In biology a general definition for host switch is when an organism (consumer) uses a new host (which represents a resource). The host switch process by a consumer may happen through its pre-existing capability to use a sub-optimal resource. The HostSwitch R package provides functions to simulate the dynamics of host switching (extent and frequency) in the population of a consumer that interacts with current and potential hosts over the generations. The HostSwitch package is based on a Individual-Based mock-up model published in FORTRAN by Araujo et al. (2015). The package largely improve the previous mock-up model, by implementing numerous new functionalities such as comparison and evaluation of simulations with several customizable parameters to accommodate several types of biological consumer-host associations, an interactive visualization of the model, an in-depth description of the parameters in a biological context. Finally, we provided three real world scenarios taken from the literature selected from ecology, agriculture and parasitology. This package is intended to reach researchers in the broad field of biology interested in simulating the process of host switch of different types of symbiotic biological associations.
In several branches of biology (such as for example ecology, evolution, parasitology) a general definition for host-switching (or host shift) is when a consumer uses a newly colonized host, which represents its resource. Different spatial and temporal outcomes may result from the new host-consumer association depending on whether or not the colonization is successful. Studies on the evolution of biotic associations relies on an increasing body of literature covering all prototypical examples of symbiotic relationship categories (Thompson 2010). Symbiosis sensu lato is defined here as any interaction between two organisms of different species. The possible influence between interacting organisms has been placed in a continuum of association types defined by their role, direction, and extension; and it varies from mutual consumption to unidirectional exploitation (Dimijian 2000a; Dimijian 2000b). In the interspecific associations, the interacting organisms may play the role of strict consumer (e.g., predator) or resource (e.g., prey). Evolution of the associations may include several concatenated events of speciation affecting one or both species and it is driven by four main processes: cospeciation, host switch, failure to speciate and "missing the boat" (Page 2002). While the prevalent paradigm considers cospeciation to be the main process driving evolution of most biological associations, recent evidence showed that, given the opportunity, a consumer may use a sub-optimal resource (or host) by host-switching without the need for any genetic innovation. This may explain the rapid origin of novel associations (i.e. colonization of novel hosts at the ecological time scale) eventually followed by speciation (at the evolutionary time) as well the observed incongruences of the paired phylogenies (see Brooks et al. (2019) for a review). Computer simulation modeling provide a valid tool to understand ecological and evolutionary dynamic of interacting species. To theoretically support the importance of host switch events, an Individual-Based Model (IBM) has been proposed by Araujo et al. (2015) (mock-up model hereafter). The model simulates the extent of host-switching in a host-parasite association formalized as the probability of an individual to disperse and successfully colonize a novel host. Recently, Feronato et al. (2021) provided a further add-on to the model by exploring the significance and the interaction of three parameters thought to be of paramount importance for the acquisition of a new host by a parasite. By using simulated data, these two initial papers provided important insights on the dynamic of host-switches for a parasite species. The main results were that host switch on a new host does not require prior evolutionary novelty, pathogens may survive on sub-optimal hosts which results in increased chance of host-switching to hosts more distant, and some parameters facilitate host switching (e.g., mutation and reproductive rate).
Both models were coded and run in FORTRAN language. Although available in an executable version (Windows, Linux, and MacOS), the previous mock-up model still lacks a user-friendly interface, and the manipulation of parameters is broadly limited. The current access to the model is restricted to certain groups of users who know how to compile and code in FORTRAN.
We present here a user-friendly R package, called HostSwitch, which improves the earlier version published in FORTRAN (Araujo et al. 2015; Feronato et al. 2021) in three main ways:
(1) by increasing the accessibility of the model to researchers that are not familiar with FORTRAN;
(2) by including customizable parameters, some previously unreleased (e.g., \(jump\_back\)), that allow us to extend the mock-up model from strict pathology (i.e., simulating host switches by pathogen) to other branches of biology such as ecology, microbiology, agriculture (covering a very broader spectrum of symbiotic sensu lato associations, see Implementation and Usage scenarios sections for further details) reaching a broader audience;
(3) by providing in-depth descriptions of the parameters in a biological context, and examples of possible uses with real world data (see Usage scenarios section).
To our knowledge, there are no R packages that simulate the events of host switch using the theoretical approach briefly presented above and widely discussed in previous papers (Agosta et al. 2010; Araujo et al. 2015; Brooks et al. 2019). However, is worth to mention that there are one putatively similar packages that may be used to simulate host switches. Notably, the package EpiILM (Vineetha Warriyar et al. 2020) uses discrete-time individual-level models to simulate the dynamic of infection disease transmission. The EpiILM package differs from the one present here for a fundamental point: HostSwitch simulate the host switch using the point of view of the consumer, rather than the host, and formalize the probability as random encounters of new hosts different to one other. For further details of the model formalize in EpiILM are presented in Deardon et al. (2010).
In Section "The model", we describe the mathematical framework for simulating the dispersion and the survival of individuals of a population on a novel resource which describes the event of host-switching. In Section "Implementation", we describe the implementation of the mock-up model in the HostSwitch package, including a description of the arguments of the main functions. In Section "Usage scenarios" we used empirical data gathered from the literature to simulate and compare different scenarios of host switch. We also present possible hypotheses and research questions that can be explored using the simulation approach.
The simulation model of HostSwitch aims to measure the dynamics of host switching (extent and frequency) in the population of an organism (hereafter Consumer) that interacts with current and potential hosts (hereafter Resource) over generations. A successful host switch implies that a Consumer may colonize a new Resource, which in turn imposes selection pressure that impacts the Consumers’ survival. The host-switching relies on a mechanism of ecological readjustment or ecological fitting, i.e. the capability of the Consumer to use a similar Resource even if sub-optimal (Janzen 1985; Agosta and Klemens 2008). The fundamental aspect of the HostSwitch simulation model is to track, summarize and compare the dispersion and successful host switch events in a new Resource by the populations of the Consumer. Although the model and the basic parameters have been previously described in Araujo et al. (2015) and Feronato et al. (2021), we provide here a revised description of the modeling dynamic which accommodates all symbiotic (sensu lato) associations.
The Resource is characterized by a real number, \(p_{Opt}\), randomly selected from a uniform distribution ranging from \(p_{Res\_min}\) to \(p_{Res\_max}\). This number represents the optimum phenotype imposed on Consumers by the Resource. Besides, the Resource imposes a carrying capacity K on the Consumer population. Individuals of the Consumer have a phenotype which can evolve over generations due to the emergence of novelties (hereafter mutations). Each individual consumer \(i\) is characterized by one phenotype \(p_{i}\). The simulation starts (generation n = 0) with all M consumer individuals having the same phenotype value (\(p_{i}\) = \(p_{Ind}\)) which is equal to the average value in the resource range ((\(p_{Res\_min}\) + \(p_{Res\_max}\))/2). At each generation, a novel Resource is offered and all Consumers have a probability \(mig\) to migrate from the current to the novel Resource. The number of dispersing individuals is calculated by assigning to each individual a value that follows the random uniform distribution. All the individuals with a value lower than \(mig\) disperse to the new Resource. Then, the assigned value may be interpreted ecologically as intrinsic or extrinsic characteristics involved in the dispersal event (e.g., morphological features, environmental constraints). The parameter \(mig\) defines a criterion for inclusion, with higher values allowing more individuals to disperse at each generation. The dispersion event has two possible outcomes: no migration (m1) and migration (m2).
All other individuals are ignored in subsequent steps. The novel Resource then becomes current Resource and the individuals will reproduce with a net reproduction rate \(b\), limited to the carrying capacity K. The offspring’s phenotype (inherit from the parents, plus variation \(\delta\)) is assigned to each individual and calculated using the normal probability function: \[\begin{gathered} P (\delta) = \exp{[\frac{-\delta^2}{2\sigma_{mut}^2}]} , \end{gathered}\] where \(\delta\) is random phenotypic variation assigned to each individual; \(\sigma_{mut}\) is the standard deviation for mutation. The parameter \(\delta\) is randomly defined from a Gaussian distribution centered in zero and with a standard deviation \(\sigma_{mut}\). Offspring phenotypes are equal to the arithmetic average of their parent’s phenotypes plus \(\delta\) (i.e the extent of genetic novelty introduced with the reproduction). The descendants replace their parents and will populate generation n+1 that will start over with another dispersion event to a novel Resource.
The overview of the main steps of the model are summarized in
Figure 1.
The HostSwitch R
package is available for download from CRAN at Latest
versions of future developments of the R-package will be available on
Github at
This package provides an easy-to-use toolbox for users who want to simulate the host-switching of consumers and currently includes six functions (Table 1).
The package is installed and loaded by typing:
> install.packages("HostSwitch")
> library(HostSwitch)
Function | Description |
plotHostSwitch |
Plots dispersal and colonization (host-switching events) of Consumers on a novel Resource offered at each generation given the values of parameters related to carrying capacity, fitness space, migration, reproduction, selection, and biological model. |
shinyHostSwitch |
Plots simulations of Consumer’s host-switching on interactive web-based front-end using Shiny App. |
simHostSwitch |
Simulates the number of dispersion and successful host switch events by individuals of the Consumer until all individuals die. |
summaryHostSwitch |
Generates summary statistics for the object generated by simHostSwitch function. |
survivalProbability |
Includes the formula to calculate the survival probability used in the simHostSwitch function. |
testHostSwitch |
Tests the significance of the difference between two objects generated by simHostSwitch function. |
The HostSwitch
package is implemented around two main functions: survivalProbability
and simHostSwitch
. The former includes the formula of the survival
probability (eqn 1), and the latter simulates host switches according to
Figure 1 and encompasses dispersion, selection
and reproduction events. simHostSwitch
uses the survivalProbability
function to calculate the probability of survival of the individuals on
the current and new Resources.
The arguments of the simHostSwitch
function are:
function.Using the simHostSwitch
function, the R command below generates an
object of class ‘HostSwitch’ which is a list of 18 elements, six
simulated quantities and 12 used parameters (arguments of the function).
# generate a simulated 'HostSwitch' object using default values for the parameters
> sim1 <- simHostSwitch(n_sim= 3, seed = 2)
The simulated quantities are:
The function summaryHostSwitch
creates a summary of basic statistics
for phenotypes, dispersion and host switch events. The argument \(warmup\)
defines the number of generations to be excluded from summary
statistics. If \(warmup\) = 1 the generation at time 0 is excluded from
summary, if \(warmup\) = 2 the generations at times 0 and 1 are excluded
and so on. If \(warmup\) = NULL all generations are considered for summary
statistics. Possible values are NULL or positive integer (min=1,
max=50), default value = 1.
The example below provides the averages of the quantities of interest
calculated for three simulations (\(n\_sim\) = 3)
# generate a summary for the simulated 'HostSwitch' object
> summaryHostSwitch(sim1)
An object of class summaryHostSwitch
Summary of HostSwitch simulations
General settings of individual based model:100, b:10, mig:0.01, sd:0.2, sigma:1, pRes_min:1, pRes_max:10
K:200, jump_back:no, seed:2, n_sim:3, warmup:1, nInitConsumer: 20
Summary of phenotypes1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
Min. 3.48 3.94 4.41 4.33 4.75 5.10
pRes 5.21 5.33 5.45 5.49 5.64 5.83
pRes_new 3.68 4.17 4.65 4.64 5.11 5.57
Summary of host switches by consumers
Mean Max: 29.67000 43
Total events of dispersion: 12.33333 16 Number of successful host switches
The testHostSwitch
function measures if there is a significant
difference between the means of three simulated quantities of two
HostSwitch objects (\(simulated\_quantities1\) and
\(simulated\_quantities2\)). The argument \(parameter\) selects the quantity
to compare, i.e. "j" (total number of dispersing events), "s" (total
number of successful host switch events), and "d" (distance between
the \(pRes\_sim\) and \(pRes\_new\_sim\) for the generations where a
successful host switch occurs, hereafter phenotype distance). The
argument \(test\) defines the inferential statistic to be used, "t"
parametric (t-test) or "w" nonparametric (wilcoxon rank test). The
\(warmup\) is defined as above, and the argument \(plot\) provides the box
plot of the results based on the \(ggplot\) function. When comparing
quantities, the user needs to take into account all the arguments
provided to the function simHostSwitch
, including the number of
simulations (\(n\_sim\)). A warning message will be produced if \(n\_sim\)=1
for both HostSwitch objects. The following code generates another
HostSwitch object (sim2), with \(mig\) = 0.9 and default values for the
others arguments. We compare the quantities from the objects sim1 and
sim2 using testHostSwitch
> sim2 <- simHostSwitch(mig = 0.9, n_sim= 3, seed = 3)
# compare the average values of the simulated quantities ("j", "s", "d") saved in the
# objects sim1 and sim2
> testHostSwitch(simulated_quantities1 = sim1, simulated_quantities2 = sim2,
parameter = "j", test = "t", warmup = NULL, plot = FALSE)
An object of class testHostSwitch2 HostSwitch simulations using Welch Two Sample t-test
Test result comparing : 2.74044, df:2.278635, p.value:0.09663877
> testHostSwitch(simulated_quantities1 = sim1, simulated_quantities2 = sim2,
parameter = "s", test = "t", warmup = NULL, plot = FALSE)
An object of class testHostSwitch2 HostSwitch simulations using Welch Two Sample t-test
Test result comparing : 2.505218, df:3.545114, p.value:0.0743971
> testHostSwitch(simulated_quantities1 = sim1, simulated_quantities2 = sim2,
parameter = "d", test = "t", warmup = NULL, plot = FALSE)
An object of class testHostSwitch2 HostSwitch simulations using Welch Two Sample t-test
Test result comparing : 1.271303, df:12.32786, p.value:0.2270841
The function returns the results of the test and the plot (if plot = TRUE). In the example above there is no significant difference between the two simulations, for all the simulated quantities ("j", "s", "d").
The plotHostSwitch
and shinyHostSwitch
functions both allow
visualizing the results of a simulation, the first in the static plot
window of the R console and the second one in a dynamic interface. The
S3 method plotHostSwitch
function graphically summarizes the simulated
output. The following code generates the plot for the third simulation
of the object sim1:
> plotHostSwitch(HostSwitch_simulated_quantities = sim1, n_sim = 3)
The function shinyHostSwitch
relies on the package
shiny, and by running the
> shinyHostSwitch()
a popup window displays the plot for a simulation run with default
values. The panel on the left includes slider bars for each argument of
function. The plot reacts dynamically to user input
after pressing the Refresh simulation button.
In this section, we provide examples of how the functions described above can be applied to real data. We conducted a literature review with the aim to select studies providing data about the life cycle parameters of consumers interacting with their resources. The data were all gathered from experimental settings and are related to three biotic interaction models representing distinct fields of research: wildlife ecology, agricultural pests, zoonotic pathogens. These data saved in the \(parli\) list object are included in the HostSwitch package. The list contains three matrices: $Cephaloleia, $Cacopsylla, and $SarsMers.
The complete code to reproduce results for the three biological scenarios presented is provided as an R Markdown file in the supplementary material for this article. Each scenario has two chunks of code: one to run the test and one to create plots. Using the Knit button in RStudio the results will be embedded beneath the code chunk in a .pdf document (see supplementary material for an example).
Beetle species in the genus Cephaloleia (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Cassidinae) are herbivorous insects feeding on monocots within the order Zingiberales and are known to be strictly co-evolved with their host plants during the last 35-60 Million years in the Neotropical region. This herbivore-plant association has been used earlier as a good model to test macroevolutionary hypotheses of host use and to investigate drivers of the evolution of the biological interactions (Garcı́a-Robledo and Horvitz 2011; Schmitt and Frank 2013). Previous studies revealed host switch events in at least 7 species of Cephaloleia beetles in Costa Rica, and detailed information of life-cycle parameters have been reported (Garcia-Robledo et al. 2010; Garcı́a-Robledo and Horvitz 2011).
To inform our model, we used data on net reproduction rate for two
species of Cephaloleia (the generalist C. belti and the specialist
C. placida) provided by Garcı́a-Robledo and Horvitz (2011). On their native host
plants, C. belti showed the highest net reproduction rate (\(b\) = 4.6)
and C. placida the lowest (\(b\) = 1.4) (see the lower value of the
parameter for each species from Table 7 in Garcı́a-Robledo and Horvitz (2011)).
Suppose we are interested in simulating the host switch events of the
two closely related taxa with different diet breadth, C. belti and C.
placida. We may want to test the hypothesis that a higher net
reproduction rate significantly increases the number of dispersion
events and the successful colonization of new hosts (number of host
switches). In this example, we simulated the dispersion and host switch
events of the generalist C. belti (known to be associated with
different families in Zingeriberales in Costa Rica) and the specialist
C. placida (hosted by Renealmia alpinia). For each species, the
simulation was run for 200 generations, K=1000 (carrying capacity not
being a limiting factor), and 1000 runs. Because the other parameters,
namely \(pRes\_min\), \(pRes\_max\), \(sd\) (standard deviation of mutation),
and sigma (standard deviation of survival), are not available in the
literature for the two species the default values of the simHostSwitch
function were used. The effect of the net reproduction rate on the
simulated quantities (dispersion events \(j\), successful host switches
\(s\), and distance between current and novel Resource \(d\)) was tested,
along with the assumption that \(b\) does not vary switching from the
current to the novel resource across generations. We also tested the
influence of the two parameters \(mig\) (migration probability) and
\(jump\_back\) (possibility to jump back to the original host) with the
assumption that they may rapidly vary under different ecological
conditions. We arbitrarily set the variation for \(mig\) as low = 0.01 or
high = 0.1, and for \(jump\_back\) as "no" or "yes". All possible
combinations between the species were compared
(Table 2).
C. belti (mig x jump_back) | C. placida (mig x jump_back) | j | s | d |
Low x No | Low x No | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 |
Low x No | High x No | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 |
Low x No | Low x Yes | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 |
Low x No | High x Yes | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 |
High x No | Low x No | <0.001 | <0.001 | >0.05 |
High x No | High x No | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.05 |
High x No | Low x Yes | <0.001 | <0.001 | >0.05 |
High x No | High x Yes | <0.001 | <0.001 | >0.05 |
Low x Yes | Low x No | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 |
Low x Yes | High x No | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 |
Low x Yes | Low x Yes | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 |
Low x Yes | High x Yes | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 |
High x Yes | Low x No | <0.001 | <0.001 | >0.05 |
High x Yes | High x No | <0.001 | <0.001 | >0.05 |
High x Yes | Low x Yes | <0.001 | <0.001 | >0.05 |
High x Yes | High x Yes | <0.001 | <0.001 | >0.05 |
The difference between the average values of \(j\), \(s\), and \(d\) was
evaluated with the paired t-test using the function testHostSwitch
The null hypothesis is that the pairwise difference between the two
average values is equal. The code chunk "Scenario 1:
Cephaloleia-Zingeriberales (wildlife ecology)" (supplementary material)
uses the data in \(parli\$Cephaloleia\) object to generate a large list
(simResult) with eight simHostSwitch
objects, 4 for C. belti
(hereafter Cb) and 4 for C. placida (Cp). The objects differ for the
combinations of the parameters described above. The dataframe
\(testResult.Cephaloleia\) saves the p-values for all the 16 combinations
and all simulation objects defined by the user using the vector
"simulations". All the objects are saved in the Global environment and
a reshaped table with p-values of the t-test is visualized on the
console and in Table 2. The code chunk "Plot for
Cephaloleia" generates 3 plots for each of the tested quantities (\(j\),
\(s\), and \(d\)); Figure 2 shows example box plots for
the first comparison.
function. The quantity \(d\) is defined as the
difference between the phenotype of current and new Resource for
generations where a successful host switch occurs. Each box plot depicts
the distribution of the simulated quantities. For plot A and B, N
represents the number of simulations (200). For plot C, N represents the
total number of successful host switches calculated for 200
simulations.The results in Table 2 and Figure 2 show that the differences in the average number of dispersion and host switch events between C. belti and C. placida is significant, regardless of the values of probability of migration and the possibility to jump back to the old host. Cephaloleia belti shows higher values of \(j\) and \(s\), this means that a four times higher net reproduction rate drives a higher probability of migration and successful host switches over time. As far as the distance between current and novel Resources is concerned, only seven out of 16 combinations showed a non-significant difference, all of them including C. belti with high probability of migration.
The hemipteran insect Cacopsylla melanoneura (Hemiptera, Psyllidae) is one of the known vectors of phytoplasmas, plant pathogenic bacteria in Class Mollicutes, and their association with host plants in the family of Rosaceae is known to be restricted to Central Europe (Janik et al. 2020). This group of pathogens is associated with severe diseases of orchards, including apple proliferation disease associated with ‘Candidatus (Ca.) Phytoplasma (P.) mali’, pear decline (‘Ca. P. pyri’) and European stone fruit yellows (‘Ca. P. prunorum’). The epidemiology of this vector-borne pathogen closely depends on the range of host plants that may serve as inoculum sources (reservoirs), and on the specific relationship between insect vectors and plants. Although C. melanoneura has been reported as a competent vector of ‘Ca. P. mali’ in Italy (Tedeschi et al. 2002), the degree of preference for natural host plants may vary across countries affecting its role in phytoplasma spread, which is still largely unclear (Malagnini et al. 2010). Earlier investigations aimed to characterize aspects of its autoecology, such as life cycle, cryptic genetic variation, and habitat preference that may influence the associations with host plants (Malagnini et al. 2013). Cacopsylla melanoneura is known to be an oligophagous insect on hawthorn (Crataegus spp.), apple (Malus spp.), medlar (Mespilus germanica) and pear (Pyrus communis), and coniferous species are used as shelter plants during the winter (Lal 1934; Jackson et al. 1990; Ossiannilsson 1992). Moreover, the existence of C. melanoneura host races which show a morphological and genetic differentiation along with specific association with different host plants (apple or hawthorn) is likely in populations from different geographical regions (Lazarev 1972, 1974; Lauterer 1999; Malagnini et al. 2013). Available evidence suggests that sympatric speciation via host shift may be hypothesized. Even within the family Rosaceae only, the suite of host plants of C. melanoneura may vary locally through host switches with important consequences for the ecology of the insect vector and on the epidemiology of the phytoplasma disease in cultivated orchard trees.
We used the large amount of data available to inform our model and to compare two distinct populations of C. melanoneura: one adapted to apple (hereafter CmA) and the other to hawthorn (CmH). We used the experimental data provided by Malagnini et al. (2013) to calculate the net reproduction rate of the populations of C. melanoneura using eqn 2 of Garcı́a-Robledo and Horvitz (2011). The calculated value \(b\) for CmA was about twice (2.196) that of CmH (1.022). To calculate the probability of migration \(mig\) we used the results of a choice test carried out using a dynamic olfactometer and provided in Figure 6 by Mayer et al. (2011). The values for \(mig\) for CmA were retrieved from the experiment with a population collected on apple tree that had a probability of 0.38 to migrate on apple. For CmH the probability was 0.49. The standard deviation of survival \(sigma\) for CmA was retrieved by Malagnini et al. (2010) (see Results section) reporting a value of 3.68, and because no data was available for CmH we hypothesized a higher value 7 because hawthorn was reported as the ancestral host of C. melanoneura (Jackson et al. 1990).
Suppose we are interested in simulating the host switch events of two populations of C. melanoneura to novel closely related hosts in family Rosaceae. We may want to test the hypothesis that twice a value of the standard deviation of survival \(sigma\) for CmH is more important than a \(b\) two times higher for CmA, driving a significant increase in the number of dispersion events and more successful colonization of new hosts (number of host switches) for the population CmH than CmA. The parameter \(mig\) (migration) was also provided from real data but only slightly different between the two populations. Each simulation was run with 200 generations, K=1000 (carrying capacity not being a limiting factor), and 1000 runs. The parameters \(pRes\_min\) and \(pRes\_max\) are not available in the literature and the default values were used. The effect of combined \(sigma\) and \(b\) values on the simulated quantities (dispersion events \(j\), successful host switches \(s\), and distance between current and novel Resource \(d\)) was tested, along with the assumption that both do not vary from the current to the novel Resource across generations. We arbitrarily set the variation for standard deviation of mutation \(sd\) as low = 0.2 or high = 9, and for the possibility to jump back to the original host \(jump\_back\) as "no" or "yes". All possible combinations between the populations were tested (Table 3).
C. melanoneura Apple (sd x jump_back) | C. melanoneura Hawthorn (sd x jump_back) | j | s | d |
Low x No | Low x No | <0.001 | <0.001 | >0.05 |
Low x No | High x No | <0.001 | <0.001 | >0.05 |
Low x No | Low x Yes | <0.001 | <0.001 | >0.05 |
Low x No | High x Yes | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.01 |
High x No | Low x No | <0.01 | <0.001 | <0.01 |
High x No | High x No | <0.01 | >0.05 | >0.05 |
High x No | Low x Yes | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 |
High x No | High x Yes | >0.05 | <0.001 | >0.05 |
Low x Yes | Low x No | <0.001 | <0.001 | >0.05 |
Low x Yes | High x No | <0.001 | <0.001 | >0.05 |
Low x Yes | Low x Yes | <0.001 | <0.001 | >0.05 |
Low x Yes | High x Yes | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.01 |
High x Yes | Low x No | <0.001 | <0.001 | >0.05 |
High x Yes | High x No | <0.001 | >0.05 | >0.05 |
High x Yes | Low x Yes | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.01 |
High x Yes | High x Yes | <0.001 | >0.05 | >0.05 |
We used the code chunk "Scenario 2: Cacopsylla melanoneura-Rosaceae (agricultural pests)" (supplementary file) to test the difference between the average values of simulated quantities (v\(j\), \(s\), and \(d\)) for each combination of the populations of C. melanoneura. The null hypothesis is that the pairwise difference between the two average values is equal. The p-values of the t-test are reported in (Table 3. The code chunk "Plot for Cacopsylla" generates three plots for each of the tested quantities and in Figure 3 an example for the first combination is reported.
function. The quantity \(d\) is defined as the difference
between the phenotype of current and new Resource for generations where
a successful host switch occurs. Each box plot depicts the distribution
of the simulated quantities. For plot A and B, N represents the number
of simulations (200). For plot C, N represents the total number of
successful host switches calculated for 200
simulations.The results in Table 3 show that the difference in the average number of dispersion events is significant for all combinations except the one where we allowed the population adapted to hawthorn to come back to the original host and mutation is high for both populations. The comparisons of host switch events were significant except for three comparisons where mutation was set as high. When "j" and "s" are significantly different, the population of CmA shows higher values except for 5 combinations. These results suggest that a two times higher net reproduction rate drives a higher probability of successful host switch for CmA over time, masking the contribution of a two times higher value of the standard deviation of survival. As far as the distance between current and novel Resources is concerned, 11 out of 16 combinations showed a non-significant difference, but no specific pattern has been revealed.
The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome - Corona Virus (SARS-CoV) is a virus in the family Coronaviridae causing respiratory disease and was first identified in humans at the end of February 2003 in China. The Middle East Respiratory Syndrome - Corona Virus (MERS- CoV) (Coronaviridae, Merbacovirus sp.) was first isolated from humans in 2012 in Saudi Arabia. Lately, a SARS-like coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2, Sarbecovirus spp.) causing severe acute respiratory infections was first identified in December 2019 in Wuhan (China). The emergence of these viruses in humans appears to have been driven by stepping-stone switches (Parrish et al. 2008; Rodriguez-Morales et al. 2020), from bats to camels to humans, in the case of MERS-CoV and from bats to pangolins (among the others) to humans, in the case of SARS-CoV-2. As for many other human pathogens, to anticipate the emergence of future outbreaks is critical for appropriate measures to mitigate the consequences and costs associated with epidemic events.
The usage scenario presented here offers an opportunity to apply our model to the biological association between viruses and their mammalian hosts. For this specific example we used the data provided by Kim et al. (2021) on viral dynamics of SARS-CoV-2, SARS-CoV, and MERS-CoV in humans. In particular we selected the two coronaviruses SARS-CoV-2 (hereafter Sars) and MERS-CoV (Mers), and two estimated population parameters: Maximum rate constant for viral replication and critical inhibition level (see Table 1 in Kim et al. (2021)), in our model corresponding to net reproduction rate (\(b\), 4 for Sars and 1.46 for Mers) and standard deviation for survival (\(sigma\), 0.77 for Sars and 0.38 for Mers), respectively. The parameter \(sigma\) was multiplied by 10 to be adjusted to the argument requirement of the model. Suppose we are interested in simulating host switch events of Sars and Mers among closely related mammalian hosts. We may test the hypothesis that higher net reproduction rate in combination with higher standard deviation of survival (i.e. lower selection on the Resource) significantly increases the number of dispersion events and successful colonization of new hosts (number of host switches). For each virus, the simulation was run with 200 generations, K=1000 (carrying capacity not being a limiting factor), and 1000 runs. The parameter \(sd\) (standard deviation for mutation) was set at 0.002 for both viruses and was derived by the values of the substitution rate (per site per year) provided in Table 1 of Dorp et al. (2020). The parameters \(pRes\_min\), \(pRes\_max\) and \(mig\) (migration) are not available in the literature and the default values were used. The combined effect of the net reproduction rate and survival probability on the simulated quantities was tested, along with the assumption that both parameters do not vary from the current to the novel Resource across generations. In this example, we also tested the influence of low (0.01), medium (0.5) and high (0.09) values of migration probability. The possibility to jump back to the original host (\(jump\_back\)) was set to "no" assuming that the virus is not able to come back from a new non-human mammal to human within the same generation (Table 4).
Sars (mig) | Mers (mig) | j | s | d |
Low | Low | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 |
Medium | Low | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 |
High | Low | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 |
Low | Medium | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 |
Medium | Medium | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 |
High | Medium | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 |
Low | High | <0.001 | <0.001 | >0.005 |
Medium | High | <0.001 | <0.001 | >0.005 |
High | High | <0.001 | <0.001 | >0.005 |
The code chunk "Scenario 3: Sarbecovirus sp. and Merbacovirus sp. (SARS-MERS)-Mammals (zoonotic pathogens)" (supplementary file) was used to test the difference between the average values of simulated quantities (v\(j\), \(s\), and \(d\)) for each combination of the two viruses. The null hypothesis is that the pairwise difference between the two average values is equal. The p-values for all the 9 combinations are reported in (Table 4). The code chunk "Plot for SarsMers" generates three plots for each of the tested quantities and in Figure 4 an example for the first combination is reported.
function. The
quantity \(d\) is defined as the difference between the phenotype of
current and new Resource for generations where a successful host switch
occurs. Each box plot depicts the distribution of the simulated
quantities. For plot A and B, N represents the number of simulations
(200). For plot C, N represents the total number of successful host
switches calculated for 200
simulations.The results in Table 4 and Figure 4 show that the differences in the average number of dispersion and host switch events between Sars and Mers are significant for all the simulations. The population of Sars shows higher values of the estimated quantities, except when Mers has high migration probability and Sars has low migration probability. This means that a combination of higher net reproduction rate and lower selection on the resource (both current and novel) drives to a higher probability of successful host switches over time. As far as the distance between current and novel resources is concerned, only 3 out of 9 combinations showed a non-significant difference, and for all these Mers has a high migration. In comparing the data from these coronaviruses, our purpose was merely academic and we did not mean to provide any evidence for the emergence of re-emergence of the present pandemic SARS-CoV-2 virus. Nevertheless, modeling support may certainly be of value when informed with detailed real data collected to address specific research questions.
This paper introduces the R package HostSwitch that provides functions to simulate, plot and test the number of dispersion and host switch events of a Consumer. It also measures phenotype distance between a current and novel Resource in the case of a successful host switch. HostSwitch is based on an earlier model published in FORTRAN (Araujo et al. 2015). The presented R-package offers several additional functions which largely improve the previous mock-up model, and accommodates users who want to simulate the ecological event of host-switching by using real parameters collected from different types of symbiotic biological associations. For example, the HostSwitch package can be used to test the hypothesis that host-switching happens more often than expected by chance.
The HostSwitch package was tested on real ecological Consumer-Resource interactions using data from the literature. We are aware that the examples provided above have several limitations, e.g., most of the arguments to inform the model were not available in the literature and the default values have been used. The reliability of the simulation on empirical data depends on the quality of the parameters used to inform the model and on their ecological significance. Users are therefore encouraged to set up specific experiments to collect parameters from a "host-switch perspective". The HostSwitch package will also continue to provide a theoretical foundation for understanding the specific processes that drive host switch events. Lastly, it represents a valuable user-friendly educational tool to facilitate deeper understanding of ecological and evolutionary dynamics. As a future avenue, we plan to extend the package to allow for the modeling of microbe-mediated tritrophic interactions such as occur in associations between pathogens, vectors and alternate hosts, e.g. in the phytoplasma pathosystem consisting of an insect vector, crop plants, and a pathogen that is able to manipulate its vector (Consumer) and host (Resource).
Albeit, the present package is intended for researchers in the broad field of biology who study consumer-host associations, we encourage users from other research areas to evaluate if the flowchart presented in Figure 1 may fit and be co-opted by other biological phenomena.
SBLA thanks Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brazil (CAPES) that provided partial funding. The authors thank Dr. Christopher H. Dietrich for constructive feedback on the final version of the paper.
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Trivellone, et al., "HostSwitch: An R Package to Simulate the Extent of Host-Switching by a Consumer", The R Journal, 2023
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2023-005, author = {Trivellone, Valeria and Araujo, Sabrina B. L. and Panassiti, Bernd}, title = {HostSwitch: An R Package to Simulate the Extent of Host-Switching by a Consumer}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2023}, note = {}, volume = {14}, issue = {4}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {179-194} }