It is frequently of interest in time-to-event analysis to compare multiple survival functions nonparametrically. However, when the hazard functions cross, tests in existing R packages do not perform well. To address the issue, we introduce the package survELtest, which provides tests for comparing multiple survival functions with possibly crossing hazards. Due to its powerful likelihood ratio formulation, this is the only R package to date that works when the hazard functions cross. We illustrate the use of the procedures in survELtest by applying them to data from randomized clinical trials and simulated datasets. We show that these methods lead to more significant results than those obtained by existing R packages.
The nonparametric comparison of multiple survival functions is of interest in numerous biomedical settings, such as clinical trials (Robert et al. 2015), preclinical studies (Liebl et al. 2015) and observational studies (Loupy et al. 2013) with right-censored time-to-event endpoints. It has been implemented in existing R packages using log-rank-type statistics. However, these log-rank-type tests can fail to detect differences among survival curves when the hazard functions cross. For example, consider the Kaplan–Meier (KM) estimated survival functions in Figure 1 for the treatment and control groups of patients in a randomized clinical trial. There is a clear gap between the survival curves, which we would expect to be detected by a reasonable statistical test. Nevertheless, the log-rank test provided in the survival (Therneau et al. 2020) package returns a \(p\)-value of \(0.07\), indicating no significant difference between the two survival functions at \(\alpha=0.05\). Note that in this case the gap between the survival curves shrinks then widens in the middle of the follow-up period, suggesting that the estimated hazard functions may cross at some time point.
The need to compare survival functions with crossing hazards has been documented in the statistics literature (see, e.g., Pepe and Fleming 1989; Yang and Prentice 2010). There are many practical situations in which the hazard functions cross, indicating that the instantaneous treatment effect changes direction. For example, some treatments are initially harmful due to toxicity or other complications, but may be beneficial later on. Other treatments can have short-term benefits but produce side effects in the long run. Despite the varying instantaneous treatment effect, the cumulative treatment effect can still be positive, as reflected by a positive difference between the treatment and control survival functions throughout the follow-up period. It is important to be able to detect such a difference, as the treatment would be worth considering in this case. To this end, an adaptive weighted log-rank test was implemented in the R package YPmodel (Sun and Yang 2020), but this test involves a parametric assumption on the hazard functions, is limited to two-sample comparisons, and cannot deal with the general \(k\)-sample situation. Another method, the restricted mean survival time (RMST) approach, was implemented in the R package survRM2 (Uno et al. 2020). However, to our knowledge the RMST method can only deal with two-sample comparisons nonparametrically. For the \(k\)-sample case, certain model-based assumptions still need to be made (see, e.g., Cronin et al. 2016).
To address this issue, the package survELtest (Chang 2020) provides nonparametric tests that can deal with general \(k\)-sample comparisons while accounting for possibly crossing hazards. It avoids the pitfalls of log-rank-type statistics, in which negative and positive differences among the estimated hazard functions cancel each other in a weighted sum (see Section 2.1 for more details). Further, the statistics are constructed using empirical likelihood (EL), which has been shown to produce tests with optimal power (see, e.g., Kitamura et al. 2012). EL is a nonparametric likelihood which does not assume that the data come from a particular parametric family of distributions. It serves as the basis for constructing a nonparametric likelihood ratio (i.e., the EL ratio), which leads to more efficient inference than Wald-type procedures such as log-rank-type tests, as seen in the literature on parametric (see, e.g., Mukerjee 1994) and nonparametric inference (Bravo (2003), (2003); Kitamura et al. (2012), (2012)). There are R packages available for survival analysis using EL, namely emplik (Zhou 2020), emplik2 (Barton 2018) and ELYP (Zhou 2018), but they are limited to inference regarding finite-dimensional parameters, whereas our package handles survival functions, an infinite dimensional problem.
Our approach computes EL ratios at each observed uncensored time point, then summarizes them into maximal-deviation-type and integral-type statistics. The statistical theory of this approach and the empirical levels and powers in various simulation scenarios have been studied in Chang and McKeague (2016) ((2016, 2019)), but these authors focused on the technical development of one-sided tests, and did not provide a software package or an accessible guide for implementing the method. In this paper we provide a general framework for both two-sided and one-sided testing, an accessible guide to the R package survELtest, and a comparison with existing R packages (reviewed briefly in Section 2.1) in applications to data from clinical trials and simulated datasets.
For \(k\)-sample nonparametric testing under right censorship, to our
knowledge all existing R packages use log-rank-type statistics (see the
CRAN Task View Survival),
often referred to as the weighted log-rank statistics. The package
FHtest (Oller and Langohr 2017) and
the survdiff
function in the package survival consider the
Fleming-Harrington \(G^{\rho}\) family, which belongs to the class of
weighted log-rank statistics. The package
clinfun (Seshan 2018)
adopts a permutation version of the log-rank test. The package
(Richter-Dumke and Rau 2013) provides a log-rank test based on aggregated survival
data. SurvivalTests
in the
coin (Hothorn et al. 2019) package
implements a reformulated weighted log-rank test as a linear rank test.
The maxstat
(Hothorn 2017) package performs tests using maximally selected log-rank
This paper is organized as follows. In the next section, we provide a brief review of \(k\)-sample nonparametric methods used in existing R packages, their pitfalls, and the use of EL tests as a solution. Section 3.1 describes our package functions, along with a flow chart showing the procedure for using those functions. In Sections 3.2 and 3.3, we apply the proposed routines to datasets from clinical trials, and obtain more significant results than the log-rank-type tests. Some concluding remarks are made in Section 4. The availability of the program is given in Section 5. In the Appendix, we compare our procedures with more existing methods, including those in the aforementioned packages YPmodel and survRM2, which cannot deal with the general \(k\)-sample case nonparametrically.
This section briefly reviews the log-rank-type statistics in existing R packages, for testing whether the \(k\) survival functions are the same. The null and alternative hypotheses are \(H_0 \colon S_1=\ldots=S_k\) and \(H_1 \colon H_0 is not true\), respectively, where \(S_j\) is the survival function of the \(j\)-th sample. To quantify the discrepancy between the \(j\)-th sample (\(j=1, \ldots, k-1\)) and other samples, a weighted sum of differences between the estimated hazard function of the \(j\)-th sample and that of the pooled sample is computed. The \(k-1\) weighted sums are then summarized using a quadratic form to obtain the final log-rank-type statistic. Different choices of the weight lead to different log-rank-type statistics, of which the commonly used log-rank test is a special case.
To illustrate the pitfalls of this formulation under crossing hazards, we restrict our attention to \(k=2\) for simplicity. When \(k=2\), there is only one weighted sum involved, which can be expressed as \[\label{eq:sum_hdiff} \sum_{i=1}^m v_{i} \left\{\hat{h}_1\left(t_i\right)-\hat{h}_2\left(t_i\right)\right\}, \tag{1}\] where \(0<t_1<\ldots<t_m<\infty\) are the (ordered) observed uncensored times, \(\hat{h}_j(t_i)\) are the estimated hazard functions at time \(t_i\) for the \(j\)-th sample, and \(v_{i} \ge 0\) is the corresponding weight at \(t_i\). When the survival functions are different, the hazard functions can cross each other. In this case, there are both positive differences (i.e., when \(\hat{h}_1(\cdot)>\hat{h}_2(\cdot)\)) and negative differences (i.e., when \(\hat{h}_1(\cdot)<\hat{h}_2(\cdot)\)) in (1). These differences between the estimated hazard functions cancel out, leading to a smaller value of the statistic and hence a less significant result. Consequently, the formulation can fail to detect the difference between the survival curves.
In the proposed package survELtest, we use a likelihood ratio statistic, namely a pointwise EL statistic, to replace the estimated hazard difference in (1). This pointwise EL statistic quantifies, at each time point, the difference in the multiple survival functions. It is always non-negative, as are all typical likelihood ratio statistics, which prevents the problematic cancellation described in the previous section. In the rest of Section 2, we provide a brief description of this approach. More details can be found in Chang and McKeague (2016, 2019).
The pointwise EL statistic is constructed from the following likelihood ratio: \[\label{eq:k-2-setup} \mathcal{R}\left(t\right)= \frac { \sup{ \left \{ L\left(S_1,S_2,\ldots,S_k\right)\colon S_1\left(t\right)=S_2\left(t\right)=\ldots=S_k\left(t\right) \right \} } } {\sup{ \left \{ L\left(S_1,S_2,\ldots,S_k\right) \right \} } }, \tag{2}\] where \(L(S_1,S_2, \ldots, S_k)\) is a nonparametric likelihood which does not assume that the data come from a particular parametric family of distributions (Thomas and Grunkemeier 1975). As in a usual (parametric) likelihood ratio, the numerator of (2) maximizes the likelihood subject to the constraint under \(H_0\), whereas the denominator maximizes the likelihood globally, as it corresponds to the union of \(H_0\) and \(H_1\). We then use \(-2 \log \mathcal{R}(t)\) as our pointwise EL statistic; such transformation of likelihood ratios has been widely used in the literature. A larger \(-2 \log \mathcal{R}(t)\) gives less evidence for \(S_1(t)=S_2(t)=\ldots=S_k(t)\).
For the desired simultaneous inference, we summarize the pointwise
statistics in two ways. The first, provided by the routine intELtest
takes a weighted sum:
I=\sum_{i=1}^m w_i \left\{-2 \log \mathcal{R}\left(t_i\right)\right\}, \tag{3}\]
where \(w_i \ge 0\) is the weight at each \(t_i\). This is an integral-type
statistic because the summation can be written into a stochastic
integral. The form of a weighted sum is similar to the components of the
log-rank-type statistics shown in the previous section. Here we avoid ad
hoc choices of the weight \(w_i\) by setting equal weight for data with no
ties. We do this because the EL statistic \(-2 \log \mathcal{R}(t_i)\)
implicitly provides optimal (i.e., nonparametric-likelihood-optimized)
weighting for contrasting the survival functions. More details regarding
the weighting schemes are given in Section 2.4.
Another way to summarize the pointwise statistics is to take a maximum
\(%\begin{equation} \label{eq:supELR} K=\sup_{i=1,\ldots,m} \{ -2 \log \mathcal{R}\) \((t_i) \}\), which is
provided by the function supELtest
. Such maximal-deviation-type
statistics have been used in the classical Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, and
are more sensitive to local differences amongst survival curves (i.e.,
differences among survival curves that appear only in a short period of
time). In contrast, the integral-type statistic \(I\) in (3)
is designed to detect moderate differences spread over a sizable portion
of the follow-up period. The choice between the two statistics should be
guided by prior knowledge and practical considerations. In particular,
if prior knowledge does not suggest the presence of local differences,
we recommend \(I\) for general use. Otherwise \(K\) can be implemented to
exploit the additional knowledge of the existence of a local difference.
For example, a local difference is present when medical knowledge
suggests that a treatment has a benefit in some localized time interval,
or when a pilot study shows that the difference among the KM estimated
survival curves appears only over a short period of time. In the latter
case, the evidence would be even stronger if a significant result was
obtained from a statistical test that is sensitive to such local
differences, such as the maximal-deviation-type statistics described
So far, we have focused on two-sided testing. For one-sided testing, we consider the alternative \(H^{o}_1 \colon S_1 \succ S_2 \succ \ldots \succ S_k\) that there is an ordering among the survival functions, where \(f \succ g\) for functions \(f(t)\) and \(g(t)\) of \(t\) means \(f(t) \ge g(t)\) for all \(t\) with a strict inequality for some \(t\). The EL statistics are the same as the ones in the previous section, except that now we put an additional constraint \(S_1(t) \ge S_2(t)\ge \ldots \ge S_k(t)\) in the denominator of \(\mathcal{R}(t)\) in (2).
The resulting EL test will be preceded by an initial test that excludes the possibility of crossings or alternative orderings among the survival functions. The reason is due to the fact that for functional parameters (e.g., survival functions), testing a one-sided alternative hypothesis usually involves certain assumptions, such as that the functions are not crossed and that their ordering is as hypothesized. These assumptions may be checked using the initial test, with the null hypothesis being that the assumptions are not satisfied, versus the alternative that they are. If the null hypothesis of the initial test is rejected, we conclude that the assumptions are satisfied and proceed to the EL test. Rejection of the null hypothesis \(H_0\) of the EL test then gives support for \(H_1\). On the other hand, if the null hypothesis of the initial test is not rejected, we conclude that the assumptions are not satisfied and do not proceed to the EL test. The family-wise error rate of this two-step procedure has been shown to be asymptotically controlled at the same \(\alpha\)-level as the individual tests.
As mentioned in Section 2.2, we need to specify \(w_i\)
in (3). This can be done by setting the value of the
argument wt
in the routine intELtest
. The default is an objective
weight \(w_i=d_i/n\), where \(d_i\) denotes the number of events at each
time point \(t_i\) and \(n\) is the total sample size. This simplifies to
equal weight \(w_i=1/n\) when there are no ties (i.e., \(d_i=1\)) in the
data. This default weight is specified by the option wt = "p.event"
Despite the default weight, we provide in intELtest
two alternative
options that have been used for integral-type statistics in the
literature. One option is \(w_i=\hat{F}(t_i)-\hat{F}(t_{i-1})\) for
\(i=1,\ldots,m\), where \(\hat{F}(t)=1-\hat{S}(t)\), \(\hat{S}(t)\) is the
pooled KM estimator, and \(t_0 \equiv 0\). This \(w_i\) reduces to the
objective weight \(w_i=d_i/n\) when there is no censoring (see, e.g., El Barmi and McKeague 2013). The resulting \(I\) can be seen as an empirical version of the
expected negative two log EL ratio under \(H_0\). This weight can be
chosen via the option wt = "dF"
Another weight, proposed by Pepe and Fleming (1989), is \(w_i=t_{i+1}-t_i\) for
\(i=1,\ldots,m\), where \(t_{m+1} \equiv t_{m}\). This approach gives more
weight to the time intervals when there are fewer observed uncensored
times, but can be affected by extreme observations. This weight can be
chosen via the option wt = "dt"
Having computed the statistics, we need to calibrate the tests. Possible methods include bootstrapping or simulating the limiting distributions. We choose the former for the following two reasons: (a) in small samples, calibration using the bootstrap can perform better than using the limiting distribution (Heller and Venkatraman 1996). (b) in our experience the bootstrap can be more computationally efficient, since the limiting distributions of \(I\) and \(K\) involve stochastic processes that depend on unknown parameters.
Here we adopt a Gaussian multiplier bootstrap approach, which is
commonly used instead of the nonparametric bootstrap in survival
analysis to avoid producing tied data in the bootstrap samples. To form
the bootstrap samples, the original data are perturbed using independent
standard Gaussian random variables, termed Gaussian multipliers (see,
e.g., Parzen et al. 1997). We denote the number of bootstrap samples as \(B\), which
is specified by the nboot
argument (default is 1000). In cases when
\(m\) is too large for the computation to be handled with reasonable
speed, we split the calculation of the \(B\) bootstrap replications into
parts, where nsplit =
\(\lceil m\)/ nlimit
\(\rceil\) (default
nlimit = 200
). Here and in the sequel, if we do not specify which R
function an option or argument applies to, then the option or argument
applies to all the functions provided by the survELtest package.
Since the bootstrap involves random sampling, the critical values will
differ based on different sets of bootstrap samples. To make the
critical values reproducible, we set a seed for random number generation
via the seed
option in our routines.
The survELtest package can be installed along with survELtest using
the following R code:
> install.packages("survELtest")
The following code loads the package:
> library(survELtest)
The main routines in survELtest are intELtest
, supELtest
, and ptwiseELtest
. The intELtest
routine conducts
testing based on the integrated EL statistics \(I\) in (3)
that can detect moderate differences among the survival curves over
time. The supELtest
routine conducts testing based on the maximally
selected EL statistics \(K\) that is more sensitive to differences locally
in time. Each routine gives a two- or one-sided test statistic, the
critical value based on bootstrap, and the \(p\)-value of the test. As
mentioned in Section 2.2, the choice between the two
routines should be guided by prior knowledge and practical
considerations regarding whether there is a local difference among the
survival curves. The choice between two-sided and one-sided testing
should be determined a priori as well, depending on the research
question of interest. One-sided testing can be specified by the option
sided = 1
in both intELtest
and supELtest
, but should be preceded
by the initial test in nocrossings
to exclude the possibility of
crossings or alternative orderings among the survival functions. While
the first three routines provide simultaneous testing, ptwiseELtest
conducts pointwise testing to compare the survival curves at each time
point. It can be used to identify periods of local differences, after
or supELtest
test gives a significant result. A flow chart
of the procedure for using the survELtest package is given in Figure
2. Methods defined for the objects produced by the
main routines are provided for print
and summary
. In addition to the
aforementioned routines, survELtest contains four datasets:
, threearm
, hazardcross
and hazardcross_Weibull
, which
will be analyzed in Sections 3.2,
3.3, and the Appendix to illustrate the use of the
A summary of the R code and the input arguments of the routines are
given as follows. Among the input arguments below, only the formula
input is compulsory. The rest of the arguments can be omitted if the
default settings are used.
> intELtest(formula, data = NULL, group_order = NULL, t1 = 0, t2 = Inf, sided = 2,
+ nboot = 1000, wt = "p.event", alpha = 0.05, seed = 1011, nlimit = 200)
> supELtest(formula, data = NULL, group_order = NULL, t1 = 0, t2 = Inf, sided = 2,
+ nboot = 1000, alpha = 0.05, seed = 1011, nlimit = 200)
> nocrossings(formula, data = NULL, group_order = NULL, t1 = 0, t2 = Inf, sided = 2,
+ nboot = 1000, alpha = 0.05, seed = 1011, nlimit = 200)
> ptwiseELtest(formula, data = NULL, group_order = NULL, t1 = 0, t2 = Inf, sided = 2,
+ nboot = 1000, alpha = 0.05, seed = 1011, nlimit = 200)
The time needed to run these functions depends on the total number \(n\)
of observations, the number \(k\) of samples, the speed of the processor
and the amount of PC memory. For example, to run intELtest
with the
default settings, it takes about 0.32 seconds on the dataset hepatitis
with \(n= 174\) and \(k=2\), and 1.79 minutes on the dataset threearm
\(n= 664\) and \(k=3\), on a desktop computer with Intel i7-7700 CPU @ 3.60
GHz and 64 GB RAM.
: a formula object, with a Surv object on the left of the
\(\sim\) operator and the grouping variable on the right. The Surv
object involves two variables: the observed survival and censoring
times, and the censoring indicator, which takes a value of 1 if the
observed time is uncensored and 0 otherwise. The grouping variable
takes different values for different groups. If not found in data
described below, the variables in the formula
should be already
defined by the user or in attached R
: an optional data frame containing the variables in the
: the observed survival and censoring times, the censoring
indicator, and the grouping variable. The default is the data frame
with three columns of variables taken from the formula
: column 1
contains the observed survival and censoring times, column 2 the
censoring indicator, and column 3 the grouping variable.group_order
: a \(k\)-vector containing the values of the grouping
variable, with the \(j\)-th element being the group hypothesized to
have the \(j\)-th highest survival rates, \(j=1,\ldots,k\). The default
is the vector of sorted grouping variables.t1
: the first endpoint of a prespecified time interval, if any, to
which the comparison of the survival functions is restricted. The
default value is 0.t2
: the second endpoint of a prespecified time interval, if any,
to which the comparison of the survival functions is restricted. The
default value is \(\infty\).sided
: 2 if two-sided test, and 1 if one-sided test. The default
value is 2.nboot
: the number of bootstrap replications in calculating
critical values for the tests. The default value is 1000.wt
: the name of the weight to be used in the integrated EL
statistics in intELtest
: "p.event
", "dF
", or "dt
". The
default is "p.event
: the pre-specified significance level of the tests. The
default value is 0.05.seed
: the seed for the random number generator in R, for
generating bootstrap samples needed to calculate the critical values
for the tests. The default value is 1011.nlimit
: a number used to calculate
nsplit =
\(\lceil m\)/ nlimit
\(\rceil\), the number of parts into
which the calculation of the nboot
bootstrap replications is
split. The use of this variable can make computation faster when the
number of time points \(m\) is large. The default value for nlimit
is 200.In this section we apply the routines supELtest
and ptwiseELtest
the dataset threearm
provided in the survELtest package, and compare
the results with the log-rank-type tests for trend. The dataset is
obtained by resampling from a perturbed dataset of patients from a
randomized clinical trial for the treatment of major depression, where
the perturbation is achieved by adding a random \(U(-0.01\ell, 0.01\ell)\)
variable to existing observations, \(\ell\) is the smallest observation in
the original data, and the resampling is done by conditional
bootstrapping with stratified survival and censoring distributions using
the censboot
function in the package
boot (Canty and Ripley 2020). The
original data were analyzed by Chang and McKeague (2019), who observed a local difference
among the survival functions.
The purpose of analyzing the threearm
dataset is to assess whether the
survival functions of the three arms are ordered: that is, whether the
experimental treatment group (\(n_1\) = 262) is better than the standard
treatment group (\(n_2\) = 267), which is in turn superior to the placebo
group (\(n_3\) = 135). This question can be answered using the one-sided
tests described in Section 2.3. Since prior knowledge
suggests that there is a local difference among the survival functions,
here we conduct the maximally selected EL test via supELtest
The endpoint of the clinical trial is time (in days) to first remission. Because a shorter time to first remission is desirable, a treatment with a lower value of the survival function is better in this dataset. Based on this information, from the KM estimated survival curves in the left panel of Figure 3, it seems that the three groups are similar initially but become ordered for the rest of the follow-up period.
dataset: experimental
treatment group (solid), standard treatment group (dashed) and placebo
group (two-dashed).To see if the curves are statistically significantly ordered, we start
with conducting the commonly used log-rank-type tests. The trend test is
needed for the one-sided research question. Using the common choice
\(c(3, 2, 1)\) for the score vector (see, e.g., Andersen et al. 1993 388),
the log-rank test for trend is implemented as follows:
> library(survival)
> dat = Surv(threearm[, 1], threearm[, 2])
> logrank = survdiff(dat ~ threearm[, 3])
> score_vec = 3 : 1
> logrankteststat = matrix(score_vec, nrow = 1, ncol = 3)
+ %*% (logrank$obs - logrank$exp) / sqrt(matrix(score_vec, nrow = 1, ncol = 3)
+ %*% (logrank$var) %*% matrix(score_vec, nrow = 3, ncol = 1))
> if(logrankteststat < 0){
+ pval = 2 * pnorm(logrankteststat)
+ }else{
+ pval = 2 * (1 - pnorm(logrankteststat))
+ }
> round(pval, 2)
[,1,] 0.04 [
As the log-rank test for trend gives a \(p\)-value of \(0.04\), we conclude
that the three survival functions are ordered at \(\alpha=0.05\). The
other extreme in the \(G^\rho\) family can be implemented by setting
survdiff(dat ``.17ex
\(\scriptstyle\mathtt{\sim}\)threearm[, 3], rho = 1)
in the above code, which leads to a \(p\)-value of \(0.08\). These results
mean the weighted log-rank statistics in the entire \(G^\rho\) family give
a \(p\)-value that ranges from \(0.04\) to \(0.08\) for the trend test.
Now we conduct the proposed one-sided testing for the threearm
We anticipate a more significant result than the log-rank-type tests, as
there seems to be crossing among the estimated hazard functions in the
right panel of Figure 3, created using the function
in the package
muhaz (Hess and Gentleman 2019) with
the default settings. The initial test and the maximally selected EL
test are implemented by the routines nocrossings
and supELtest
respectively. (Note that if two-sided testing is conducted instead, then
the initial test is not needed.) To use the routines, we need to specify
two options: sided = 1
for the one-sided test, and
group_order = c(3, 2, 1)
, since the hypothesized order among the three
arms with the survival rates ranging from the largest to the smallest is
the placebo (coded as 3 in the grouping variable), standard treatment
(coded as 2), and experiment treatment (coded as 1). The rest of the
options are kept at their default values. The R code for performing the
initial test is as follows:
> nocrossings(Surv(threearm$time, threearm$censor) ~ threearm$group,
+ group_order = c(3, 2, 1), sided = 1)
Callnocrossings(formula = Surv(threearm$time, threearm$censor) ~ threearm$group,
group_order = c(3, 2, 1), sided = 1)
= 1 Decision
A decision value of 1 means there is no crossing or alternative
orderings among the survival functions. Thus, we can proceed to the main
(maximally selected EL) test in the second step:
> supELtest(Surv(threearm$time, threearm$censor) ~ threearm$group,
+ group_order = c(3, 2, 1), sided = 1)
CallsupELtest(formula = Surv(threearm$time, threearm$censor) ~ threearm$group,
group_order = c(3, 2, 1), sided = 1)
-sided maximally selected EL test statistic = 14.23, p = 0.004 One
As the maximally selected EL test gives a \(p\)-value \(<0.01\), we obtain the same conclusion—that the three survival functions are significantly ordered—as the log-rank-type tests for trend, but with a statistically more significant result. This finding is as we anticipated after seeing the crossing estimated hazard functions in the right panel of Figure 3.
Since our procedure leads to the conclusion that the survival functions
are ordered, it can be of interest to identify periods of local
differences for further clinical investigation. To this end, we can use
the routine ptwiseELtest
for pointwise testing at each observed
uncensored time point:
> ptwise = ptwiseELtest(Surv(threearm$time, threearm$censor) ~ threearm$group,
+ group_order = c(3, 2, 1), sided = 1)
The list of the time points at which the survival functions are ordered
(i.e., decision == 1
) is obtained by
> round(ptwise$result_dataframe$time_pts[ptwise$result_dataframe$decision == 1], 2)
1] 13.91 13.91 13.91 13.92 13.92 13.92 13.92 13.93 13.98 13.99 13.99 14.00 14.00
[14] 14.00 14.01 14.01 20.96 20.96 27.98 27.99 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.02 28.02 28.98
[27] 28.99 29.01 30.00 32.96 36.97 40.97 40.98 40.99 41.02 41.98 41.98 41.99 42.00
[40] 42.01 42.02 42.99 43.01 43.02 43.02 44.00 44.00 51.97 51.97 55.00 56.01 56.01
[53] 56.02 59.03 59.04 64.97 68.98 69.01 [
From the result, we see there are local differences occurring near the time points 14, 21, 30, 40, 52, 56, 59, 65 and 69 days.
Now we turn to our motivating example in the Introduction and
demonstrate the use of intELtest
and its benefit over the
log-rank-type tests. The corresponding dataset hepatitis
is provided
in the survELtest package. The dataset was obtained by reconstructing
survival and censoring information (Guyot et al. 2012) based on
digitizing the KM curves presented in Nguyen-Khac et al. (2011). It contains
survival data (in days, rounded to one decimal place) from patients in a
randomized clinical trial for the treatment of severe alcoholic
hepatitis. The purpose of the clinical trial was to assess if the
treatment group (\(n_1=85\)) had a significantly different survival rate
than the control group (\(n_2=89\)).
From the KM estimated survival curves in Figure 1, the
survival rate of the treatment group seems to be greater than that of
the control group over the entire follow-up period. To see whether the
difference between the survival functions are statistically significant,
we start with conducting the commonly used two-sided log-rank test:
> library(survival)
> dat = Surv(hepatitis[, 1], hepatitis[, 2])
> logrank = survdiff(dat ~ hepatitis[, 3])
> round(1 - pchisq(logrank$chisq, df = 1), 2)
1] 0.07 [
The log-rank test gives a \(p\)-value of \(0.07\), failing to detect a
difference between the survival curves at \(\alpha=0.05\). The reason may
be due to the crossing estimated hazard functions in Figure
4 (created using the function muhaz
in the
package muhaz with the default settings). We also conduct another
log-rank-type test—the Peto and Peto’s modification of the
Gehan-Wilcoxon test—by setting
survdiff(dat ``.17ex
\(\scriptstyle\mathtt{\sim}\)hepatitis[, 3], rho = 1)
in the above code, which leads to a \(p\)-value of \(0.05\). Since this test
and the log-rank test are the two extremes in the \(G^\rho\) family, these
results mean the weighted log-rank statistics in the entire \(G^\rho\)
family give either insignificant or borderline significant conclusions.
Now we apply the proposed two-sided integrated EL test to the
data to see if we can better detect a difference between the
survival functions. The default options are used and the R code is as
simple as
> intELtest(Surv(hepatitis$time, hepatitis$censor) ~ hepatitis$group)
CallintELtest(formula = Surv(hepatitis$time, hepatitis$censor) ~ hepatitis$group)
-sided integrated EL test statistic = 1.42, p = 0.007 Two
As the integrated EL test gives a \(p\)-value \(<0.01\), we conclude there is a significant difference between the two survival functions at \(\alpha=0.05\). The \(p\)-value is much smaller than those given by the previous log-rank-type tests, which indicates that the integrated EL test is better at detecting the difference between the survival curves.
Note the decision as to whether there is a significant discrepancy between the two survival functions is totally different for the log-rank and the integrated EL tests at \(\alpha=0.05\). It may be tempting to pick the most significant result, but this practice is data snooping and has been shown to be problematic. Instead, we recommend setting a primary method prior to the data analysis and making the decision based on that method. Any other methods are treated as secondary, and their results can serve an exploratory purpose for future work.
In this paper we introduce the R package survELtest for comparing two or more survival functions nonparametrically based on right-censored data. It is the only R package to date that utilizes the powerful likelihood ratio formulation instead of log-rank-type statistics, thereby performing well when the hazard functions cross. We provide both maximal-deviation-type and integral-type statistics, for detecting local and cumulative differences among the survival functions, respectively.
The use of the software is illustrated using two data sets from randomized clinical trials, where the estimated survival functions seem to be ordered, but the estimated hazard functions cross. In these cases, our procedures lead to more significant results than the results obtained from the log-rank-type tests. Specifically, in one of the examples, the original clinical trial concludes that there is no significant difference between the treatment and the control groups (log-rank \(p=0.07\)), whereas our test suggests otherwise, based on a much smaller \(p\)-value \(<0.01\). We envision the survELtest package will be valuable for finding more significant results in numerous biomedical settings involving the comparison of multiple survival functions, especially in the presence of crossing hazards.
The package is available from the Comprehensive R Archive Network at The development website is available at
The research of Hsin-wen Chang was partially supported by Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan under grants 106-2118-M-001-015-MY3 and MOST 109-2118-M-001-005-. The authors thank Yu-Ju Wang for computational support and Shih-Hao Huang for helpful comments. The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
Here we provide two more examples for comparing our procedures with
other existing tests in the literature, namely the log-rank test, the
Peto and Peto’s modification of the Gehan-Wilcoxon test, the adaptive
weighted log-rank test implemented in the R package YPmodel, and the
RMST method implemented in the R package survRM2. Since the latter two
methods cannot deal with the general \(k\)-sample case nonparametrically,
the examples provided here are restricted to the two-sample case. For
the first dataset hazardcross
, the survival time is generated from the
piecewise exponential model displayed in the left panel of Figure
5. Since the difference between the true survival curves
appears only during \([0, 6]\) but not later on, we use supELtest
detect such local differences. For the second dataset
, the survival time is generated from the Weibull
model displayed in the right panel of Figure 5. We use
because the difference between the true survival curves is
spread over the entire follow-up period. For both datasets, the true
hazard functions cross, but there is an obvious gap between the survival
curves. The censoring distributions are specified to be the same in each
arm, and uniform with administrative censoring at t = 10 and a censoring
rate of 25% in the first group. We use the default settings in
implementing the tests given in the aforementioned two packages.
The results are given in Table 1. Our tests provide more significant results in detecting the gap between the survival curves than any of the other tests for both datasets.
and hazardcross_Weibull
(right) datasets: the first (solid) and second
(dashed) groups.Datasets | EL | log-rank | PP | YP | dRMST | rRMST |
hazardcross |
0.037 | 0.106 | 0.060 | 0.096 | 0.126 | 0.130 |
hazardcross_Weibull |
0.005 | 0.080 | 0.006 | 0.009 | 0.014 | 0.018 |
survival, YPmodel, survRM2, survELtest, emplik, emplik2, ELYP, FHtest, clinfun, LogrankA, coin, maxstat, boot, muhaz
ClinicalTrials, Econometrics, Optimization, Survival, TimeSeries
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Chang, et al., "Comparing Multiple Survival Functions with Crossing Hazards in R", The R Journal, 2021
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2021-002, author = {Chang, Hsin-wen and Tsai, Pei-Yuan and Kao, Jen-Tse and Lan, Guo-You}, title = {Comparing Multiple Survival Functions with Crossing Hazards in R}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2021}, note = {}, volume = {12}, issue = {2}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {107-119} }