N}\right)=&\sum_{\tilde{\mathbf{R}}_1\in\mathcal{P}_n}\dots \sum_{\tilde{\mathbf{R}}_N\in\mathcal{P}_n} P\left(\alpha, \mathbf{\rho},\tilde{\mathbf{R}}_1,...,\tilde{\mathbf{R}}_N|\mathcal{B}_{1},...,\mathcal{B}_{N}\right) = \\ =&\sum_{\tilde{\mathbf{R}}_1\in\mathcal{P}_n}\dots \sum_{\tilde{\mathbf{R}}_N\in\mathcal{P}_n} P(\alpha, \mathbf{\rho}|\tilde{\mathbf{R}}_1,...,\tilde{\mathbf{R}}_N)P\left(\tilde{\mathbf{R}}_1,...,\tilde{\mathbf{R}}_N|\mathcal{B}_{1},...,\mathcal{B}_{N}\right)\\ \end{split} \tag{6}\] where the term \(P\left(\tilde{\mathbf{R}}_1,...,\tilde{\mathbf{R}}_N|\mathcal{B}_{1},...,\mathcal{B}_{N}\right)\) models the presence of mistakes in the data, while in the case of transitive pair comparisons it was implicitly assumed equal to 1 if each augmented ranking \(\tilde{\mathbf R}_j\) was compatible with the partial information contained in \(\mathcal{B}_j\), and 0 otherwise.
Two models for (6) are considered in Crispino et al. (2019): the Bernoulli model, which accounts for random mistakes, and the Logistic model, which lets the probability of making a mistake depend on the similarity of the items being compared. The Bernoulli model states that: \[\label{eq:bm} P\left(\tilde{\mathbf{R}}_1,...,\tilde{\mathbf{R}}_N|\theta, \mathcal{B}_{1},...,\mathcal{B}_{N}\right)\propto \theta^M\left(1-\theta\right)^{\sum_j M_j-M},\quad\theta\in\left[0,0.5\right) \tag{7}\] where \(M\) counts the number of times the observed preferences contradict what is implied by the ranking \(\tilde{\mathbf{R}}_j\), \(M_{j}\) is the number of pairwise comparisons reported by assessor \(j\), and the parameter \(\theta\) is the probability of making a mistake in a single pairwise preference. \(\theta\) is a priori assigned a truncated Beta distribution on the interval \(\left[0,0.5\right)\) with given hyper-parameters \(\kappa_1\) and \(\kappa_2\), conjugate to the Bernoulli model (7). The Logistic model is a generalization of (7) where, instead of assigning a constant value \(\theta\) to the probability of making a mistake, it depends on the distance between the ranks of the two items under comparison. In Crispino et al. (2019) the Logistic model gave results very similar to the Bernoulli model, and currently only the Bernoulli model is available in BayesMallows. The sampling scheme is similar to the one used for the case of transitive pairwise preferences, apart from an additional step for updating \(\theta\), and the augmentation scheme for \(\tilde{\mathbf{R}}_j\), which is slightly different. We refer to Crispino et al. (2019) for details.
The assumption, implicit in the discussion so far, that there exists a unique consensus ranking shared by all assessors is unrealistic in most real applications: the BMM thus handles the case where the rankings provided by all assessors can be modeled as a finite mixture of MMs. In the following brief discussion we assume that the data consist of complete rankings, but BayesMallows can fit a mixture based on any kinds of preference data described so far. See Section 4.3 of Vitelli et al. (2018) for details.
Let \(z_1,\ldots,z_N \in \left\{1,\ldots,C\right\}\) assign each assessor to one of \(C\) clusters, and let the rankings within each cluster \(c \in \left\{1,\ldots,C\right\}\) be described by an MM with parameters \(\alpha_c\) and \(\mathbf{\rho}_c\). The likelihood of the observed rankings \(\mathbf{R}_1,\ldots,\mathbf{R}_N\) is given by \[\begin{aligned} P\left(\mathbf{R}_{1},\dots,\mathbf{R}_{N} \Big| \left\{\mathbf{\rho}_{c},\alpha_{c}\right\}_{c=1,...,C}, \left\{z_j\right\}_{j=1,\ldots,N} \right) = \prod_{j=1}^N \frac{1_{\mathcal{P}_n}\left(\mathbf{R}_{j}\right)}{Z_{n}\left(\alpha_{z_j}\right)}\exp\left[-\frac{\alpha_{z_j}}{n} d\left(\mathbf{R}_{j},\mathbf{\rho}_{z_j}\right) \right], \end{aligned}\] where conditional independence is assumed across the clusters. We also assume independent truncated exponential priors for the scale parameters and independent uniform priors for the consensus rankings. The cluster labels \(z_1,\ldots,z_N\) are a priori assumed conditionally independent given the clusters mixing parameters \(\tau_1,...,\tau_C\), and are assigned a uniform multinomial. Finally \(\tau_1,\ldots,\tau_C\) (with \(\tau_c\geq0, \ c=1,\ldots,C\) and \(\sum_{c=1}^C \tau_c = 1\)) are assigned the standard symmetric Dirichlet prior of parameter \(\Psi\), thus implying a conjugate scheme. The posterior density is then given by \[\label{eq:post_mixture} P\left(\left\{\mathbf{\rho}_{c},\alpha_{c}, \tau_c\right\}_{c=1}^C, \left\{z_j\right\}_{j=1}^N \Big|\mathbf{R}_{1},\dots,\mathbf{R}_{N}\right) \propto \left[\prod_{c=1}^Ce^{-\lambda\alpha_c}\tau_c^{\Psi-1}\right]\left[ \prod_{j=1}^N\frac{\tau_{z_j}e^{-\frac{\alpha_{z_j}}{n} d\left(\mathbf{R}_{j},\mathbf{\rho}_{z_j}\right)}}{Z_{n}\left(\alpha_{z_j}\right)}\right]. \tag{8}\]
In this section we briefly give some additional details regarding the implementation of the models described in Section 2. The BMM implementation is thoroughly described in Vitelli et al. (2018).
In order to obtain samples from the posterior density of equation (4), BayesMallows implements an MCMC scheme iterating between (i) updating \(\mathbf\rho\) and (ii) updating \(\alpha\) (Algorithm 1 of Vitelli et al. 2018). The leap-and-shift proposal distribution, which is basically a random local perturbation of width \(L\) of a given ranking, is used for updating \(\mathbf\rho\) in step (i). The \(L\) parameter of the leap-and-shift proposal controls how far the proposed ranking is from the current one, and it is therefore linked to the acceptance rate. The recommendation given in Vitelli et al. (2018) is to set it to \(L=n/5\), which is also the default value in BayesMallows, but the user is allowed to choose a different value. For updating \(\alpha\) in step (ii), a log-normal density is used as proposal, and its variance \(\sigma_{\alpha}^{2}\) can be tuned to obtain a desired acceptance rate.
As mentioned in Section 2.4, the MCMC procedure for sampling from the posterior densities corresponding to the partial data cases (Algorithm 3 of Vitelli et al. 2018) has an additional M-H step to account for the update of the augmented data rankings \(\left\{\tilde{\mathbf{R}}_j\right\}_{j=1}^N\). In the case of partial rankings, for updating the augmented data \(\tilde{\mathbf{R}}_j\), \(j=1,...,N\) we use a uniform proposal on the set of rankings compatible with the partial data, \(\mathcal{S}_j\). In the case of pairwise preferences, due to the increased sparsity in the data, we instead implemented a modified parameter-free leap-and-shift proposal distribution, which proposes a new augmented ranking by locally permuting the ranks in \(\tilde{\mathbf{R}}_j\) within the constraints given by \(\mathcal{B}_j\) (Vitelli et al. 2018 4.2). The generalization to non-transitive pairwise comparisons, outlined in Section 4 of Crispino et al. (2019), requires further considerations. First, in the M-H step for updating the augmented data rankings, the modified parameter-free leap-and-shift proposal has to be replaced by a Swap proposal, whose tuning parameter \(L^\star\) is the maximum allowed distance between the ranks of the swapped items. Second, the Bernoulli model for mistakes makes it necessary to add a a Gibbs step for the update of \(\theta\). The MCMC algorithm for sampling from the mixture model posterior (8) (Algorithm 2 of Vitelli et al. 2018) alternates between updating \(\left\{\mathbf{\rho}_c, \alpha_c\right\}_{c=1}^C\) in an M-H step, and \(\left\{\tau_c, z_j\right\}_{c=1, j=1}^{C, N}\) in a Gibbs sampling step, in addition to the necessary M-H steps for data augmentation or estimation of error models, as outlined above.
When the distance in the BMM is footrule or Spearman, the partition function \(Z_n\left(\cdot\right)\) does not have a closed form. In these situations BayesMallows allows for three different choices, which the user may employ depending on the value of \(n\): (a) exact calculation, (b) Importance Sampling (IS), and (c) the asymptotic approximation due to Mukherjee (2016).
The package contains integer sequences for exact calculation of the partition function with footrule distance for up to \(n=50\) items, and with the Spearman distance for up to \(n=14\) items (see Vitelli et al. 2018 2.1). These sequences are downloaded from the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (Sloane 2017).
The IS procedure can be used to compute an off-line approximation \(\hat{Z}_n\left(\alpha\right)\) of \(Z_n\left(\alpha\right)\) for the specific value of \(n\) which is needed in the application at hand. The IS estimate \(\hat{Z}_n\left(\alpha\right)\) is computed on a grid of \(\alpha\) values provided by the user, and then a smooth estimate obtained via a polynomial fit is returned to the user, who can also select the degree of the polynomial function. Finally, the user should set the number \(K\) of IS iterations, and we refer to Vitelli et al. (2018) for guidelines on how to select a large enough value for \(K\). The procedure might be time-consuming, depending on \(K\), \(n\), and on how the grid for \(\alpha\) is specified. In our experience, values of \(n\) larger than approximately 100 might require \(K\) to be as large as \(10^8\) in order for the IS to provide a good estimate, and hence a long computing time.
The IPFP algorithm (Mukherjee 2016 Theorem 1.8) yields a numeric evaluation of \(Z_\text{lim}\left(\cdot\right)\), the asymptotic approximation to \(Z_n(\cdot)\). In this case the user needs to specify two parameters: the number of iterations \(m\) to use in the IPFP, and the number of grid points \(K\) of the grid approximating the continuous domain where the limit is computed. Values of \(m\) and \(K\) have been suggested by Mukherjee (2016), and we refer to the Supplementary Material of Vitelli et al. (2018) for more details.
A simulation experiment was conducted comparing the methods for estimating \(\log\left(Z\left(\alpha\right)\right)\) with footrule distance for \(\alpha = 0.1,0.2, \dots, 20\). Let \(\log\left(Z\left(\alpha\right)\right)^{K}\) denote the IS estimate obtained with \(K\) iterations, and define the absolute relative difference between two IS estimates obtained with \(K_{2}\) and \(K_{1}\) iterations as \[\rho(K_{2},K_{1}) = \text{max}_{\alpha} \left\{ \frac{\left| \log(Z(\alpha))^{K_{2}} - \log(Z(\alpha))^{K_{1}} \right|}{\left|\log(Z(\alpha))^{K_{1}} \right|}\right\}.\] The IS algorithm was run with \(10^{5}\), \(10^{6}\), and \(10^{7}\) iterations, and we obtained \(\rho\left(10^{6},10^{5}\right) < 0.3 \%\) and \(\rho\left(10^{7},10^{6}\right) < 0.15 \%\), suggesting that using \(K=10^7\) yields low Monte Carlo variation over this range of \(\alpha\). The IPFP algorithm was used to estimate \(\log\left(Z_{\text{lim}}\left(\alpha\right)\right)\), with \(K=10^3\) and \(m=10^3\). The results are summarized in Figure 1, in which also exact computation is included in the case of 50 items. With 50 items, the IS estimate perfectly overlaps the exact estimate, while the asymptotic estimate has a bias that increases with increasing \(\alpha\). As expected, the bias of the asymptotic estimate decreases when the number of items increases, as this brings it closer to the asymptotic limit.
To obtain random samples from the MM with Cayley, Hamming, Kendall, or Ulam distance and fixed \(\alpha\) and \(\mathbf{\rho}\), we suggest using the PerMallows (Irurozki et al. 2016a) package, which is optimized for this task. We instead provide a procedure for sampling from the MM with footrule and Spearman. The procedure to generate a random sample of size \(N\) from the MM is straightforward, and described in Appendix C of Vitelli et al. (2018). Basically we run a Metropolis-Hastings algorithm with fixed \(\mathbf{\rho}\) and \(\alpha\) and accept/reject the sample based on its acceptance probability. We then take \(N\) rankings with a large enough interval between each of them to achieve independence.
This section gives an overview of existing packages for fitting the MM.
is possible
when \(n < 80\) for Kendall, \(n < 250\) for Cayley, \(n < 90\) for
Hamming and \(n < 100\) for Ulam. Our experiments suggest that these
estimates are conservative, and that even larger numbers of items
are fit rapidly. Hence, PerMallows seems to be a good choice for
modeling with complete data without clusters, when the supported
distance measures are appropriate and uncertainty estimates are not
sought. PerMallows also has very efficient functions for sampling
from the MM with Cayley, Hamming, Kendall, and Ulam distances.dbm
returns the MLE of \(\alpha\) together with its
variance. The MLE of \(\rho\), however, is not returned, but printed
to the console, and no uncertainty estimates are given. Internally,
generates a matrix of size \(n! \times n\) containing all
possible permutations of the \(n\) items. As a result, it quickly runs
into memory issues. In our tests, pmr
was not able to handle a
ranking dataset with \(n = 10\) items.BayesMallows provides many new functionalities not implemented in these packages, as will be illustrated in the use cases of the following three sections.
We illustrate the case of complete rankings with the potato datasets
described in Liu et al. (2019 4). In short, a bag of 20 potatoes was
bought, and 12 assessors were asked to rank the potatoes by weight,
first by visual inspection, and next by holding the potatoes in hand.
These datasets are available in BayesMallows as matrices with names
and potato_visual
, respectively. The true ranking of
the potatoes’ weights is available in the vector potato_true_ranking
In general, compute_mallows
expects ranking datasets to have one row
for each assessor and one column for each item. Each row has to be a
proper permutation, possibly with missing values. We are interested in
the posterior distribution of both the level of agreement between
assessors, as described by \(\alpha\), and in the latent ranking of the
potatoes, as described by \(\mathbf{\rho}\). We refer to the attached
replication script for random number seeds for exact reproducibility.
First, we do a test run to check convergence of the MCMC algorithm, and
then get trace plots with assess_convergence
<- compute_mallows(potato_visual)
bmm_test assess_convergence(bmm_test)
By default, assess_convergence
returns a trace plot for \(\alpha\),
shown in Figure 2a. The algorithm seems to be
mixing well after around 500 iterations. Next, we study the convergence
of \(\mathbf{\rho}\). To avoid overly complex plots, we pick potatoes
\(1-5\) by specifying this in the items
assess_convergence(bmm_test, parameter = "rho", items = 1:5)
The corresponding plot is shown in Figure 2b, illustrating that the MCMC algorithm seems to have converged after around 1,000 iterations.
dataset. The plots indicating good mixing for
both parameters after about 500 iterations.
dataset. The posterior mass is symmetrically
centered between 9 and 13, with a mean around
11.From the trace plots, we decide to discard the first 1,000 MCMC samples
as burn-in. We rerun the algorithm to get 500,000 samples after burn-in.
The object bmm_visual
has S3
class "BayesMallows", so we plot the
posterior distribution of \(\alpha\) with plot.BayesMallows
<- compute_mallows(potato_visual, nmc = 501000)
bmm_visual $burnin <- 1000 # Set burn-in to 1000
bmm_visualplot(bmm_visual) # Use S3 method for plotting
The plot is shown in Figure 3. We can
also get posterior credible intervals for \(\alpha\) using
, which returns both highest posterior
density intervals (HPDI) and central intervals in a tibble
(Müller and Wickham 2018). BayesMallows uses tibble
s rather than data.frame
but both are accepted as function inputs. We refer to tibble
s as
dataframes henceforth.
compute_posterior_intervals(bmm_visual, decimals = 1L)
# A tibble: 1 x 6
parameter mean median conf_level hpdi central_interval<ch <dbl> <dbl> <ch <ch <chr>
1 alpha 10.9 10.9 95 % [9.4,12.3] [9.5,12.3]
Next, we can go on to study the posterior distribution of \(\mathbf{\rho}\).
plot(bmm_visual, parameter = "rho", items = 1:20)
If the items
argument is not provided, and the number of items exceeds
five, five items are picked at random for plotting. To show all
potatoes, we explicitly set items = 1:20
. The corresponding plots are
shown in Figure 4.
dataset. Most potatoes have
highly peaked posterior distributions, indicating low uncertainty about
ranking.Updating \(\alpha\) in every step of the MCMC algorithm may not be
necessary, as the number of posterior samples typically is more than
large enough to obtain good estimates of its posterior distribution.
With the alpha_jump
argument, we can tell the MCMC algorithm to update
\(\alpha\) only every alpha_jump
-th iteration. To update \(\alpha\) every
10th update of \(\mathbf{\rho}\), we do
<- compute_mallows(potato_visual, nmc = 501000, alpha_jump = 10) bmm
On a MacBook Pro 2.2 GHz Intel Core i7 running R version 3.5.1, the
above call ran in 2.0 seconds on average over 1,000 replications using
(Mersmann 2018), while it took 4.2 seconds using the default value
alpha_jump = 1
, i.e., updating \(\alpha\) less frequently more than
halved the computing time.
By default, compute_mallows
uses the footrule distance, but the user
can also choose to use Cayley, Kendall, Hamming, Spearman, or Ulam
distance. Running the same analysis of the potato data with Spearman
distance is done with the command
<- compute_mallows(potato_visual, metric = "spearman", nmc = 501000) bmm
For the particular case of Spearman distance, BayesMallows only has integer sequences for computing the exact partition function with 14 or fewer items. In this case a precomputed importance sampling estimate is part of the package, and used instead.
Unless the argument error_model
to compute_mallows
is set, pairwise
preference data are assumed to be consistent within each assessor. These
data should be provided in a dataframe with the following three columns,
with one row per pairwise comparison.
is an identifier for the assessor; either a numeric
vector containing the assessor index, or a character vector
containing the unique name of the assessor.bottom_item
is a numeric vector containing the index of the item
that was disfavored in each pairwise comparison.top_item
is a numeric vector containing the index of the item that
was preferred in each pairwise comparison.A dataframe with this structure can be given in the preferences
argument to compute_mallows
. compute_mallows
will generate the full
set of implied rankings for each assessor using the function
, as well as an initial ranking matrix
consistent with the pairwise preferences, using the function
We illustrate with the beach preference data containing stated pairwise
preferences between random subsets of 15 images of beaches, by 60
assessors (Vitelli et al. 2018 6.2). This dataset is provided in the
dataframe beach_preferences
We start by generating the transitive closure implied by the pairwise preferences.
<- generate_transitive_closure(beach_preferences) beach_tc
The dataframe beach_tc
contains all the pairwise preferences in
, with all the implied pairwise preferences in
addition. The latter are preferences that were not specifically stated
by the assessor, but instead are implied by the stated preferences. As a
consequence, the dataframe beach_tc
has 2921 rows, while
has 1442 rows. Initial rankings, i.e., a set of full
rankings for each assessor that are consistent with the implied pairwise
preferences are then generated, and we set the column names of the
initial ranking matrix to "Beach 1", "Beach 2", ..., "Beach 15"
in order have these names appear as labels in plots and output.
<- generate_initial_ranking(beach_tc)
beach_init_rank colnames(beach_init_rank) <- paste("Beach", 1:ncol(beach_init_rank))
If we had not generated the transitive closure and the initial ranking,
would do this for us, but when calling
repeatedly, it may save time to have these precomputed
and saved for future re-use. In order to save time in the case of big
datasets, the functions for generating transitive closures and initial
rankings from transitive closures can all be run in parallel, as shown
in the examples to the compute_mallows
function. The key to the
parallelization is that each assessor’s preferences can be handled
independently of the others, and this can speed up the process
considerably with large dataset.
As an example, let us look at all preferences stated by assessor 1
involving beach 2. We use filter
dplyr (Wickham et al. 2018)
to obtain the right set of rows.
# All preferences stated by assessor 1 involving item 2
filter(beach_preferences, assessor == 1, bottom_item == 2 | top_item == 2)
# A tibble: 1 x 3
assessor bottom_item top_item<dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1 2 15
Assessor 1 has performed only one direct comparison involving beach 2, in which the assessor stated that beach 15 is preferred to beach 2. The implied orderings, on the other hand, contain two preferences involving beach 2:
# All implied orderings for assessor 1 involving item 2
filter(beach_tc, assessor == 1, bottom_item == 2 | top_item == 2)
assessor bottom_item top_item1 1 2 6
2 1 2 15
In addition to the statement that beach 15 is preferred to beach 2, all the other orderings stated by assessor 1 imply that this assessor prefers beach 6 to beach 2.
As with the potato data, we can do a test run to assess the convergence
of the MCMC algorithm. However, this time we provide the initial
rankings beach_init_rank
to the rankings
argument and the transitive
closure beach_tc
to the preferences
argument of compute_mallows
We also set save_aug = TRUE
to save the augmented rankings in each
MCMC step, hence letting us assess the convergence of the augmented
<- compute_mallows(rankings = beach_init_rank,
bmm_test preferences = beach_tc, save_aug = TRUE)
Running assess_convergence
for \(\alpha\) and \(\mathbf{\rho}\) shows good
convergence after 1000 iterations (not shown). To check the convergence
of the data augmentation scheme, we need to set parameter = "Rtilde"
and also specify which items and assessors to plot. Let us start by
considering items 2, 6, and 15 for assessor 1, which we studied above.
assess_convergence(bmm_test, parameter = "Rtilde",
items = c(2, 6, 15), assessors = 1)
The resulting plot is shown in Figure 5a. It illustrates how the augmented rankings vary, while also obeying their implied ordering.
By further investigation of beach_tc
, we would find that no orderings
are implied between beach 1 and beach 15 for assessor 2. With the
following command, we create trace plots to confirm this:
assess_convergence(bmm_test, parameter = "Rtilde",
items = c(1, 15), assessors = 2)
The resulting plot is shown in Figure 5b. As
expected, the traces of the augmented rankings for beach 1 and 15 for
assessor 2 do cross each other, since no ordering is implied between
them. Ideally, we should look at trace plots for augmented ranks for
more assessors to be sure that the algorithm is close to convergence. We
can plot assessors 1-8 by setting assessors = 1:8
. We also quite
arbitrarily pick items 13-15, but the same procedure can be repeated for
other items.
assess_convergence(bmm_test, parameter = "Rtilde",
items = 13:15, assessors = 1:8)
The resulting plot is shown in Figure 6, indicating good mixing.
Based on the convergence diagnostics, and being fairly conservative, we discard the first 2,000 MCMC iterations as burn-in, and take 100,000 additional samples.
<- compute_mallows(rankings = beach_init_rank, preferences = beach_tc,
bmm_beaches nmc = 102000, save_aug = TRUE)
$burnin <- 2000 bmm_beaches
The posterior distributions of \(\alpha\) and \(\mathbf{\rho}\) can be
studied as shown in the previous sections. Posterior intervals for the
latent rankings of each beach are obtained with
compute_posterior_intervals(bmm_beaches, parameter = "rho")
# A tibble: 15 x 7
item parameter mean median conf_level hpdi central_interval<fct> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 Beach 1 rho 7 7 95 % [7] [6,7]
2 Beach 2 rho 15 15 95 % [15] [15]
3 Beach 3 rho 3 3 95 % [3,4] [3,4]
4 Beach 4 rho 12 12 95 % [11,13] [11,14]
5 Beach 5 rho 9 9 95 % [8,10] [8,10]
6 Beach 6 rho 2 2 95 % [1,2] [1,2]
7 Beach 7 rho 9 8 95 % [8,10] [8,10]
8 Beach 8 rho 12 11 95 % [11,13] [11,14]
9 Beach 9 rho 1 1 95 % [1,2] [1,2]
10 Beach 10 rho 6 6 95 % [5,6] [5,7]
11 Beach 11 rho 4 4 95 % [3,4] [3,5]
12 Beach 12 rho 13 13 95 % [12,14] [12,14]
13 Beach 13 rho 10 10 95 % [8,10] [8,10]
14 Beach 14 rho 13 14 95 % [12,14] [11,14]
15 Beach 15 rho 5 5 95 % [5,6] [4,6]
We can also rank the beaches according to their cumulative probability
(CP) consensus (Vitelli et al. 2018 5.1) and their maximum posterior
(MAP) rankings. This is done with the function compute_consensus
, and
the following call returns the CP consensus:
compute_consensus(bmm_beaches, type = "CP")
# A tibble: 15 x 3
ranking item cumprob<dbl> <chr> <dbl>
1 1 Beach 9 0.896
2 2 Beach 6 1
3 3 Beach 3 0.738
4 4 Beach 11 0.966
5 5 Beach 15 0.953
6 6 Beach 10 0.971
7 7 Beach 1 1
8 8 Beach 7 0.528
9 9 Beach 5 0.887
10 10 Beach 13 1.00
11 11 Beach 8 0.508
12 12 Beach 4 0.717
13 13 Beach 12 0.643
14 14 Beach 14 0.988
15 15 Beach 2 1
The column cumprob
shows the probability of having the given rank or
lower. Looking at the second row, for example, this means that beach 6
has probability 1 of having latent ranking 2 or lower. Next, beach 3 has
probability 0.738 of having latent rank 3 or lower. This is an example
of how the Bayesian framework can be used to not only rank items, but
also to give posterior assessments of the uncertainty of the rankings.
The MAP consensus is obtained similarly, by setting type = "MAP"
Keeping in mind that the ranking of beaches is based on sparse pairwise
preferences, we can also ask: for beach \(i\), what is the probability of
being ranked top-\(k\) by assessor \(j\), and what is the probability of
having latent rank among the top-\(k\). The function plot_top_k
these probabilities. By default, it sets k = 3
, so a heatplot of the
probability of being ranked top-3 is obtained with the call:
The plot is shown in Figure 7. The left part of
the plot shows the beaches ranked according to their CP consensus, and
the probability \(P(\rho_{i}) \leq 3\) for each beach \(i\). The right part
of the plot shows, for each beach as indicated on the left axis, the
probability that assessor \(j\) ranks the beach among top-3. For example,
we see that assessor 1 has a very low probability of ranking beach 9
among her top-3, while assessor 3 has a very high probability of doing
this. The function predict_top_k
returns a dataframe with all the
underlying probabilities. For example, in order to find all the beaches
that are among the top-3 of assessors 1-5 with more than 90 %
probability, we would do:
predict_top_k(bmm_beaches) %>%
filter(prob > 0.9, assessor %in% 1:5)
# A tibble: 6 x 3
# Groups: assessor [4]
assessor item prob<dbl> <chr> <dbl>
1 1 Beach 11 0.955
2 1 Beach 6 0.997
3 3 Beach 6 0.997
4 3 Beach 9 1
5 4 Beach 9 1.00
6 5 Beach 6 0.979
Note that assessor 2 does not appear in this table, i.e., there are no beaches for which we are at least 90 % certain that the beach is among assessor 2’s top-3.
BayesMallows comes with a set of sushi preference data, in which 5,000 assessors each have ranked a set of 10 types of sushi (Kamishima 2003). It is interesting to see if we can find subsets of assessors with similar preferences. The sushi dataset was analyzed with the BMM by Vitelli et al. (2018), but the results in that paper differ somewhat from those obtained here, due to a bug in the function that was used to sample cluster probabilities from the Dirichlet distribution.
The function compute_mallows_mixtures
computes multiple Mallows models
with different numbers of mixture components. It returns a list of
models of class BayesMallowsMixtures
, in which each list element
contains a model with a given number of mixture components. Its
arguments are n_clusters
, which specifies the number of mixture
components to compute, an optional parameter cl
which can be set to
the return value of the makeCluster
function in the
parallel package, and
an ellipsis (...
) for passing on arguments to compute_mallows
Hypothesizing that we may not need more than 10 clusters to find a
useful partitioning of the assessors, we start by doing test runs with
1, 4, 7, and 10 mixture components in order to assess convergence. We
set the number of Monte Carlo samples to 5,000, and since this is a test
run, we do not save cluster assignments nor within-cluster distances
from each MCMC iteration and hence set save_clus = FALSE
include_wcd = FALSE
. We also run the computations in parallel on four
cores, one for each mixture component.
<- makeCluster(4)
cl <- compute_mallows_mixtures(n_clusters = c(1, 4, 7, 10),
bmm rankings = sushi_rankings, nmc = 5000,
save_clus = FALSE, include_wcd = FALSE, cl = cl)
The function assess_convergence
automatically creates a grid plot when
given an object of class BayesMallowsMixtures
, so we can check the
convergence of \(\alpha\) with the command
The resulting plot is given in Figure 8a,
showing that all the chains seem to be close to convergence quite
quickly. We can also make sure that the posterior distributions of the
cluster probabilities \(\tau_{c}\), \((c = 1, \dots, C)\) have converged
properly, by setting parameter = "cluster_probs"
assess_convergence(bmm, parameter = "cluster_probs")
The trace plots for each number of mixture components are shown in Figure 8b. Note that with only one cluster, the cluster probability is fixed at the value 1, while for other number of mixture components, the chains seem to be mixing well.
Trace of α. | Trace of τc. |
Given the convergence assessment of the previous section, we are fairly
confident that a burn-in of 5,000 is sufficient. We run 95,000
additional iterations, and try from 1 to 10 mixture components. Our goal
is now to determine the number of mixture components to use, and in
order to create an elbow plot, we set include_wcd = TRUE
to compute
the within-cluster distances in each step of the MCMC algorithm. Since
the posterior distributions of \(\rho_{c}\) (\(c = 1,\dots,C\)) are highly
peaked, we save some memory by only saving every 10th value of
\(\mathbf{\rho}\) by setting rho_thinning = 10
<- makeCluster(4)
cl <- compute_mallows_mixtures(n_clusters = 1:10, rankings = sushi_rankings,
bmm nmc = 100000, rho_thinning = 10, save_clus = FALSE,
include_wcd = TRUE, cl = cl)
plot_elbow(bmm, burnin = 5000) # Create elbow plot
The resulting elbow plot is a notched boxplot (Mcgill et al. 1978; Wickham 2016) shown in Figure 9, for which the barely visible upper and lower whiskers represent approximate 95 % confidence intervals. Although not clear-cut, we see that the within-cluster sum of distances levels off at around 5 clusters, and hence we choose to use 5 clusters in our model.
Having chosen 5 mixture components, we go on to fit a final model, still
running 95,000 iterations after burnin. This time we call
and set n_clusters = 5
. We also set
save_clus = TRUE
and clus_thin = 10
to save the cluster assignments
of each assessor in every 10th iteration, and rho_thinning = 10
save the estimated latent rank every 10th iteration.
<- compute_mallows(rankings = sushi_rankings, n_clusters = 5, save_clus = TRUE,
bmm clus_thin = 10, nmc = 100000, rho_thinning = 10)
$burnin <- 5000 bmm
We can plot the posterior distributions of \(\alpha\) and \(\mathbf{\rho}\)
in each cluster using plot.BayesMallows
as shown preivously for the
potato data. We can also show the posterior distributions of the cluster
probabilities, using:
plot(bmm, parameter = "cluster_probs")
Using the argument parameter = "cluster_assignment"
, we can visualize
the posterior probability for each assessor of belonging to each
plot(bmm, parameter = "cluster_assignment")
The resulting plot is shown in
Figure 10. The underlying numbers can
be obtained using the function assign_cluster
We can find clusterwise consensus rankings using compute_consensus
The following call finds the CP consensuses, and then uses select
dplyr and spread
tidyr (Wickham and Henry 2018)
to create one column for each cluster. The result is shown in
Table 1.
compute_consensus(bmm) %>%
select(-cumprob) %>%
spread(key = cluster, value = item)
Cluster 1 | Cluster 2 | Cluster 3 | Cluster 4 | Cluster 5 | |
1 | shrimp | fatty tuna | fatty tuna | fatty tuna | fatty tuna |
2 | sea eel | sea urchin | sea eel | tuna | sea urchin |
3 | egg | salmon roe | tuna | shrimp | shrimp |
4 | squid | sea eel | shrimp | tuna roll | tuna |
5 | salmon roe | tuna | tuna roll | squid | salmon roe |
6 | fatty tuna | shrimp | squid | salmon roe | squid |
7 | tuna | tuna roll | egg | egg | tuna roll |
8 | tuna roll | squid | cucumber roll | cucumber roll | sea eel |
9 | cucumber roll | egg | salmon roe | sea eel | egg |
10 | sea urchin | cucumber roll | sea urchin | sea urchin | cucumber roll |
Note that for estimating cluster specific parameters, label switching is
a potential problem that needs to be handled. BayesMallows ignores
label switching issues inside the MCMC, because it has been shown that
this approach is better for ensuring full convergence of the chain
(Celeux et al. 2000; Jasra et al. 2005). MCMC iterations can be re-ordered after
convergence is achieved, for example by using the implementation of
Stephens’ algorithm (Stephens 2000) provided by the R package
(Papastamoulis 2016). A full example of how to assess label switching
after running compute_mallows
is provided by running the following
For the sushi data analyzed in this section, no label switching is detected by Stephen’s algorithm.
In this paper we discussed the methodological background and computational strategies for the BayesMallows package, implementing the inferential framework for the analysis of preference data based on the Bayesian Mallows model, as introduced in Vitelli et al. (2018). The package aims at providing a general probabilistic tool, capable of performing various inferential tasks (estimation, classification, prediction) with a proper uncertainty quantification. Moreover, the package widens the applicability of the Mallows model, by providing reliable algorithms for approximating the associated partition function, which has been the bottleneck for a successful use of this general and flexible model so far. Finally, it handles a variety of preference data types (partial rankings, pairwise preferences), and it could possibly handle many others which can lie in the above mentioned categories (noisy continuous measurements, clicking data, ratings).
One of the most important features of the BayesMallows package is that, despite implementing a Bayesian model, and thus relying on MCMC algorithms, its efficient implementation makes it possible to manage large datasets. The package can easily handle up to hundreds of items, and thousands of assessors; an example is the Movielens data analyzed in Section 6.4 of (Vitelli et al. 2018). By using the log-sum-exp trick, the implementation of the importance sampler is able to handle at least ten thousand items without numerical overflow. We believe that all these features make the package a unique resource for fitting the Mallows model to large data, with the benefits of a fully probabilistic interpretation.
Nonetheless, we also recognize that the BayesMallows package can open the way for further generalizations. The Bayesian Mallows model for time-varying rankings that has been introduced in Asfaw et al. (2017) will be considered for a future release. Some further extensions which we might consider to implement in the BayesMallows in the future include: fitting an infinite mixture of Mallows models for automatically performing model selection; allowing for a non-uniform prior for \(\mathbf{\rho}\); performing automatic item selection; estimating the assessors’ quality as rankers; and finally including covariates, both on the assessors and on the items. In addition, since the data augmentation steps in the MCMC algorithm are independent across assessors, potential speedup in the case of missing data or pairwise preferences can be obtained by updating the augmented data in parallel, and this is likely to be part of a future package update.
The authors would like to thank Arnoldo Frigessi and Elja Arjas for fruitful discussions.
BayesMallows, PerMallows, pmr, rankdist, microbenchmark, dplyr, parallel, tidyr, label.switching
Bayesian, Databases, MissingData, ModelDeployment
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Sørensen, et al., "BayesMallows: An R Package for the Bayesian Mallows Model", The R Journal, 2020
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2020-026, author = {Sørensen, Øystein and Crispino, Marta and Liu, Qinghua and Vitelli, Valeria}, title = {BayesMallows: An R Package for the Bayesian Mallows Model}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2020}, note = {}, volume = {12}, issue = {1}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {324-342} }