The R package BayesPPD (Bayesian Power Prior Design) supports Bayesian power and type I error calculation and model fitting after incorporating historical data with the power prior and the normalized power prior for generalized linear models (GLM). The package accommodates summary level data or subject level data with covariate information. It supports use of multiple historical datasets as well as design without historical data. Supported distributions for responses include normal, binary (Bernoulli/binomial), Poisson and exponential. The power parameter can be fixed or modeled as random using a normalized power prior for each of these distributions. In addition, the package supports the use of arbitrary sampling priors for computing Bayesian power and type I error rates. In addition to describing the statistical methodology and functions implemented in the package to enable sample size determination (SSD), we also demonstrate the use of BayesPPD in two comprehensive case studies.
There has been increasing interest over the past few decades in incorporating historical data in clinical trials, particularly on controls (Pocock 1976; Neuenschwander et al. 2010; Viele et al. 2014). Use of historical data can increase effective sample size, potentially leading to more accurate point estimates and increased power (Neuenschwander et al. 2010; Viele et al. 2014). Bayesian methods provide a natural mechanism for information borrowing through the use of informative priors. Some popular informative priors for Bayesian clinical trial design include the power prior (Chen and Ibrahim 2000), the normalized power prior (Duan et al. 2006), the commensurate power prior (Hobbs et al. 2011), and the robust meta-analytic-predictive prior (Schmidli et al. 2014).
Some advantages of the power prior include its easy construction, its natural way of incorporating historical data, its intuitive interpretation, and its desirable theoretical properties (Ibrahim et al. 2015). For example, (Ibrahim et al. 2003) show that the power prior is an optimal class of informative priors in the sense that it minimizes a convex sum of the Kullback–Leibler (KL) divergences between two posterior densities, in which one density is based on no incorporation of historical data, and the other density is based on pooling the historical and current data. (Duan et al. 2006) propose a modification of the power prior, the normalized power prior, which adds a normalizing constant component when the power parameter is modeled as random. The normalizing constant poses computational challenges in the presence of covariates, because it is analytically intractable except in the case of the normal linear model (Carvalho and Ibrahim 2021). We address this challenge by utilizing the PWK estimator (Wang et al. 2018) to approximate the normalizing constant for use with generalized linear models. We also develop a novel way of incorporating the approximation of the normalizing constant into the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm.
There is a growing literature on Bayesian sample size determination, including the works of (Rahme and Joseph 1998), (Simon 1999), (Wang and Gelfand 2002), (De Santis 2007), (M’Lan et al. 2006) and (Joseph et al. 2008). We consider the simulation-based method developed in (Chen et al. 2011) and (Psioda and Ibrahim 2019), which extends the the fitting and sampling priors of (Wang and Gelfand 2002) with a focus on controlling the type I error rate and calculating power. In addition, our package supports the use of arbitrary sampling priors for computing Bayesian power and type I error rates, and has specific features for GLMs that semi-automatically generate sampling priors from historical data.
The R package BayesPPD (Bayesian Power Prior Design) (Shen et al. 2022) supports Bayesian clinical trial design after incorporating historical data with the power prior and the normalized power prior. BayesPPD has two categories of functions: functions for model fitting and functions for Bayesian power and type I error rate estimation. The package accommodates summary level data or subject level data with covariate information for normal, binary (Bernoulli/binomial), Poisson and exponential models. It supports use of multiple historical datasets and design without historical data.
Several Bayesian clinical trial design packages are available on the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN), such as BDP2, ph2bayes and gsbDesign (Gerber and Gsponer 2016; Kopp-Schneider et al. 2018; Nagashima 2018). However, these packages do not accommodate the incorporation of historical data and are limited to normal and binary endpoints. The RBesT package (Weber 2021) accounts for historical data using the meta-analytic-predictive prior. Commercial software for clinical trial design such as FACTS, East and ADDPLAN (Wassmer and Eisebitt 2005; Cytel Software Corporation 2014; LLC Consultants 2014) do not implement the power prior, to our knowledge. The BayesCTDesign (Eggleston et al. 2019) package supports two-arm randomized Bayesian trial design using historical control data with the power prior, but it does not allow covariates, nor does it allow the power parameter to be treated as random. The NPP (Han et al. 2021) package implements the normalized power prior for two group cases for Bernoulli, normal, multinomial and Poisson models, as well as for the normal linear model. It does not support generalized linear models, nor does it include functions for sample size determination. The bayesDP (Balcome et al. 2021) package implements the power prior where the power parameter is determined by a discounting function estimated based on a measure of prior-data conflict. Thus, this approach is not fully Bayesian, and the package must be used in conjunction with the package bayesCT (Chandereng et al. 2020) for trial design. While bayesDP supports two-arm trials for binomial, normal and survival models as well as linear and logistic regression models, BayesPPD allows covariates for Bernoulli/binomial, normal, Poisson and exponential models with several choices of link functions. The BayesPPD package is a comprehensive resource that supports Bayesian analysis and design using the power prior and normalized power prior.
Another advantage of BayesPPD is its computational speed. BayesPPD implements MCMC algorithms with Rcpp (Eddelbuettel and Francois 2011) without recourse to asymptotics. For most sample sizes, functions for analysis take only a few seconds to run. Functions for design for two group cases run in seconds for fixed \(a_0\), and generally run in less an hour for random \(a_0\), depending on the desired level of precision (e.g., number of simulated datasets). In the presence of covariates, functions for design are more computation-intensive; an approximation method based on asymptotic theory has been implemented to help users obtain a rough estimate of the desired sample size before fine-tuning using the MCMC-based method.
This article is organized as follows. We first describe the methods implemented by the package. We then provide details on how to use BayesPPD for different data scenarios and model needs. We also present two case studies with example code, one with covariates and one without. The article is concluded with a brief discussion.
Let \(D\) denote data from the current study and \(D_0\) denote data from a historical study. Let \(\theta\) denote model parameters and \(L(\theta|D)\) denote a general likelihood function associated with a given outcome model, such as a linear model, generalized linear model (GLM), survival model, or random effects model. Following (Chen and Ibrahim 2000), the power prior is formulated as \[\pi(\theta|D_0, a_0) \propto L(\theta|D_0)^{a_0}\pi_0(\theta).\] where \(0 \le a_0 \le 1\) is a discounting parameter for the historical data likelihood, and \(\pi_0(\theta)\) is the initial prior for \(\theta\). The parameter \(a_0\) allows researchers to control the influence of the historical data on the posterior distribution. When \(a_0=0\), historical information is discarded and the power prior becomes equivalent to the initial prior \(\pi_0(\theta)\). When \(a_0=1\), the power prior corresponds to the posterior distribution of \(\theta\) given the historical data and the initial prior. When \(a_0\) is treated as fixed, sensitivity analysis can be performed to determine an appropriate \(a_0\) value. When \(a_0\) is treated as random, priors such as the beta distribution can be specified. The choice of \(a_0\) is discussed in, for example, (Ibrahim et al. 2015) and (Psioda and Ibrahim 2018).
The power prior can easily accommodate multiple historical datasets. Suppose there are \(K\) historical datasets denoted by \(D_{0k}\) for \(k=1,\cdots, K\) and let \(D_0=(D_{01}, \cdots, D_{0K})\). The power prior becomes \[\pi(\theta|D_0, a_0) \propto \prod_{k=1}^K L(\theta|D_{0k})^{a_{0k}}\pi_0(\theta),\] where \(a_0 = (a_{01},\cdots,a_{0K})'\) and \(0\le a_{0k} \le 1\) for \(k=1,\cdots,K\).
Modeling \(a_0\) as random allows one to represent uncertainty in how much the historical data should be discounted. The simplest power prior that allows this is the joint power prior (Chen and Ibrahim 2000) which is given by \[\pi(\theta, a_0|D_0) \propto L(\theta|D_0)^{a_0}\pi_0(\theta)\pi_0(a_0).\] (Neuenschwander et al. 2009) point out that this formulation is not ideal because the normalizing constant, \[c(a_0)=\int L(\theta|D_0)^{a_0}\pi_0(\theta) d\theta,\] for \(L(\theta|D_0)^{a_0}\pi_0(\theta)\) is not incorporated and thus \(\pi_0(a_0)\) is not actually the marginal prior for \(a_0\). In fact, (Duan et al. 2006) point out that this formulation of the power prior does not obey the likelihood principle. (Duan et al. 2006) proposed a modification of the power prior, the normalized power prior, which is given by \[\pi(\theta, a_0|D_0) = \pi(\theta|D_0, a_0)\pi(a_0) = \frac{L(\theta|D_0)^{a_0}\pi_0(\theta)}{c(a_0)}\pi_0(a_0),\] where \(\pi_0(a_0)\) is the initial prior for \(a_0\). The normalized power prior specifies a conditional prior for \(\theta\) given \(a_0\) and a marginal prior for \(a_0\). The normalizing constant, \[c(a_0)=\int L(\theta|D_0)^{a_0}\pi_0(\theta) d\theta,\] is often analytically intractable and requires Monte Carlo methods for estimation. When \(a_0\) is modeled as random, the normalized power prior is implemented in BayesPPD using a beta initial prior on \(a_0\), for which the user must specify values of the two shape parameters that define the beta density. The package supports the inclusion of multiple historical datasets when \(a_0\) is modeled as random.
The power prior can easily accommodate covariates. Let \(y_i\) denote the response variable and \(x_i\) denote a \(p\)-dimensional vector of covariates for subject \(i=1, \cdots, n\). Denote \(\tilde{\beta}=(\beta_0, \beta)\), where \(\beta_0\) is the intercept and \(\beta = (\beta_1, \cdots, \beta_p)'\) is a \(p\)-dimensional vector of regression coefficients. We assume the GLM of \(y_i|x_i\) is given by \[f(y_i|x_i, \tilde{\beta}, \tau) = \exp\{\alpha_i^{-1}(\tau)(y_ig(\beta_0+x_i'\beta)-\psi(g(\beta_0+x_i'\beta))) + \phi(y_i, \tau)\},\] where \(\tau\) is a scale parameter and \(g\) is a monotone differentiable link function. In particular, BayesPPD allows the distribution of \(y_i|x_i\) to be normal, Bernoulli, binomial, Poisson or exponential. Note that for Bernoulli, binomial, Poisson and exponential regression models, \(\tau\) is equal to \(1\).
Let \(D_{0k} = \{(y_{0ki}, x_{0ki}), i=1,\cdots, n_{0k}\}\) denote the \(k\)-th historical dataset, where \(y_{0ki}\) is the response variable for historical subject \(i\) and \(x_{0ki}\) is the \(p\)-dimensional vector of covariates for historical subject \(i\). By default, BayesPPD assumes the historical data consists of control group subjects only. Therefore, the historical covariate matrix does not have the treatment indicator variable, while the current covariate matrix does. The package also allows the historical data to be used to inform the treatment effect parameter; then the historical and current covariate matrices will both have the treatment indicator.
The GLM for \(y_{0ki}|x_{0ki}\) is \[f(y_{0ki}|x_{0ki}, \tilde{\beta}, \tau_{0k}) = \exp\{\alpha_{0i}^{-1}(\tau_{0k})(y_{0ki}g(\beta_0+x'_{0ki}\beta)-\psi(g(\beta_0+x'_{0ki}\beta))) + \phi(y_{0ki}, \tau_{0k})\},\] where \(\tau_{0k}\) is the scale parameter for the \(k\)-th historical dataset. Note that the precision parameter is assumed to be unshared. The historical data likelihood for \(K\) historical datasets is \(L(\tilde{\beta}, \tau_{01}, \cdots, \tau_{0K}|D_0) \propto \prod_{k=1}^{K}\prod_{i=1}^{n_{0k}}f(y_{0ki}|x_{0ki}, \tilde{\beta}, \tau_{0k})\). The power prior for GLMs with fixed \(a_0 = (a_{01},\cdots,a_{0K})'\) is \[\pi(\tilde{\beta}, \tau_{01}, \cdots, \tau_{0K}|D_0, a_0) \propto \prod_{k=1}^{K}\left\{L(\tilde{\beta}, \tau_{0k}|D_{0k})^{a_{0k}}\pi_0(\tau_{0k})\right\}\pi_0(\tilde{\beta}).\] When \(a_0\) is modeled as random, we assume \(\tau_{01},\cdots,\tau_{0K}=\tau\) for computational simplicity. The normalized power prior for GLMs with a random \(a_0\) vector is given by \[\pi(\tilde{\beta}, \tau, a_0|D_0) = \frac{\prod_{k=1}^{K}L(\tilde{\beta}, \tau|D_{0k})^{a_{0k}}\pi_0(\tilde{\beta})\pi_0(\tau)}{\int_0^\infty\int_{\mathbb{R}^p} \prod_{k=1}^{K}L(\tilde{\beta}, \tau|D_{0k})^{a_{0k}}\pi_0(\tilde{\beta})\pi_0(\tau)d\tilde{\beta} d\tau} \pi_0(a_0).\]
The normalizing constant \(c(a_0)\) in the normalized power prior for GLMs is analytically intractable except for normal linear regression models. For other types of regression models, we approximate the normalizing constant with the partition weighted kernel (PWK) estimator proposed by (Wang et al. 2018). The PWK estimator requires MCMC samples from the posterior distribution (based on a discounted historical data likelihood with fixed \(a_0\) value), which we obtain using the slice sampler (Neal 2003), and the known kernel function for computing the normalizing constant. The authors first impose a working parameter space, defined as the space where the kernel value is bounded away from zero. As stated in (Wang et al. 2018), the PWK estimator is constructed by first partitioning the working parameter space and then estimating the marginal likelihood by a weighted average of the kernel values evaluated at a MCMC sample for each partition, where the weights are assigned locally using a representative kernel value in each partitioned subset. The PWK estimator has been shown to have desirable properties, including being consistent and having finite variance (Wang et al. 2018).
The function normalizing.constant
in our package computes a vector of
coefficients that defines a function \(f(a_0)\) that approximates the
normalizing constant for GLMs with random \(a_0\). Suppose there are \(K\)
historical datasets. Basic usage of the normalizing.constant
entails the following steps:
The user inputs a grid of \(M\) rows and \(K\) columns of potential values for \(a_0\).
For each row of \(a_0\) values in the grid, the function obtains \(M\) samples for \(\beta\) from the power prior associated with the current values of \(a_0\) using the slice sampler. Note that \(\tau\) is not applicable here because the models implemented using the PWK estimator do not have scale parameters.
For each of the \(M\) sets of posterior samples, the PWK algorithm (Wang et al. 2018) is used to estimate the log of the normalizing constant \(d_1,\cdots, d_M\) for the normalized power prior.
At this point, one has a dataset with outcomes \(d_1,\cdots, d_M\) and predictors corresponding to the rows of the \(a_0\) grid matrix. A polynomial regression is employed to estimate a function \(d = f(a_0)\) based on these quantities. The degree of the polynomial regression is determined by the algorithm to ensure \(R^2 > 0.99\).
The normalizing.constant
function returns the vector of
coefficients from the polynomial regression model, which the user
must input into the analysis or design function for GLMs with \(a_0\)
modeled as random (glm.random.a0
and power.glm.random.a0
In the Examples section below, we demonstrate computing the normalizing
constant for one historical dataset with three covariates. Due to
computational intensity, the normalizing.constant
function has not
been evaluated for accuracy for high dimensional \(\beta\) (e.g.,
dimension > 10) or high dimensional \(a_0\) (e.g., dimension > 5).
Following (Chen et al. 2011), for two group models (i.e., treatment and control group with no covariates), denote the parameter for the treatment group by \(\mu_t\) and the parameter for the control group by \(\mu_c\). For example, for binomial models, \(\mu_t\) and \(\mu_c\) are the probability of having some outcome (e.g., tumor response) for the treatment and control group, respectively. Let \(\tau_c\) denote the nuisance parameters for the control group in the model. For normal models, \(\tau_c\) is a vector of precision parameters. For \(K\) historical datasets \(D_0 = (D_{01},\cdots, D_{0K})'\) with fixed \(a_0\), we assume each historical dataset \(D_{0k}\) has a precision parameter \(\tau_{c0k}\). When \(a_0\) is modeled as random, the historical and current datasets are assumed to have the same precision parameter, in which case \(\tau_c\) reduces to a scalar. The precision parameter of the treatment group is denoted by \(\tau_t\).
We consider the following power prior for (\(\mu_c\), \(\tau_c\)) given multiple historical datasets \(D_0\) \[\pi(\mu_c, \tau_c|D_0,a_0) \propto \prod_{k=1}^K \left[L(\mu_c|D_{0k}, \tau_c)^{a_{0k}}\right]\pi_0(\mu_c)\pi_0(\tau_c),\] where \(a_0 = (a_{01},\cdots,a_{0K})'\), \(0\le a_{0k} \le 1\) for \(k=1,\cdots,K\), \(L(\mu_c|D_{0k}, \tau_c)\) is the historical data likelihood, and \(\pi_0(\mu_c)\) and \(\pi_0(\tau_c)\) are the initial priors. To model \(a_0\) as random, we consider the normalized power prior \[\pi(\mu_c, \tau_c, a_0|D_0) \propto \frac{\prod_{k=1}^K \left[L(\mu_c|D_{0k}, \tau_c)^{a_{0k}}\right]\pi_0(\mu_c)\pi_0(\tau_c)}{c(a_0)}\pi_0(a_0),\] where \[c(a_0)=\int_0^\infty\int_{-\infty}^\infty \prod_{k=1}^K [L(\mu_c|D_{0k}, \tau_c)^{a_{0k}}]\pi_0(\mu_c)\pi_0(\tau_c)d\mu_cd\tau_c.\]
For models other than the exponential model, the power / type I error
calculation algorithm assumes the null and alternative hypotheses are
given by
\[H_0: \mu_t - \mu_c \ge \delta\]
\[H_1: \mu_t - \mu_c < \delta,\]
where \(\delta\) is a prespecified constant. To test hypotheses of the
opposite direction, i.e., \(H_0: \mu_t - \mu_c \le \delta\) and
\(H_1: \mu_t - \mu_c > \delta\), one can set the parameter
to "<".
For positive continuous data assumed to follow exponential distribution, the hypotheses are given by \[H_0: \mu_t/\mu_c \ge \delta\] and \[H_1: \mu_t/\mu_c < \delta,\] where \(\mu_t\) and \(\mu_c\) are the hazards for the treatment and the control group, respectively.
Let \(\Theta_0\) and \(\Theta_1\) denote the parameter spaces corresponding to \(H_0\) and \(H_1\). Let \(y^{(n)}\) denote the simulated current data associated with a sample size of \(n\) and let \(\theta=(\mu_t, \mu_c, \tau_c)\) denote the model parameters. Let \(\pi^{(s)}(\theta)\) denote the sampling prior and let \(\pi^{(f)}(\theta)\) denote the fitting prior. The sampling prior is used to generate the hypothetical data while the fitting prior is used to fit the model after the data is generated. Let \(\pi_0^{(s)}(\theta)\) denote a sampling prior that only puts mass in the null region, i.e., \(\theta \subset \Theta_0\). Let \(\pi_1^{(s)}(\theta)\) denote a sampling prior that only puts mass in the alternative region, i.e., \(\theta \subset \Theta_1\). To determine Bayesian sample size, we estimate the quantity \[\begin{aligned} \label{defpower} \beta_{sj}^{(n)}=E_s[I\{P(\mu_t-\mu_c<\delta|y^{(n)}, \pi^{(f)})\ge \gamma\}], \end{aligned} \tag{1}\] where \(j=0\) or \(1\), corresponding to the expectation taken with respect to \(\pi_0^{(s)}(\theta)\) or \(\pi_1^{(s)}(\theta)\). The constant \(\gamma > 0\) is a prespecified posterior probability threshold for rejecting the null hypothesis (e.g., \(0.975\)). The probability is computed with respect to the posterior distribution given the simulated data \(y^{(n)}\) and the fitting prior \(\pi^{(f)}(\theta)\), and the expectation is taken with respect to the marginal distribution of \(y^{(n)}\) defined based on the sampling prior \(\pi^{(s)}(\theta)\). Then \(\beta_{s0}^{(n)}\) corresponding to \(\pi^{(s)}(\theta)=\pi_0^{(s)}(\theta)\) is the Bayesian type I error rate, while \(\beta_{s1}^{(n)}\) corresponding to \(\pi^{(s)}(\theta)=\pi_1^{(s)}(\theta)\) is the Bayesian power. Note that Bayesian type I error rate and power can be equivalently defined as weighted averages of the quantities based on fixed values of \(\theta\) with weights determined by the sampling priors (Psioda and Ibrahim 2018). For given \(\alpha_0 > 0\) and \(\alpha_1 > 0\), we can compute \(n_{\alpha_0} = \min\{n: \beta_{s0}^{(n)} \le \alpha_0\}\) and \(n_{\alpha_1} = \min\{n: \beta_{s1}^{(n)} \ge 1-\alpha_1\}\). Then, the sample size is taken to be max\(\{n_{\alpha_0}, n_{\alpha_1}\}\). Common choices of \(\alpha_0\) and \(\alpha_1\) include \(\alpha_0=0.05\) and \(\alpha_1=0.2\). These choices guarantee that the Bayesian type I error rate is at most \(0.05\) and the Bayesian power is at least \(0.8\).
In this section, we discuss the simulation-based procedure used to estimate the Bayesian type I error rate and power. Let \(N\) denote the number of simulated trials. To compute \(\beta_{sj}^{(n)}\), the following algorithm is used for each simulated trial \(b\):
Step 1: Generate \(\theta^{(b)} \sim \pi_j^{(s)}(\theta)\).
Step 2: Generate \(y^{(b)} \sim f(y^{(b)}|\theta^{(b)})\).
Step 3: Estimate the posterior distribution \(\pi(\theta|y^{(b)}, D_0, a_0)\) and the posterior probability \(P(\mu_t - \mu_c < \delta|y^{(b)}, \pi^{(f)},D_0, a_0)\).
Step 4: Compute the indicator \(r^{(b)}=I\{P(\mu_t - \mu_c < \delta|y^{(b)}, \pi^{(f)}, D_0, a_0) \ge \gamma\)}.
Then the estimate of \(\beta_{sj}^{(n)}\) is \(\frac{1}{N}\sum_{b=1}^N r^{(b)}\).
For regression models, we assume the first column of the covariate matrix is the treatment indicator, and the corresponding parameter is \(\beta_1\), which, for example, corresponds to a difference in means for the linear regression model and a log hazard ratio for the exponential regression model. The hypotheses are given by \[H_0: \beta_1 \ge \delta\] and \[H_1: \beta_1 < \delta.\] The definition of \(\beta_{sj}^{(n)}\) and the algorithm change accordingly.
For two group models, continuous responses of the control group are assumed to follow \(N(\mu_c, \tau_c^{-1})\). Each historical dataset \(D_{0k}\) is assumed to have a different precision parameter \(\tau_{c0k}\). The initial prior for the \(\mu_c\) is the uniform improper prior. The initial prior for \(\tau_c\) is the Jeffery’s prior, \(\tau_c^{-1}\), and the initial prior for \(\tau_{c0k}\) is \(\tau_{c0k}^{-1}\). Posterior samples of \(\mu_c\), \(\tau_c\) and \(\tau_{c0k}\)’s (if historical data is given) are obtained through Gibbs sampling. When \(a_0\) is modeled as random, the historical datasets are assumed to have the same precision parameter \(\tau_c\) as the current dataset for computational simplicity. The initial prior for \(\tau_c\) is the Jeffery’s prior, \(\tau_c^{-1}\). Posterior samples of \(a_0\) are obtained through slice sampling.
For binary, count or positive continuous data, a single response from the control group is assumed to follow Bernoulli(\(\mu_c\)), Poisson(\(\mu_c\)) or exponential(rate=\(\mu_c\)), respectively. A beta initial prior is used for \(\mu_c\) for Bernoulli data, and a gamma prior is used for Poisson and exponential data. The user can specify the hyperparameters. When \(a_0\) is modeled as random, posterior samples of \(a_0\) are obtained through slice sampling. The conditional posterior distributions of \(\mu_c\) given \(a_0\) have closed form solutions.
When computing the power or the type I error rate, treatment group data are simulated and posterior samples of \(\mu_t\) (and \(\tau_t\) for normal data) are obtained using basic Bayesian models. The priors used for \(\mu_t\) are the same as the initial priors used for \(\mu_c\). For normal data, the prior for \(\tau_t\) is the Jeffery’s prior, \(\tau_t^{-1}\).
For GLMs, a continuous response \(y_i\) is assumed to follow \(N(\beta_0+x_i'\beta, \tau^{-1})\). Each historical dataset \(D_{0k}\) is assumed to have a different precision parameter \(\tau_k\). The initial prior for \(\tau\) is the Jeffery’s prior, \(\tau^{-1}\), and the initial prior for \(\tau_k\) is \(\tau_k^{-1}\). Posterior samples of \(\beta_0\) and \(\beta\) are obtained through Gibbs sampling. For all other types of data, a link function must be applied. Posterior samples of \(\beta_0\) and \(\beta\) are obtained through slice sampling. When \(a_0\) is fixed, the initial prior for \(\beta_0\) and \(\beta\) is the uniform improper prior. When \(a_0\) is modeled as random, the historical datasets are assumed to have the same precision parameter \(\tau\) as the current dataset. The initial prior for \(\tau\) is the Jeffery’s prior, \(\tau^{-1}\). Independent normal priors with mean zero and a user-specified variance are used for \(\beta\). Here we use a proper initial prior for \(\beta\) to ensure the propriety of the normalized power prior. Posterior samples of \(a_0\) are obtained through slice sampling. The normalizing constant of the normalized power prior is estimated using the PWK estimator.
The BayesPPD package accommodates summary level data or subject level
data with covariate information. It supports SSD for design applications
with multiple historical datasets as well as with no historical data.
Functions with names containing "two.grp"
assume that the input data
are sufficient statistics (e.g., sample mean) for independent and
identically distributed treatment and control group data. Simulated
control group data are analyzed using the power or normalized power
prior and posterior samples of \(\mu_c\) are returned. By default,
functions with names containing "glm"
assume that the historical
control data include a covariate matrix \(X_0\) and the current data
include the same set of covariates with an additional column (the first
column) of treatment indicator. The package assumes the historical data
is composed of control group subjects only by default. If the user wants
to use the historical data to inform the treatment effect, one can set
and include the treatment indicator in the
historical covariate matrix. Simulated data are analyzed using the power
or normalized power prior and posterior samples of the regression
coefficients are returned. For each of two cases, the power parameter
\(a_0\) can be fixed or modeled as random, resulting in four model fitting
functions, two.grp.fixed.a0
, two.grp,random.a0
, glm.fixed.a0
. For each of the four model fitting functions, a
companion function prefixed with "power"
calculates power or type I
error rate, given historical data and current data sample size.
Supported distributions of responses include normal, binary
(Bernoulli/binomial), Poisson and exponential. Since functions for
sample size determination for GLMs are computationally intensive, an
approximation method based on asymptotic theory has been implemented for
the model with fixed \(a_0\).
Table 1 shows the sampling methods used for each model
and data distribution. Gibbs sampling is used for normally distributed
data. Slice sampling (Neal 2003) is used for all other data distributions,
and for obtaining posterior samples of \(a_0\) when \(a_0\) is considered
random. For two group models with fixed \(a_0\), numerical integration is
performed using the RcppNumerical package (Qiu et al. 2019). For GLMs with
random \(a_0\), the PWK estimator (Wang et al. 2018) is used to estimate the
normalizing constant. The functions return S3 objects with summary
methods implemented.
Two groups, fixed \(a_0\) | Two groups, random \(a_0\) | GLM, fixed \(a_0\)* | GLM, random \(a_0\) | |
Bernoulli/Binomial | Numerical integration | Slice | Slice | Slice & PWK |
Normal | Gibbs | Gibbs & Slice | Gibbs | Gibbs & Slice |
Poisson | Numerical integration | Slice | Slice | Slice & PWK |
Exponential | Numerical integration | Slice | Slice | Slice & PWK |
If one has current and/or historical control data for an application
with no covariates and would like to obtain posterior samples of \(\mu_c\)
(and \(\tau_c\) for normal data), one uses the function two.grp.fixed.a0
or two.grp.random.a0
. The user must specify the data.type
, "Bernoulli"
, "Poisson"
or "Exponential"
), the sum of
responses y.c
, the sample size n.c
and the sample variance v.c
(for normal data only) of the current control data. The optional
argument is a matrix where the columns contain the
sufficient statistics and each row represents a historical dataset. For
, historical
must contain a column of \(a_0\) values,
one \(a_0\) value for each historical dataset. For non-normal data, the
user can specify
, the
hyperparameters of the initial prior for \(\mu_c\).
When \(a_0 = (a_{01},\cdots,a_{0K})'\) is modeled as random, a beta prior
is specified for \(a_0\) with hyperparameters prior.a0.shape1
. Posterior samples of \(a_0\) are obtained through slice
sampling. The optional tuning parameters for the slice sampler include
and upper.limits
which control the upper and lower
limits of the parameters being sampled, as well as slice.widths
controls the width of each slice. The length of lower.limits
and slice.widths
should be at least equal to the number
of parameters, i.e., the dimension of \(a_0\). Their default values are
\(0\), \(1\) and \(0.1\), respectively, for each \(a_{0k}\).
For sample size determination, power.two.grp.fixed.a0
compute the power or the type I error rate
given the sample sizes of the treatment and control groups for the new
study and other inputs. If a sampling prior with support in the null
space is used, the value returned is a Bayesian type I error rate. If a
sampling prior with support in the alternative space is used, the value
returned is a Bayesian power. The arguments
contain vectors of samples for \(\mu_t\) and \(\mu_c\),
which are discrete approximations of the sampling priors. For normal
data, arguments samp.prior.var.t
and samp.prior.var.c
, which contain
samples for \(\tau_t^{-1}\) and \(\tau_c^{-1}\), must also be provided. The
argument delta
specifies the constant that defines the boundary of the
null hypothesis. The default value is zero. The argument gamma
specifies the posterior probability threshold for rejecting the null
hypothesis. The default value is 0.95.
If one has current and historical data for an application with
covariates and would like to obtain posterior samples of \(\beta\) (and
\(\tau\) for normal data), one uses the function glm.fixed.a0
. It is recommended that the covariates be transformed or
standardized so that the estimation of \(\beta\) will be stable. The user
must specify the data.type
, the
(except for normal data),
the vector of responses y
and the matrix of covariates x
where the
first column should be the treatment indicator. Supported link functions
include logit, probit, log, identity-positive, identity-probability and
complementary log-log. If the data is binary and all covariates are
discrete, the user can collapse the Bernoulli data into a binomial
structure, which may result in a much faster slice sampler. In this
case, the user needs to provide n
, a vector of integers specifying the
number of subjects who have a particular value of the covariate vector.
The optional historical
argument is a list of lists where each list
contains information about a historical dataset with named elements
, x0
and a0
(only for glm.fixed.a0
). If borrow.treat=FALSE
(the default), the historical covariate matrix x0
should not have the
treatment indicator. Apart from missing the treatment indicator, x0
should have the same set of covariates in the same order as x
. If
, x0
should have the same set of covariates in the
same order as x
, where the first column of x0
must be the treatment
indicator. For non-normal data, slice sampling is used to obtain
posterior samples of \(\beta\), and the user can specify the
, upper.limits
and slice.widths
of the sampler. The
length of lower.limits
, upper.limits
and slice.widths
should be at
least equal to the number of parameters, i.e., the dimension of \(\beta\).
A matrix of posterior samples of \(\beta\) is returned, where the first
column contains posterior samples of the intercept and the second column
contains posterior samples of \(\beta_1\), the parameter for the treatment
When \(a_0\) is modeled as random for non-normal data, the user must first
use the function normalizing.constant
to obtain the value of
, a vector of coefficients for \(a_0\) necessary for
estimating the normalizing constant for the normalized power prior. For
the grid
argument of normalizing.constant
, the user inputs a grid of
\(M\) rows and \(K\) columns of potential values for \(a_0\) for \(K\)
historical datasets. For example, one can choose the vector
v = c(0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1)
and use
expand.grid(a0_1=v, a0_2=v, a0_3=v)
when \(K=3\) to get a grid with
\(M = 5^3 = 125\) rows and three columns. If there are more than three
historical datasets, the dimension of \(v\) can be reduced to limit the
size of the grid. A large grid will increase runtime. If some of the
coefficients are not estimable in the polynomial regression, the
algorithm will product the error message, "some coefficients not
defined because of singularities." To resolve the issue, the user can
try increasing or decreasing the number of rows in the grid. Other
possible causes include insufficient sample size of the historical data,
insufficient number of iterations for the slice sampler, and near-zero
grid values.
When \(a_0\) is modeled as random, slice sampling is used for \(a_0\) only
for normal data, and the length of lower.limits
, upper.limits
should be equal to the dimension of \(a_0\). For all other
data types, slice sampling is used for \(\beta\) and \(a_0\), and the length
of those vectors should be equal to the dimension of \(\beta\) plus the
dimension of \(a_0\).
For sample size determination, power.glm.fixed.a0
compute the power or the type I error given the
total sample size (data.size
) for the new study and other inputs. If
historical datasets are provided, the algorithm samples with replacement
from the historical covariates to construct the simulated datasets.
Otherwise, the algorithm samples with replacement from x.samples
. One
of the arguments historical
and x.samples
must be provided. The
argument samp.prior.beta
contains a matrix of samples for \(\beta\),
which is a discrete approximation of the sampling prior. For normal
data, the argument samp.prior.var
containing samples for \(\tau^{-1}\)
must also be provided. The average posterior means of the parameters are
also returned.
Our implementation in BayesPPD does not assume any particular
distribution for the sampling priors. The user specifies discrete
approximations of the sampling priors by providing a vector or a matrix
of sample values and the algorithm samples with replacement from the
vector or the matrix as the first step of data generation. For two group
cases, the user simply specifies
which are vectors of samples for \(\mu_t\) and \(\mu_c\). For normal data,
arguments samp.prior.var.t
and samp.prior.var.c
, which contain
samples for \(\tau_t^{-1}\) and \(\tau_c^{-1}\), must also be provided. The
second application example below demonstrates the use of point mass
sampling priors for binary data.
For GLM cases, the user specifies samp.prior.beta
, a matrix of samples
for \(\beta\). For normal data, the argument samp.prior.var
samples for \(\tau^{-1}\) must also be provided. For example, suppose one
wants to compute the power for the hypotheses
\[H_0: \beta_1 \ge 0\]
\[H_1: \beta_1 < 0.\]
To approximate the sampling prior for \(\beta_1\), one can simply sample
from a truncated normal distribution with negative mean, so that the
mass of the prior falls in the alternative space. Conversely, to compute
the type I error rate, one can sample from a truncated normal
distribution with positive mean, so that the mass of the prior falls in
the null space. Next, to generate the sampling prior for the other
parameters \((\beta_0,\beta_2, \cdots,\beta_p)\), one can use the
posterior samples given the historical data as the discrete
approximation to the sampling prior. The function glm.fixed.a0
generates such posterior samples if the current
argument is set to
and \(a_{0k}=1\) for \(k=1,\cdots,K.\) The second application
example in this article illustrates this method for binary data with
covariates. (Psioda and Ibrahim 2018) discusses sampling prior elicitation in
Because running power.glm.fixed.a0
and power.glm.random.a0
potentially time-consuming, an approximation method based on asymptotic
theory (Ibrahim et al. 2015) has been implemented for the model with fixed
\(a_0\). In order to attain the exact sample size needed for the desired
power, the user can start with the approximation to get a rough estimate
of the sample size required, using power.glm.fixed.a0
. The second application example below illustrates the
use of the approximation method. For normal data, the closed form of the
distribution of the MLE of \(\beta\) is derived and used to compute power.
For other types of data, the Newton-Raphson algorithm is used. Only
canonical links are allowed.
We first consider the non-inferiority design application of (Chen et al. 2011) considering a model for binary outcomes for treatment and control groups with no covariates. The goal of that application was to design a trial to evaluate a new generation of drug-eluting stent (DES) (“test device”) with the first generation of DES (“control device”). The primary endpoint is the 12-month Target Lesion Failure (TLF), defined as any of ischemia-driven revascularization of the target lesion (TLR), myocardial infarction (MI) (Q-wave and non-Q-wave) related to the target vessel, or (cardiac) death related to the target vessel. Historical information can be borrowed from two previously conducted trials involving the first generation of DES. Table 2 summarizes the historical data.
12-Month TLF | |
% TLF (# of failure/\(n_{0k}\)) | |
Historical Trial 1 | 8.2% (44/535) |
Historical Trial 2 | 10.9% (33/304) |
We will illustrate Bayesian SSD incorporating historical data using the
power prior with fixed \(a_0\) and the normalized power for \(a_0\) modeled
as random. Let \(\textbf{y}_t^{(n_t)}=(y_{t1},\cdots, y_{tn_t})\) and
\(\textbf{y}_c^{(n_c)}=(y_{c1},\cdots, y_{cn_c})\) denote the responses
from the current trial for the test device and the control device,
respectively. The total sample size is \(n=n_t+n_c\). We assume the \(i\)-th
observation from the test group \(y_{ti}\) follows Bern(\(\mu_t\)), and the
\(i\)-th observation from the control group \(y_{ci}\) follows
Bern(\(\mu_c\)). Note that the notation used in our package is different
from the notation used in (Chen et al. 2011), which assumes \(y_{ti}\) follows
Bern(\(p_t\)) and \(\mu_t=\log\left(\frac{p_t}{1-p_t}\right)\). The
hypotheses for non-inferiority testing are
\[H_0: \mu_t - \mu_c \ge \delta\]
\[H_1: \mu_t - \mu_c < \delta,\]
where \(\delta\) is a prespecified non-inferiority margin. We set
\(\delta=4.1\%\). We choose beta\((10^{-4}, 10^{-4})\) for the initial prior
for \(\mu_c\), which performs similarly to the uniform improper initial
prior for \(\log\left(\frac{\mu_c}{1-\mu_c}\right)\) used in (Chen et al. 2011)
in terms of operating characteristics. We compute the Bayesian power and
type I error defined in (1). Power is computed under the
assumption that \(\mu_t=\mu_c\) and type I error rate is computed under
the assumption that \({\mu_t=\mu_c+\delta}\). For sampling priors, a point
mass prior at \(\mu_c = 9.2\%\) is used for \(\pi^{(s)}(\mu_c)\) where
\(9.2\%\) is the pooled proportion for the two historical control
datasets, and a point mass prior at \(\mu_t = \mu_c\) is used for
\(\pi^{(s)}(\mu_t)\). For all computations, we use \(\frac{n_t}{n_c} = 3\),
\(N=10,000\), and \(\gamma=0.95\), where \(N\) is the number of simulated
trials and \(\gamma\) is a prespecified posterior probability threshold
for rejecting the null hypothesis. For this example, we consider
\(n_t=750\) and \(a_{01}=a_{02}=0.3\). Power can be calculated with
following code in BayesPPD. The historical
matrix is defined where
each row represents a historical dataset, and the three columns
represent the sum of responses, sample size and \(a_0\), respectively, of
the historical control data. Since point mass sampling priors are used
for \(\mu_t\) and \(\mu_c\),
both scalars. For Bernoulli outcomes, beta initial priors are used for
\(\mu_t\) and \(\mu_c\), with hyperparameters specified by
<- matrix(0, ncol=3, nrow=2)
historical 1,] <- c(44, 535, 0.3)
historical[2,] <- c(33, 304, 0.3)
<- power.two.grp.fixed.a0(data.type="Bernoulli",
power n.t=750, n.c=round(750/3), historical=historical,,,,,,,
delta=0.041, N=10000)
$power/type I error
power1] 0.8428 [
When \(a_0\) is random, the normalized power prior is used and the priors for \(a_{01}\) and \(a_{02}\) are beta(1,1), as in (Chen et al. 2011). We use the default settings for the upper limits, lower limits and slice widths for \(a_{01}\) and \(a_{02}\). We run 20,000 iterations of the slice sampler. The same initial priors and sampling priors are used as in the fixed \(a_0\) case. The code is shown below for \(n_t=750\).
<- matrix(0, ncol=2, nrow=2)
historical 1,] <- c(44, 535)
historical[2,] <- c(33, 304)
<- power.two.grp.random.a0(data.type="Bernoulli",
power n.t=750, n.c=round(750/3),historical=historical,,,,,,,
delta=0.041, gamma=0.95,
nMC=20000, nBI=250, N=10000)
$`power/type I error`
power1] 0.864 [
Table 3 compares power calculations from (Chen et al. 2011) and BayesPPD for a few different sample sizes. We observe that the results provided by BayesPPD closely match the results provided in (Chen et al. 2011).
Total sample size | 1000 | 1080 | 1200 | 1280 | 1480 | |
\(n_t\) | 750 | 810 | 900 | 960 | 1110 | |
\(n_c\) | 250 | 270 | 300 | 320 | 370 | |
Power | ||||||
\(a_0 = (0.3, 0.3)\) | BayesPPD | 0.843 | 0.858 | 0.889 | 0.898 | 0.924 |
(Chen et al. 2011) | 0.840 | 0.856 | 0.884 | 0.892 | 0.923 | |
Random \(a_0\) | BayesPPD | 0.864 | 0.885 | 0.909 | 0.921 | 0.937 |
(Chen et al. 2011) | 0.843 | 0.878 | 0.897 | 0.902 | 0.914 | |
Type I Error Rate | ||||||
\(a_0 = (0.3, 0.3)\) | BayesPPD | 0.030 | 0.027 | 0.032 | 0.030 | 0.032 |
(Chen et al. 2011) | 0.030 | 0.027 | 0.028 | 0.030 | 0.032 | |
Random \(a_0\) | BayesPPD | 0.032 | 0.027 | 0.031 | 0.031 | 0.031 |
(Chen et al. 2011) | 0.038 | 0.031 | 0.029 | 0.036 | 0.039 |
Using data from two trials that study the effect of Zidovudine on AIDS, ACTG019 and ACTG036, we will demonstrate how BayesPPD can be used for coefficient estimation as well as power and type I error rate calculation for generalized linear models in designs that incorporate historical data.
Zidovudine (AZT) is an inhibitor of the replication of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The ACTG019 study was a double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial comparing AZT with a placebo in adults with asymptomatic HIV who had CD4 cell counts of fewer than 500 per cubic millimeter. The results were published in Volberding et al. (1990). For this example, we use only the control group data from ACTG019. The binary primary endpoint is death or development of AIDS or AIDS-related complex (ARC). We consider four of the measured covariates used, CD4 cell count (x01) (cell count per cubic millimetre of serum), age (x02), treatment (x03) and race (x04). The covariates CD4 cell count and age are continuous, while the others are binary. The ACTG036 study was also a placebo-controlled clinical trial comparing AZT with a placebo in asymptomatic patients with hereditary coagulation disorders and HIV infection. The results were published in Merigen et al (1991). The endpoint and covariates used are the same as those in the ACTG019 trial. Table 4 summarizes the endpoint and covariates for the two studies.
ACTG019 | ACTG036 | |
(control group) | ||
No. of patients | 404 | 183 |
AZT treatment, n (%) | NA | 89 (48.6) |
CD4 cell count, mean (SD) | 332.5 (109.3) | 297.7 (130.5) |
Age, y; mean (SD) | 34.5 (7.7) | 30.4(11.2) |
White race, n (%) | 377 (93.3) | 166 (90.7) |
Death or ARC, n (%) | 36 (8.9) | 11 (6.0) |
First, we standardize age for ease of interpretation and take the log of CD4 cell count count.
<- actg019$outcome
Y0 <- actg019[,-1]
X0 $age_std <- scale(X0$age)
X0$T4_log <- log(X0$T4count)
X0<- as.matrix(X0[,c("age_std","race","T4_log")])
<- actg036$outcome
Y <- actg036[,-1]
X $age_std <- scale(X$age)
X$T4_log <- log(X$T4count)
X<- as.matrix(X[,c("treat","age_std","race","T4_log")]) X
Suppose we are interested in analyzing the relationship between the outcome and the covariates after incorporating historical information. The code below demonstrates the analysis based on a power prior with \(a_0\) fixed at \(0.5\) and using only the ACTG019 study data as prior information.
<- list(list(y0=Y0, x0=X0, a0=0.5))
historical <- glm.fixed.a0(data.type="Bernoulli","Logistic", y=Y, x=X,
result + historical=historical, nMC=10000, nBI=250)
1] 4.8931870 -0.9459501 0.3645510 0.7201122 -1.4784046 [
Table 5 displays the posterior mean and 95% credible interval for \(\beta\) for four different priors, \(a_0\) fixed at \(0\), \(0.5\), and \(1\) and \(a_0\) modeled as random with a beta\((1,1)\) prior. There is evidence suggesting a negative association between AZT and death but the evidence is not substantial by common criteria (e.g., posterior probability > 0.95).
\(a_0=0\) | \(a_0=0.5\) | \(a_0=1\) | \(a_0 \sim\) beta(1,1) | |||||
Intercept | \(9.14\) | \([ 3.83; 16.34]\) | \(4.89\) | \([ 1.24; 8.27]\) | \(3.95\) | \([ 0.94; 6.98]\) | \(4.39\) | \([ 1.41; 7.54]\) |
AZT | \(-0.15\) | \([-1.80; 1.42]\) | \(-0.95\) | \([-2.16; 0.25]\) | \(-1.00\) | \([-2.12; 0.14]\) | \(-0.96\) | \([-2.14; 0.08]\) |
Age (standardized) | \(0.32\) | \([-0.42; 1.04]\) | \(0.36\) | \([-0.01; 0.74]\) | \(0.38\) | \([ 0.11; 0.68]\) | \(0.38\) | \([ 0.06; 0.67]\) |
Race | \(0.36\) | \([-2.35; 3.23]\) | \(0.72\) | \([-1.10; 2.75]\) | \(0.93\) | \([-0.83; 3.05]\) | \(0.73\) | \([-0.86; 2.44]\) |
log(CD4) | \(-2.42\) | \([-3.61; -1.35]\) | \(-1.48\) | \([-2.04; -0.89]\) | \(-1.32\) | \([-1.78; -0.84]\) | \(-1.37\) | \([-1.91; -0.86]\) |
For this example we consider designing a new clinical trial that is
similar to the historical trial, ACTG019. We hope to acquire a range of
sample sizes that can achieve powers around \(0.8\) to test the hypotheses
\[H_0: \beta_1 \ge 0\]
\[H_1: \beta_1 < 0\]
based on the chosen sampling priors. Here, \(\beta_1\) represents the
treatment effect of AZT. First, we generate the input for
, a matrix of samples for \(\beta\) representing a
discrete approximation of the sampling prior. For \(\beta_1\), we sample
from a truncated normal distribution with mean \(-0.5\), which is our
guess of the effect size of AZT. The distribution is truncated to avoid
extreme, implausible values for \(\beta_1\). For the other parameters, the
sampling prior is fixed at the posterior mean of the parameter given the
historical data, which can be easily obtained using glm.fixed.a0
. We then combine the sampling prior for \(\beta_1\) and
the other parameters into a matrix, as follows:
<- list(list(y0=Y0, x0=X0, a0=1))
historical.sp <- glm.fixed.a0(data.type="Bernoulli","Logistic",
result historical=historical.sp,
nMC=10000, nBI=250, = FALSE)
<- result$posterior.samples
beta.sp <- 10000
nSP <- matrix(rep(colMeans(beta.sp), each=nSP), nrow=nSP)
mat.sp <- rtruncnorm(nSP, a=-2, b=-0.1, mean=-0.5)
beta1.sp <- cbind(mat.sp[,1], beta1.sp, mat.sp[,2:4]) samp.prior.beta
Next, we use power.glm.fixed.a0
with approximate=TRUE
to obtain a
rough estimate of the sample size required to achieve a power of \(0.8\).
The code below experiments with sample sizes \(800\), \(1000\) and \(1200\).
We observe that to reach a power of \(0.8\), the sample size should be
approximately \(800\) when \(a_0\) is fixed at \(0.5\).
<- c(800,1000,1200)
sample.sizes <- list(list(y0=Y0, x0=X0, a0=0.5))
historical <- NULL
results for(i in 1:length(sample.sizes)){
<- power.glm.fixed.a0(data.type="Bernoulli", data.size=sample.sizes[i],
result historical=historical,
delta=0, gamma=0.95, approximate=TRUE, N=10000)
<- c(results, result$`power/type I error`)
results1] 0.8037 0.8177 0.8391 [
Finally, we calculate the exact power using the normalized power prior
with \(a_0\) modeled as random. The normalizing.constant
provides the value for a0.coefficients
of power.glm.random.a0
. Since
there is only one historical dataset, the grid
is simply a matrix with
one column. The code below demonstrates the usage when sample size is
\(800\). We run \(25,000\) iterations of the slice sampler for each of the
\(10,000\) simulated datasets. The corresponding power is \(0.7936\). Power
curves for the four different priors for sample sizes ranging from \(750\)
to \(1200\) are plotted in Figure 1. The underlying
estimated power values are displayed in Table 6 in the
<- matrix(seq(0.05,1,by=0.1))
grid <- list(list(y0=Y0, x0=X0))
historical <- normalizing.constant(grid=grid, historical=historical,
a0_coef data.type="Bernoulli","Logistic")
<- power.glm.random.a0(data.type="Bernoulli","Logistic",
result data.size=800, historical=historical,
a0.coefficients = a0_coef,
delta=0, nMC=25000, nBI=250, N=10000)
$`power/type I error`
result1] 0.7936 [
BayesPPD facilitates Bayesian sample size determination by providing a robust suite of functions for power calculation and analysis using the power and normalized power priors for generalized linear models. A major contribution of this package is the ability to handle covariates for Bernoulli, normal, Poisson and exponential outcomes. Despite the use of MCMC algorithms for analysis and design simulations, BayesPPD is computationally efficient, with functions producing results in seconds for many application settings.
A possible extension of the package is the accommodation for longitudinal and time-to-event outcomes. Another potential feature is computing optimal hyperparameters for the beta prior on \(a_0\) to ensure certain characteristics are met, such as the ability to adapt to prior-data conflict or prior-data agreement. The method will be based on ongoing theoretical work by the authors.
Sample size | \(a_0=0\) | \(a_0=0.5\) | \(a_0=1\) | Random \(a_0\) |
750 | 0.732 | 0.779 | 0.788 | 0.791 |
800 | 0.746 | 0.793 | 0.805 | 0.794 |
850 | 0.751 | 0.788 | 0.804 | 0.794 |
900 | 0.759 | 0.800 | 0.816 | 0.802 |
950 | 0.778 | 0.808 | 0.817 | 0.814 |
1000 | 0.786 | 0.807 | 0.823 | 0.826 |
1050 | 0.794 | 0.820 | 0.835 | 0.822 |
1100 | 0.799 | 0.821 | 0.834 | 0.833 |
1150 | 0.792 | 0.829 | 0.842 | 0.832 |
1200 | 0.800 | 0.831 | 0.850 | 0.841 |
BayesPPD, BDP2, ph2bayes, gsbDesign, RBesT, BayesCTDesign, NPP, bayesDP, bayesCT, Rcpp
Bayesian, ExperimentalDesign, HighPerformanceComputing, MetaAnalysis, MissingData, NumericalMathematics
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Shen, et al., "BayesPPD: An R Package for Bayesian Sample Size Determination Using the Power and Normalized Power Prior for Generalized Linear Models", The R Journal, 2023
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2023-016, author = {Shen, Yueqi and Psioda, Matthew A. and Ibrahim, Joseph G.}, title = {BayesPPD: An R Package for Bayesian Sample Size Determination Using the Power and Normalized Power Prior for Generalized Linear Models}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2023}, note = {}, volume = {14}, issue = {4}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {335-351} }