Optimal propensity score matching has emerged as one of the most ubiquitous approaches for causal inference studies on observational data. However, outstanding critiques of the statistical properties of propensity score matching have cast doubt on the statistical efficiency of this technique, and the poor scalability of optimal matching to large data sets makes this approach inconvenient if not infeasible for sample sizes that are increasingly commonplace in modern observational data. The stratamatch package provides implementation support and diagnostics for ‘stratified matching designs,’ an approach that addresses both of these issues with optimal propensity score matching for large-sample observational studies. First, stratifying the data enables more computationally efficient matching of large data sets. Second, stratamatch implements a ‘pilot design’ approach in order to stratify by a prognostic score, which may increase the precision of the effect estimate and increase power in sensitivity analyses of unmeasured confounding.
To make causal inference from observational data, researchers must address concerns that effect estimates may be biased due to confounding factors – baseline characteristics of the individuals in the study that influence both their selection of treatment and their probable outcome. Matching methods seek to account for this self-selection by grouping treated and control individuals with similar baseline characteristics. One of the most common such methods, propensity score matching, pairs individuals who appear to have had similar probabilities of receiving the treatment according to their baseline characteristics (Rosenbaum and Rubin 1983), with the goal of coercing the data set into a form that resembles a fully-randomized controlled trial (Rosenbaum et al. 2010; Hernán and Robins 2016; King and Nielsen 2019). However, propensity score matching can only address bias due to measured baseline covariates, necessitating sensitivity analyses to interrogate the potential of bias due to unmeasured confounding (Rosenbaum 2005b; Rosenbaum et al. 2010).
In their provocative article “Why Propensity Should Not Be Used for Matching,” King and Nielson argue that the fully randomized controlled trial – the design emulated by propensity score matching – is less statistically efficient than the block-randomized controlled experiment (King and Nielsen 2019). In block-randomized designs, individuals are stratified by prognostically important covariates (e.g., for a clinical trial: sex, age group, smoking status) prior to randomization in order to reduce the heterogeneity between the treatment and control groups. In the experimental context, these efforts to reduce heterogeneity between compared groups help to increase the precision of the treatment effect estimate. In observational settings, reducing this type of heterogeneity not only improves precision but increases the robustness of the study’s conclusions to being explained away by the possibility of unobserved confounding (Rosenbaum 2005a; Aikens et al. 2020). The stratified matching design – in which observations are stratified prior to matching within strata – attempts to emulate the block-randomized controlled trial design in the observational context in order to secure these statistical benefits over pure propensity score matching. In addition, since the computation required for optimal matching can be quite time-consuming for studies of more than a few thousand observations, stratified matching designs could greatly improve the scalability of optimal matching. While the worst-case computational complexity of optimal matching is unfavorable, the process of matching a stratified data set with a constant stratum size scales much more effectively with sample size (for a summary of empirical run-times, see section 5.3).
While a variety of packages in R (R Core Team 2019) exist for matching subjects in observational studies, limited support exists for researchers seeking to implement a stratified matching design. The popular MatchIt package (Ho et al. 2011) is a user-friendly option for common propensity score matching designs and related approaches, optmatch (Hansen and Klopfer 2006) and DOS2 (Rosenbaum 2019) are a powerful combination for implementing a variety of more complicated optimal matching schemes, and nearfar (Rigdon et al. 2018) implements a different form of matching for the instrumental variable study. The primary goal of stratamatch is to make stratified matching and prognostic score designs accessible to a wider variety of applied researchers and to suggest a suite of diagnostic tools for the stratified observational study. In favorable settings, these designs could not only increase the precision and robustness of inference but could facilitate the optimal matching of sample sizes for which this technique was previously computationally impractical.
This paper discusses the methodological contributions of stratamatch – in particular, the implementation of a novel pilot design approach suggested by 1 (section 2) – and summarizes the package implementation (Section 3) with illustrative examples (Section 4). While stratamatch may substantially improve the scalability of optimal matching for some large data sets, the main objective of the package is not to implement a computationally complex task but to make sophisticated study design tools and concepts accessible to a wide variety of researchers.
Stratifying a data set based on baseline variation prior to matching reduces the heterogeneity between matched sets with respect to that baseline variation. But what baseline characteristics should be used? One option is to select prognostically important covariates by hand, based on expert knowledge. However, in practice, this “manual” stratification process often produces strata that vary wildly in size and composition. Some strata may be so small or so imbalanced in their composition of treated and control individuals that it is difficult to find high-quality matches, or many observations are thrown away. Other strata may be so large that matching within them is still computationally infeasible.
The auto_stratify
function in stratamatch divides subjects into
strata using a prognostic score (see Hansen (2008)), which
summarizes the baseline variation most important to the outcome. In
addition to producing strata of more regular size and composition,
balancing treatment and control groups based on the prognostic score may
confer several statistical benefits: increasing precision
(Leacy and Stuart 2014; Aikens et al. 2020), providing some protection against
mis-specification of the propensity score
(Leacy and Stuart 2014; Antonelli et al. 2018), and decreasing the
susceptibility of an observed effect to being explained away by
unobserved confounding (Rosenbaum and Rubin 1983; Aikens et al. 2020).
However, fitting the prognostic score on the same data set raises
concerns of overfitting and may lead to biased effect estimates
(Hansen 2008; Abadie et al. 2018). For this reason,
(Aikens et al. 2020) suggest using a pilot design for estimating the
prognostic score.
Central to the pilot design concept is maintaining separation between the design and analysis phases of a study (see table 1, or for more information Goodman et al. (2017) and Rubin (2008)). Using an observational pilot design, the researchers partition their data set into an analysis set and a held-aside pilot set. Outcome information in the pilot set can be observed (e.g. to fit a prognostic score), and the information gained can be used to inform the study design. Subsequently, in order to preserve the separation of the study design from the study analysis, the individuals from the pilot set are omitted from the main analysis (i.e., they are not reused in the analysis set). The primary insight of the pilot design is that reserving all of the observations in a study for the analysis phase (i.e., in the analysis set) is not always better. Rather, clever use of data in the design phase (i.e., in the pilot set) may facilitate the design of stronger studies.
In the stratamatch approach, a random subsample of controls is extracted as a pilot set to fit a prognostic model, and that model is then used to estimate prognostic scores on the mix of control and treated individuals in the analysis set. The observations in the analysis set can then be stratified based on the quantiles of the estimated prognostic score and matched by propensity score or Mahalanobis distance within strata (see section 3).
Term | Description |
Design phase | Phase of a study in which the researcher considers what kinds of data will provide the strongest information to address the question at hand (e.g., randomization, sampling, matching, inverse probability weighting). The goal of the design phase is to obtain data that will provide strong inference. |
Analysis phase | Phase of a study in which the data that comes from the design phase are summarized into statistics. Inference and sensitivity analyses are performed. |
Pilot Design | An observational study approach in which some data is spent in the design phase to improve the study design/preprocessing. |
Pilot Set | A subset of data extracted to be used in the design phase. |
Analysis set | The set of data reserved for inference in the analysis phase. |
Propensity score | Probability of assignment to the treatment group based on measured baseline characteristics. |
Prognostic score | Expectation of the outcome in the absence of treatment based on measured baseline characteristics. |
Prognostic model | A model (e.g., logistic regression) used to estimate prognostic scores. |
Stratum | A subset of observations in the analysis set to be matched together. |
1 describe the scenarios in which a prognostic score matching pilot design is most useful. Briefly, the stratamatch approach is best for large data sets (i.e., thousands to millions of observations), especially when the number of control observations is plentiful. This technique may be particularly useful when modeling a prognostic score with the measured covariates is straightforward, and when propensity score alone is likely to exclude certain aspects of variation highly associated with outcome but unassociated with treatment assignment. While computational gains vary, stratification tends to noticeably accelerate matching for sample sizes of 5,000 or more (see section 5.3).
Conversely, this technique is not recommended for small data sets in which each control observation is precious, especially when prognostic scores are likely to be difficult to estimate from the measured covariates (see 1 for a lengthy discussion). Ideally, there should be ample control observations available to fit a usable prognostic model and still leave sufficient controls remaining to select high-quality matches for the treated individuals in the data set. While some stratamatch designs may be useful for the estimation of other causal estimands, the statistical properties of prognostic pilot designs for estimands other than the average treatment effect among the treated have not yet been characterized (Aikens et al. 2020).
The stratamatch function, auto_stratify
, implements the prognostic
score stratification in the pilot design described above. The most basic
procedure does the following:
Partition the data set into a pilot data set and an analysis data set
Fit a model for the prognostic score from the observations in the pilot set
Estimate prognostic scores for the analysis set using the prognostic model
Stratify the analysis set based on prognostic score quantiles.
A call to auto_stratify
produces an auto_strata
object, which
contains the analysis set, the pilot set, and other information about
the strata and prognostic scores. The stratamatch package implements a
set of diagnostic plots and tables that can be used to assess the
quality of a stratification. Example code, output, and diagnostics are
provided in section 4. If the strata are
satisfactory, the treatment and control individuals within each stratum
can then be matched. By default, the strata_match
function performs
\(1:1\) propensity score matching within each stratum. Other matching
scheme possibilities are discussed in section
This section demonstrates the basic functionality of stratamatch in
simulated example. The function make_sample_data
generates a simple
simulated data set so that users can explore the design options
implemented by stratamatch. Below, we generate a sample of 10,000
observations and print the first few rows as an illustration.
<- make_sample_data(n = 10000)
dat head(dat)
X1 X2 B1 B2 C1 treat outcome1 0.93332697 1.0728339 1 0 a 1 0
2 -0.52503178 0.3449057 1 1 b 0 1
3 1.81443979 1.0361942 1 1 a 0 0
4 0.08304562 0.3017060 1 1 a 0 1
5 0.39571880 0.5397257 0 0 c 0 0
6 -2.19366962 1.4523274 1 1 b 0 1
The user should suppose that the rows of dat
are individuals in an
observational study, and the objective of the study is to estimate the
effect of a binary treatment assignment (treat
) on a binary outcome
). Columns 1-5 represent three types of measured baseline
covariates: continuous (X1
and X2
), binary (B1
and B2
), and
categorical (C1
). For this example, we assume strongly ignorable
treatment assignment - that is, roughly, there are no unmeasured
confounding factors (Rosenbaum and Rubin 1983). (For sensitivity analyses
for this assumption, see, for example, Rosenbaum (2005b)).
The command below uses auto_stratify
to (1) partition 10% of the
controls in dat
into the pilot set (2) fit a prognostic score model
for outcome
based on X1
and X2
, (3) estimate prognostic scores on
the analysis set, and (4) return to us the analysis set, divided into
strata of approximately 500 individuals, based on prognostic score
quantiles. All of these steps are completed automatically with this
function call, and the results are returned to us as a.strat
<- auto_stratify(dat, treat = "treat", prognosis = outcome ~ X1 + X2,
a.strat + pilot_fraction = 0.1, size = 500)
10% of controls.
Constructing a pilot set by subsampling : outcome ~ X1 + X2 Fitting prognostic model via logistic regression
The result returned by auto_stratify
is an auto_strata
Running print
on this object supplies basic information about how the
stratification process has been completed.
auto_strata object from package stratamatch.
Function callauto_stratify(data = dat, treat = "treat", prognosis = outcome ~
+ X2, size = 500, pilot_fraction = 0.1)
: 9234 X 8
Analysis set dimensions
: 766 X 7
Pilot set dimensions
Prognostic Score Formula~ X1 + X2 outcome
Here, auto_stratify
has partitioned away a pilot set of 766 control
individuals to fit our desired prognostic model, leaving 9,234
individuals in the analysis set. Using the prognostic model, prognostic
scores were estimated on the individuals in the analysis set, and these
individuals were divided into strata with a target size of 500. In order
to record these stratification assignments, an eighth column, stratum
has been appended to the analysis set. The number strata and range of
strata sizes can be obtained from summary(a.strat)
The analysis set and pilot set are accessible via a.strat$analysis_set
and a.strat$pilot_set
, respectively. The strata_table
(accessed via
) reports the strata sizes and the prognostic
score quantile bins that define each stratum.
A major focus of the stratamatch package is suggesting diagnostics for
the quality of stratification in observational studies. The
reports the total size and composition of each stratum.
$issue_table a.strat
# A tibble: 19 x 6
Stratum Treat Control Total Control_Proportion Potential_Issues <int> <int> <int> <int> <dbl> <chr>
1 1 167 319 486 0.656 none
2 2 149 337 486 0.693 none
3 3 160 326 486 0.671 none
4 4 132 354 486 0.728 none
5 5 123 363 486 0.747 none
6 6 122 364 486 0.749 none
7 7 146 340 486 0.700 none
8 8 109 377 486 0.776 none
9 9 131 355 486 0.730 none
10 10 132 354 486 0.728 none
11 11 111 375 486 0.772 none
12 12 108 378 486 0.778 none
13 13 112 374 486 0.770 none
14 14 122 364 486 0.749 none
15 15 100 386 486 0.794 none
16 16 109 377 486 0.776 none
17 17 114 372 486 0.765 none
18 18 107 379 486 0.780 none
19 19 85 401 486 0.825 Small treat:control ratio
The Potential_Issues
column is meant to quickly flag strata that may
be problematically large, small, or imbalanced in the ratio of treated
and control samples. The "small treat:control ratio"
flag for stratum
19 indicates that the proportion of treated individuals is 0.2 or
lower1. This is a relatively common issue, which is often easily
addressed (see section 6).
The stratamatch package implements four diagnostic plotting options:
Size-Ratio Plot: (Figure 1) Displays each stratum in the analysis set based on its size and the percentage of control observations in order to identify potentially problematic strata.
Propensity Score Histogram: (Figure 1) Displays the distribution of estimated propensity scores across the treatment and control groups within a single stratum or the entire analysis set. These plots are used for assessing propensity score overlap.
Assignment-Control Plot: (Figure 2) Displays each individual based on estimated propensity score and estimated prognostic score, based on visualizations from
Residual Plots: (Not shown) Show the diagnostic plots for the
prognostic model used to estimate the prognostic scores. It is
essentially a wrapper for plot.lm
(see the documentation for
in the base R package, stats). Note that since the pilot
set alone is used to fit the prognostic model, only the pilot set is
used for these diagnostic plots.
The code below makes each of the plot types listed above, including two
assignment-control plots: one for the entire analysis set and one for a
single stratum. The results are shown in figures 1
and 2, with interpretation in the figure captions.
For propensity score histograms and assignment-control plots, the
argument is required, specifying how the propensity scores
should be estimated. Below, the propensity score is fit on the analysis
set based on a regression of treatment assignment on X1
, X2
, B1
and B2
(for other input options, run help(plot.auto_strata)
plot(a.strat, type = "SR")
plot(a.strat, type = "hist", propensity = treat ~ X2 + X1 + B1 + B2, stratum = 1)
plot(a.strat, type = "AC", propensity = treat ~ X2 + X1 + B1 + B2)
plot(a.strat, type = "AC", propensity = treat ~ X2 + X1 + B1 + B2, stratum = 1)
plot(a.strat, type = "residual")
In this example, the command a.strat$prognostic_model
would supply the
prognostic model (an lm
or glm
object) for further diagnostics
(e.g., with summary(a.strat$prognostic_model)
). Assessment of the
prognostic model can indicate whether a sufficient number of
observations has been partitioned into the pilot set (see section
6). However, one benefit of a stratified
matching design is that even an imperfect prognostic model may yield
robust inference if the resulting strata are of sufficient quality to
allow for a strong propensity match (see, for example, theory on
stratified sampling (Lohr 2019) or commentary on doubly robust
matching (Leacy and Stuart 2014; Antonelli et al. 2018))
Once the data have been stratified, the user can optimally match
individuals within each stratum. The strata_match
function supports
optimal 1:1, 1:k, or full matching
(Rosenbaum 1991; Hansen and Klopfer 2006), based on a propensity
score or Mahalanobis distance. The sample code below performs 1:1
propensity score matching. This function makes essential use of the
optmatch package (Bertsekas and Tseng 1988; Hansen and Klopfer 2006) to perform the
matching within strata.
<- strata_match(a.strat, model = treat ~ X1 + X2 + B1 + B2) mymatch
: treat ~ X1 + X2 + B1 + B2 Fitting propensity model
The result is an optimal 1 to 1 matching within prognostic score strata.
Above, mymatch
is an optmatch
class object, as described by the
optmatch package (Hansen and Klopfer 2006). For the most part, mymatch
can be treated as a factor giving match assignments for each row of the
data set. The command summary(mymatch)
would display the number of
pairs, the number of unmatched individuals, and the effective sample
size. For suggestions regarding other matching schemes for stratified
data, see 5.3.
The procedure for performing inference after matching – in particular the estimation of the standard error of the effect estimate for the purposes of hypothesis tests and confidence intervals – is a topic of some debate in the literature. We will not attempt to resolve this debate here, although interested readers may find the commentary by Stuart (Stuart 2010) to be an accessible starting place, and note more recent work by Abadie and Speiss (Abadie and Spiess 2021), and numerous other authors (for example Abadie and Imbens (2006, 2011; Austin and Small 2014; Austin and Cafri 2020)). Below, we describe two contrasting approaches that are most familiar to epidemiology and statistics, with references to coding resources.
First, Rosenbuam (Rosenbaum 2005b; Rosenbaum et al. 2010) motivates the use of permutation-based tests followed by sensitivity analyses for unobserved confounding. Both of these are implemented in sensitivitymw (Rosenbaum 2014; Rosenbaum 2015) for pairmatching and sensitivityfull (Rosenbaum 2007; Rosenbaum 2017) for full matching. In keeping with a randomization inference framework, these techniques generally consider inference conditional on the matched sample and focus on uncertainty derived from the randomization process emulated by the matching. Researchers with further information on the sampling process that generated the observational data may thereafter combine this approach with a sampling variation framework to estimate parameters and standard errors for a more general target population (see the framework outlined by Tipton (2013) for the experimental setting).
A second common approach uses covariate adjustment. This framework is motivated importantly by Ho et al. (2007), who make the case for matching as a preprocessing step to reduce the dependence of parametric analyses on model selection. In keeping with the regression literature from the social sciences, these approaches often begin by supposing that the complete observational data set is an independent and identically distributed set of observations from some larger population, perhaps according to some parametric data-generating model. Within this framework, there is still considerable debate regarding correct standard error estimation. A thorough practical tutorial for the covariate adjustment approach with code examples and some suggestions for standard error estimation is featured in the recent MatchIt vignette, “Estimating Effects after Matching” (Greifer 2020). Note that the pilot design implemented by stratamatch removes control individuals at random from the data set while retaining all treated individuals. Thus, while we recommend stratamatch for the estimation of the average treatment effect among the treated, the characteristics of stratamatch designs for estimation of other causal estimands (e.g., average treatment effect) have not yet been well characterized.
As an applied example, the stratamatch package contains a re-processed version of de-identified medical data from Chavez et al. (2018). Briefly, the authors extracted demographic information, common laboratory test results, comorbidity information, and treatment team assignments for 10,157 ICU patients from the Stanford University Hospital who met their inclusion criteria. During their stay, each patient’s critical care preferences are summarized with a code status. The default – Full Code status – indicates no limitations on resuscitative measures, while other codes (e.g. ‘Do not resuscitate’, or ‘DNR’) indicate different limitations on the intensity and type of resuscitation the patient should receive if they become pulseless or apneic (i.e., their heart stops or they stop breathing). This code status is a product of complex dynamics between patient and provider. When a patient’s code status does not reflect their goals of care, patients may have life-sustaining care inappropriately withheld, or they may receive aggressive treatment that does not effectively increase their quality or quantity of remaining life.
In this example, suppose a researcher wants to study whether comparable patients under the care of surgical teams vs. non-surgical teams are more likely to have their code status set to limit resuscitation (i.e., any form of ‘DNR’). From this, we could infer tendencies that different treatment teams have in counseling and decision-making about life-sustaining treatments for the critically ill. However, the patient groups seen by surgical vs. non-surgical teams are necessarily different, because patients are assigned to treatment teams based on their reason for being in the hospital and their treatment history. Thus, a naive comparison of DNR order frequency between care team types would be misleading. To better account for these potential differences, we employ a stratified pilot matching design to compare “treated” (assigned to a surgical care team) individuals with “control” (assigned to a non-surgical care team) ones that are similar in terms of their prognostic and propensity scores.
Patients must be first stratified by a prognostic score (i.e., their
estimated probability of receiving a DNR order if they are not assigned
to a surgical care team) before being matched on a propensity score
(i.e., their estimated probability of assignment to a surgical care
team). In the example below, we use auto_stratify
on the ICU_data
(1) partition 10% of controls into a pilot set, (2) build a prognostic
score model on that pilot set based on age (Birth.preTimeDays
), sex,
and race/ethnicity (3) estimate prognostic scores on the analysis set
and (4) return a stratified data set with approximately 500 individuals
per stratum.
<- auto_stratify(data = ICU_data, treat = "surgicalTeam",
ICU_astrat prognosis = DNR ~ Birth.preTimeDays + Female.pre + RaceAsian.pre +
+ RaceOther.pre + RacePacificIslander.pre +
RaceUnknown.pre + RaceNativeAmerican.pre + all_latinos,
RaceBlack.pre pilot_fraction = 0.1, size = 500)
10% of controls.
Constructing a pilot set by subsampling : DNR ~ Birth.preTimeDays +
Fitting prognostic model via logistic regression+ RaceAsian.pre + RaceUnknown.pre + RaceOther.pre +
Female.pre + RacePacificIslander.pre + RaceNativeAmerican.pre +
RaceBlack.pre all_latinos
Next, we print the results.
auto_strata object from package stratamatch.
Function callauto_stratify(data = ICU_data, treat = "surgicalTeam",
prognosis = DNR ~ Birth.preTimeDays + Female.pre + RaceAsian.pre +
+ RaceOther.pre + RaceBlack.pre +
RaceUnknown.pre + RaceNativeAmerican.pre + all_latinos,
RacePacificIslander.pre size = 500, pilot_fraction = 0.1)
: 9364 X 14
Analysis set dimensions
: 793 X 13
Pilot set dimensions
Prognostic Score Formula~ Birth.preTimeDays + Female.pre + RaceAsian.pre + RaceUnknown.pre +
DNR + RaceBlack.pre + RacePacificIslander.pre +
RaceOther.pre + all_latinos RaceNativeAmerican.pre
: 19
Number of strata
: 492 Max size: 494
Min size
: 2 Strata with Potential Issues
We see here that auto_stratify
partitioned the data into a pilot set
of 793 “controls” (i.e., patients not assigned to a surgical treatment
team) and an analysis set of the 9,364 remaining individuals. The
prognostic model was fit on the pilot set according to the formula we
provided, regressing DNR code assignment on age, sex, and race. This
model was used to estimate the prognostic score (probability of DNR code
assignment based on demographics) for each of the 9,364 individuals in
the analysis set. Finally, each individual in the analysis set was
assigned to a stratum based on this score. 19 strata, each containing
between 492 and 494 patients, were created. This stratum assignment
information was appended to the analysis set by adding a new 14th
column, stratum
Rather than using a pilot design to build a prognostic score,
researchers may wish to stratify the data set based on discrete
covariates (e.g., chosen by a domain expert). The manual_stratify
function supports these study designs. For example, the code below bins
the 10,157 patients in the data set purely based on race/ethnicity and
sex. In contrast, the size-ratio plots for the automatic stratification
show a much smaller range of sizes and control proportions, with fewer
– and more easily addressed – potential issues.
<- manual_stratify(data = ICU_data,
ICU_mstrat strata_formula = surgicalTeam ~ Female.pre + RaceAsian.pre +
+ RaceOther.pre + RaceBlack.pre +
RaceUnknown.pre + RaceNativeAmerican.pre + all_latinos)
RacePacificIslander.pre summary(ICU_mstrat)
: 16
Number of strata
: 17 Max size: 3314
Min size
: 9 Strata with Potential Issues
The resulting manual_strata
object has many of the same properties as
an auto_strata
object from auto_stratify
and can be matched in the
same way with strata_match
. However, manual_strata
objects do not
have a pilot set prognostic score information, and accordingly
assignment-control and residual plots are not supported for these
This more traditional manual approach may be preferred in some cases for
its simplicity and because it obviates the need to sacrifice
observations to fit a prognostic model. However, selecting a binning
scheme that results in favorable strata may be a time-consuming
iterative process, as highlighted by the diagnostics in the following
section. These issues underscore the potential usefulness of the
prognostic score stratification implemented by auto_stratify
Size-ratio plots for the manual and automatic stratification illustrate a common issue with manual stratification: it is often difficult to select discrete covariates that result in appropriately sized and balanced strata (Figure 3). This also is reflected by the number of strata with potential issues in the manual stratification issue table below. For example, stratum 1 below (white males) contains 3,314 patients, while stratum 3 (Native American males) contains only 18 patients, only one of whom was assigned to a surgical team. In exceedingly large strata, matching becomes increasingly computationally intensive, while in exceedingly small and/or highly imbalanced strata, finding high-quality matches can be difficult or infeasible (see section 5.3).
$issue_table ICU_mstrat
# A tibble: 16 x 6
Stratum Treat Control Total Control_Proportion Potential_Issues <int> <int> <int> <int> <dbl> <chr>
1 1 761 2553 3314 0.770 none
2 2 212 672 884 0.760 none
3 3 1 17 18 0.944 Too few samples; Small treat:con...
4 4 13 67 80 0.838 Small treat:control ratio
5 5 56 205 261 0.785 none
6 6 65 286 351 0.815 Small treat:control ratio
7 7 29 226 255 0.886 Small treat:control ratio
8 8 174 563 737 0.764 none
9 9 508 1842 2350 0.784 none
10 10 158 470 628 0.748 none
11 11 4 13 17 0.765 Too few samples
12 12 15 54 69 0.783 Too few samples
13 13 37 194 231 0.840 Small treat:control ratio
14 14 46 195 241 0.809 Small treat:control ratio
15 15 16 173 189 0.915 Small treat:control ratio
16 16 131 401 532 0.754 none
The code below displays the assignment-control plot for one of the strata in the automatically stratified data set (Figure 4).
plot(ICU_astrat, type = "AC",
propensity = surgicalTeam ~ Female.pre + Birth.preTimeDays +
+ RaceUnknown.pre + RaceOther.pre + RaceBlack.pre +
RaceAsian.pre + RaceNativeAmerican.pre + all_latinos,
RacePacificIslander.pre stratum = 2)
The striae in this assignment-control plot appear when discrete
characteristics (e.g. sex and race/ethnicity) are highly weighted in the
propensity or prognostic score, causing observations to cluster
together. Since this is relatively common, jitter
arguments can be
used to add small amounts of random noise to the coordinates of each
point in order to avoid stacking.
After a suitable stratification is selected, observations can be matched
within strata using strata_match
. Since every stratum from the
automatic stratification in this example contains at least a 1:2 ratio
of patients who were assigned to surgical teams and those who were not,
we can match 2 “control” (i.e., non-surgical team) patients to each
“treated” (i.e., surgical team) subject in each stratum. In this step,
we match individuals who, based on their baseline covariates, appear
equally likely to have been assigned to a surgical team vs. not. The
following performs the matching.
<- strata_match(ICU_astrat,
ICU_match model = surgicalTeam ~ Birth.preTimeDays + Female.pre +
+ RaceUnknown.pre + RaceOther.pre + RaceBlack.pre +
RaceAsian.pre + RaceNativeAmerican.pre + all_latinos,
RacePacificIslander.pre k = 2)
: surgicalTeam ~ Birth.preTimeDays + Female.pre +
Fitting propensity model+ RaceUnknown.pre + RaceOther.pre + RaceBlack.pre +
RaceAsian.pre + RaceNativeAmerican.pre + all_latinos RacePacificIslander.pre
Below, we print a summary.
Structure of matched sets1:2 0:1
2226 2686
: 2968
Effective Sample Size (equivalent number of matched pairs).
At this point, the researcher can compare matched treated and control individuals to infer whether patients assigned to surgical treatment teams are more or less likely to be assigned a DNR code status, following up with sensitivity analyses (see, for example, sensitivitymw (Rosenbaum 2014))
The previous illustrations demonstrated the simplest method of extracting the pilot set: a random subsampling of all controls. Prior work by 1 contains a more thorough discussion of the considerations that might inform the selection of a pilot set.
A first consideration is the pilot set size. In general, the researcher should create a pilot set large enough to build a reliable prognostic model and retain enough remaining controls to select high-quality matches to the treatment group. This depends on the quality and number of available controls and the relative difficultly of fitting a prognostic model on the measured covariates. When high-quality controls (i.e., those resembling the treatment group) are scarce, the researcher should consider a smaller pilot set or a different study design altogether.
Another consideration is composition. Ideally, the individuals in the
pilot set should be similar to the individuals in the treatment group,
so a prognostic model built on this pilot set will not be extrapolating
heavily when estimating prognostic scores on the analysis set. This
approach can be especially important when there is some category of
observations in the data that is relatively rare, and the researcher
would like to ensure that some observations in this category end up in
both the pilot and analysis sets. When discrete covariates are specified
with the group_by_covariates
argument to auto_stratify
the pilot set
will be split proportionally based on these covariates so that the pilot
set will be representative of the total control sample in terms of these
covariates. This option can be used directly with auto_stratify
However, the split_pilot_set
function is supplied as a convenience for
users who prefer to split the pilot set themselves before
stratification, as demonstrated below.
<- split_pilot_set(ICU_data, treat = "surgicalTeam",
ICU_split pilot_fraction = 0.1, group_by_covariates = c("Female.pre", "self_pay"))
10% of controls.
Constructing a pilot set by subsampling while balancing on:
Subsampling Female.pre self_pay
, above, is a list containing a pilot_set
and an
, partitioned while balancing sex and payment method
(i.e., insurance or self-pay). Once this is done, the results can be
passed to auto_stratify
such as with the code below.
<- auto_stratify(data = ICU_split$analysis_set,
ICU_astrat2 treat = "surgicalTeam",
prognosis = DNR ~ Birth.preTimeDays + Female.pre + RaceAsian.pre +
+ RaceOther.pre + RacePacificIslander.pre +
RaceUnknown.pre + RaceNativeAmerican.pre + all_latinos,
RaceBlack.pre pilot_sample = ICU_split$pilot_set, size = 500)
To fit the prognostic model, auto_stratify
uses either linear
(continuous outcome) or logistic regression (binary outcome). To
accommodate a wider variety of modeling choices, auto_stratify
also be run using a vector of analysis set prognostic scores or
prognostic model object2.
The example below uses the glmnet package (Friedman et al. 2010) to fit a cross-validated lasso on the pilot set that was extracted in the previous section.
<- ICU_split$pilot_set %>%
x_pilot ::select(Birth.preTimeDays, Female.pre, RaceAsian.pre,
RaceUnknown.pre, RaceOther.pre, RaceBlack.pre, %>%
RacePacificIslander.pre, RaceNativeAmerican.pre, all_latinos) as.matrix()
<- ICU_split$pilot_set %>%
y_pilot ::select(DNR) %>%
<- cv.glmnet(x_pilot, y_pilot, family = "binomial") cvfit
The prognostic scores can then be estimated on the analysis set.
<- ICU_split$analysis_set %>%
x_analysis ::select(Birth.preTimeDays, Female.pre, RaceAsian.pre,
RaceUnknown.pre, RaceOther.pre, RaceBlack.pre, %>%
RacePacificIslander.pre, RaceNativeAmerican.pre, all_latinos) as.matrix()
<- predict(cvfit, newx = x_analysis, s = "lambda.min",
lasso_scores type = "response")
Finally, these scores can be passed to auto_stratify
with the
argument, producing a stratified data set that can be
examined further with stratamatch diagnostic tools.
<- auto_stratify(data = ICU_split$analysis_set,
ICU_astrat3 treat = "surgicalTeam", outcome = "DNR", prognosis = lasso_scores,
pilot_sample = ICU_split$pilot_set, size = 500)
Other examples of prognostic score modeling options can be found in the stratamatch "Advanced Functionality" vignette.
Section 4 demonstrates how the stratamatch
package can be used for optimal \(1:k\) matching on a propensity score.
The strata_match
function also supports full matching
(Rosenbaum 1991; Hansen and Klopfer 2006), and the use of
Mahalanobis distance instead of a propensity score. If desired, a data
set stratified with stratamatch can instead be matched within strata
using other matching software (e.g., optmatch (Hansen and Klopfer 2006) or
MatchIt (Ho et al. 2011)). For example, users proficient with
optmatch will note that adding + strata(stratum)
to the matching
formula supplied to optmatch::pairmatch
and other matching functions
will match within stratum assignments in the analysis set.
More nuanced matching schemes may also help address imbalances in the number of treated and control units within strata. For example, the researcher could perform \(1:k\) matching within each stratum, but allow \(k\) to vary between strata - matching more controls to each treated individual in strata where controls are plentiful and performing \(1:1\) or \(1:2\) matching where controls are less abundant. Another solution is to use a matching scheme within strata that naturally allows for variation in the ratio of treated and control individuals in matched sets, such as full matching (Rosenbaum 1991; Hansen and Klopfer 2006) or variable k matching (Pimentel et al. 2015).
As shown in figure 5, stratification is expected to substantially accelerate the matching process, especially for large sample sizes (several thousand or more). Hansen and Klopfer articulate a worst-case run-time for various forms of optimal matching with optmatch as \(O(n^3\log(nM))\), where \(M\) represents the maximum matching discrepancy between treated and control observations (Hansen and Klopfer 2006). For context, this scales slightly less favorably than matrix inversion, which quickly becomes time-consuming for large inputs. By comparison, matching within strata of a fixed size tends to scale much more favorably for large \(n\) (figure 5). To further accelerate computation, a researcher might distribute matching the stratified data set over several computing nodes.
This section summarizes some common pitfalls and workarounds while
stratifying a data set. Importantly, in order to preserve the separation
of the design and analysis set, individuals partitioned into the pilot
set must not be recombined with the analysis set. For instance, simply
running auto_stratify
repeatedly with different seeds to sample new
pilot sets from the data and fit new prognostic score models may lead to
overfitting of the prognostic model, raising concerns of bias in the
study results (see Hansen (2008; Abadie et al. 2018)).
The following issues are common:
Some strata are too small or too large: This problem can often
be solved simply by rerunning auto_stratify
with a different
parameter. When this is done, the researcher should be sure
to use the same pilot and analysis set as they received when they
first ran auto_stratify
(i.e., do not partition a new pilot set).
The strata have a poor balance of treated and control individuals: This situation is relatively common but often straightforward to address with matching schemes that match more controls to each treated observation or allow for variable treat:control ratios. See section 5.3 for some suggestions.
The prognostic model is poor: In some cases, the user may encounter an error fitting the prognostic model, or they may suspect from prognostic model diagnostics that the model does a poor job of capturing variation predictive of the outcome. There are a few reasons the prognostic model may be problematic.
The prognostic model was mis-specified. In this case, the user should fit a revised prognostic model on the same pilot set as was previously used. However, refitting repeatedly can lead to overfitting, so this should be done in moderation.
The pilot set was too small to get a reliable fit. In this case, the user can add more samples from the analysis set to the existing pilot set. Samples that are moved into the pilot set must stay in the pilot set and should not be re-pooled with the analysis set.
Pilot set size is sufficient, but prognostic model perfectly separates treated individuals from control individuals: If this occurs in either the pilot set or analysis set, it may be a sign that overlap is poor. See below.
The treated and control individuals within strata have poor overlap in propensity and/or prognostic scores: This problem is best diagnosed with assignment-control plots (see 1 for a deeper description). Propensity and prognostic score based subclassification methods both depend on some form of overlap in the baseline characteristics of treated and control individuals in order to make a valid estimate of causal effect (for a summary, see Leacy and Stuart (2014)). Treatment and control groups that are clearly separated in terms of either their propensity scores or prognostic scores can indicate that these two groups should not be compared because the resulting inference on treatment effect would be misleading. A researcher facing this situation might consider trimming the score space (Glynn et al. 2019) in some cases or seeking out another data set if the overlap problems are severe. While this may seem to be a disappointing result, the ability to identify these data issues before proceeding is one of the most important strengths of design-based causal inference (see, for example, Austin (2011)).
Stratifying a data set prior to matching may make optimal and full matching designs scale more practically for modern observational sample sizes (Figure 5). However, the primary objective of stratamatch is not to directly implement a computationally taxing task, but to expand access to sophisticated study design tools for a wide range of researchers with varying levels of technical and statistical sophistication. Indeed, the computational steps of stratification are relatively straightforward; however, the statistical concept of the pilot design is nuanced, and the process of stratifying a data set and interrogating the quality of that stratification can be thought-intensive and isn’t well-supported by other resources. The stratamatch package is intended to make prognostic score stratification pilot designs – and stratified matching designs in general – easily implementable, with helpful diagnostic tools and documentation. The overall goal of this effort is to push researchers toward approaches and diagnostics that emphasize stronger study design in the observational setting. In modern observational studies, designs, such as the stratamatch approach, that are tailored to large-sample studies can offer increased precision and other statistical benefits that might otherwise be left on the table by more traditional approaches.
stratamatch, MatchIt, optmatch, DOS2, nearfar, sensitivitymw, sensitivityfull, glmnet
CausalInference, MachineLearning, OfficialStatistics, Optimization, Survival
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Aikens, et al., "stratamatch: Prognostic Score Stratification Using a Pilot Design", The R Journal, 2021
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2021-063, author = {Aikens, Rachael C. and Rigdon, Joseph and Lee, Justin and Baiocchi, Michael and Goldstone, Andrew B. and Chiu, Peter and Woo, Y. Joseph and Chen, Jonathan H.}, title = {stratamatch: Prognostic Score Stratification Using a Pilot Design}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2021}, note = {https://rjournal.github.io/}, volume = {13}, issue = {1}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {614-630} }