On behalf of the editorial board, I am pleased to present Volume 15 Issue 2 of the R Journal.
Behind the scenes, several people assist with the journal operations. Mitchell O’Hara-Wild continues to work on infrastructure, H. Sherry Zhang continues to develop the rjtools package under the direction of Professor Dianne Cook. In addition, articles in this issue have been carefully copy edited by Adam Bartonicek and Chase Robertson.
In this issue
This issue features 18 contributed research articles the
majority of which relate to R packages on a diverse range of
topics. All packages are available on CRAN. Supplementary material
with fully reproducible code is available for download from the
Journal website. Topics covered in this issue are
Graphics and Visualisation
- langevitour: smooth interactive touring of high dimensions, demonstrated with scRNA-Seq data
- ggdensity: Improved Bivariate Density Visualization in R
- Taking the Scenic Route: Interactive and Performant Tour Animations
- vivid: An R package for Variable Importance and Variable Interactions Displays for Machine Learning Models
Multivariate Statistics
- Generalized Estimating Equations using the package glmtoolbox
- genpathmox: An R Package to Tackle Numerous Categorical Variables and Heterogeneity in Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling
Bayesian Inference
- bqror: An R package for Bayesian Quantile Regression in Ordinal Models
- A framework for estimating and visualising excess mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic
Social Sciences
- PINstimation: An R Package for Estimating Models of Probability of Informed Trading
- mutualinf: An R Package for Computing and Decomposing the Mutual Information Index of Segregation
- Three-way Correspondence Analysis in R
- Difficult Choices? Estimating Heteroskedastic and Instrumental Variable Models for Binary Dependent Variables in R
Mixture Models and Optimization
- nlstac: Non-gradient Separable Nonlinear Least Squares Fitting
- Univariate Gaussian mixtures in R
Clustering and Graphs
- Identifying Counterfactual Queries with the R package cfid
- clustAnalytics: An R Package for Assessing Stability and Significance of Clusters in Networks
- hydrotoolbox: a Package for Hydrometeorological Data Management
- EviewsR: an R Package for Dynamic and Reproducible Research Using EViews, R, R Markdown and Quarto
CRAN packages used
CRAN Task Views implied by cited packages
Text and figures are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0. The figures that have been reused from other sources don't fall under this license and can be recognized by a note in their caption: "Figure from ...".
For attribution, please cite this work as
Urbanek, "Editorial", The R Journal, 2023
BibTeX citation
author = {Urbanek, Simon},
title = {Editorial},
journal = {The R Journal},
year = {2023},
note = {https://journal.r-project.org/news/RJ-2023-2-editorial},
volume = {15},
issue = {2},
issn = {2073-4859},
pages = {3-4}